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Raw Champions Discussion Thread

IC Title - yet again the title wont be defended, it must be 6months+ since it was on the line on a PPV or a Weekly show for that matter! f they are pushing Hardy to main event level why does he need the IC strap.

What the hell is goin on with the tag titles! Whats wrong with London/Kendrick or The Highlanders instead they have god awful tag teams like Holly and Rhodes.

The IC title is a joke now. I've said it before, I never even remember who has the belt until I actually see it. It literally means nothing these days. As for the tag titles, same thing. What are there like 3 tag teams? Even when they do push a team is people who were "forced" together or two singles wrestlers (like Rhodes and Holly) who teamed up to create a team. I would like to see more REAL tag teams and for the IC belt to mean something. It's difficult though to really mean a thing where there are 2 world championships (and whatever you consider the ECW belt) and 2 midcard championships.

I doubt any of this will get better though. The only possible change I see if hardy maybe getting the title down the line, which I think is a bad idea.
Randy Orton- I really hope what Kennedy said comes true, With Orton maintaining, and Kennedy cashing in his Money in the Bank, to become the Champion. After a while of Orton, HHH and Cena trying to go for the title, and lossing, a feud with Jericho would start up, leading to a Summerslam Match.

Tag Team titles- Rhodes and Holly should lose to Carlito and Santino. This tag team would later break up due to them competing over the IC belt. The TT Titles will ten go to Kendrick and London

Hardy- Drop the belt to Carlito, and have Carlito and Santino begin to feud over it. These two would be good against eachother, and they could add in Shelton into the match for triple threats.

Womans- Beth is good, keep it with Beth for a while, dont give it to maria, fire ashley, or let Melina go with it over Beth in a triple threat match against james
wwe champ - orton - i really hope HHH or cena takes the title, i reckon y2j should take the title for a run on top for a few months then slowly drop to SD for a world title, then u.s title.

tag champs - holly and rhodes - weird team, they should lose the titles too a team like jeff hardy and another high profile, too build the tag titles up.

intercontental - jeff hardy - i like hardy, but there is no defence, and he was going for wwe title while got the intercontental, which, to me, was a dead give away that orton will retain, he should lose it too someone like y2j or brian kendrick, this guy needs a push.

womwnes - beth phenix - lost too candice at werstlemania. thats all i got too say bout that one.

***they should bring back crusier wait title****
*** also, the hadrcore title, on 24/7 rules, too push ECW***


Chris Jericho

Somebody really has it in for Jericho. I bet he expected to be a main event player when he returned. Or it might be the other way round. Somebody must really hate the Raw mid carders. It's not like there isn't plenty of wrestlers in that division. For them the IC title would be a step forward, for Jericho it's a step back.


Chris Jericho

Somebody really has it in for Jericho. I bet he expected to be a main event player when he returned. Or it might be the other way round. Somebody must really hate the Raw mid carders. It's not like there isn't plenty of wrestlers in that division. For them the IC title would be a step forward, for Jericho it's a step back.

With the recent report that Jeff Hardy was suspended for his second Wellness Policy violation, we now know that Jericho more than likely only got the belt because Hardy will be gone for 60 days.

I agree its a major step back, especially considering that he won his WWE Title match by DQ and never got a rematch. His lackluster feud with JBL didn't help his status though. This is very simliar to the IC Title win he had after he was Undisputed Champion, it kind of leaves you scratching your head.
This goes to show how little WWE cares about Y2J. In about a few months after his WWE return he's already backed down into the mid-card status. This really annoys me, as I have no idea as to why WWE would hype him up so much only to make him fall so low. I don't know if he's doing something backstage, because the treatment he is getting is really undeserving.

Hopefully he gives the IC some credibility, but it's still a shame for how WWE treats Y2J.
Orton- I have no problem with Orton having the title...way better than lame John Cena having it..HHH's run should be over..since he married Stephanie its almost like him having the world title would resemble what hogan was doing in WCW when he wouldnt leave the top spot.

Jericho- The I.C. title sure isnt held to the same standard it once was but Jericho is a far better choice than that lame ass Jeff Hardy who shouldnt even been given a push in the first place IMO..his little gimmick/character was lame..he needed to either change it up or go back into a tag setting

Rhodes, and Holly- The tag division is the weakest its been in a long time! Im not sure what to make of Rhodes yet but my initial feeling is that he "acts" a little too hard and comes across as being corny.

Beth Pheonix- Yet another woman monster..a good wrestler who unless China returned or they gave Mickie that "Trish-like" push shouldnt get beat.


Chris Jericho

Somebody really has it in for Jericho. I bet he expected to be a main event player when he returned. Or it might be the other way round. Somebody must really hate the Raw mid carders. It's not like there isn't plenty of wrestlers in that division. For them the IC title would be a step forward, for Jericho it's a step back.

I disagree. I think if anything this is Chris Jericho's opportunity to help the rest of the Raw midcard talent into progressing nicely in and out of feuds, perhaps.

If nothing more, we should get quite a few classic matches between the up-coming (assumed) Jericho/Mr. Kennedy and Jericho/Umaga storyline rivalries. And Carlito could even be tossed back into the mix. Not to mention, my personal hope that Paul Burchill should be the one to take the Championship OFF Chris Jericho.

I agree that its likely not seen to Jericho that he'd return to be nothing more than the top of the midcard, but upon his return he did get a chance to shine as a Main Event character and he didn't pull in the byrates. And of all things, he had the biggest chance to shine because noone considered Randy Orton a decent heel Champion.. therefore people did likely assume Jericho was headed directly for becoming the next World Champion.
I disagree. I think if anything this is Chris Jericho's opportunity to help the rest of the Raw midcard talent into progressing nicely in and out of feuds, perhaps.

He could do that without having the title. The title means nothing. Hardy hardly defended it. And Jericho by all accounts should be an upper mid carder/main eventer. This is a really big step down.

But like I said. It's a step up for somebody like Kennedy. If Ken had defeated Jeff on Monday he could still have feuded with Jericho. It also would have made him look better if he'd got the better of Y2J in the fued. Nor would it have hurt Jericho.

His other title reigns haven't achieved much. Jericho is like Edge & RVD. Multiple IC title reigns. No memorable ones.
He could do that without having the title. The title means nothing. Hardy hardly defended it. And Jericho by all accounts should be an upper mid carder/main eventer. This is a really big step down.

But like I said. It's a step up for somebody like Kennedy. If Ken had defeated Jeff on Monday he could still have feuded with Jericho. It also would have made him look better if he'd got the better of Y2J in the fued. Nor would it have hurt Jericho.

I don't think Chris Jericho will be like Jeff Hardy in never defending the Championship though. And think back to 2001, when Triple H. won the Intercontinental Championship. Everyone assumed that was so beneath him to step down into the midcard ranks, but the fact is he was still very much a Main Event player.

Now I'm not saying Jericho will get the Triple H. version of this title reign, however I think honestly them placing the belt on Jericho is their way of trying to bring honor back to this Championship. To get it defended by a known, Main Event calibur face. And in the end, the person who defeats Jericho for it might get a Main Event push themselves.

As I said. Kennedy, Umaga.. they've both been pressed toward Main Event status. And from the looks of it, Umaga is on his way back up, while Kennedy may of hit the jackpot with Hardy's foolishness.

Meanwhile, for a guy like Paul Burchill to be interjected, it could do huge wonders for his career to pick up the victory. Unfortunately, Raw doesn't have any other top names to feud for that Championship. The next in line would be someone like Cody Rhodes. Which, in a ways he deserves a shot.. but come on, Cody fricken Rhodes?!

His other title reigns haven't achieved much. Jericho is like Edge & RVD. Multiple IC title reigns. No memorable ones.

Thats because they get stuck in dead-end feuds that last monthes on end, but never really have one outstanding match in the mix. R.V.D. had his feud with Eddie Guerrero in which they passed the Championship back and forth. Does anyone remember one standout match, besides possibly their ladder match? Not really.

Edge had several feuds with William Regal and Christian, but neither truly standout for being worth much to several people.

Meanwhile, Jericho had slight feuds as I.C. Champ against R.V.D., which they were great matches.. but none truly did anything. Hopefully this time will be different.
I don't think Chris Jericho will be like Jeff Hardy in never defending the Championship though.

I don't see why it'll suddenly change for Jericho.

And think back to 2001, when Triple H. won the Intercontinental Championship. Everyone assumed that was so beneath him to step down into the midcard ranks, but the fact is he was still very much a Main Event player.

But HHH was associated with Austin at that time. Jericho won't get the same treatment.

Now I'm not saying Jericho will get the Triple H. version of this title reign,

Good. Because if you thought that then you a crazy mother fucker.

I think honestly them placing the belt on Jericho is their way of trying to bring honor back to this Championship.

Actually the title has never really been that prestigious.

To get it defended by a known, Main Event calibur face.

He's not really a main eventer though. If anything Jeff Hardy was more of a main eventer than Jericho at the time of losing the title.

And in the end, the person who defeats Jericho for it might get a Main Event push themselves.

No. They'll get an IC title caliber push.

As I said. Kennedy, Umaga.. they've both been pressed toward Main Event status.

It depends how you look at it.

I doubt anybody really thought Umaga had a chance of getting a WWE championship reign.

And Kennedy is less of a amain eventer now than he was in 2006.

And from the looks of it, Umaga is on his way back up,

Only to lose. WWE are aware that he's a great SH. He's achieved all he's ever gong to in WWE. But he'll remain employed because of his talent.

while Kennedy may of hit the jackpot with Hardy's foolishness.


Meanwhile, for a guy like Paul Burchill to be interjected, it could do huge wonders for his career to pick up the victory.

I agree. But I don't see Birchill getting a proper push. Certainly not on the stacked Raw.

Unfortunately, Raw doesn't have any other top names to feud for that Championship. The next in line would be someone like Cody Rhodes. Which, in a ways he deserves a shot.. but come on, Cody fricken Rhodes?!

They have plenty. There will also be a draft soon I imagine.

Thats because they get stuck in dead-end feuds that last monthes on end, but never really have one outstanding match in the mix. R.V.D. had his feud with Eddie Guerrero in which they passed the Championship back and forth. Does anyone remember one standout match, besides possibly their ladder match? Not really.

Edge had several feuds with William Regal and Christian, but neither truly standout for being worth much to several people.

Meanwhile, Jericho had slight feuds as I.C. Champ against R.V.D., which they were great matches.. but none truly did anything. Hopefully this time will be different.

It's not going to change. Jericho vs. Kennedy isn't going to deliver. It certainly isn't going to be special.
I don't see why it'll suddenly change for Jericho.

I'm purely assuming because of his name. A lot of fans from the past remember Chris Jericho, much like they did Jeff Hardy. Some people aren't as familiar with Ken Kennedy, or Umaga. Granted if you've been even remotely watching wrestling in the past couple of years, I don't see why you shouldn't know either.

The point I'm trying to make is, Jericho adds name value to the Championship. Much like Hardy did. His name is bigger than Umaga or Kennedy.

Actually the title has never really been that prestigious.

Depends on what era you're looking at. When Bret Hart held the Championship, it had a lot of prestige. Same with Shawn Michaels. When you jump ahead, I'd say the title was pretty popular in the hands of guys like The Rock, and Triple H.

He's not really a main eventer though. If anything Jeff Hardy was more of a main eventer than Jericho at the time of losing the title.

Jeff Hardy WAS more of a Main Eventer than Jericho at the time of the change. I think that could've easily been a reason to get the Championship off Hardy. Because it was his time to go up into the full-on Main Event scene.

Of course we'll never truly know, because it'll always be shadowed now by merely assuming he dropped the Championship due to being a moron.

No. They'll get an IC title caliber push.

Depends on who they are and what they do with their push as a midcard Champion. Sometimes the Championship makes the person. Sometimes the person makes the Championship.

It depends how you look at it.

I doubt anybody really thought Umaga had a chance of getting a WWE championship reign.

I did. It took me up until Umaga destroyed DX to see passed the 3 Minute Warning past. But once I did, I felt Umaga could've been a great World Heavyweight Champion. He has the skill to be a Vader like World Champion.

And Kennedy is less of a amain eventer now than he was in 2006.

Agreed. But thats his own stupid mistake as well. I think the W.W.E. might give him a second chance with Hardy suddenly being out. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't know where-else they could go with it. Finlay?

Only to lose. WWE are aware that he's a great SH. He's achieved all he's ever gong to in WWE. But he'll remain employed because of his talent.

I still think Umaga could end up becoming either the World Heavyweight Champion, or definately with ease the E.C.W. World Champion before the end of this year.


I'd much rather see someone like John Morrison win the MITB match, to add shock value to it. Showing that anyone truly can win the match. But if they go with who the biggest name in the match is, it'll either be Chris Jericho, Mr. Kennedy, or M.V.P.

C.M. Punk would get an honorable mention, but likely not victory over any of the above mentioned names.

I agree. But I don't see Birchill getting a proper push. Certainly not on the stacked Raw.

I don't know. I (personally) think Burchill has the best skill out of all the midcard talent currently, including that of Chris Jericho. I think these two will end up feuding come Judgment Day, or possibly around Summerslam.

I think its all on how the fans react and take to this current storyline with Burchill.

They have plenty. There will also be a draft soon I imagine.

Who would they draft? Morrison, Burke and a couple others would be top choices to feud with Jericho in matches that seem like they'd be great, but are any really top Raw Superstars? Morrison was on Raw, but hes better served to stay where he is. I still see Morrison as a World Champion potential athlete. He won't get anywhere near that on Raw though.

I'm not entirely sure they'll even draft this year, either.

It's not going to change. Jericho vs. Kennedy isn't going to deliver. It certainly isn't going to be special.

We'll have to wait and see to be sure. I'm still holding out for possible Finlay/Jericho feuds, or maybe J.B.L. gets into the title picture to finish an otherwise botched feud ending?
Umaga will never be a world cahmp. People would reject him more than they did Khali. He's got an out of date gimmick. A gimmick that has run it's course. He's the Rick Rude or Curt Henning of the new millennium. A good solid mid carder. People will look at Umage in yeasr time and realize what quality he brings to each match. But by then it will be too late. He's one of those wrestlers who should have had a title run, but never will.

UNLESS he becomes more human. Maybe evolves into more of a human instead of a savage.

But I think it's more likley he'll get some savage family emmbers than a gimmick change.
I liked when HHH was champion and title looked prestiguous on his shoulder. Its been a long time since he won one and now its time to put the titles on glory. though I think orton, Y2J, HBK, are also good champions to name a few
When is comes to the WWE title, I dont really care who wins the match at Mania'. I am a huge Orton fan, but he is a better challenger than champion because when he is the champion they make him look weak, scared, as a challenger he is sadistic and ruthless, much better.
I dont really want to see HHH win the title because I am basically sick of him. The best he has been over the past several years was when DX returned, he was funny, besides for that I could care less. He ruined the Rumble by eliminating so many people and I think they should have some younger talent get a title push like Kennedy, not have HHH win for the 12th time. If HHH ever passes Flairs title record it will be a travesty, I mean Triple H is not even close to being on Ric Flairs level and a record like that should belong to a legend, which HHH is not.
Obvioulsy I dont want Cena to win simply because he has had the title too much, he would be better off not having it for a while.

IC Title-Y2J can bring some respectability back to the title, if he actually has fueds and defends it from time to time. If he goes on to not defend it like Hardy it will continue to be irrelevent.

Tag Titles-Meh, nothing really to say here, they have been irrelevent for a while and that wont change, Smackdown/ECW is where the real tag division is at, on Raw it doens't even get the time of day.

Woman's Title-Beth Phoenix is an okay champion, she is dominant and the Glamazon gimmic isn't that bad, again though she needs to defend the title more often. An actual fued between her and Mickie James would be good, the problem is they need Mickie to get the edge from time to time, as long as Beth destroys everyone she faces, nobody is going to care because nobody is going to expect her to lose.

All in all the champions aren't bad on Raw, it will be interesting to see were the WWE Title goes from here, sadly I expect HHH to win it at Mania', I just hope he doens't have it for too long,
WWE Championship - Randy Orton. Orton's had quite a moderately lengthy run since he won the title at No Mercy. His stint with Michaels was good and he had a great match with Triple H at No Mercy. His short feud with Jeff was enjoyable, but I think it was a little short lived, due to Cena's return and build-up to No Way Out.

No doubt he's going to be losing the belt at WrestleMania, more than likely to Triple H. I really hope it doesn't happen, as I'd prefer either Cena or Orton as the champion over Triple H.

Intercontinental Championship - Chris Jericho. Well, I can't really comment on his current reign, since he's only a few weeks into it.

I'm not quite sure people mean when they say he can bring some "respectablility" back to the title. Despite his record setting amount of times holding the title, the matches and the feuds behind those reigns were pretty forgettable, save for his third reign and his feud with Benoit. Hopefully, he will be a great champion, have some great, entertaining feuds and give us some solid title defenses. An MVP vs. Jericho feud would be great.

Women's Championship - Beth Phoenix. I feel she's been nothing more than a decent champion. She's good in the ring, she just lacks any kind of personality, which I guess contrasts with her 'Glamazon' gimmick. This title also isn't defended as much as it should, and I feel the Women's division is a little weak at the moment.

World Tag Team Champions - Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes. Completely worthless. I don't think they've even defended the titles on more than two occasions since winning them, if that. I personally don't think they're that great of a Tag Team either. Nobody cares.
I haven't seen Phoneix in weeks! This bunnymania match really is a silly filler for WM and as seen before womens lumberjack matches do not work.

Holly & Rhodes have just disappeared off TV. At first Rhodes reminded me of the debuting Orton, I thought he could definitely improve by the bucketloads over the years just like Orton but this tag team title reign has done him no good. These titles have had little significance and will continue to have less now that London & Kendrick have split up. Hardcore Holly is about as normal as they come and he hasn't changed much. He's just an angry guy, who's sloppy at throwing punches, does the same predictable moves which never get anyone excited and has been written of the card yet again. After the tag team titles are revived, I predict a fate for him as a jobber on Heat. Where as Val Venis could do something with his size if he at least had a decent gimmick, Hardcore Holly is preety much invisible to the Raw roster and deserves to take Veniss place as Heats main face. In fact, him and Rhodes didn't even carry their belts on Raw last week.

Also seemingly Santino and Carlito have split up, they were promising but everyone seems to have came to the conclusion that Santino isn't much cop in the ring and is better stuck on the mic, which will likely become unfunny at some point in a few months time leading to an inevitable release for him. So yeah, so much for him and Carlitos huge aunouncment that they were the new number one contenders.

Seeing as they are currently no real tag teams worthy of the belts on Raw, they should form one. Give Kennedy something to do perhaps, I think a tandem between Elijiah Burke (draft him over, he needs it anyway) and Carlito could work or even Carlito and Paul Burchill. That's just my thoughts however.

Oh - I don't actually think Rhodes & Holly have defended their titles yet. The titles only changed to add something to Raws 15th anniversary and they had recently just been in a feud with the champs at the time Cade & Murdoch.
Umaga will be champion at some point no doubt about it. You can't hold a guy down who out performs the rest of roster in big matches. To compare him to Khali is obsurd Khali was hated cause he sucks Umaga doesn't suck give him a mouth and you have yourself a champion worth watching and someone different cause Orton,Cena, Taker, Batista and Edge are really getting old. As a matter of fact none of them are even remotely entertaining to watch Taker is now using MMA moves which is stupid as hell Orton and Cena just plain suck horrible movesets and their matches drag. Batista just can't wrestle and Edge needs a new gimmick cause there is nothing rated R about him. Plus his spear is so weak i mean come on no body should be getting pinned after that sorry excuse for a tackle goldbergs was far better and he sucked as a wrestler but he hit a damn good spear.
This is exactly what WWE eed to do with orton to balance out him getting his asskicked all the time on RAW, make him perform in the big matches and make him such a weasely sadistic heel who always manages to win the big one. I think WWE are starting to turn the corner as we saw two very unexpected wins at mania bu punk and orton. I dont really get the whole JBL - Orton face off though, are they gonna try and turn orton into a tweener like austin? who will basically punt anyone , heel or face? that would be awesome.
Honestly, one of my favorite champions of all time would be Bastista when he was still one Raw and also Triple H. Batista was a powerhouse that dished out his all everytime for the fans and the fans loved it. Triple H did the same thing, but not as the powehouse Batista. Triple H was prolly one of the smartest champions ever (thus his name the Cerebral Assasin). Triple H, no matter the circumstances, always had a backup plan. Some backups would include D-X, Evolution, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Either way....he was smart. It would be great if Batista becomes champion again. Even better would be Triple H becoming champion as well. All he needs to do is beat Orton for the friggin title and its his. I would guarantee that in the next 3 months we will have a new champion. I dont know who will be champion, but guaranteed there will be a new champion. And if you're not down with that....I just got 2 words for ya.....SUCK IT!
I would personally love to see HBK have one more run with the title. He still is one of the top perfromers in the company who you can always rely on giving you great matches. HOpefully Kennedy can get a push sometime this year and challenge for the title as well.
Rumor has that HBK is moving to smackdown and after his feud with Batista I think it would be awesome to restart the feud with Undertaker and Shawn Michaels and maybe having The Undertaker losing to SHawn at Wrestlemania 25 in a Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavy Weight Title.
And if Raw can attain Batista then a Triple H Batista fued would be phenomanal with Triple H finally taking a serious heel turn and goinf back to the more "sadistic" Triple H rather than the smart ass DX style character he is currenty portraying.
And for the IC title I think Chris Jericho also needs to make a serious heel turn and become the cocky and arrogant Y2J and have a fued with Jeff Hardy and maybe ending the feud with a ladder match or another high profile match where both performers skill will exhibited in the right light.
And possibly MVP needs to drop the US title to either Edge or Rey Mysterio and have the too fued over the US title.
And for the ECW title Vince either needs to get RVD back or another original and start a Tommy Dreamer RVD feud and just let RVD and Dreamer do there hardcore style wrestling and actually let them wrestle.
I just feel as though that the US title and the IC title are not getting enough repect and needs to be held by more high profile superstars and actually getting there own feuds and matches.

Just my thoughts on how I would like to see the titles go. This is my first post. nig
WWE Title - Randy Orton should keep the title for a long time. He is a very good wrestler, and not too bad on the mic too. He adds something new, and he should keep the belt at least, until around December. Prehaps they should change the belt too.

Intercontinental Title - Keep the belt on Y2J for a while. Prehaps with the draft, someone like Benjamin or Burke can fued with him. Prehaps Y2J can put them over aswell.

WWE Tag Team Title - Cryme Tyme. Give them belt to then, or London & Kendrick. Make it more exciting.

WWE Womens Title - Beth vs Mickie James, add Melina into it and you've got the womens division re-ignited.
WWE Champion : Randy Orton. Probably better than HHH, Cena, or JBL and definitely the 2nd best wrestler on RAW. First would be Y2J who should be champion.

Intercontinental : Chris Jericho. The best wrestler on RAW and should have the fuckin WWE Title.

Tag Team : Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly. This is shit. They Suck. The titles should be in the hands of eitler London & Kendrick or Cryme Tyme.

Womens : Beth Pheonix. The one of two true female wrestlers on RAW the other being Mickie James. These 2 should start a program.
WWE Title - Randy Orton will keep it for a few pay-per-views longer until Trips takes it back. What is supposedly 'his'.

World Title - The Undettaker will also keep I believe, Edge may steal it once for a small title reign as champ. I am honestly not sure who will be the first one to take away the title from the Undetaker for a long time.

ECW - Kane will be the champ for a while longer. The nest person to take the belt legit, and for a while, will hopefully be Kofi Kingston, as I think he is a fantastic athlete.

Intercontinental - Jericho will hold it, until they find him someone to legit fued with. Most likely Mr Kennedy, possibly some other mid carder.

US Title - MVP will hold until the WWE decides to give it to Matt Hardy, which won't be very long.

Raw Tag title - Cody and Holly, will hold it until Cryme tyme get a shot, or Londrick, possibly in a Triple threat tag match, or fatal four way.

SD!/ECW Tag title - Morrison and the Miz will probably keep it until, Jesse and Festus get shots again.

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