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Raw Champions Discussion Thread

It sucks that 1 they used Shad and JTG as living breathing stereotypes and 2. that a bad rib ended what could have been promising WWE careers and could've been the best tag team champions since the New Age Outlaws, I know Cade and Murdoch were having fun with them but it sucks it ended up how it did




Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly

On the historical 15th Anniversary of Raw, Cody Rhodes teamed up once again with Hardcore Holly, this time defeating Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch for the championship.




Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly

On the historical 15th Anniversary of Raw, Cody Rhodes teamed up once again with Hardcore Holly, this time defeating Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch for the championship.

The most important title of Hollys career, is one of the most pointless ones in all of wrestling. I suppose this is good for Rhodes. But other than that this title reign means nothing. I'm not sure where they're supposed to go with the Rhodes/Holly angle now. They've achieved averything they can as a team now, sad as it is. It's a shame that for 4 months after Mania the matches involving this title were a highlight. But considering that Cade & Murdock haven't been seen too much in recent months its not a significant title change.
Orton is a better champ than Cena any day, I think Jeff Hardy needs to drop the IC Title and move up to challenge for the WWE Title, and Beth Phoenix is the best thing to happen to the women's division in a long time.
i would like to see new blood like the Hardys, Mr Kennedy, MVP, Elijah Burke, CM Punk, John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, etc. get the WWE Title in 2008.... until then, slowly move hhh and hbk (as great as they r) down to mid card, keep orton up there, turn cena heel, lashley heel, make edge end taker's wm streak, give jericho the title for a bit, give kane a world title run (even ECW), and start phasing in the young-uns mentioned above
Randy Orton as WWE Champ doesnt make me happy. When he won it i was hoping he would be a great heel champ, but it didnt turn out right. He is booked the wrong way and he is way better chasing the title like he was with cena with his legend killer gimmick. Orton will probably have the title a little longer and i want to see him booked the right way cause at the moment he is a pussy champ getting burried every week, he is the champ for goodness shake, make him look a champ!
I do agree with the fact that there should be new faces holding the WWE championship, but as of right now, no one is building on the new faces for a memorable character who would be right to be called "the champ." Cena was a new face, and he got popular as a babyface, holding onto the US Title for a while there, and defeating big names like Big Show and JBL for the titles. I believe that they are taking Jeff Hardy in this direction, but nobody really stands out other than him. And even then, his character doesn't fit. I don't think it sounds right; WWE Champion Jeff Hardy. Not right now, anyway. Have him defeat HHH, work on his mic skills, defeat the top-cards like Jericho and HBK (the runners for the belt) and even defeat Orton in a one-on-one non-title match. Building is key!

As for Edge defeating Undertaker's streak... it'll make a helluva name for Edge, but I don't really think Edge deserves it. Batista, maybe. But he's been champ; he's paid his dues and he is on top. Handing Undertaker's first loss at Wrestlemania should go to the new faces. Even though I hate the guy, have possibly Mr. Kennedy beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania, with a clean win. But Kennedy is too busy trying to push himself though HBK.

Of course, it would be pretty ironic to have Kane (as Undertaker's kayfabe half-brother) beat him at Wrestlemania, and have the Brothers of Destruction go at it before Undertaker finally rests in peace (retires).
i have to disagree with the previous poster suggesting that Batista is more deserving than Edge to be the one to end Undertakers undefeated streak. In order for anyone to be deserving of this "feather in their cap" they should be at least threatening to rival Undertakers dominance of the WWE over the last decade and a half and Batista doesn't fall in that category.

Plus i don't believe that Batista has worked anywhere near as Edge has over the last 10 years. Edge worked his way up through the tag and intercontinental divisions to deservedly move on to main event status whereas Batista has benefited massively from triple h's influence in my opinion.

I'll probably get laughed out for suggesting this but if anyone was to take the streak off him (and may i add i'm still not convinced that this is entirely necessary) why not let it go to an outgoing legend the nature boy Rick Flair? Why not let the dirtiest player in the game con his way into a match with the dead man and cheat his way to a win?
i think that randy ortan dosnt deserve the title because he jumped cena and hurt him thats not the reason i dont like him though i dont like him cause he should of just waited towin the last man standing match instead of jumping cena during a match against KENNEDY. so i hope cena comes back and gets ortan
sorry but i think HBK had way to many chances. and it would be ok if he won at least 2 but he lost all in the end. so he most likely will not be champion of any type. he just cant walk the walk every match
i think that randy ortan dosnt deserve the title because he jumped cena and hurt him

Your beloved Cena got injured by accident in the match with Kennedy

thats not the reason i dont like him though i dont like him cause he should of just waited towin the last man standing match instead of jumping cena during a match against KENNEDY. so i hope cena comes back and gets ortan

You do realise it's not real ?

Besides Orton won the title from Triple H and defended it with a clean win over HBK.

I would like the tag team division on RAW to be given more exposure. I see no reason why main eventers shouldn't be teaming and challenging for the titles.

Kennedy & Umaga, HBK & Hardy and Triple H & Lashley would make some good tag teams
Does anyone think that Jeff Hardy would be a good WWE champ? i mean if he becomes the champ i would hope he gets title defenses that arent of the norm.... i would enjoy him as a champ if he defended in ladder matches and triple threat no dq matches.... stuff like that would be interesting and worthwhile to watch... does anyone else agree?
Plus i don't believe that Batista has worked anywhere near as Edge has over the last 10 years. Edge worked his way up through the tag and intercontinental divisions to deservedly move on to main event status whereas Batista has benefited massively from triple h's influence in my opinion.

Well, that's why I said that "maybe" Batista deserves it, but I did happen to retract my statement because of the fact that he's been champ numerous times, and main-evented numerous times.

Yet, so has Edge. But then you still have to realize that, as lead creative writer, Stephanie McMahon is a sucker for her hubby's ideas, and thus HHH has probably given her "suggestions" about Batista and others that he has assumably made friends with throughout his career, even possibly hinted ideas in bed or even at the dinner table.

But after watching RAW last night, I was very impressed by Jeff Hardy, and actually getting into the ring and (I'm guessing kayfabe) getting Vincent McMahon to nearly sit in his corner and cry, and then pretty much shoving Orton's "dream killing" words up his ass with the awesome-swanton was, by far, one of Hardy's best achievements and an outstanding match. It does change my outlook on Hardy, for the time being.
In my opinion the following people should be holding Raw gold.

Womens-I like beth phoneix as womens champion she plays the dominant women role very well, but if she progress continues i would diffinately love to see Kelly Kelly w/ the strap.

Intercontinental-I have nothing against Jeff Hardy but if hes on his way to a Main Event push he should get rid of the title in some way personally id prefer 2 see jericho as IC champion being a huge fan but even i agree its still to early in his return i didnt like that he'd be in WWE title match that quickly, but who deserves the IC title....Shelton Benjamin, he's never received the real push someone of his skill and ability deserves.

Tag Team-well the tag team division in all of WWE is a little down right now w/ the exception of London and Kendrick, so i could honestly care less about the Tag Title.

WWE Champion-w/o a doubt orton right now is the dominant heel on raw and he plays the part well and WWE in general has had to many Face champions as off late, but i do feel there are more people more deserving...w/ Flairs career coming to an end in the coming year, if Flair was to turn heel and portray the character that made him famous in WCW then by all means put the WWE championship on Ric Flair, he's been jobbing to young guys for years and although hes says "he doesn't mind" the least WWE could do for him befor he leaves is give him a world title one last time.
John Cena-He is the most horrible wrestler to live. Cena really sux. Yea he held the championship for over a year but he was kewl with the rapper thing but now hes all idk what to say hes so bad.
Umaga-Hes a good wrestler but seriously do you like to watch a big fat dude shove his butt in your face or his head through your stomach?? Jeff Hardy is a way btr champion than him.
Candice Michelle-o my god what a diva. She is great and her musi is kewl XD
WWE-I dont know what it is but i just have not liked Orton as the champion, although the his fued with Hardy has been intersting his first two have dissappointed, i look forward to HHH taking the title at wrestlemania, turning heel and fueding Cena.
Intercontinental-Honestly this belt really doesn't matter, i like Jeff Hardy but right now he is the champ going for a different belt, make it worth something by putting it on someone good like Jericho or something and having some good stars go for the title, not the typical mid carders.
Womans-I have nothing against Beth but the dominant champion is boring in the Woman's division, Mickie is a decent champion but there is really nobody worthwhile to wrestle, unless Trish Stratus returns there is not much hope for the title.
Tag Team- thats right its below the Womans title in importance, i think the Rhodes/Holly is pointless and they will hopefully lose to Carlito and Santino, then you could move Kane to Raw via the draft, have big show on Raw, reunite them as a tag team to go vs. Cantino, that could provide some great promos and a decent rivalry, Kane/Big Show vs. Masters/Carlito was the last good tag team rivalry.
WWE Champion: Randy Orton is a good heel champion, but I think WWE keep Orton with the championship up until Mania, where he will drop it to Triple H.

Intercontinental Championship: This a tough one. I think it would be a good idea to put the title on some big star that isn't really in the WWE Title picture, such as Chris Jericho, maybe Mr. Kennedy.

World Tag Team Championship: Although I like the fact Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes have the straps, I would love to see Carlito and Santino take the gold because I think this Tag Team is very entertaining at the moment and we'd get so much entertainment out of these guys being champion.

Women's Championship: Beth Pheonix is a dominant champion, but I think Mickie James will rise to the occasion and beat Pheonix. Mickie is a great wrestler and deserves the title.

WWE- I agree with Orton, he is a great heel, evan though his promo's are very boring, he is in a very good feud with Hardy that I am actully enjoying. Orton is a great champ and he should keep it through Mania, but we all know Cena's getting the title back when he returns.

Womens- Again, good, Beth Phoenix is the closest thing weve had since Chyna, and I think that she makes a great womens champ. and a note to WWe dont feud Maria or Ashley with her. PLEASE

Intercontinental- I dont like Hardy as IC champ right now, in my opinion the IC bet should not go 4 months without a title defense, same thing with the US title. In my opinion they should give the title to Jericho, Carlito, Santino, or Holly, someone who is not main event like Hardy

Tag- My god the RAW tag division sucks, whatever happened to the good ole' days when we had the Hardys, Dudleys, E&C. Oh well, I must say injuries have killed them, especially the ones to London and Cade. I think that WWE should make a Killings/Burke team once he signs a contract, that would bring some entertainment. Holly and Rhodes are boring as hell and are not over at all with the crowd.
John Cena] he is the best camp ever. he can beat thriple h,randy orton,hbk,umage and lots more.he is a true camp

Why is Cena the best champion ever? Yes he had some good matches, with the likes of Shawn Michaels and Umaga, but so have many others. Shawn can make a good match out of anyone, and Umaga has a lot of skill for a man his size.

You can't just look at who a man has defeated in determining whether someone is the best champion ever, and John Cena is no where near. I aren't a big fan of him, but I understand why some people said he was a good champion; because he did his job and made money for the WWE. However when it comes to him being the best champion ever, he's nothing. I can't even choose the best champion ever, as you have to look at so many different factors, and nowadays people can't decide what makes a good champion, is it his wrestling skills or his ability to make money?

In my opinion it's the best wrestler, who can keep a crowd entertained. The likes of Stone Cold, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, HHH and many more have done this.

Cena can keep some of the crpwd entertained, but from experience of him live, it has seemed a few times he has relied on his opponent to carry the match, then him to obviously get the win.
Current Raw Champions:

WWE Champion: Randy Orton

Randy Orton makes a great heel. I really like him as a wrestler too. His mic skills are going to need some work though. Randy Orton is most likely going to face Cena at Mania' for the title with Cena winning it (of course). I would like to see HBK hold the WWE title. Then have HHH turn heel and have a HHH-HBK feud again. It was great before and it would be great now. Have HHH win the title eventually and than have him give it up to Jericho. Reality is Cena is going to win the title next.

IC Champion: Jeff Hardy

I really like Jeff Hardy too. He has came a long way and the crowd reaction is great towards him. Hardy said his body is in bad shape. So maybe it's best for Hardy to let the title go? Give him some rest. Mr. Kennedy would make a great IC champion. Heck, when was the last time he carried some gold?

Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix

Well Beth Phoenix is the best women wrestler right now. I would love to see Mickie James or Melina have the title though. Anything buy Candice Michelle. All of her wins come from a roll-up and it's getting stale.

World Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly
I would like to see Rhodes turn heel. Eventually this stable is going to come to an end. Holly is going to turn on Rhodes, there going to have a match at a PPV, Rhodes comes out on top, end of feud. The End. I would like to see Cade and Murdoch make another run at the title. With Cade out though maybe the Highlanders can get a push? I see Marella and Carlito being the next champions.
First I would like to say that the WWE would NEVER do this because well it would build towards the future and help them out way to much. these are my picks for the Raw brand champs after mania and how to go about it. WWE Champion should be Jeff Hardy after mania with him winning the chamber match at no way out no im not marking for hardy, from a buisness stand point it makes sense. have Orton drop the title to Cena and have Cena do a massive heel turn going into Mania he is a brawler have him beat the hell out of Hardy for getting the bigger pop and have him cost Hardy the I C title at some point to Kennedy, have Candice come back and beat the piss out of Beth but have her still lose the match in a simi cheap way at mania and as for the tag titles honestly have a big Wrestlemania tag team jambori throw tag teams from all brands in the match and draw straws to see who wins. That gives you a nice balance of heels and faces and pushes Kennedy Hardy and Cena as if they love to boo him then give them something to boo him for. you now have a fresh rivalries, great story, and the right champs to carry the brand even if just for a short time.
Orton is doin an ok job as the top heel on Raw and as champ. In my opinion he should hold on to the title till Wrestlemania. The Orton, Cena, HHH match will happen and HHH will win the belt. But still, Orton hasn't dissapointed so far.

Jeff Hardy needs to drop the IC belt either before or soon after Wrestlemania. I can see him winning the Money in the Bank match. But I would like for them to have him cash it in at Summerslam or maybe even Wrestlemania next year. He can been a big star if given the right moment, opponent, and storyline.

The tag belts are pretty much.. well.. you know...

I don't follow the Womens division to be honest... nor do I care.
I aren't the biggest Orton fan, but he has done a really good job as being the top heel while Cena has been away. He's drawn crowds, held feuds and entertained audiences. He has a really good ability and most people agree with that even though they don't like him.

I don't think Cena should win the title at No Way Out. Orton deserves to keep it for a while longer and it should be at least to show a recognition of what he did while Cena was injured, or shooting his film, whichever.
Orton - I think he is a good champion. I think they should have just had him against HHH, then have Cena after Wrestlemania sometime. How about Kennedy?

Hardy- He is a wild man and although he has been a good IC I would like to see someone else like Kennedy or Benjamin?

Phoenix - Great champ! There is not much built like her but I would like to see Victoria get in the spotlight again.

Tag - What Tag teams? There are none of worth. By the way who is the tag team champs on Smackdown?
I would reall loved to have seen Orton vs HHH singles match at WM24 - cean can p%^s off and go film his new movie! I hope Trips becomes WWE Cham and gets rid of that awful spinner belt.

IC Title - yet again the title wont be defended, it must be 6months+ since it was on the line on a PPV or a Weekly show for that matter! f they are pushing Hardy to main event level why does he need the IC strap.

What the hell is goin on with the tag titles! Whats wrong with London/Kendrick or The Highlanders instead they have god awful tag teams like Holly and Rhodes.

And as for the Womens title! Why the hell is the Glamazon - the toughest Diva in wwe history (all quotes) participating in a F&%king Playboy Bunny Match at WM24!

Whats wrong with Beth vs Mickie for the title and a seperate match for whats bound to be dismal playboy match

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