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Raw Champions Discussion Thread



Randy Orton

On Oct. 7, 2007 at No Mercy, Randy Orton was awarded the WWE Championship. During the night, he lost the title to Triple H only to win it back again in a bloody Last Man Standing battle.

I hate Orton & HHH so the outcome of No Mercy was a no win situation for me. I think I dislike Orton more though. HHH can be selfish sometimes but overall he's just more of a complete package imo.

I predict the Orton Era will last about a month. Or 3 weeks whenever Cyber Sunday is. I cant see HHH losing two PPV main events in a row, certainly not so soon after returning.

HIAC at Cyber Sunday. Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series. HHH wins the title at C.S. and retains at Survivor Series, crushing all the competition along the way.
orton will face HBK at cyber sunday and retain his title , i think he'll probably hold it till wrestlemania at best with mr kennedy winning the rumble and gaining his first world title...KENNEDY!!
orton will face HBK at cyber sunday and retain his title , i think he'll probably hold it till wrestlemania at best with mr kennedy winning the rumble and gaining his first world title...KENNEDY!!

I don't think Orton will hold the Title that long and I don't think Kennedy will win the rumble. The WWE seems to have de pushed Kennedy badly since he put his foot in his mouth during the steriod scandal. He'll be hanging around the mid card for a while.

WWE Title- I usually don't agree with Jake but I think he's right in this case. I think Orton will retain at Cyber Sunday against HBK and lose to HHH at Survivor Series. Not a lengthy reign for Orton, I kinda feel like he's paid his dues and deserve a legit run, but I also feel there are more deserving canidates that are getting crapped on completely. Shelton is once again stuck with Haas now that he's back and they'll be jobbing to Tag Title contenders, Carlito did the job to HHH only to be demoted once Umaga came back, and even Jeff Hardy has been back on track working hard lately.

IC Title- At the very least the IC title picture should include Shelton and Carlito. This division is actually getting better with Hardy and Shelton putting on good short matches and Kennedy getting in the mix.

Tag Titles The Tag Title picture can only be described as a "clusterfuck" of garbage. The Highlanders are now in the title picture. Interesting fact from Dave Meltzer- Last nights win over Londrick was the first time the Highlanders pinned anyone on TV all of 2007. Their last win on WWE TV was January first in an eight man tag where Cryme Tyme made the pin. Highlanders 2007 TV record- 1-2 in tag matches, 0-2 in singles matches, 1 win in an eight man tag, and lastly 0-2 IN HANDICAP MATCHES WHERE THEY HAVE THE ADVANTAGE. Apparently thats championship material on RAW.

Womens Title Beth is arguably the most legit Title holder on RAW. Thats sayig something.
Yes Finally A New Champion Of Raw
And Indeed A Deserving One
I See Randy Orton Beating Hbk At Cyber Sunday And Cementing His Top Heel Position On The Raw. Another Win Of Team Orton Over Team Dx At Summerslam. Killing Some More Legends On Raw And Feuding With Chris Jericho Who Is Supposedly Returning As A Face
Finally Losing At Wrestlemania To The Winner Of Royal Rumble
I Think The Wwe Champion Should Be Randy Orton And I Say That Becuz He Is The Future Of The Indistry As We Know Iam Yes Triple H. Is The Game For A Reason And Yes Ric Flair Was A 16 Time Champion Becuz He Was The Future Of Wrestling In His Time Now I Belive That Randy Orton Is The Future Of Wrestling His Has Exceptional Talent For His Age And He Is Way More Better Then John Cena Will Ever Be Thats Why I Belive He Deserves To Be Champion For Ever
I Think The Wwe Champion Should Be Randy Orton And I Say That Becuz He Is The Future Of The Indistry As We Know Iam Yes Triple H. Is The Game For A Reason And Yes Ric Flair Was A 16 Time Champion Becuz He Was The Future Of Wrestling In His Time Now I Belive That Randy Orton Is The Future Of Wrestling His Has Exceptional Talent For His Age And He Is Way More Better Then John Cena Will Ever Be Thats Why I Belive He Deserves To Be Champion For Ever

Wow, my brain hurts after reading that.

I still think Orton's title reign will be relatively short. He may be the future but the main thing to realize when looking at the title picture, especially on RAW, is the WWE doesn't seem to want to pass the torch to anyone new jsut yet.

Now, excuse me, I have to go wipe the blood out of my eyes.
I'm thinking that the ratings will determine how long Randy Orton's title reign will. If the ratings stays the same or even go down, then his title reign will be a short one. If the ratings goes up then he will have a long reign. The WWE is all about ratings and buy rates that'S why John Cena was the WWE champion for so long because the ratings were pretty good when he was champ until is feud with Orton, that's when the ratings started to fall.
Couldn't agree with psykohurricane more.

I think Randy Orton has the potential to be the best heel since Triple H in his prime (from the days of the "Facgime" to the breakup of Evolution) but it's going to take the right combination of good bookings, good storylines and legitimate surprises (like HBK's return on Monday) for Orton to realize it.

I'd like to see WWE build Orton the same way they built Triple H in late '99/early 2000: let him roll solo for a few months and topple a few names (HBK, Jeff Hardy) by using shady ring tactics, then surround him with budding talents (Cade and Murdoch and maybe a Mr. Kennedy or a Carlito to chase the IC Title) to help fend off the bigger threats (Triple H, Jericho, etc.).
Before No Mercy I stated that I saw Orton winning the title and holding onto it until Royal Rumble where then I saw HHH taking it off him.

I see Kennedy winning the Royal Rumble and then feuding with HHH until wrestlemainia.

Then Raw threw a wrench into my plan by bringing back HBK early.

I think Orton and HBK will have a short feud lasting until Survivor Series.
Orton will win setting up the HHH feud.

I think we might see Kennedy vs. Jeff at cyber sunday with Kennedy taking the IC title and having a decent run. He will be on a roll and lose the title to set up the HHH feud for Wrestlemainia.

I don't see Cade and Murdoch losing the belts anytime soon. The tag division is kind of boring right now. I would like to see Londrick vs WGTT for the titles eventually. I think that would make an awesome Wrestlemainia match, amke it a ladder match.
I'm thinking that the ratings will determine how long Randy Orton's title reign will. If the ratings stays the same or even go down, then his title reign will be a short one. If the ratings goes up then he will have a long reign. The WWE is all about ratings and buy rates that'S why John Cena was the WWE champion for so long because the ratings were pretty good when he was champ until is feud with Orton, that's when the ratings started to fall.

Exactly. Randy Orton to ratings is like rat poison to a rat. Go back and look at his first reign...the day after he won the title at SummerSlam, Raw had it's lowest ratings in three months. They didn't go back up until the week that he lost that match against Flair where the stipulation was if Orton lost he wouldn't get another title shot. And now he wins the title at No Mercy and the rating drops to the lowest point in 10 years. Let that sink in...TEN YEARS. The last time the ratings were this low, other than "best of" episodes around the holidays and a July 4th episode in 2005, was in November 1997. For the next six months, they were getting beat by Nitro in the ratings war and still had better ratings than they did this week.

They better hope HBK can save them. I can only speak for myself, as one of those people that chose not to watch Raw (the first time I ever missed an episode in the 15 year history of the show), I will continue to not watch until somebody else is the champ.

Like I said in another thread, Randy Orton is the reason god invented the DVR. It's just not natural for somebody that boring on the mic and in the ring to take up that much TV time. When you combine the fact that his abilities don't warrant him being in the WWE with the fact that his actions as a person certainly warrant him being fired if not put in jail (a normal jail, unlike the military prison he's spent time in for going AWOL twice), it just doesn't make any sense for him to be WWE champ. And that's why people don't watch Raw when he has the title. They should've given the title to Triple H or, jesus, even Umaga would be better than Orton, and had them fued over the title and had HBK come back and cost Orton the title to set up their fued. That would the second best option behind, of course, finally suspending and/or firing Orton for being on the same steroid list as Kennedy, Umaga, Morrison, Haas, etc. that all got suspended.
Exactly. Randy Orton to ratings is like rat poison to a rat. Go back and look at his first reign...the day after he won the title at SummerSlam, Raw had it's lowest ratings in three months. They didn't go back up until the week that he lost that match against Flair where the stipulation was if Orton lost he wouldn't get another title shot. And now he wins the title at No Mercy and the rating drops to the lowest point in 10 years. Let that sink in...TEN YEARS. The last time the ratings were this low, other than "best of" episodes around the holidays and a July 4th episode in 2005, was in November 1997. For the next six months, they were getting beat by Nitro in the ratings war and still had better ratings than they did this week.

They better hope HBK can save them. I can only speak for myself, as one of those people that chose not to watch Raw (the first time I ever missed an episode in the 15 year history of the show), I will continue to not watch until somebody else is the champ.

Like I said in another thread, Randy Orton is the reason god invented the DVR. It's just not natural for somebody that boring on the mic and in the ring to take up that much TV time. When you combine the fact that his abilities don't warrant him being in the WWE with the fact that his actions as a person certainly warrant him being fired if not put in jail (a normal jail, unlike the military prison he's spent time in for going AWOL twice), it just doesn't make any sense for him to be WWE champ. And that's why people don't watch Raw when he has the title. They should've given the title to Triple H or, jesus, even Umaga would be better than Orton, and had them fued over the title and had HBK come back and cost Orton the title to set up their fued. That would the second best option behind, of course, finally suspending and/or firing Orton for being on the same steroid list as Kennedy, Umaga, Morrison, Haas, etc. that all got suspended.

I don't know how the hell you think that is true.

The main reason for the low ratings was probably Cena being out.

I love it how Orton is always the scapegoat yet people say he is the future of the WWE.

HHH has had the title what, 11 times? We've seen that enough times. It's Orton's time to shine, and if you don't like it.. (which i don't think you do), don't watch.
WWE champ: Randy Orton - I like the guy. I liked him in Evolution, I like him now and as champ, I think he'll be better than ever.

IC champ: Jeff Hardy - He's a four time Intercontinental champion and he brings the crowd to their feet during every match. He's also been showing the anti-Jeff fans that he has a few technical abilities too.

World Tag Team champs: Cade and Murdoch - I liked Cade when he was Garrison Cade. All I have to say about that.

Women's champ: Beth Pheonix - She has the abilities of Chyna and the beauty of Mae Young (seriously, I think Mae Young is hot (so it's a complement)). I think Beth will be Women's champion for a good three or four months.
i think orton will be a good champion if booked right. he has the heel "swagger" that has been soley lacking in the title scene for a while. and he can use the shady tatics to win his title defenses. i think maybe using some of the old school heel tricks will do him some good to freshen up his character a bit. but i think he will be a decent champion
cena- thatnk god something stoped his terrible regin over raw. clearly has no idea how 2 please the fans for a long time. i say bring back edge give him the title and watch raws ratings go sky high.
umaga-AHHHHHHHHH BUSTED and lost the IC title nvm. fast and athletic 4 a big guy like him but is a bit old now and im over "the samoaannn buldooooozer"
ugly and uglier(cade n muroch)-if they wont defend the titles give em 2 some1 else who will. i hate watching nothing regins become huge bevcause they have no defences
candice-looks great and made a better champ, lets c how long beth has it now.
I don't know how the hell you think that is true.

The main reason for the low ratings was probably Cena being out.

I love it how Orton is always the scapegoat yet people say he is the future of the WWE.

HHH has had the title what, 11 times? We've seen that enough times. It's Orton's time to shine, and if you don't like it.. (which i don't think you do), don't watch.

"I can only speak for myself, as one of those people that chose not to watch Raw (the first time I ever missed an episode in the 15 year history of the show), I will continue to not watch until somebody else is the champ."

He clearly stated he isn't going to watch.

Orton is the scapegoat because he's a jerk. People don't like him for his actions. He's only called the future because he is young and is pushed well by the WWE.

Judiging by the ratings people aren't watching.

As much as I don't like HHH I think ratings would be higher if he was champ right now.
World Tag Team Titles- Does anyone honestly care about these belts anymore? Cade and Murdoch have barely defended the titles and the belts are never showcased on TV. These two have even lost a two on one match against Triple H.

To make matters worse, all the sudden the Highlanders are getting a push. Not only did there heel turn come out of nowhere, it didn't even make sense. If they are beating London and Kendrick every week, what face team will challenge Cade and Murdoch? Holly and Rhodes? Because that storyline is getting over huge. Remember when tag team wrestling was just as much of a focal point as the World Title? Teams like the Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, Nasty Boys, LOD/Road Warriors, Money Inc, and Demolition would trade reigns. Now we have glorified jobbers with terrible gimmicks (rednecks and Scottish men wearing kilts) at the top of the title picture.

The World Tag Team Title picture couldn't be any worse if you tried to screw it up. The value of the titles has been reduced lower than the WCW Hardcore Title.
first of all wwe title should go back to smackdown, world title to raw. triple h world champion again and undertaker wwe champion. beth phoenix and candice michelle suck and don't deserve to be champion just put mickie james or melina. world tag team champions sholud be world greatest tag team. Intercontinental champion mr. kennedy.
first of all wwe title should go back to smackdown, world title to raw. triple h world champion again and undertaker wwe champion. beth phoenix and candice michelle suck and don't deserve to be champion just put mickie james or melina. world tag team champions sholud be world greatest tag team. Intercontinental champion mr. kennedy.

Do you have any reason for these choices? I'm not saying they are bad I just want to know why you want all of these wrestlers as the champions.

Also, how exactly does Beth suck? I would say right now there is no one in the WWE more deserving of the title they hold. She is leaps and bounds above the other divas.
first of all wwe title should go back to smackdown, world title to raw.

Why should this happen???
Why should the titles change shows??
Give reasons buddy.

thisiscrazy619 said:
I would say right now there is no one in the WWE more deserving of the title they hold. She is leaps and bounds above the other divas.

I dont kno about this, i mean melina, mickie and jillian are pretty solid, i mean yeh beth is strong, and very talented, but i dnt really rekon she "leaps bounds above the other divas", espesially the ones i noted....
World Tag Team Titles- Does anyone honestly care about these belts anymore? Cade and Murdoch have barely defended the titles and the belts are never showcased on TV. These two have even lost a two on one match against Triple H.

To make matters worse, all the sudden the Highlanders are getting a push. Not only did there heel turn come out of nowhere, it didn't even make sense. If they are beating London and Kendrick every week, what face team will challenge Cade and Murdoch? Holly and Rhodes? Because that storyline is getting over huge. Remember when tag team wrestling was just as much of a focal point as the World Title? Teams like the Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, Nasty Boys, LOD/Road Warriors, Money Inc, and Demolition would trade reigns. Now we have glorified jobbers with terrible gimmicks (rednecks and Scottish men wearing kilts) at the top of the title picture.

The World Tag Team Title picture couldn't be any worse if you tried to screw it up. The value of the titles has been reduced lower than the WCW Hardcore Title.

I agree that the tag titles really on both shows have completly fallen apart, but more so on the Raw side. I started watching WWE in 03 and the first real tag title story line I saw was The Dudley's vs La Resistance. Of course the Dudley's went to TNA, but why was it made that La Resistance broke up? The next team I hated to see go was the Hurricane and Rosey, I found them commical to watch as well as Goldust and Lance Storm.
Now we have Cade and Murdoch. Great team IMO... The Highlanders. Randomly come out of nowhere as heels after months of inactivity... WGTT... So much potential as a team and individualy... Why not give them a shot... Londrick... Same as WGTT so much potential... The ingredients are there for WWE to make good tag title storylines. They just don't do it... It does not even have to be for the titles, but I would like to see a prolonged story line involving Londrick and WGTT
I agree that the tag titles really on both shows have completly fallen apart, but more so on the Raw side. I started watching WWE in 03 and the first real tag title story line I saw was The Dudley's vs La Resistance. Of course the Dudley's went to TNA, but why was it made that La Resistance broke up? The next team I hated to see go was the Hurricane and Rosey, I found them commical to watch as well as Goldust and Lance Storm.
Now we have Cade and Murdoch. Great team IMO... The Highlanders. Randomly come out of nowhere as heels after months of inactivity... WGTT... So much potential as a team and individualy... Why not give them a shot... Londrick... Same as WGTT so much potential... The ingredients are there for WWE to make good tag title storylines. They just don't do it... It does not even have to be for the titles, but I would like to see a prolonged story line involving Londrick and WGTT

But how would you recommend they get London and Kendrick in a meaningful storyline against the WGTT? This is the problem. Londrick has been losing to the Highlanders, and the WGTT haven't won a meaningful tag match since the re-united.

The only way they could put that together is to randomly throw it together like the did with the Highlanders.
I dont kno about this, i mean melina, mickie and jillian are pretty solid, i mean yeh beth is strong, and very talented, but i dnt really rekon she "leaps bounds above the other divas", espesially the ones i noted....

Melina is average compared to Mickie, Beth, and Jillian. She's good, but she just doesn't have the training and experience that the other 3 girls have.

Beth has the best in ring skills out of any girl on the active roster right now, easily, the only competition to that claim of fame would be Nattie Niedhart, but even then those two would still be pretty much equal. Beth is also the most powerful diva in WWE, the only one that even comes close to matching her in that area would be Victoria, and since Victoria's weight and size and probably her strength overall, is always changing, I'm not sure how Vicky would measure up against Phoenix right now, whose in arguably, the best shape of her pro wrestling career.

Combine all of this with the fact that Beth also has pretty descent Mic skills, not the best, but descent, and its pretty easy to say thats she's the best qualified of the divas right now to be champion.
But how would you recommend they get London and Kendrick in a meaningful storyline against the WGTT? This is the problem. Londrick has been losing to the Highlanders, and the WGTT haven't won a meaningful tag match since the re-united.

The only way they could put that together is to randomly throw it together like the did with the Highlanders.

At this point I really couldn't tell you how the WGTT and Londrick could get into a feud. Mabey a triple threat for the #1 contndership where the Highlanders steal it thanks to WGTT screwing Londrick or something. Hell, I don't know why WWE just didn't have the WGTT interfere rather then the Highlanders. They just have so much more potential. I think a feud between those two teams could spark the tag team division just for the fact that they're styles are not all that far from each other.
At this point I really couldn't tell you how the WGTT and Londrick could get into a feud. Mabey a triple threat for the #1 contndership where the Highlanders steal it thanks to WGTT screwing Londrick or something. Hell, I don't know why WWE just didn't have the WGTT interfere rather then the Highlanders. They just have so much more potential. I think a feud between those two teams could spark the tag team division just for the fact that they're styles are not all that far from each other.

The problem with doing it that way is that 80% of the crowd wouldn't care about WGTT screwing Londrick. The team that always loses just screwed the team that can't beat the glorified jobbers.

The tag division has been buried so badly that something very significant would have to happen to make the fans care. This division is what we like to call 2001 WCW bad. The WWE really dropped the ball after One Night Stand when the WGTT and the Hardys had a great ladder match, and then a nice little backstage faceoff. I was pumped for an actual tag team fued, but instead the Hardy's lost to Cade and Murdoch, and the WGTT were on Heat the next day beating the Highlanders, who all the sudden kick ass.

I'm not trying to insult your post, I'm just trying to get my point across that the tag division may be beyond repair.
i agree man, the tag team division is done, finished, and i dont think theres anyway to save it, WWE buried it so much that theres no team that can save the division at the moment

this is probably one of the reasons why the ratings are so low, i remember when the tag division had a huge draw and was just as big as any other title, i dont know why but WWE simply gave up on tag teams for no reason, good thing TNA still has some great tag teams

i think WWE should just bury the title for like a year, seeing as though we dont even have tag matches on PPVs, and they should make a storyline where some new teams come in and ''bring the title back to life'' or something, kinda like what edge and mick were doing to the hardcore title, but they should actually bring the tag belts back in this case lol

its actually a stupid idea but honestly i dont think theres anyway for the tag teams to get out of the whole they're in, not even londrick and WGTT can help them, no1 cares about tag matches anymore, no matter what match i see, no matter how much high flying there is, unless jeff is in the middle, the crowd barley reacts...

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