Smackdown Champions Discussion Thread

WWE Champion. Jeff Hardy.
I love the fact Jeff has got the chance to run with the ball, And i'm glad he is still painting his face to show his feelings, I reckon he will fued with Edge. As Edge came out and basically told Jeff he had stole his belt, I've always liked the way these two have worked, They get each others styles to almost perfection, And at this point they are the most over Face and Heel.

United States Champion. Shelton Benjamin

A good fit for the title, He's the definion of the mid card. He could do with a good fued, Like his one with The Truth, But with a story, It's the only way he will get onto the main event tier. Shelton is good in the ring, With a showings of greatness at times (HHH matches), He's stiff on the mic, But still he is enjoyable.
Mayrse is transitional. My impression is that the WWE wanted to put the divas title on their most over face, Maria. Maria out pops every other face on SD and will probibly out pop a returing Gail Kim (if that ever happens). My guess Taker played his controll card for McCool so tht tile had to go through Mayrse first. It may be fun while it lasts but Mayrse/any other heel diva dont even get heel reactions. So her crowd reaction is indiffrent, her skills are good, and she has the look but in the eyes of the E that is all irrelevant to crowd reaction, which in turn creates intrest. while Mayrse is a change she wont have the title long.

Well they've been turning McCool heel, so why drop the belt to Maryse? They won't put that title anytime soon on Maria. Maria was used to turn McCool heel and feud. Maryse will drop the title to Gail probably before or by WM. No way would Maria outpop Gail. Plus, SD reactions are edited in, so it's not a good judge. They could've given Maria the title when she became #1 contender and they didn't.
WWE Champion: Jeff Hardy. It took Hardy nearly all of 2008 to win the title. which wouldn't have happened if he didn't fail the Wellness Test just in time for Wrestlemania, but that's all forgotten (not!) It will take a while for some people to him seriously as the champion, but I know that Hardy is willing to give it his all, which is why I couldn't be happier to see him as the WWE Champion.

United States Champion: Shelton Benjamin. I've been a fan of Shelton for nearly 5 years and I'm always happy to see him as champ. I really wish that he would defend the title more to show off more of his athletic abilities, much like he defended the title almost every week in his first IC Title reign. I hope Shelton remains champion for a while and then loses it to move up to the main event.

WWE Tag Team Champions: Carlito and Primo. I like seeing this sibling team holding the titles, but I wish that WWE would book them differently. They're champs, of course, but continue to job against The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson. I don't mind it much since it's non-title, but still, to be believable champs, you need to have victories, and during their tag title reign, it has not been happening much.

Diva's Champion: Maryse. She is the sexiest diva in WWE history and I was ecstatic to see her win the title. Then I hear that she's injured and it all came crashing down. I didn't read the spoilers, so I don't know what will happen to the diva's title, but her injury seems horrible (possibly career-threatening), but I hope that she can come back healthy and regain the gold.

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