TNA Champions Discussion Thread

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Kurt Angle just defeated Sting to regain the TNA championship at the iMPACT! tapings set to air 10/25. The show will air next week (not this Thursday). Sting had Angle in the Scorpion Deathlock and pointed at Kevin Nash. Nash went to interfere but Sting hit him while he was on the apron. There was a ref bump. Angle nailed Sting with the Olympic Slam and a second referee, Earl Hebner, came out to count the pinfall. Angle acted as if he was happy with Nash, then flipped him off and left. Heber and the original referee Rudy Charles argued. Jim Cornette said he was going to review the decision.

Cornette announced later in the show that Angle was indeed the new champion and at the Genesis PPV it will be Angle and Kevin Nash vs. Sting and a partner of his choice with the winner of the fall winning the TNA title.

I have to say that if they give Angle the belt back then what the hell was TNA thinking in giving Sting the title for just a week? This is the kind of booking that drives me crazy about TNA as there was no point to get the gold off Angle. I guess this is built for the Nash coming back to the ring, but it really takes away from the Fight for the Right tourny winner. So ya this makes no sense but i am glad to see Angle back as champ again.
Ya, i'm scratching my head on this one too. This just doesn't make any sense. If you are going to go in a direction with the belt then take it in that direction. I don't mind, I love Kurt Angle, but this is starting to look like WCW 2000 with all of the title changes.

And the secret partner is probably going to win the title too, so who knows where we are going.
And the secret partner is probably going to win the title too, so who knows where we are going.

All I can say is lets just hope the secret partner is not David Arquette seeing as TNA is going very dangeroulsy down the WCW road. :rolleyes: I see Angle holding onto the title now for another few months, probably with Sting chasing him for it. Maybe some other new main eventer they bring in might go for the belt to but lets face it, Kurt Angle has the biggest star power in the company so its logical to keep the belt on him for a while. Just the brief title switch there did nothing for either wrestler.
Sad thing is that I'm not surprised. Not at all. In fact I expected it to happen on this weeks iMPACT. TNA's booking sometimes makes WWE's look Oscar worthy. People didn't like Cena as champ. But at least WWE stuck by him. And the title situation on Smackdown is misfortune.
Heres the Updated with Picture

World Title- Sting is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time and I really wanted to see him win the belt. The match was decent so I was pretty happy when he won it. Then I started hearing about how he is going to retire very soon, and I got that feeling they only gave him the title so he could have one last big title win at a PPV. If the retirement rumors are true, this will be a short reign, maybe a month.

Tag Team- I like the team of Styles and Tomko, classic speed/agility and power combo. The WWE run seems to be the only thing people bring up when bashing Tomko, he has done well everywhere else. A lot of us talk about Shelton Benjamin on this forum as the most athletic WWE superstar, but AJ Styles makes him look slow. AJ is the future and its only a matter of time til he gets his push.

X Division- I agree that Lethal is in for a long title reign. I do not however, like the Black Machismo gimmick. I believe that Lethal minus the gimmick could have established himself as a top contender, especially after beating Angle. Even though he is amazing in the ring, I will always refer to him as the Black Macho Man.

Womens- Gail Kim was the obvisous choice to be the first Women's champ in TNA. I don't know if WWE didn't think she was good enough or if she left, but they should have kept her. The only other choice was to have Gail chase Awesome Kong, but this way Kong can destroy the other Knockouts and stalk Kim.

Overall TNA has an impressive Title picture, and the future is looking even better.
Gail Kim was the most obvious and sensible choice, since she is the #1 baby face in TNA(knockouts). I can see Kong feuding with her, or maybe even Roxxi. I really like Gails speed, agility, and ability and think she was a good choice. Jackie Moore also would have been a safe bet since she is used to holdng a major title(wwe womens/cruiserweight).

As for Tomko & Styles I think their team are great. Styles is the highflyer and Tomko is the muscle. They sort of remind me of L.A.X with the sizes. But I can see them being a great team as both are not bad in the ring(well Styles is amazing). I can see them feuding with L.A.X & maybe VKM just because L.A.X beat triple X and vkm is a face team.
All I can say is lets just hope the secret partner is not David Arquette seeing as TNA is going very dangeroulsy down the WCW road. :rolleyes: I see Angle holding onto the title now for another few months, probably with Sting chasing him for it. Maybe some other new main eventer they bring in might go for the belt to but lets face it, Kurt Angle has the biggest star power in the company so its logical to keep the belt on him for a while. Just the brief title switch there did nothing for either wrestler.

Judging by the rumours it's either gonna be David Arquette or Jeff Jerrett. With JJ and Angle having backstage problems it could be turned into a feud on-screen. Since JJ returned as a face last time and Angle is a heel it makes perfect sense. Also, JJ and Nash have feuded before and both men would want to return to the main event. So at Genisis it will be Sting & Jeff Jerrett VS Kevin Nash & TNA Champion Kurt Angle, with Nash getting the pin under the nose of Angle.
I think the champs are good and bad. Daniels IMO should be the X division champ though lol.

Don't really care for Tomko.. love Styles though!

Hopefully they do the womens division right cause i know Gail Kim is a good wrestler.

Hopefully Sting has a longer run this time and eventually loses it too somebody who needs the push like IMO Daniels deserves that belt man! Joe too! :)
Heres the Updated with Picture

T.N.A. World Heavyweight Championship: Sting: To me, this isn't a great thing. Sting doesn't need to be World Champion, what does it prove? Who does it help? Sting's marketablity is better with him "chasing" the Championship, rather than defending it.

Also, in my opinion, Sting can't really feud with anyone. He had a short feud with Christopher Daniels, an over-extended feud with Abyss, & ultimately, who could he work well with? Christian? Certainly not Samoa Joe, & to be honest, his match with Angle was not that impressive. My overall thought is, the World Championship is better to be around the waist of someone like A.J. Styles, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, (& I very much dislike him) or Christopher Daniels. As any of those names, could very easily feud with anyone, big or small. Sting isn't what he used to be.. & it'll begin to show, well.. more so than it already has.

T.N.A. X-Division Championship: Jay Lethal: This is a good example of pushing young talent. Unfortunately, in my opinion, its pushing the WRONG young talent. Jay Lethal's only "claim to fame" is a bigtime rip-off, of a man that in real life is probably running from people in white coats right now.

Also, to me, Lethal is NOT that flashy, or athletic. Give the Championship to Alex Shelley, he's never held it. Give it back to Kaz, who honestly is amazing to watch. Overall, Lethal will put on the best show he can.. but it (in my opinion) isn't the best show there could be. Especially when you could see two better quality, high flyers, going at it.

Sorry to accept the X-Division Championship as a "cruiserweight-ish" Championship, as its honestly more like an Intercontenintal Championship.. with tons of cruiserweights fighting over it. My only reason for not adding guys like Rhino, Chris Harris, James Storm, or Abyss.. is because when I think of the X-Division, while their slogan may be "no limits" -- I don't think of talent with limits. (And I'd love to see any of those 4 win a Championship, just not the Heavyweight one, with exception to Rhino)

T.N.A. Tag Team Championships: A.J. Styles & Tomko: A lot of people aren't high up on this pairing, but I think this is the best set of Champions in the entire company, at present time. Its the perfect mix of speed, agility, power, & strength. All I can truly say is wait & see.. when they face the team of L.A.X., it'll be mirror opposited verus one another, & it'll be one hell of a match.

Personally, I'd love to see Styles & Tomko keep the Championships for a nice run. However, I can see them dropping the belts soon, as I assume T.N.A. didn't invision them as their main focus, when other teams like L.A.X., Team 3D, the Steiners, & V.K.M. (while some may argue) are their 'bread & butter' for their Tag Team Division.. & honestly, to me, thats a damn good division.. especially when you look at the W.W.E.

T.N.A. Knockout Championship: Gail Kim: Overall, I think this was the best way to go, in beginning the new division. Jackie may have more experience, but she's getting up there in age I do believe, & besides all that, she's not getting any more exciting. (her feuds w/ Kim were great, but where do you go from there?) The only way this division will take off, is if T.N.A. places focus on bringing in female talent.

Amazing Kong was at best, a nice monster for the females. O.D.B. - okay, what the hell is with the name, that in itself makes me wanna skip her, but overall.. she has mic. skills, so they should focus some. The Voodoo Queen is at best the next heel to face Kim, I would assume.. her or Christy. I liked the match between the two at the end, but it could've been better. Also, I still think Christy needs more training. Finally.. Ms. Brooks, I honestly don't know what to think.. because I'm not sure if she actually as true talent, or is hiding behind selective moves that anyone could pull off. I'll have to reserve judgment for further matches.

Overall.. the Champions COULD be better.. but they have a nice line-up to say the least. And while "I" may not approve of Sting & Jay Lethal, many T.N.A. fans do, so I'm happy as long as T.N.A. thrives.
AJ Styles and Tomko vs. LAX. Is it just me or does anyone feel that are new tag team champions might lose next week? I know we saw a title change this week and since they haven't done the tapings yet it's an interesting possibility and the fact that they've been playing on a AJ making bad decisions for about a year could really bring us to a Cage/Styles feud which is long overdue in my opinion.

yeah I agree, LAX deserve the titles much morwe than Tomko, AJ deserves to be TNA champion, but TNA are too stupid to realise that, instead they have the rjects that WWE didn't want no more like Kurt Angle

what ever happened to homegrown TNA stars like Abyss
riiight... TNA loves their WWE ''rejects'' so much that both teams are TNA ''originals'' and im sure will put on a hell of a match

i cant wait for this match, i could see a title change, or maybe aj and tomko will retain and we'll see a rematch (for some reason) at the next PPV, i love it how it wont be so predictable, all i know is that the match should be great and IMO both teams deserve the belts, both teams are talented and work their asses off, LAX had a great run last year, maybe they should let tomko and aj have a decent run... oh well, who ever wins, i know ill enjoy the match
At the moment i think what TNA could do with the title situation is have Angle keep the belt at Genesis And have Cage (from wining the FFTR) feud with Angle after and eventually capturing the title.
While this is going on have AJ/Tomko vs LAX with LAX wining and then Feud with MCMG. This would leave Cage as champion to feud with AJ after the awaited break up between the both.
Abyss? Home grown? Haha... Abyss is a Taker, Kane, Mankind rip-off. He does Umaga's corner move, and TNA has no originality what-so-ever. The only good thing they've ever done is bring Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash back to prime-time. Other than that.. They're a huge let down. And if I ever see Jeff Jarrett hold that title again I'm gonna' puke. Slap nuts.. Ha. I'd like to slap him in the nuts with a brick.
FUTURE TAG TEAM CHAMPS=MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS. after they beat team 3-d tomm night theyre going to hopefully become top contenders in the tag team division.
OK, I just want to say this: Kurt Angle is an absolutely fantastic heavyweight champion. Right now, there is no better option than him having him the belt. At first, Kurt Angle in TNA didn't seem like a good fit for me. But now that he's got the belt and he's playing the heel he was born to play he has put TNA on the map. He's got the best in-ring ability on the roster and - although many say the fantastic Christian Cage has better - awesome mic skills.

OK, you could maybe question that he put TNA on the map, but I seem to remember ratings going up and TNA becoming a much more significant force in the wrestling world soon after Angle was given the strap. Kurt Angle is the greatest active professional wrestling in the world. Questionable, perhaps, but he's definitely a big nominee for the crown.

As for the X Division title...Well, they may as well just drop the X Division now, mightn't they? I mean, the damage has been done. Sometimes I have difficulty even remembering that there's even an X Division Champion. Then I experience a sense of nausea as I remember who it is - Black Machismo. I don't think there's ever been a worse comedy face. What's worse is that it's hiding a great wrestler.

The tag division is finally beginning to heat up again. At first, I wasn't sure of Tomko and Styles, but they've grown on me. They're no Styles/Daniels, but the Christian Coalition are still a force to be reckoned with. Worthy opponents for the Steiner Brothers last hurrah if you ask me. After them, contenders like LAX and MCMG will do well to light up the tag team, but it'll be cold day in hell before I'll enjoy seeing 3D back in the title picture.
i am also glad the tag team division is heating back p i don't see MCMG geting shots atthe next ppv csue of there feud with Team 3D hopefully it will be LAX or Triple X . heck they might go hey lets have hall and nash team up again which i HOPE HOPE they do not do . so since Kaz won the ladder match he gets a shot at the TNA title good for him i think him and angles style will complement each other will he win no
woah this is a bit old well kaz lost and the tag champs and angle vs outsiders and samoa joe so meh this is a ppv to advance storylines really cept the womens belt its on the line.

i actually think that womens wrestling in tna is worth watching now, i dont skip those matches anymore with gail kim as champ and kong as contender only way is up for tna knockouts. i remember gail kim did a hurricanrana to robert rhoode seriously impressive!

Im bored of Angle being champion jesus hes a multi time champ and if he loses the belt he gets it back before the next pay per view, seriously theres guys like Abyss, Samoa Joe(id like him to win the belt at a big ppv), Christian, Rhino, Chris Harris, James Storm, Daniels, Styles(not so much as hes tag team currently), anyone could step up and take the belt from angle personaly id like it to be Abyss just because he can carry the belt and feuds untill someone else is ready to step up its better than giving the belt to Angle all the time anyway. What i mean is use Abyss as a gap filler untill a more suitable champion is ready obviously he has to finish his Messias feud first once Messias is back.

They are having Hall wrestle for a while and then decide what direction to take his character.
I'll move this when it's been on TV.

Awesome Kong beat Gail Kim to win the Knockouts title in another top level match with great heat at the tapings in Orlando.

I was kind of surprised when she didn't win at the PPV. I thought it was kind of stupid. This is TNA though. To be honest the title situation should have been the other way round. Kong should have been the first champion, that way it would have been better when Gail Kim had eventually won it. I feel that Kong winning the title after losing the night before devalues it a little. It wouldn't if it was Kim. But for Kong who's built like a man it does. Also as a new title I think it's wrong for it to change on TV. Then again I'm against titles changing on TV anyway.
I cant believe thatg this was the main event?!?! i just read the spoilers and it the show looks like it sucks completely. All the matches seem short, The X divison has went straight to hell, the main event scene is boring, the tag teams are getting to confusing. TNA has so much better talent then the WWE i dont get how they cant put on a better product. They keep dropping the ball.

You new TNA Knockout Champion: Awesome Kong

Must say I am very interested to see how TNA goes about this as Kong could destroy most of the other women wrestlers they have. Though they gave Gail a good showing against her. I see ODB getting a shot most likely , which if TNA plays their card right can be a decent feud. But I expect Awesome be champ for at least 5 months or losing the gold at Slammiversary.
I actually think the way TNA booked the Kong/Kim feud was brilliant. The knockouts gained up on her after she dominated the battle royal. Then they let Kim face a few others while Kong continued her domination of the others. The DQ and no Dq match wins for Kim did a lot for both, but with Kong beating Kim on the next Impact, it gave out a vibe that felt like, eventually Awesome Kong will destroy everyone.
I cant believe thatg this was the main event?!?! i just read the spoilers and it the show looks like it sucks completely. All the matches seem short, The X divison has went straight to hell, the main event scene is boring, the tag teams are getting to confusing. TNA has so much better talent then the WWE i dont get how they cant put on a better product. They keep dropping the ball.

I agree with you about the X Division. The best they got is a Randy Savage ripoff? :wtf:

However, I disagree in regards to everything else. Their tag-teams are the best I've ever seen. Their main eventers put on interesting matches. But hey, that's just my :twocents:.
I like the Black Machismo gimmick of Jay Lethal's. I think he makes for a good X Division Champ.

I want for the Machine Guns get a Tag Championship run soon. But that may not happen. But at least give them a decent Tag Titles match against Styles & Tomko.

Kurt Angle does well as the World Champion.

And I'm not really sure who I'd like as the Women's Champion.
Kurt Angle does a great job at world champion.
Jay Lethal is a great character. I am waiting for him to drop the macho man character soon, but not yet! cause it is still funny!!
AJ and Tomko are good as a tag team champs. But now with them building up aj vs. angle!! I cant wait!! AJ is an amazing wrestler!!
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