If you could pick your own TNA Champions, who would you pick and why?

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Interesting thread, I guess. I'm sure this has been made before. Actually, I'm unsure. There's the possibility.

Hernandez should be the world heavyweight champion. Why? Honestly, for the sake of it. Just for the shock factor. He's been made to look better than Sting anyway. He should just squash him on the "iMPACT!" after he beats Angle clean. I think he'd make a pretty decent world champion.

Alternatively, have AJ Styles as champion. Obviously, he's on course to defeat Booker T for the Legends title. That answers the question of who I think should be the Legends champion, doesn't it? AJ Styles, in case you missed it. He should then defeat Sting or Angle - depending on who's actually holding it at the time - and unify the belts. AJ is the most over person in TNA. I want a popular face champion in TNA. Have they ever had one? Angle turned heel almost as soon as he won the belt, didn't he?

As for the X Division title, leave it on Alex Shelley. The boat has sailed on the tag team titles now. Well, it hasn't. This is TNA. The boat has sunk. It was a luxury yacht and TNA creative turned up and shot holes in it. Fuck it, have him holding both belts at once. X Division champion Alex Shelley and tag team champions the Motor City Machine Guns. Why not? It's TNA. In TNA, having double champions is about as sensible as the booking gets. I wish I was using hyperbole. Keep Shelley as a heel, but make him not shit. Have him seem like a legitimate danger.

After Shelley's done with the belt, have him drop it to Homicide after... two matches. Shelley wins the first - using heel tactics if you like - but loses the second cleanly, giving Homicide some nice momentum. Don't have him defend the belt on free TV (too late for Shelley) and build him up as a legitimate champion, giving him proper feuds.

I don't really care who the tag team champions are, unless you go for my Guns idea. Lethal Consequences were already tag team champions for a week, but they're fairly decent. Obviously, I'm already bored of them, but I'm bored of everything in TNA... save AJ Styles. When he wrestles, not when he half-heartedly beats up Booker T. Just leave it on Beer Money, for all I care. Hire some random indie talent to come and jump around. It's the best that you can get out of the tag division nowadays anyway. Beer Money can't waste their time forever. Well, they can. It's TNA.

Knockout champion? Awesome Kong.
Well I seen that no one has done this yet so here is mine

TNA Champion:Kurt Angle:They base the whole company around him so why not?
TNA X-Division Champion: Kurt Angle:He is a so called 12 time world champion just give this to him as well
TNA World Tag Team Champions:Kurt Angle & Kurt Angle: The most unstoppable team in wrestling
TNA Legends Champion:Kurt Angle:He is the biggest legend of all He is Kurt Angle!
-I would chose AJ Styles because he ultimatly represents what tna is about. He has been with it since the start and its his time to dominate the heavyweights once again. He deserves more of a push as of now. He is a true tna ledgend. His matches are so interesting and captivating too. It would be amazing to see him vs somao joe for the cchampionship.

TNA Ledgends CHampionship
-Somoa Joe is the guy to have this title. Like AJ Styles, he is another TNA legend who has been with this company for years. Booker T doesn't deserve to hold this title.

TNA X Division title
-Give this title to Jay Lethal. he is quite a reat x division performer. He is really entertaining and deserves this title again. He could have lots of great fueds too!

TNA Tag Championship
-I have a great idea for kevin Nash and Scott Steiner. SInce thay aren't main event material now-a-days, make them a tagteam. They could lift the division to be better. THis would be an interesting match up. THey could be called LEGEND or WCW Originals. THis would be so cool.

Knockouts Championship
-Awsome kong defines this division. That is why she deserves it so much. Kong is entertaining and puts shame to the wwe's womans division.
TNA World Title- AJ Styles and Samoa Joe co champions: Sure why the fuck not, its TNA. make things interesting.

TNA X division Title- Alex Shelley: Probabaly the best guy they have is Alex Shelley he is the definition of total package. Build the X didvision around him and soon push him as the future of the entrie company.

TNA tag titles- Beer Money: Pretty much the only good tag team. Two solid TNA homegrown stars.

TNA legends title- discontinued.......................

TNA Knockouts title- angelina love: nice rack
TNA World Title- AJ Styles and Samoa Joe co champions: Sure why the fuck not, its TNA. make things interesting.

Just because its TNA doesn't mean you make co-world champions. You want to build legitamacy within your promotion. If they do things like that people will continue to be able to say its just TNA.

TNA X division Title- Alex Shelley: Probabaly the best guy they have is Alex Shelley he is the definition of total package. Build the X didvision around him and soon push him as the future of the entrie company.

Shelley isn't bad and I like that they are finally giving this guy a push. The problem with the X-Division right now is that all of the good X-Division wrestlers are parts of tag teams (LAX,MCMG,Lethal Consequences) I'm holding out hope that Suicide wins the title then Kaz comes back from his injury and takes over being Suicide and Daniels beats him for the X-Division Championship.

TNA tag titles- Beer Money: Pretty much the only good tag team. Two solid TNA homegrown stars.

While Beer Money is great they are not the only good tag team. Are you forgetting Team 3D,LAX,MCMG,Lethal Consequences. They shouldn't have gotten rid of Rock n Rave they showed in the last match they had with Beer Money they are really good.

TNA legends title- discontinued.......................


TNA Knockouts title- angelina love: nice rack

agreed but I dont wanna break up the beautiful people so id put it on Taylor instead.
TNA WORLD: Matt Morgan.. TNA needs a good big man, he could be marketed as Dominant force and spark some new blood into a title that JJ, Sting, Angle have held for the past 3 years.

Legends: Rhino: I think he can work a good mid-card division and he is over with the crowd pretty well.

Tag Team: LAX I like the Mix of little guy/big guy

X-Division: Sharkboy: The guy has paid his dues, and I think he really is a good wrestler, and would be cool to see him over for a while.

Knockouts: Angelena Love... her ass
TNA World Heavyweight Champion:Kurt Angle-He's simply the best TNA has to offer right now. He is consistently putting on good matches and there aren't many better in the history of wrestling. I've always felt the best in the company should hold the top prize. In this case its Kurt Angle.

TNA X-Division Champion:Christopher Daniels-Forget this silly Suicide character. I saw his entrance live last night and it was cool no doubt. But characters based off video games are lame. The crowd went nuts because most of us knew he was Daniels. There was even a fallen angel chant going. It wasn't because of Suicide.

TNA World Tag Team Champions:Beer Money Inc.-They are the most entertaining tag team in TNA today. Both men are phenomenal tag team competitors who have shared success as part of other teams. AMW and Team Canada. They are my favorite tag team in TNA right now.

TNA Knockouts Champion:ODB-Easily the most over knockout they have because she is just so cool. She isn't just another pretty face. Which is what the knockouts division is all about.

TNA Legends Champion:AJ Styles-He just won it and as far as TNA is concerned. Styles is a legend. AJ is a TNA legend. Not a wrestling legend overall not just yet. But in that specific companys history he is a legend.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion – Kurt Angle – The title around his waist brings ratings and controversy, and the latter creates the former in TNA. He's fully established as the #1 heel in the company and receives the most TV time of any other wrestler on the roster. Angle as TNA HWC instantly creates the potential for feuds with AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and in the immediate future... Sting.

TNA X-Division Champion – Christopher Daniels – The Fallen Angel was incredibly over even at his lowest point when he was "talking to God" in his feud with Sting. He's a fan favorite, always has been, always will be. Daniels could single handedly recreate what has now become a shell of the X-Division. Retain the face paint and he can even be a part of Joe's "Nation of Violence" or just join the Frontline (kicking out useless garbage like Eric Young, Concequences Cena, etc). Immediate feud with Alex Shelley and/or Chris Sabin.

TNA World Tag Team Champions – Beer Money, Inc. – With an immediate set-up push given to LAX to regain the titles at a PPV event a few months from now. Beer Money is the best tag team in TNA today, and provide the some of the biggest heat in the company. It's gold. Run with it.

TNA Knockouts Champion – ODB – TBQH, I don't really give a crap about women's wrestling. I never have, but in this case ODB provides the best potential feud for Kong. She's over, her character is entertaining, and she's got the body mass/size to look as though she's capable of actually beating Kong.

TNA Legends Champion – No one – This title needs to go. It's a horrible gimmick, like the Million Dollar belt. Give it back to Booker to be used as a meaningless prop that no one actually competes for, and have him give it to a protégé just as DiBiase did with Virgil and Austin. Replace the belt with a TV or US/International competition title that can be pinned on a new-comer like Brutus Magnus or Kiyoshi. Magnus might actually benefit greatly from it if an international competion (like the World X Cup) were established and he won it over at a PPV.
TNA Champion - Samoa Joe(Nation of Violence) I think it would be intresting for him to turn heel/tweener going two violent on faces and heels this is after the whole MEM things over though.

X Division - Chris Sabin, he could screw his own partner over in an ultimate X match or something causing these two to split which many people think is a bad idea but i think they could become the faces of the midcard for a while.

Tag Champs - Lethal Consequences , these two really are amazing in the ring together and could feud with the lieks of Beer Money, Team 3D and even Kong and Raisha which would make some prety strange but funny matches/feuds.

Legend Champions - As mentioned above I like the idea of having Mick Foley hold the strap for a while but eventually lose it in an epic hardcore match against Sting at the next Bound For Glory. Sting could then feud with he likes of Kevin Nash and even Steiner(I just wanna see the guy botch promos white trash) then hopefully all these people will retire (except Nash and Steiner who should commentate!!)

Knockouts Title - Keep the strap on Kong all the way up to Bound For Glory and then have her lose it ina classic Wrestlemania style underdog match probably to everyones favourite for the belt Roxxi.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion - Hernandez
Reason - The guy is a monster. Best big guy TNA has hands down. I Think He Would Do great in singles competition.

TNA X-Divison Champion - Homicide
Reason - He's a great X-Divison star. high flyer and very fast. I also think he would do great in singles competition.

TNA Legends Champion - Sting.
Reason - while he may be a good world champion, I think the legends title would suit him a little bit better. plus hes one of the few TNA originals(in my opinon) that is actually a contender

TNA Tag Team Champions - Motor City Machine Guns
REason - The boys from the motor city are a talented tag team. Time to give them the belts. just sayin'.

TNA Knockouts Champion - Roxxi
Reason - the girl puts herself thru all kinds of situations that most knockouts wouldnt dream of. Shes been busted open and had her hair shaved. Yet is never given the title.

On a separate note, is anyone as sick as I am of seeing the WWE guys come over adn steal the TNA spotlight from the Originals?
TNA World Heavyweight Champion - Kurt Angle

He get's it by default. He's the only real main eventer in the promotion, he's also the only intresting one.

X-Division Champion - A.J. Styles

Even though he's now able to cut a half decent promo, he still sounds like a bumpkin. I'd put him in the division where he doesn't need to talk, he just need to do all those jumps and stuff.

TNA Legends Champion - Sting

He can hold it like he does that other title he currently holds. He's also the only legend in the promotion, so it makes sense.

Knockouts Champion - Awesome Kong

There isn't anybody else is there. Even TNA are aware of this.

TNA World Tag Team Champions - LAX

Tough decision. There are 4 teams. No to Team 3D, I can't believe they still have them on the payroll. I don't mind the other two, the third is just to cover myself. I can't think who they are. Oh yeah, the Machine Guns. nah, not a fan. I'll select LAX because if I picked Beer Money people might think I'm just copying TNA.
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