If you could pick your own WWE Champions, who would you pick, and why?


World Heavyweight Championship - Randy Orton - He's the top guy in wrestling right now, he should have the top title.

Intercontinental Championship - CM Punk - Have him have a long reign and actually let him defend it on PPV's and against decent opponents before giving him another chance in the World title picture a year or so down the line.

World Tag Team Championship - John Morrison & The Miz - Easily the best team in wrestling right now, I would have them hold the titles until around the summer, then split them up and give Morrison a singles push.

Women's Championship - Melina - It's between her & Mickie James, but I think Melina is a better all around performer, I don't think she should be a babyface though.


WWE Championship - Jeff Hardy - I'm bored of seeing Edge with the title, the likes of Kennedy & Umaga aren't ready for it yet, Taker & HHH don't need the belt, so I'd give Hardy a good run with it, he's the most popular guy on the whole roster.

United States Championship - MVP - He should have been above the US title by now, but after being buried for 6 months, another good reign with this belt should rebuild his character before getting a bigger push.

WWE Tag Team Championship - Carlito & Primo - Again, not much choice here, this is a good team, but they don't have many opponents to work with.

Diva's Championship - Maryse - I think she's the only WWE woman currently on the roster who has the potential to be on the level of a Trish Stratus or Lita, and she should continue improving in the ring.


ECW Championship - Christian - Give him a good title run before moving to Smackdown and finally interacting with Edge (whether it's them re-uniting as a team or feuding with each other).
i'm gonna do mine post draft because we're not seeing a change in any title picture before mania
WHC- randy orton. they're building him as a super heel. most of everybody is let down a little by legacy..i say wait til steph turn on HHH and manages legacy..i guaratee it.
WWE- edge-this guy can do no wrong. my take he'll beat cena at mania do cena will demand a release from raw to chase after edge.
INTERCONTINENTAL-shelton benjiman total package. outside of mic skills ofcourse. could bring prestige back to the title.
US STATES-john morrison smackdown is more like wackdown so it needs some pep and a feud with john morrison and taker might be nice...or john morrison and john cena.
WWE TAG TITLES- cryme time. just give'em the fuckin titles already the crowd loves these guys. miz and morrison beat'em and then go into mania duel champs and have a four corners tag match for both titles and lose the world titles to cody and ted and the wwe straps to cryme time.
WORLD TAG TITLES- cody rhodes and ted dibiase cause they make good champs and create great heat given the company they keep.
WOMEN'S- beth pheonix or mickey james or gail kim ...best all around "wrestlers"
DIVAS-kelly kelly. keep the divas with the divas and wrestlers with the wrestlers kelly is 20 years old and works hard at her trade. she is the ideal diva's champion.
ECW- t.j. kidd just to keep ecw interesting or at least make it interesting have him feud with evan bourne.

world tittle- edge
i.c. tittle- kane
tag team- priceless
womens-kelly kelly

wwe tittle-orton
u.s. tittle- shelton benjamine
tag team- miz nd morrison
divas- maria

maria nd kelly kelly deserve to get there shots at the tittles. orton and edge are the biggest hells nd should both be world champions. i think benjamine should beat mvps recored nd be the longest reigning u.s champ
WOW!! Now this is a thread I can get behind.

I, as well, would get rid of some titles and screw around with interbrand aspects. Conversely, though, I would get keep the WWE and WHC titles, and instead unify the Intercontinental and US titles to make a Interbrand title; this would create instead of two major titles and a bunch of itty-bitty ones, three great titles between two brands (and ecw, I guess...whatever). I think there are, once for a change, too many go-to guys fighting it out on the top. Keep the feuds going between the top of the tops, Orton-HHH, Edge-Cena, but with the interbrand title, keep it fresh in the spirit of the intercontinental title, i.e. a title for great wrestlers who are just a few steps short of being the big draws in the company. Combine the women's title too, and actually do something for it. Make it a real title, not just something that any useless chick with crowd support and "sexiness" can get her hands on.

WWE title- it's kind of up-in-the air right now as to whether this is staying on Smackdown or coming to Raw with how things are going between everybody right now. First things first in my book, get it off HHH. HHH has carved out his niche in WWE and we all know why. While he's great on the mic and has that permanent main event tenure attached to him, he's never been the world's greatest wrestler, he lacks the charisma, the flair, the in-ring ability, but he's leveraged a way of staying on top with a fair amount of credibility. But does anybody, and I mean, anybody out there, honestly give a shit about another HHH title reign? He's had 13 reigns, but, let's be honest, he's a surrogate champion, the ultimate shelf to rest it on until someone worthy comes along to wear it. That man right now is Randy Orton, so let's put it on him, keep these crazy MacMahon feuds going, and see where they lead us.

Then I would totally f* with the fanbase; I'd slowly start making the MacMahons start looking like heels, have them call upon Jericho to take him out, guilt-tripping him about how much he owes the MacMahons for not firing him, but Jericho would be by this time next year begrudging his non-Y2J persona; falling into a downward spiral of depression, a reluctant heel Jericho would face a slowly more Austin-looking Orton at 'Mania in a "Who the f* is doing the face turn" match of the year.

WHC title- Since I put the WWE title back on Raw, I suppose we'll let Edge bring this over to Smackdown, far away from TV Children's show host John Cena. Since you can't have two heel victories at Mania and we established Randy Orton's victory already, the MITB winner would have to win the belt though, and they'd have to be a face from Smackdown. Obviously the go-to answer is Jeff, and while I don't personally like him, I suppose that would be the best way to go. Throughout the course of the year, I'd bring in Christian and push the shit out of him, build up Matt as a mega-heel, and, hopefully by Summerslam if possible, I would pull a four way TLC match for the title with Matt vs. Jeff vs. Christian vs. Edge, and give the gold to Matt.

Interbrand title- This one's easy enough, Punk is in the MITB already, and with the MITB, indubitably with 7 others who'd make good IC champs, we'd have to postpone the unification match until sometime after Mania. And, you know, what? Since my fave PPV of all time is KOTR, we'll go ahead and bring that back in June, where it should be and, instead of making it for a title shot, it'll be for the inter-brand title. 14 man single-elimination tournament (6 raw, 6 SD, 2 ECW; 1st round byes for current IC and US champs) to determine the inter-brand champ. I'd like to give it to Regal, a guy who deserves a little more prestige in this business than he's received thus far, but I'd probably give it to Christian to both give him time on SD to build feuds with Edge and Matt Hardy, and to build him up for the following years four way title match with Edge, Matt, and Jeff.

Women's title- this is a perfect opportunity to get rid of something useless and honor my favorite diva ever. Maryse will drop the Diva title to Natalya, Melina will drop hers to Phoenix, and at the Mania, two WWE alumni will get involved in a four-way match to unify the belts, resulting a four-way between Natalya, Phoenix, Victoria, and Trish Stratus. Victoria will when the belts and retire with them as the greatest woman wrestler ever (since Fabulous Moolah, at any rate). If the WWE desires, Victoria could one day relinquish it back to Natalya on the stipulation that if any prissy, model/former hookers ever get a hold of it, she can nullify the win and vacate the title back to herself. No more bullsh*t with Maria or Kelly Kelly, or any diva search contestant, WOMAN WRESTLERS ONLY!
I think Orton is well deserving at a long title run after WrestleMania. He has a lot going for him right now with Legacy and all and I think him being top Champion on Raw it would only add that much more credibility to all of Legacy.

Pretty much same response as everyone else. This guy is amazing and he puts so much into that title. All he needs now is the right competition and matches and the title will be as prestigious as it was back when Jericho/Benoit/Angle feuds were going on. I want to see feuds with John Morrison(Ladder Matches). Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, etc.

First off i think the tag titles should be unified. Sorry but there is no point in having 2 sets of tag titles with about only 6 tag teams. Look at how many tag teams there were in the attitude era with only one title and how exciting the tag division was. Ok so i think they should take the titles off Miz&Morrison(great champs/wrestlers..but think they need to move on as singles one on RAW other SD!) so they can gain that credibitly as a tag team. Then have them start feuding with Legacy(Priceless) and but on some great matches and maybe throw the Colons in the mix and have a 3 way TLC match. Something other then your usual 1TEAM VS 1TEAM feud.

Right now I love her as the Women's champ. And the fact that she is feuding with the best Women in the industry today is making her that much stronger as a wrestler. Beth doesn't need the title to have credibility. She is like the Undertaker of the Women's division, as long as she kept fresh on not buried like Victoria was she'll be absolutely fine without the title for now. But I would love to see more divas being involved in the title picture. And a 3-way feud with Michelle McCool and Mickie James would be something very different and interesting.

Took me a while to pick this couldn't think of anyone so he seemed like the best choice.

Something new have him feud with mid cards on smackdown.

Since she will be returning soon to SMACKDOWN! I can't wait to see her take this title and put the credibility into it that it is yet to have. I think they need to put some good matches together with her and Natalya and maybe throw in Candice Michelle and Jillian to the mix since these 4 are probably the only Diva's with talent right now on Smackdown.(I am speaking on what my predictions will be after the draft [CANDICE AND JILLIAN COMING TO SD! MICHELLE GOING TO RAW)

I think ECW would be a perfect home for Umaga after the draft. He's a high mid card on SD! but I dont think he's high enough to fit in the World Title picture and doesn't seem to fit in well in the US TITLE divison. So I think him being in ECW and as the champ would be something good. However, i think as a face he would have better competetion with the likes of Jack Swagger and Mark Henry.
so i forgot to add one...
I agree that ECW does need a mid-card title. If this is a show to help develop talent to get them ready for the bigger brands some of the mid cards need a title to give them a little push. I think Ricky Ortiz is the best candidate right now and have him feud with Paul Burchill, DJ Gabriel, and any others who end up on ECW but are not quite ready for the ECW TITLE division.
Who would I pick for Champs and why? Good idea, this could be interesting.

WWE Champ: Chris Jericho
I would put Jericho back in the top spot because he deserves it on various levels. The biggest one is that he deserves it. Yes, I am a Jericho fan, though I am not thrilled with everything he is doing at this moment. I feel that Jericho could have a good run as Champ, as long as Cena is not on the show after the draft.

IC Champ: C.M. Punk
I never really bought Punk as World Champ. I still feel he is mid card level. That is not to say I dont enjoy him perform, I am not really sure what else to say on this.

Tag Champs : Cyme Tyme
I love these guys, probably the most entertaining team on RAW today. They have the right elements, strenght and speed. Plus, after all this time, they deserve it.

Womens Champ: Beth Pheonix
Do I really have to explain this one?

ECW: Christian
What can I say, he is the best they have. Though I would also like to see Tommy Dreamer hold it one last time.

Smackdown: MVP
Here is a guy, like him or not, is just GREAT. He has great mic skills, and gets better in the ring everytime. He may not hold the strap for long, but the period he would hold it would be very good in my opinion. Plus, its time that WWE starts pumping some new blood into the title.

US Champ: Hurrican Helms
He has always been one of my favorites. And like MVP gets better all the time. Part of me thinks he could win the big one someday. But he does have the right tools to be one of the top guys on mid-card level.

Tag Champs: Miz and Morrison
They are pretty much the ONLY tag team around anyway right?

Diva Champ: Maria
I dont even care about the Diva title. Does anyone else? But since I am making my own choices here I go with Maria. She is my favorite "eye candy" of the entire diva cast.
WWE Champion: Chris Jericho. Jericho has proven that he can be that heel who will just insult you, imagine the potential feuds.

World Heavyweight Champion: Matt Hardy. Yes Matt Hardy, I can't believe no one has said him yet. He definetly needs a World Title run, I think if he is booked properly, his heel turn can be similar to Jericho's by insulting the fans saying he doesn't care about them, all about him, etc. Matt could play the sly cheating champion too. This guy really needs a World title run. It would also freshen up the title picture with feuds like Matt vs. HHH, Matt vs. Jeff, Matt vs. Taker, Matt vs. MVP for the title, etc.

US Title: MVP. I think MVP is the next Rock, great mic skills, great ring skills, was hated, then got loved by the fans. MVP for the US Champion.

Intercontinental Title: Kofi Kingston. I want to see what he can do in longer matches for the belt, it seems WWE is limiting his potential just like they did with Shelton Benjamin. Let Kofi get a decent reign by not beating jobbers like Burchill though.

WWE Tag Team Champions: John Morrison & The Miz. Have Morrison and Miz insult the Colon's then, combine the tag belts, two tag titles is really unnecessary and since M&M appear on every brand anyway, this can open up feuds, imagine Carlito & Primo on Raw fighting with Priceless, Cryme Time, etc.

Women's Title: Mickie James. Is there anyone as un-noticed as a performer as Mickie James? Let her combine the useless Diva's belt and feud with Maryse.

ECW Title: Get rid of it, the ECW Championship isn't worth it anymore. I would rather bring back the Hardcore title, it would give guys like Tommy Dreamer, and others a push and would bring more shock back to WWE.
Surprisingly, I actually think about this quite frequently.

WWE: MVP, he's great on the mic and in the ring and would be the perfect rags to riches, you can change your life around type of story as he was locked up for 9.5 years. MVP is the only wrestler who has never headlined a ppv who could handle being the face of the company.

IC: Paul Birchill, he's aggressive, skilled and he should have won it from kofi.

Women's: Katie Lea Burchill, she's hot, can wrestle and why not have a kayfabe brother and sister hold simultaneous titles?

Tag Team: Sim Snuka and Kofi Kingston, perfect combination of ground and pound and high flying ability and also both can easily transfer in between tag team champions and jobbers who make sporadic appearances.

World: Edge, quite simply the greatest wrestler of all time

US: Curt Hawkins or Zack Ryder, I would actually enjoy to see the same thing done for the us title as the x-division title. Take this title which only has about 7 defenses a year, and put it on a tag team that can fued with another tag team repetitively in many great matches, such as fatal four way ladder matches, triple threats, single matches. The guns have made the X-division exciting again lately, why not reinvigorate this wasted title?

Tag: Kizarny and Hurricane Helms, I was sitting in school the other day and wondering why the debut/return of these two ,respectively, flopped so quickly. The answer is, they haven't been booked as a team yet. Am I the only one who sees the possible chemistry and potential for these two as a team and not as singles wrestlers?

Divas: Layla, she is a great heel, and would do well as champion.

ECW: Christian, I would have said Morrison if not for the fact that I have Edge and Kizarny as champ, and one of the former edge heads, so why not make it a clean sweep with the three childhood friends from canada and a former edge head? Also, he is a former world champion and deserves better than ECW wasteland.

World Heavy Weight Champion - Randy Orton
The reason I picked Randy Orton is because right now he is on top of his game right now. Also instead of having Cena in the picture I would have him feud with CM Punk

Intercontinental Champion - Rey Mysterio
Think about Rey Mysterio has not carred gold in along time. With all the superstars that deserve a main title shot, I do not think Rey Mysterio is at the top. This would also contiune his fued with Mike Knox as he to is a middle carder, I would as make Rey Mysterio feud with Ted DiBiase Jr. because him and Cody I think are slowing Orton down.

Women's Champion - Beth Phoniex
I don't care what any one says but she is the dominat female on Raw.

World Tag Team Champions - John Morrison + The Miz
I'm not big fans but if I have DiBiase with Mysterio, then who is left Cryme Tyme.... Manu and Sim Snuka should of went for the gold but now Manu is gone


ECW Champion - Jack Swagger
I reallly like Swagger, and I don't really see any one else on ECW that deserves the belt.

Smack Down

WWE Champion - Jeff Hardy
I really liked him as Champ, and now he could even feud with Matt

United States Champion - Hurricane Helms
Hurricane Helms has done nothing since his return with the belt he could feud with guys like R - Truth, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero, and the should add Festus and The Brian Kendrick to this list to.

WWE Tag Team Champions - Carlito + Primo Colon
I really don't see any one else to hold these belts

Diva Champion - Maria
I really like Maria I have always been a fan of hers, and I just don't think Maryse is ready to be a champion

World Heavy Weight Champion - Randy Orton

It's either Orton or Cena at the moment I would pick as #1, and I think the belt will do a hell of a lot more for Orton at the moment than it will do for Cena.

Intercontinental Champion - Rey Mysterio

After reading CM Punks interview, in it he would like a match with Mysterio for the IC belt at Mania. It would be brilliant as Rey is shit hot right now, and I just can't see him in the title situation.

Women's Champion - Melina
I couldn't care less about this belt, so I kept the belt as it was.

World Tag Team Champions - Priceless

The hottest tag team on Raw right now, they should have the tag belts.


ECW Champion - Christian

On ECW it's either him, Henry, Finlay or Swagger. i would give it to Christian as he's pretty over with the few people who watch ECW.

Smack Down

WWE Champion - Triple H

Yup I chose Trips...the guy round about 40 yet still on top of his "Game" which has nothing to do with him being married to Steph.

United States Champion - The Hurricane

Damn right, I didn't say Hurricane Helms, I said the Hurricane. His just sayin gimmick was crap, and he's not done much since his return. It would get him over instantly to return as everyone's second favourite wrestling Superhero (Red Mask FTW!).

WWE Tag Team Champions - Miz & Morrison
Why these belts should be on SD! I do not know, there's very few teams there. Miz & Morrison deserve to win them.

Diva Champion - Mayse
She's hot, I don't care about this belt either.
World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton
He is simply the best thing on Raw atm and his character works brilliantly and is now getting more heat that pops so he is doing a great job, his promos are now brilliant to watch and his matches are never boring

Intercontinental Champion: John Morrison
Needs a push to get to the world title picture as he is quality, his arrogant gimmick is brilliant, his matches are the best in the lower card without a doubt and although hes in a brilliant tag team he needs to move to raw now and be pushed as a main eventer

Womens Champion: Beth Phoenix
Beth Phoenix is the best diva in WWE, she has a brilliant manager in santino, her matches are good and she is actually good looking and can wrestle so should be champion

World Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
There a brilliant tag team and are being underused atm, there last title run was great but since they havent bin close and need to add some gold to the legacy, both have improved in the ring and on the mic loads and could have great feuds with cryme tyme, miz n morrison n maybe even the colons.

WWE Champion: Edge
Simply the best in wwe, everything he does is gold and no doubt since he returned smackdown has bin so much better, best heel in years and want to see a longer run

United States Champion: Brian Kendrick
Im sayin kendrick as benjamin has bin it for ages now and need a new champion and kendrick gets just ahead of truth n mvp, massively underrated by wwe and showed in the wwe title scramble that he is main event quality

Divas Champion: Gail Kim
Best diva in wwe in terms of wrestling abillity and no one on smackdown comes close

WWE Tag Team Champions: John Morrison & The Miz
Best tag team in wwe and have had great feud with the colons and deserve it and possibly have a great feud with priceless

ECW Champion: Christian
The only full fledged superstar on ecw (swagger is still developin) brilliant face or heel and on the mic and in the ring he is class, hopefully gets pushed on raw or smackdown but since hes on ecw he should be its champion
Here are my picks


Because he is the hottest Heel in the WWE right now and deserves to be champion . he is improving faster then anyone else , a smarter worker , a better talker then most on RAW .

Intercontinental Champion : CM PUNK

Because he is a good worker and a true babyface fans love him for who he is and that's something you don't see very much . Unlike Cena who is force feed to WWE fans .

World Tag Team Champions : CRYME TYME
Because there gimmick is cool and they work very well as a team and they have beat everyone on RAW . There paling around with Cena can't hurt either .

Woman's Champion : BETH PHOENIX

She is the toughest diva in the all of the WWE and almost impossible to beat . She beats ever other diva with relitive ease .


World Heavyweight Champion : EDGE

Simply because he is hatted by most fans and fans love to see him get beat down but are disapointed when he some how finds a way to win . Take No Way Out it's a perfect example he lost the WWE Title in less then 5 Minutes just to slide in the World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber match and leave the World Heavyweight Champion .

United States Champion : MVP

Because now that the stupid "Lossing streak" gimmick is over he can get back to straight ballin' and win back the US Title from the "Fools Gold Stadard" Shelton Benjamin who to me is wasting time because the WWE will never make him the top guy on any brand I wonder why ?

WWE Tag Team Champions : MIZ & JOHN MORRISON

Because they are the best tag team in WWE because they have the best look , best moves and the have beaten every team in WWE .

Diva's Champion : Natalya Neidhart

She is a 2nd generation who works hard and could be alot like Beth Phoenix in the way once she gets the belt she'd be very hard to beat .


ECW Champion : "Pitbull" Jamie Noble

Because he's a hard wokrer a sound technical wrestle who can beat anyone in ECW on any given night . He is a former ROH World Champion and deserves to be in the ECW Title picture come on John Swagger oh wait ... Jack Swagger is the champion why ??? Can anyone tell me ??? Please

Those are my anwsers . Feel free to agree or disagree .
Alright... Mine kind of suck, but if I could, I would push more for talent than simply draw. I wouldn't book any different, but in the long run I would attempt to build it all up a bit more like this.


World Champion: Randy Orton - I had a hard time deciding between Orton and Jericho, both are great all-around workers, amazing ring talents, draw, have tons of mic skills... But I went with Orton because Jericho has become more of an upper-card filler than a main guy, sadly.

Intercontinental Champion: Charlie Haas - Sure... He doesn't have a gimmick, and it was so bad he started mimicking people.. But anyone who has watched Haas outside of WWE, you know how amazing he really is. I would be stuck between him and Punk. Punk is one of the best workers a company could ever ask for, yet, I think he is almost deadweight right now as a face. If I could turn him and somehow make Orton seem like a face (unlikely) I definitely would.

Tag Team Champions: Priceless - Nothing to say? It's Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes? If I needed a reason, I would just say it would make them that much more credible for when they go their own ways.

Women's Champion: I honestly don't care.. Kelly Kelly, she's fiiiiiine! lmao Not TERRIBLE in the ring, either.


World Champion: Shelton Benjamin - Shut up. Lol, I said I would push for talent, and when it comes to underrated talent, um... There is no one in the WWE of Shelton's caliber. He's spectacular and can draw heat, I would put the strap on him, fast. If able to get him over enough.

US Champion: Hurricane Helms - After building MVP through the midcard and to the top, I would have no one more deserving in mind than Helms... He's Helms! I think he's wasted talent without the Cruiserweight Division... Can I bring that back? xD

Tag Team Champions: The Colons or Hawkins/Ryder - What the hell happened to the Edgeheads?! They were, in my eyes, an early Edge and Christian. Sure, they don't have quite as much talent as Edge and Christian did, but they just had the 'it' factor.. In my opinion. But without the push, I see Hawkins as a potential big name, Ryder... Not so much, but hey? I said the same thing about Christian at first.. Now look at him.

Diva's Champion: Once again, don't care... Maria, perhaps? She's been working on her ring abilities, just give her a run.. Not like that division is bringing in the money anyways...


ECW Champion: Oh god... This title would go around so damn often... Finlay first, he has too much talent to be a jobber. Tyson Kidd/TJ Wilson is awesome, Swagger doesn't in my eyes, have much main event potential on Raw or SD.. But he's a solid wrestler, so he might be the safest bet.
My champs would be


WWE; HHH after he's done with orton him and jericho would be great

IC; Punk hes probably best one for it at the moment

Womens; Beth Pheonix

World tag team; Cryme tyme them vs priceless would be good


WHC; Taker nuff said plus him vs jeff would be good

US; christian this could push him for WHC run

Divas; Dont care

WWE Tag Team; Jesse and Festus


ECW title; Evan Bourne could maybe set him up for future Intercontinental Run
If I could pick my champions I would vacate and get rid off the World Heavyweight Championship, WWE Tag Team Championship, U.S. Championship, ECW Championship & Diva's Championship. True story.

There is no need for two world titles, two tag titles, two women's titles and three mid card titles. On of each is more than enough.

I'd have one champion who defends on every show, including ECW.

I'd have one of the big stars as my WWE Champion, a Cena or Triple H. The biggest stars should be at the top of the company.

I'd have a Jeff Hardy, Edge or Jericho as my IC Champion. It might seem like a step down, but If I'm picking the champs then I'm booking the pushes. This belt is only a small step behind the world title.

With regard to the tag titles I'd give them to Cryme Tyme. Just as horrible as The Miz & Morrison, but with personality.

The Women's belt isn't important. Each and every match is the same, the only change is either a 5 minute match or a 6 minute match.

But if you're forcing me to pick champs for the other worthless belts in the company I'd go: Diva's (Gail Kim), ECW (HBK), U.S. (MVP), WWE Tag (Miz & Morrison).
Why does it matter who holds the belt exactly? If no one is wrestling for the title with any real passion then it's totally irrelevant. A broom handle brings as much 'prestige' to a title belt as CM Punk does, because neither are going to make the IC title look any better JUST by wearing it around their waist for a month.

Giving a title to a big name does nothing for either overall.

Many others would probably have different views. This thread got several replies, and it is still new, all of people sharing who they would want to see with the titles. I for one enjoy seeing superstars (and even divas) who I like to watch, win the titles. On the other side of that coin, I strongly dislike to see superstars/divas who I do NOT like win the titles.

How does giving the belt to a big name not do anything? People who really like that superstar would pay money to see them defend their belt, or conversely if they dislike them they would pay money to see them lose the belt. This puts more attention towards the superstar holding the belt, and the belt itself. I don't quite see the argument you are making there, so feel free to debate.

As far as you thinking a broom handle brings more prestige than Punk, we can agree to disagree there.
Given total free reign of WWE's roster, but with no creative changes, I would probably give the WWE Title to Edge, with Cena chasing into Wrestlemania. I wrote the previous sentence, then realised that it was almost the current situation. Well done WWE. I'd give the WHC to Jericho and have HHH chasing, and losing, at Wrestlemania.

I'd give the Intercontinental Championship to CM Punk, but make him defend it weekly and never lose. The US title would go to Kendrick or R-Truth, as I believe they are currently on top of the midcard popularity/notoriety stakes at the mo.

The tag titles are in the right hands at the moment, especially if there has to be two, but Cryme Tyme should always be in with a decent shout of winning them, rather than being perennial losers.

I'd give the ECW title to Jeff Hardy, and I'd also put Rey Mysterio and JBL on the brand. This tile should so be used for people who are either on their way into, or out of, the main event.

I'd give the Women's title to Beth Phoenix, and feud her off with Melina and Mickie, as this is the least shit possible option. I'd give the Diva's title to either Natalya or Gail Kim.
I'll one-up the situation and do more than the title belts themselves.

*Note: I'm assuming that this means without the current creative restrictions. IE, I'm not picking people to go into WrestleMania XXV as particular champions, I'm just picking people that will have good runs with belts and such. If I were picking WrestleMania XXV plans, it'd be much different.

WWE Champion: HBK
--He needs another run, he's my favorite wrestler, and he always performs top notch.

World Heavyweight Champion:
Edge / Jericho / Cena / Orton / Hardy

ECW Champion: Mr. Kennedy
--Of course, if he was active. It'd give him a test run with a title on an edited program and it doesn't require too much to be resting on his shoulders, as its just ECW and not a huge storyline from Raw or Smackdown. If I couldn't pick Kennedy because of his injury, I'd go with Rey Mysterio. He's the ideal midcard champion in my mind, and having him on ECW would give him and the fans a false sense of security with him having a fake world title, but it also allows him to work with the younger talent. And c'mon, if someone like Swagger beat Mysterio for his title, that'd be a lot more likely than him beating someone like Randy Orton or the Undertaker for the world titles. Makes sense.

IC Champion: CM Punk
--He's fine the way he is. If I had to switch it up, I'd give it to Evan Bourne. I don't want them pushing him too far too fast, but he'd be a great IC champion in my mind. Stay in the midcard for a while and build up some good feuds, don't just throw him in the main event because he's popular and have the scenario crash and burn.

US Champion: Shelton Benjamin
--It might not be the popular thing around here, but I for one LOVE Shelton as the US champion. It gives him recognition for his amazing skills and makes sure he doesn't drift out of the scenery and stop being used, but being the champion allows him to not only get wins and put over the fact that he's the "Gold Standard" and is a heel that can back up his word (as we don't need every single heel to be a coward...c'mon, WWE) but it also makes up for his weakness: mic skills, which have been improving with his confidence.

World Tag Team Champion: The Colons
WWE Tag Team Champion: The Colons

--I'd want them unified. If I can't choose a unification, then I'd say give one to Colons and one to Kendrick & Ezekiel.

Women's Champion: Mickie James
--Most over chick.

Diva's Champion: Natalya
--Better in the ring than Maryse. Natalya could have a good feud with Gail Kim when she comes.

King of the Ring: The Miz
--Helps with his upper midcard push. Leads to an eventual IC title reign after he beats Punk.

Mr. Money in the Bank: John Morrison
--The guy deserves to be pushed to the main event.

WHC - Chris Jericho
He is the best heel in WWE right now imo and could have awesome fueds with Cena, Orton or even CM Punk.

IC - CM Punk
As already said, he is the best man for the job right now and should be given a good lengthy reign to build himself up for the ME scene.

Tag - Kane & Mike Knox
I don't know why but i really enjoyed their matches a few weeks ago and wouldn't mind seeing the titles on them as a formidable tag team for Rhodes & DiBiasse and Cryme Tyme to fued with.

Womens - Mickie James
She is so hot, enough said.


WWE - Jeff Hardy or Edge
I would just like to see a real more lengthy fued for the title between the two. They are both at the top of their game at the moment and relatively young to the ME scene compared to the likes of Big Show and HHH etc but they would be able to put on a good fued.

I'd like to see the title back on him and a good fued. MVP was getting a bit stale but is starting to get my interest again since trying to get the US title, would be good to see it back on him again.

Tag - Miz & Morrison
As said, they are the best at the moment and deserve them. They could have a cool fued with the Colons like they are now but have only one set of titles being defended.

Diva - Maria
She's hot, enough said.

ECW - Jack Swagger or Christian
They both could carry the show with a couple title changes in a good fued. Wouldnt matter who held the title as long as they are both in the hunt and fighting with eachother.
I'll go on the assumption Edge loses the belt back to Raw..


WWE Championship- John Cena.. easy. No questions asked. He draws, he gets people into the match, whether you watch to hate him or to love him. Not giving it to Orton because his main agenda is to attack people, not necessarily carry the gold for extended periods.

Intercontinental Championship- Chris Jericho. Keep him on the main event scene with it. You can have bigger matches with Jericho while you have a Cena vs whoever match. They don't really give Jericho the big belt to carry for that long, so give him a good heel belt with the I.C. title, bring prestige back to it.

WWE Tag Team Championship- Kane & Mike Knox. I feel lower belts should be given to the heels because appearantly they don't get to hold the bigger belts as long. These two should show their power and dominance as a tag team. It's not holding either back, as Kane would actually get to win and Knox would gain more credibilty.

Women's Championship- Kelly Kelly. She's smoking hot and has a great butt. Just get to see it more often if she comes out every show.


World Heavyweight Championship- Edge. Very entertaining, adds to power craze, can keep the belt by faulty technicalties, etc. I'd just have him retain longer.

United States Championship- R-Truth. If you build him up, he needs to have this. I like Benjamin, but I think the belt is making him worse.

World Tag Team Championship- The Miz and Morrison. Interchange them with Carlito and Primo or Zeke and TBK. Just rejuvenate the tag division. All depends on whether or not they elevate Morrison sooner rather than later.

Diva's Championship- Maria. Again, the hottest girl on the show, her or Maryse, who cares. Nobody cares how they wrestle, as long as you can see as much of them as possible.


ECW Championship- Boogeyman. I really don't give two shoots about ECW so give it to someone that won't be tied down by it.

WWE- RANDY ORTON- Simply Amazing the past few months, him and Jericho are at their best and thats saying something.
Intercontinetal- DH SMITH- Bring him up and put him in Legacy, there are a bunch of people who like this kid to. He would be their muscle.
WORLD TAG- PRICELESSS- More gold for Legacy
WOMENS- Natalya- Put her in legacy and they have all the gold on RAW


ECW CHAMPIONSHIP- Jack Swagger- He is the future, like it or not, he has a lot of potential, wonder where he will be at after the draft.


WHC- SHAWN MICHAELS- Its been along time since he has held a World title, one last run for the Heart Break Kid. There are a bunch of kids who don't remember him as champ b/c his last title reign was sad. Plus he has always been on RAW, time for new feuds.
United States Championship- UMAGA- They need to bring him back to the level he was at a couple of years ago when he was dominant.
WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPS- Kung Fu Naki and The Great Khali- I know, very odd but it would be at least interesting. It will also add another tag team to the WWE, which they need
DIVAS- GAIL KIM- At the moment, no one cares about this belt, Gail would bring some life into it. By the way, does anyone know why they have this belt over the crusierweight championship? Come on really.


King of the Ring: R-Truth- They need to do something with him. When he "debuted" they were pushing to the moon, but then they got sour on him. Winning this might give new energy to his career, like when Regal and Booker won it. Also maybe the could change his ring music to go along with, give him a King Booker type of entrance.

Mr. Money in the Bank: Mr. Kennedy- This would be to get him in the World title scene fast, even though he has always been injured. Maybe he could actually cash it in this time.
WHC- Edge for now but I'd look to have him in a great program with someone new to the main event like Shelton Benjamin

WWE- RKO, he is great and I just have a man crush on him. If he doesn't go over HHH then something is wrong

IC- Morrison. Its time he stepped his game up and receive that push into singles competition.

US- Id keep it on Shelton. The man puts on good matches. I would have him defend it more and try to unify it with the WHC title

Tag- Priceless. I love the name and they need to establish Legacy as a dominant force

Other tag belts- Primo and Carlito but they need some challenges

ECW/Divas/Woman- it don't matter
King of the Ring: R-Truth- They need to do something with him. When he "debuted" they were pushing to the moon, but then they got sour on him. Winning this might give new energy to his career, like when Regal and Booker won it. Also maybe the could change his ring music to go along with, give him a King Booker type of entrance.

Mr. Money in the Bank: Mr. Kennedy- This would be to get him in the World title scene fast, even though he has always been injured. Maybe he could actually cash it in this time.

I forgot about King of the Ring and Money in the Bank, I'll go ahead and give my two cents on those.

King of the Ring: Regal
I'd give this back to Regal since he has proved himself after coming back. He had a cool push going back when he was the manager and did odd stuff like turn the lights out and end the show in the middle of a match, that push should be continued instead of having vickie as the manager on both shows.... no one likes her anyway.

Money in the Bank: Kennedy
Kennedy needs a push like he was getting when he won money in the bank last time, and at the beginning of the storyline with mcmahon, hopefully he doesn't get hurt or suspended in the middle of his next push. I'd have him win this again at mania and cash it in during the main event right as HHH has retained but is too tired to defend again against Kennedy, that'd be an interesting turn of events wouldn't it?

On a last note.... some of yall are bringing back old titles, that's cool and all but you're supposed to be using the current titles. (although whoever said JBL was going to buy the million dollar title or something, that was a cool idea.) So just use the current titles, don't bring back the cruiserweight or undisputed or tv titles. Just clearing that up.

WWE Champ: Randy Orton. No explanation needed.
IC Champ: Dolph Ziggler. The title is supposed to be for up and comers. From what i've seen he has solid in-ring work and the potential to be a good promo guy (from his time in the Spirit Squad). Give him the ball and see how he runs. If he fails, send him packing with the rest of the former Squad members. If he does well, you have your next superstar.
Women's:Beth Phoenix. She's the only legitimate female wrestler on Raw. Until a real opponent comes along, keep the title on her ala Fabulous Moolah.
Tag Team: Priceless. They are solid workers and having the titles with Orton adds to the credibility of this great faction.


World Champion: Jeff Hardy. He deserves a "real" title run, he's the most over superstar there is and he's a great wrestler. Give him a chance Vince!

US Champion: R-Truth. You played the vignettes, he gets over so give him a title and see what he can do. If it doesn't work, send him back to TNA. If it does it allows for some future great rivalries and pushes him towards a Title Run.

Diva's Champion: Natalia. See Beth Phoenix (until Gail Kim debuts)

Tag Team: The Colons. They're working great and the best Tag Team on Smackdown. It ain't broke so don't fix it.


World Champion: Christian. His one and only chance to prove to Vince if he is a main-eventer or just a good Mic guy at the mid-cards. If he fails, Evan Bourne. The guy is over like crazy and when he returns he'll have classic matches with Tyson Kidd and other cruiserweights (Kaval of FCW). He's got the crowd see if he can carry a company before setting him loose on Smackdown.

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