If you could pick your own WWE Champions, who would it be and why?

Hrm. Thought I replied already. haha

WWE Title (assuming it is the Raw title) - Wade Barrett. Don't ask so surprised. But I do have actual reasons for picking him this time. :shifty: I really think having a heel has the main guy is better in a storyline/business sense. Ric Flair managed to make a name for himself as the asshole that everyone wanted to take down. People would show up just to see if tonight was the night that Dusty or Steamboat was going to finally shut him the hell up. Now, I ain't calling Barrett the Next Ric Flair.. But when I look at everything Wade has going: Top heel aura that VERY few current guys have, incredible British accent and mic skills, crazy heel heat, and solid (not great) in the ring. The few times that Barrett has been surrounded by himself has gotten a great reaction, so I could buy into anyone facing him would get cheered.

WHC Title (assuming it is the SD title) - I dunno. A lot of guys on SD don't strike me as "main guy" material.

Intercontinental Champion (assuming it is the SD title) - Chris Masters to a f'n tee. The guy has been the best wrestler match by match this year. Damn shame people demand Morrison to be worth a damn, when Masters has actually improved this year and has actually put on GOOD matches. Given SD's emphasizes on wrestling matches, Masters is a perfect centerpiece for a mid-card.

U.S. Title (assuming it is the Raw title) - The Miz. I thing that goes overlooked about the Miz is how good he is at bringing the intensity to his matches. I dunno if it is because that many people in the mid-card want really punch his face in or what. But there is a sincere feeling for me watching him prattle on how about everyone hates him. I think the Miz is very talented, but I don't think he is "main guy" material.

Tag Titles (assuming that they mean something) - Hrm. Mark Henry and Evan Bourne would be my first pick because the idea of a huge, scary black man and a little white boy is great to me. But I really really like when Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett team up. I think they have such a great chemistry as a team and as foes. But who knows.

Divas Title (assuming that they mean something) - Maryse. Without question. You wanna know why no one gives a damn about the divas they use more times than not? It is because they aren't interesting. Maryse gets more praise/response telling people to shut up and acting like she is the best piece of ass ever than a bunch of Divas doing set spots to *prove* they can wrestle. Newsflash, pro wrestling is more story-time theater than a competitive sport.

WWE Champion - Randy Orton. He really is on a roll currently and just has the look that screams "champion" plus he is probably the 3rd biggest draw in the company. (behind John Cena and The Undertaker)

United States Champion - Daniel Bryan. This guy may not have the look yet, but he damn sure has the talent!. One of the best technical wrestlers going around and a lengthy title reign could do him wonders.


World Heavyweight Champion - Kane. I'm really enjoying his current reign as champion, it's a very well deserved reign and his match with Mysterio at SummerSlam wasn't all that bad, same goes for his match with Taker.

Intercontinental Champion - Kaval. He won NXT 2.0, I don't think he's been in WWE long enough to hold the World Title, but a lengthy and interesting Intercontinental Title reign could prove to everyone that he will be ready in the near future.

Both Brands

WWE Tag-Team Champions - Hart Dynasty. Probably the best and most deserving team.

Unified Divas/Womens Champion - Layla. Just because she's the hottest Diva since Trish Stratus.
WWE Championship - Orton, Cena, Sheamus, Barrett, HHH, Edge, or Morrison. Honestly? I know that's a lot of guys. But that's how much faith I have in all of these guys. If I REALLY had to choose ONE, I'd probably go with Edge. But ask me in 5 minutes and I'd probably change my mind. I just love Edge's mic work, his "Rated R" gimmick and the "ultimate opportunist". He's terrific.

United States Champion - The Miz. I wish WWE would keep him in the mid-card, unfortunately they won't. He's good on the mic, mediocre in the ring, his name is shit and he hardly has the look of a champion. His music/entrance is good, though. I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with people and be successful in the mid-card as long as it meant he was STAYING there.

World Heavyweight Champion - Kane. I'd have a face Kane be feuding with CM Punk. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Taker fan. I think everyone is. But I'm just not into this. Thank GOD Paul Bearer is back, or this would be just too dry. I'm a huge Kane fan and I think CM Punk is the best heel in the biz. So I'd enjoy that.

IC Champ - Kaval..? I'm bored of Ziggler. I think his gimmick sucks. Kofi is too good to be mid-card, so I'd want him to get a push to the ME sooner rather than later. So that really leaves Kaval.

Tag Champs - McIntyre and Rhodes. I'm a huge Rhodes fan and I think McIntyre is great as well. Them together should be good as both play their roles very well. I just hope this doesn't turn into the classic tag team of "one gets pushed, the other buried" like we've seen so much in the past because I want to see success for both of these guys.

Womens Title - I don't pay attention to this at all. It was cool with Lita and stuff but I'm sorry they just suck now. It's staged, not fake, I know. But these girls just make it look... fake. It's horrible I don't see how anyone gets into this. They're hot, that's where it ends. I'd go with Melina though, she's got massive boobs and she's actually very athletic in the ring. She doesn't make it look stupid.
WWE Champion: Heel John Cena. If Cena ever turns heel that is the time I want to see him as champion. We all seen the past years of a face Cena with the Belt so many times. A heel Cena with the WWE title would sure be entertaining and dominating.
US Champ: Daniel Bryan. So called Greatest wrestler in the world. After his feud with the Miz hopefully he feuds now with John Morrison with the hopes of Jomo turning heel.
Tag Team Champs: Edge and Mysterio. If Edge goes back to Smackdown he should reunite with Rey. They were a great tag team back in the day and turning Edge face would be a good idea over on SD. Edge does not need to be in the Heavyweight Title contention to be a top superstar.
HeavyWeight Champ: CM Punk: Push this guy to be the main man of SD. He's proved enough that he has all the tools to be a champion and true main eventer. Have him feud with a face on SD. But please don't turn Punk face. He's one of the best heel's in the business and turning him face would be a downer.
Intercontinetal Champion: Kaval: He won NXT2. He need's to work his way up to Main Event status but I don't think we'll see it happening. He's built to be a cruiserweight and just like Rey would be a lame Heavyweight champ.
Diva's Champ: Gail kim. Before she left WWE in like 04 she was a heel and was used fairly in the Womens division. When she went to TNA she put up 5 star matches and was one of the best knockouts. NOW ever since she has returned to the WWE she has been used as nothing and a complete diva jobber. She's a much better wrestler than Alicia, Maryse, Kelly Kelly combined. They need exciting divas in the ring and if they get rid of her... they'll have to let AJ Lee win NXT3. That's the only other Diva I see with the same talent as Gail Kim.
Orton is probably the most over guy they have, so putting the strap on him works for me.

Danielson as the US Champion was ideally what I wanted, but not this soon. Could've drawn out some great work with The Miz to build for an even bigger title win. Nonetheless, it's far from the worst move the 'E can do.

No real sense in Hart Dynasty losing the belts, especially to a thrown together team (and also in a terribly thrown together match, at a PPV nonetheless). McIntyre and Rhodes, alike the Danielson ordeal, are far from the worst decision that could've been made. Just need to see this through and keep the belts on them for a LONG while. What other teams are there? Hart Dynasty and Usos?

Ziggler isn't bad for the IC Title. Assuming it gets unified with the US Title, no complains here either. If anything, Ziggler should be able to do some serious growth with the title as a crutch/fallback. Someone like Kofi is still in limbo between uppercard and future main event.
WWE Championship
Sheamus. He should have retained to build him up as a main-event wrestler. If he had managed to do it over 5 main-event wrestlers, no one could have doubted his credibility. It also would have made for a fresh match up for Hell in the Cell. Maybe Edge or Jericho could have proceeded to build him up there.

US Championship
I agree with WWE on this one. Daniel Bryan was a perfect choice and I wouldn't change this for the world.

WWE Tag Team Championship
The Hart Dynasty should not have lost the belts. They're the only legit tag-team that's had any decent amount of face time and a feud with Usos should have gone much better. Heck, even if they faced the Gate Crashers or the two gamers would have been allright.

World Heavyweight Championship
Kane. I wouldn't have changed it for the world. Excellent promos, decent matches and psychology, a feud between him and anyone if he got over by retiring the Undertaker would build that person as a major face.

IC Championship
I can't imagine anyone who deserves this belt. I'm not fond of Ziggler, Kofi's a bit too much for me, MVP, Chris Masters and Chavo haven't the build-up for it, and Matt's a complete crazy. I would have picked Christian, but he's injured, so ... Kaval? He could have a run with it before cashing in his NXT Season 2 contract.

Divas Championship
Layla El. I prefer her so much more over Michelle McCool. She was the one to win the Divas belt in the first place and got cheated out of facing Melina by McCool. Go face with Kaval and beat the living shit out of Mrs. Undertaker.
WWE Championship:
Me.. :) Jokes. Uhm, John Morrison. I would like Morrison to win the championship off of the Miz, because I would enjoy new blood in the new title picture. And I would honestly think, they would have a fantastic rivary. And I think the WWE would need a bit of a change in their biggest championship.

US Championship
Wade Barret. I'm 16, and havn't been watching wrestling long enough to know the insides and outs. But in my knowledge I don't think an Englishman has won the UNITED STATES title. And I would enjoy the heat Barret could get being an Englishman holding the US championship. He could also threaten to take it back to England. Which will make him even more hated than he is already.

WWE Tag Team Championship
Edge and Christian. Just because they are simply awesome. And we need our originality back into the WWE Tag Team Titles.

World Heavyweight Championship
C.M.Punk. Sadly I would like to see Punk as a face, and continue his straight-edge saving pledge. However he is doing such a great job of doing it heel, I think he just deserves the championship. Being in my opinion the best heel, with the most potential on Smackdown. I am glad he never got drafted to RAW when Edge and Jericho did. As Smackdown would of been shit without him.

IC Championship
Dolph Ziggler/ Mr Ziggles. :) Mr Ziggles is a great worker. And always seems to impress me when in the ring. His matches with Rey and Morrison last year were amazing. Just a throw in here. The match between Rey and Morrison when Rey got suspended was amazing, and had the calibur of a PPV match. I seriously would love to see them fued again sometime in the future. However back to the main bit. Dolph needs to lose Vickie.

Divas Championship
I couldn't give a damn. Womens matches? Not entertaining. But.. If I had to choose. Beth Pheonix or Melina. Done. :)

Hope you enjoy my choices. Thankyou.
WWE Champion - Sheamus - Randy Orton is one of my favourite wrestlers, but did anyone besides me feel Sheamus's last title run was too short. Sheamus should of won dirty at night of champions to help develope his character a bit more. A roll up pin with sheamus puting his feet on the ropes would of been prefect.

World HeavyWeight Champion - Kane - I'm really digging Kane current run. They have done something I thought was impossible, thats make him look like a dominate monster again, cause quite frankly he was a joke up until recently. Good work WWE. Other then Kane, I reckon CM Punk is starting to lose credibility and should be due for a good run sometime after Kanes impressive run has run its course.

Intercontinental Champion - Alberto Del Rio - The guy's on fire right now, and his waist is missing something, the push hes currently receiving matches perfectly to how a heel champion should be pushed. Plus I would mind seeing a non-american star hold the IC title right now.

United States Champion - Daniel Bryan - I feel this guy should be pushed as a great "In-Ring wrestler" sort of like Benoit, except I reckon Bryan has more personality then Benoit. Daniels should be pushed to having great matches, and what other reason to give him ring time then have him as champ. Plus to me Bryan feels like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual WWE moled.

WWE Unified Tag Team Championships - Rhodes/Mcintyre - Sure they are both great wrestlers but the Heart Dynasty are a tad on the boring side, at least Cody/Drew have personality and will be givin more air time. Plus I feel it be a shame to see McIntyre get pushed to the back burner after after the role he had as IC Champ.

WWE Unified Women's Champion
- Gail Kim - I'm ok with LayCool, but I think Gail would be a breath of Fresh air. Shes got more potencial then alot of diva's, but she just not given the time of day.

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