WWE Title- Hard to choose really as there are so many rubbish and underserved title reigns. Any 24hr reign such as Kane springs to mind. I'm tempted to pick the reigns that lasted less than a day such as Triple H, Orton etc but I find it hard to recognise them as title reigns.
Therefore i will choose...
Bob Backlund (#2)- WWE actually did a good job of building up an irrelevant former champion nobody of my generation had ever heard of into a believable crazy heel. His title win was a true

moment... then he loses it 3 days later in a 7 second match to Diesel. He could have held the belt for a while and become a hated heel maybe losing the belt to Diesel a few months later but instead he gets a title run that nobody remembers.
(dis)honorable mentions- Edge (#1), Hulk Hogan (#3,4,5 & 6), Undertaker (#1), both of Alberto Del Rio's, Yokozuna (#1 although I am reluctant to recognise it) and at least half of John Cena's.
World Heavyweight- Dolph Zigglers "reign" springs to mind as well but I really cannot accept him as a "former world champion".
My choice therefore is...
Christian (#1)- Number 2 was nothing special either but his 1st title win was a huge let down. Sure WWE used it to turn him heel but his dropping the belt a few days after winning it was a huge anti climax.
(dis)honourable mentions- Both Undertaker title runs, CM punk (#1), Jeff Hardy (both), Rey Mysterio (both), Great Khali and Jack Swagger.
Intercontinental title-I could talk for ages about how undervalued the belt has become. However 1 man springs to mind when I think of horrible champions.....
Albert- Seriously what was the point? He beat Kane which was to me a big shock then falls back into lower card obscuitybefore losing the belt and never getting to that level again.
(dis)honourable mentions- Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Chyna, The run where Chris Jericho couldnt even be bothered wearing the belt (8 or 9 I forget which), Dean Douglas, Big Zeke, Jeff Hardy (#1), Kane (both), Booker T.
United States- Quite a list to choose from. I recall a footballer getting the belt in WCW but I didnt watch back then so wont choose that instead I will pick...
Finlay- In my opinion Finlay belonged nowhere near any championships in the WWE unless they bought back the Hardcore title. I dont remember much about his reign but I do remember wondering why he was chosen.
(dis)honourable mentions- R Truth, Chris Kanyon, Rhyno, Tajiri, Kurt Angle, Mr Kennedy, Jack Swagger (although could prove me wrong).
Tag Team- These titles should have been retired 10 years ago. There are so many terrible title reigns its hard for me to choose so I will go with...
Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie- Blink and you'll miss it!
(dis)honourable mentions- John Cena and The Miz, Shawn Michaels and Jean Cena, Shawn Michaels and Diesel (#2), Men on a mission, Rikishi and Rico, Ric Flair and Roddy Piper, The Hart Dynasty and many many more....
Diva's- Honestly I couldnt care less about this title and the belt is awaful. However at a push I choose...
Jillian Hall- Might have actually been the womens title she won I cant remember nor be bothered to look. Fact is she was disrespected with a short pointless reign.
(dis)honourable mentions- Alicia Fox, The Bella twin
(Incidentally can anyone imagine Karma carrying a butterfly belt?)
Retired championships
WCW- 2 words- David Arquette. Another 2 words- Vince Russo. Basically if they can be world champion so can I!
(dis)honorable mentions- Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner (I'm sorry Steiner fans but he was terrible!).
Hardcore- Pretty much every title reign but I will choose...
The Undertaker- Not sure why he won it and he clearly didnt want it.
ECW (wwe version)- Vince Mcmahon and Big Zeke share the spoils. Vince basically wiped his arse with the belt and Zeke had no reason to win it nor has it ever been mentioned since.
(dis)honourable mentions- Big Show (made it clear the ECW title was not an official world title when he said he hadnt been a world champion in 9 years), Lashley (#2)- what was the point?
All just my personal opinions people.