Worst Title Reign

how about from wrestlemania 9 in vegas, when Yokozuna beat Bret Hart for the WWF title only for Hulk Hogan to run in, hit his 3 moves, and win the title, with Bret Hart in his "corner"

im going to say that was a bad title reign, especially for a Wrestlemania.
Besides the really short reigns that are like a week or less I gotta say CM Punk's WHC reign. I hate to pick something so recent but I can't really think of anything good that came out of it. The ratings went to hell because of it, it wasn't even the focal point of the show, Jericho/HBK and then Cena/Batista were getting more time than the champ, that's how bad it was. I didn't watch every week during it so I'm not positive but didn't he also lose a couple times while he had it? Then after he dropped it, it did nothing for him, he just went and got buried in the mid card again. So I really can't think of a world title reign(that wasn't too short) that has accomplished or did less. That was just an overall bad reign.
Worst Title had too be King Booker back in 06. It dragged for weeks and months. It was sooo boring. I've alway's been a Smackdown guy but that reign made me switch too Raw.

Terrible I Say....
Chris Benoit as WHC- Completley deserved but Benoit just stayed in the upper mid card whilst Triple H main evented

Kane 24hrs as WWE Champion- Why?

Any Mankind WWE Title run- Deserving champion but all too short and pointless

Vince Mcmahon as WWE champion- Why?

Dean Douglas IC champion- Did he even TOUCH the belt?

Bob Backlund's 2nd WWE title run- The point of which was?

Edge WWE title reign number 1- Pointless

Fabulous Moolah's last womens title win- Too old and made belt look stupid

Kane as H/Core champion- Didnt hardly do anything with the belt and never got it back

Undertaker as H/C champion- See Kane

The Rock's 7th WWE title win- I know he put Lesnar over but why bother having belt in 1st place?
well, some of these are good examples, but some of you are missing the point, such as the batista and edge haters, to dislike someone doesn't mean their reign wasn't good

a couple of good examples
undertakers first title reign which he lost 2 days later back to hogan...bad
agree with kane's 1 day run, terrible, don't know why he hasn't gotten it again in all this time
but i think the worst of all time was the ultimate warriors title run after wrestlemania 6 till he lost it to slaughter, this guy was suppose to be the next thing in wrestling and i think not only the fans but the company realized at that point that he couldn't carry the load, best thing they ever did was get that belt off him and put it on slaughter, only to have ol' reliable hogan get it back again
as for slaughter being a terrible title run? how can that be possible, he had so much heat it was unbelievable, they had to change venues for wrestlemania 7 because of him and his character, i think for the time and that gulf war and his persona was golden, and anyone who took the title of the warrior was good in my books anyways, alot hype and not much delivery
I agree,the worst recent title reign was John Cenas.Like him or hate him.Every week on Raw he,d get gubbed by his next PPV opponent,like Umaga & Khali,yet come the PPV SoMeHoW managed to retain his title.This went on for nearly a YEAR till the most neutral of fans went AH COME ONNNNNN!.Luckily,& no offence to the guy,he got injured & we got to see someone else.,till he came back.
I guess this also answers any question like Should Champs Have Longer Title Reigns? The same guy every freakin WEEK ! Are you nuts,,,!!!..
Gawd great topic.

1. Sorry to all you big John Cena fans but I hated his year long title reign. For people who don't get wrestling you won't understand why us guys are pissed by this. Austin, Rock or Flair that would be interesting as a year long run but CENA no way. I tried to stop watching wrestling during that time but being in love with it I couldn't. It was so damn boring. If I heard 'the champ is here' during that time I cringed. I geniuenly think that Cena having the belt that long makes us not bother every time Trips wins it. I mean Khali, Umaga another boring JBL feud.

2. The Great no-sellli - Once again Kane takes a back seat. Oh, there's a surprise. Years ago if your opponent couldn't make the match then his opponent was awarded the title. I actually thought the Edge/Kane feud was going somewhere but Jesus!

3. Rey Mysterio - I ain't a Rey fan for one reason I don't believe for one minute he can beat all these guys that are 2 ft taller and 250 pounds heavier. WWE put themselves in a damn hole that's why Rey got squashed all the time during his Title run. If Eddie didn't pass away, Mysterio would Never ever have won that title. Sorry but he jumped on the bandwaggon.

4. Triple H at No Mercy - WTF? Okay give Orton the belt. Have him face The Game in a Last Man Standing match and have him win. Why did H have to win it then defend it against UGmaga successfully then lose it again. Why? Cos he is obsessed with taking over Flair's Title wins.

5. Orton's World Title reign - Okay Trips spends months losing to Benoit then Orton and Benoit light up Summerslam with a tremendous match. Then Benoit passes the torch "Be a man, Randy". A month later here comes trips he needs another title reign. Goodbye Orton. Whether Orton messed up or not that was sheer stupidity.

6. Edge's first WWE Title reign - I am not an Edge fan! but I thought it was ingenious to have him run down and beat Cena to win the title at NYR then Cena wins it back at the Rumble. Get yourself to fuck! that was again a stupid piece of booking by WWE.

7. Kane 1st -I will always remember kane's debut at Badd Blood it was freakin awesome then he proved he could hang with the big guys with his matches with Taker. Then he wins the WWE Title and they give it back to Austin. I am a big Austin fan. I believe he is and will always be the greatest WWE Superstar but that was really moronic.

8. JBL's reign - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sorry I fell asleep. borinnnnng! Thanks for ending Eddie's dream you saggy breasted piece of horse manure.

9. The whole Jericho/Batista/Jericho/Cena World Title fiasco - My dreams are answered jericho wins the title and then Batista wins it back. I'm thinking maybe they are gonna have Y2J chase Big Dave for the title. Oh, no Y2J wins it back in the Cage, pointless! Then the promos start running. He's big he's bad, he's..........John Hogan, sorry Cena comes back and wins the Title on his 1st night back. What was the point in that? They could have done the whole Jericho in the chamber with the title and Edge still win it because we know cena will win it at Mania.

10. Santino' first IC reign - I like Santino's gimmick but even if Rock sat in the audience and pretended he wasn't someone from OVW and comes face to face with UgMaga a man/beast who has destroyed everyone in his path and then this little ass clown comes out of the crowd and beats him whethere Bobby Lesley (Kudos to Donald Trump) helped him or not. It ain't believable Vinny Mac!

11. Albert winning the IC Title - nuff said!

12. David Arquette as WCW Champion - This whole thing sucked he was made Champion cos of his little piss ass movie Ready to Fumble. Do you think if Randy the Ram did wrestle for Vince that he would put the belt on him?

13. Vince Russo as WCW Champion - Goldberg spears him through the cage and hey presto he is the Champion and Russo justifies this in interviews by saying he vacated the belt the next week on Nitro. Russo you shouldn't have booked it in the first place. Him and Arquette disgraced that belt, period!

14. Vince as ECW Champion - Again, Why?

15. Jack Swagger as ECW Champion - Swwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwagggggggggggggggggggggerrrrr. Once he learns to speak properly maybe the moron can be a Champion. I don't rate him. It sounds like a Stephanie thing. "Dan Rodimer is the next big thing" Yeah sure he is Steph!

Aw, shut up Rikishi you thong wearing fatty - The Great One

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