Unnecessary WWE title reigns.

Hornswoggle being Cruiserweight Champion was so stupid. They knew they were going to retire the belt but they could've at least did it with some dignity left to it.

Also everybody who was Hardcore champion for less than a day. i liked the 24hr rule but they didnt have to have the belt change hands 20 times in 5 minutes.But I guess that was for comedic purposes.
At Vampirek...........You are correct that when Orton lost a match to triple H there was a stimpulation that he could never challenge triple H for the World Title as long as he was champion. Once he lost, that stipulation was removed even though Triple H did reclaim the title in the EC. Now i guess it did ALLOW Orton to enter the EC match, but to me it was pointless because Orton didn't win at EC. If he had, then maybe, maybe, the whole vacate thing would have made some sense. But since HHH just ended up winning it back and then losing it to Batista instead of Orton, it was pointless. Triple h just could have continued as champ till he lost it and THEN Orton could have jumped back into the main event scene.

In Defense of the Miz, he has defended the US belt in a couple of inpromtu matches against MVP at Royal Rumble and I think EC and maybe even Raw. At Mania he defend the tag belts and is entering a feud with the Harty Dynasty so he may not defend it the US belt for alittle bit, but thats part of being a duel champion.

I like Drew McIntyre alright as a wrestler, I think he has some talent, but his entire reign as IC Champ was blown. The guy needs to drop the belt asap until he's really ready. He could also really benefit from having a Manager as a mouth peice and help promote him alittle. Also a real meaningful feud with somebody to make him look good like Mysterio
Quite a few come to mind...

First and most importantly...Michelle McCool...let's talk about the last time she ACTUALLY had a match to defend it? :wtf: I thought the terms were if its not defended in 30 days its vacated. I think its been at least 30 days and I've not seen her defend it. Shouldn't that account for something? Then this whole Laycool thing with Vickie on board, it was interesting at first, and then to know backstage she's banging Undertaker, you can't say that backstage politics possibly play 'some' pull? :suspic: I'm a little bored with this mean girls show. Please let Beth yank it from her.

The Miz. Granted, I can't stand the guy, but he is talented. And same terms as above, it seems like they forget one part of the angle with him being Unified tag champ AND US Champ. When's the last time he had a match for that?

Drew McIntyre- I know I'll probably get heat for this. But, he can wrestle, he does need a new finisher. But a champ who WHINES to get all his losses erased so he can get into MITB? To me its up there with Sheamus' title reign. I'm sorry, but I personally preferred JoMo's time in the light. :shrug:

Hornswoggle as Cruiserweight- Okay, I REALLY don't have to say much on this. Other than that was a big joke altogether. He made Chavo his bitch for like months on end. That itself is an insult to the Guerrero name. :suspic: One has to wonder if Chavo said or did something backstage to tick off the powers that be. It was sickening to watch.

Ezekiel Jackson ECW Champ- :banghead: Uhh...that was SO pointless to be champ for like 4 minutes at the end of a show that was being cancelled. Can they really call it a Championship reign? I think that ranks up there with Jillian's title reign for Divas belt. :blink: Plus given the fact that in storyline terms, he wouldn't have been in that position with Regal, and he really didn't have much going for him, I would've figured Regal better suited to be the one to take the belt if I was FORCED to choose someone to take the belt from my fave Capt. Charisma.
If you could stop a title reign for each championship that is currently active what would they be?

Divas Championship - Mickie James (July 2009)
I picked this title reign because I felt it was pointless at the time. Mickie did not need it and Maryse should have kept the title. One could argue that Jillian's reign was more pointless, but that was done more to reward her for all the work she's put in by making her a former champion (even if the reign lasted a few seconds). Mickie doesn't need any more title reigns to get over, and this one didn't last long enough to be relevant.

Womens Championship - Mickie James (January 2010)
Poor Mickie, she had a pointless title reign for both female titles. I understand that she likely went over to give the Piggie James angle a happy ending, but then she got injured and the title had to be given up again. To Michelle, who Mickie beat the title for in the first place.... ugh.... I hate when the titles are traded like that. Nothing against Mickie she is awesome, but she's had two equally pointless reigns with both female titles.

Unified Tag Team Championship - ShowMiz (February 2010)
I could have gone with some far more meaningless title reigns, but I decided to stick to just the timeframe when the tag belts were unified. ShowMiz would be the one I picked here because they are so far still just a worse version of JeriShow. It's cool to get to see The Miz on Smackdown sometimes but this team will never be half the team JeriShow was and it's the exact same team doing the exact same promos with Miz in Jericho's place.

United States Championship - Shelton Benjamin (July 2008)
Thought I'd do something different with the US title instead of picking on the shorter reigns. During this title reign Shelton barely did anything with it and it lasted a long time. Longer runs with a title are usually great but this one wasn't because he should have put it on the line far more than he did.

Intercontinental Championship - William Regal (November 2008)
Few title reigns made me as angry as this one did. I wanted to see the Honk-a-Meter angle last all the way until Santino beat the record, it would have been awesome. Then they end it, and for what? Regal's reign is my pick here because not only did it end what could have been a cool angle but he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with the title.

World Heavyweight Championship - Batista (October 2008)
This was a rather useless title reign. Batista defeated Jericho, held the title for 8 days, then lost it back to Jericho. I picked it because they could have just as easily let Jericho keep the title for those 8 days. All Batista did was lose it back in a rematch anyhow.

WWE Championship - Batista (June 2009)
This is the same situation as his 8 day world title reign only it's even worse. Batista defeats Randy Orton and then has to relinquish the title due to injury in a grand total of TWO DAYS. Who wins the newly vacated title? Randy Orton. Why didn't they just let Orton retain at Extreme Rules when he was going to win the title back? Poor Batista.... he had two equally horrible title reigns, one for each world title. This is my pick here because it's without a doubt one of the most pointless reigns in history.
Divas Championship – Jillian 1st reign. Only because it either should have lasted longer or never have taken place altogether. I say first, because this shouldn’t be her only.

Women’s Championship – Mickie James 3rd reign. There’s never a need for a reign shorter than a day. There’s never a reason to not televise a Title change. This match has both, no need and no reason.

WWE Tag Titles – Edge and Rey Mysterio 1st reign. This is another case of where the reign should have lasted longer. I’m starting to see a pattern here. Maybe they should get back together and be the Faces of Smackdown together once again.

World Tag Titles – There are two Title reigns that lasted for less than a day and eight that lasted for one day. I want all of these removed in exchange for the 3 I did mention and for the 4 I’m about to mention. I won’t even mention the 3 that lasted for two days each. I guess I just did.

United States Championship – If I include WCW history, I would say Austin’s 2nd. I would have simply had Austin vs. Duggan for the vacant belt. If I’m only going on WWE history, I’m going to have to say. Cena’s 2nd. Instead of Booker dropping it to Cena at No Mercy, I would have had him retain, only to lose it directly to Carlito in his debut in a Triple Threat involving Cena. Maybe even have Carlito debut at No Mercy and help Booker retain to “earn” a match on the next Smackdown.

Intercontinental Championship – Dean Douglas 1st reign. This was just uncalled for.

World Heavyweight Championship – Jeff Hardy 1st reign. I know why this happened and I know it was, to a certain extent necessary for many reasons, but I just don’t like it.

WWE Championship – Andre the Giant 1st reign. Yes it happened to Yokozuna, Randy Orton, Triple H, and John Cena (I won’t get into the 4 one day reigns). The difference between Andre and the other 4, the other four are in the Top 18 combined WWE Title reigns and Andre didn’t even get a second run. They even designed a Belt specifically for Andre the Giant and he didn’t even get to use it. Come on!!

One Title reign I would like to add on to History that never took place is the Rockers WWE World Tag Team Title run. Holding the Title for less than a day is better than not being one of the 113 Teams to make it to the top. Oh well!!

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