Quite a few come to mind...
First and most importantly...Michelle McCool...let's talk about the last time she ACTUALLY had a match to defend it?

I thought the terms were if its not defended in 30 days its vacated. I think its been at least 30 days and I've not seen her defend it. Shouldn't that account for something? Then this whole Laycool thing with Vickie on board, it was interesting at first, and then to know backstage she's banging Undertaker, you can't say that backstage politics possibly play 'some' pull?

I'm a little bored with this mean girls show. Please let Beth yank it from her.
The Miz. Granted, I can't stand the guy, but he is talented. And same terms as above, it seems like they forget one part of the angle with him being Unified tag champ AND US Champ. When's the last time he had a match for that?
Drew McIntyre- I know I'll probably get heat for this. But, he can wrestle, he does need a new finisher. But a champ who WHINES to get all his losses erased so he can get into MITB? To me its up there with Sheamus' title reign. I'm sorry, but I personally preferred JoMo's time in the light.
Hornswoggle as Cruiserweight- Okay, I REALLY don't have to say much on this. Other than that was a big joke altogether. He made Chavo his bitch for like months on end. That itself is an insult to the Guerrero name.

One has to wonder if Chavo said or did something backstage to tick off the powers that be. It was sickening to watch.
Ezekiel Jackson ECW Champ-

Uhh...that was SO pointless to be champ for like 4 minutes at the end of a show that was being cancelled. Can they really call it a Championship reign? I think that ranks up there with Jillian's title reign for Divas belt.

Plus given the fact that in storyline terms, he wouldn't have been in that position with Regal, and he really didn't have much going for him, I would've figured Regal better suited to be the one to take the belt if I was FORCED to choose someone to take the belt from my fave Capt. Charisma.