If you could pick your own WWE Champions, who would it be and why?

WWE Champion-Undertaker: yes i know that the Undertaker is a smackdown star and the wwe championship is a raw title but for god sakes let the Undertaker retire as WWE Champion its a perfect way for him to go out.

World Heavyweight Champion-Christian don't really have a reason but he need to be a World champion.

Intercontinental Champion-The Miz frist US Champion then IC Champion before he moves Up to were the big plays i just got one thing to say that well be wait for it wait for it...aaaaawsome.

United States Champion- Zack Ryder or MVP no reson really

WWE Tag Team Championship- I just don't really know so i just what undyinglylty said Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio
WWE Champion - Randy Orton
He's on fire right now. Let him hold the title until WM where he can match up against Cena.

US Champion - Daniel Bryan
This is the right choice for US Champion. He deserves the title after having to leave the company for a storyline that never really worked. Morrison, R-Truth and DiBiase deserve looks though.

World Heavyweight Champion - CM Punk
He's been out for a while, but he's stayed in there instead of leaving. Huge heat on this guy. Great worker. He'll be a good champion very soon.

Intercontinental Champion - Cody Rhodes
His gimmick is lame, but it's actually working for him. He's over as a heel and is a pretty good worker. The Dibiase marks must be feeling bad for getting on the wrong bandwagon.

Tag Team Champions - Slater and Gabriel
I think this might be a viable tag team at some point.

Woman's Champion - <insert diva>
Does anyone really care? Does this title actually carry any prestige? Might as well give it back to Santina. Instant fastforward on the dvr.
ok this should be easy

WWE Champion-Either The Miz or Randy Orton WITH Miz winning it soon

US Champion-WWE has this right, Daniel Bryan should be US champion and he should have some great feuds with Nexus and Dibiase

Women's/Diva's Champion-should be Melina, cant stand Laycool, they are dull and their characters are annoying in a bad way.

World Champion-- Either CM Punk because he's the best heel on Smackdown or Cody Rhodes because he's getting close to being a great heel too

IC Champion--i like Ziggler as the IC Champ for now, hopefully he feuds with Kaval and faces him at HIAC.

Tag Team Champions--HATE the current champs, Cody Rhodes should NOT be a tag team champion, he should be a singles champion. As for who i think the Tag Champs should be either the Harts (with more mic work and ring time) or Nexus members or Ted Dibiase and Michael McGuillicutty (with a new last name of Hennig).
WWE Champion- The Miz because he is the future of the WWE and should cash The MITB briefcase on Randy Orton next month starting a very good feud IMO with Orton....
World Champion- Kofi Kingston- I mean im Black, and im a wrestling fan and I think its about time WWE gives a Black man a world championship again, he could feud with Drew, Christian,Kane, and a great impressive feud with CM Punk(who both held tag titles together at one point)

United States Champion- I like WWE has put it on Daniel Bryan But again Im gonna go with someone IMO deserves it more which is R-Truth... He has the crowd behind him, he is very over, Great Wrestling skills, and can feud with Riley, any Nexus member minus Barrett,DB, and a great feud that can turn this man heel John Morrison.....

Intercontential Champion-Alberto Del Rio- He is a great heel, great wrestling skills, he is IMO the perfect example what a I.C champ is supposed to look like, cocky(Honky Tonk Man), Charisma(Rick Rude), Mic Skills(Chris Jericho), Mat Technician/aerial(Bret Hart/Rey Mysterio), and Interaction with the crowd to gain heat...... He can feud with Christian, Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio of course, and a great feud IMO MVP.......

Unified Divas champion- Natalya- She is the best wrestler they have as far as woman go, her and Michelle McCool(LayCool) could have one hell of a feud for the belt and whe she wins it she can defend it against Gail Kim, Melina, Beth Phenoix, and Alicia Fox and maybe will get her dream match up against Trish Stratus which can go down as the greatest Womans match in WWE history...

Undisputed Tag Team Titles- Hart Dynasty- The only legit team in the WWE period, I still cant believe they let The Usos beat them last night, but anyway they are the only team I see that should and deserve the titles until the tag division regroups..... No feuds as of now will make the division good until the get more legit tag teams which i see WWE is working on....
WWE Champion: Triple H. He needs to return and have a feud with Randy Orton for the title and they need to give him the title.

World Heavyweight Champion: The Undertaker. He returned to the WWE and definitely deserves the championship.

Intercontinental Champion: Christian. He could definitely beat Dolph Ziggler at any moment for the championship. He hasn't gotten any sort of title shot since moving from ECW.

United States Champion: Evan Bourne. He's been in the WWE for quite awhile now and hasn't gotten any title! He's a great wrestler and needs a title so why not the United States Championship?

Unified Tag Team Championships: Rey Mysterio & Randy Orton. They'd be the PERFECT team. But the only thing that would need to change would Rey moving to RAW or Randy moving to Smackdown. I personally want Rey moving back to RAW :)

Unified Divas Championships: Melina. She is the best Diva in the WWE today. I'm so sick of Michelle and Layla. If they wanna be a team, make a Diva's Tag Team Championship. Melina should win the Championships and feud with Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, Natalya or Maryse. I don't really even get the point of giving Melina the Diva's title when she came back if they were just gonna give it off to Michelle.

And, I've heard rumors that the WWE want's to combine RAW and Smackdown. And after they do that, they want to unify the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship. So if that happened, give the titles to Triple H. He's definitely the best in the WWE today. John Cena WAS good but you just kinda get sick of him. And The Undertaker is right up there with Triple H but he's always gone for long periods of time which make it hard for him to defend any titles.
wwe champion-sheamus. he should have been champion until hell in a cell then they could bring in hhh and have them finish their fued they had going at wrestlemania and extreme rules

world heavyweight champion- cm punk. the guy is the biggest heel on smackdown and probably the best on promos to me. he deserves to win some more major titles without having to cash in money in the bank

u.s champion-daniel bryan. good move to bring him up to upper-mid card. hopefully will add some prestige to the titile

i.c champion-cody rhodes. same with daniel brian. he deserves a good push and thats the way to do it.

wwe tag team champions-john cena and randy orton. go ahead bite my head off but the 2 biggest names probably draw the most money. put the tag titles on them and give more prestige to the titles. at least you know they will be on every week and that will give wwe to let them go wrestle on smackdown too

unified womens/divas champion- michelle McCool. 1st divas champion and 1st diva to hold both divas belt. good job wwe hopefully they get a great new wwe womens title
WWE Title: Randy Orton - Orton been due for this Reign he's the top Face in the company and on a huge roll, unfortunately his face will be hitting the red suitcase flat. When The Miz cashing in the MITB and becomes champion.

IC Championship: Dashing Cody Rhodes - The new gimmick is working, lets run with it, and see what he develops into too.. and For God SAKE MAKE HIM WEAR KNEE PADS!

World Heavyweight Championship: As Much as I am enjoying Kane's well deserved Title reign, his feud with Taker seems more personal then the belt. Now this is gonna come out of left field but I would like to see a Heel Turned.. MVP as world Championship, as a heel MVP had tons of heat. Let him drop that balling superstar crap because us black people dont even say that or act like that and he looks corny ala JTG.. smh, But have him just go back to the cocky VIP lounging more money then you heel MVP, and feud with Christian.

US title: I want to say Daniel Bryan but Im still waiting on the "hype" to present himself so maybe this reign I get to see what the hype is about ::Michael Cole voice:: lol

Tag Titles: Hart Dynasty are doomed without them.. But I would like to see Chris Masters and Skip Sheffield to form a team.. maybe be a bad idea but Its a thought.

Unified womans: - Who cares... lol but I wouldnt mind seeing Kelly Kelly get her chance. Or Gail "botch" Kim
WWE Championship - Wade Barrett. The Nexus angle has died down a lot and I think Barrett winning would've given more credibility to Nexus and help reignite what was one of the best storylines for a long time.

World Heavyweight Championship - CM Punk. I'm a big fan of Punk and think that he deserves another reign. I think he'd bring so much more to the table this time around. The SES is fading and I think he needs a new gimmick, or just go back to how he was before the SES. I think he's the best on SD! at the moment.

US Title - Bryan Danielson. He deserves it so much more than anyone else right now and I hope he holds the belt for a long time. :)

Intercontinental - Torn between Ziggler and McIntyre. I think both need to be built up, and ideally I'd like to see these two feud for the IC Title for some time.


Couldn't care less about Diva's and Tag. McCool and the Harts I guess.
WWE Title needs to go to The Miz. Randy Orton is being pushed down our throats and yet people STILL complain about Cena. Idiotic. But either way, after every title match or promo/segment involving the champ, everyone just waits for him anyways. Was it just me or did even the announcers stall like they were expecting him to come out.

World Heavyweight Title needs to go to Christian. Period. Kane is absolutely great for the main event but Taker shouldnt have it yet again, unless he is genuinely close to his career end. I hate how it looks as if Kane is going to let Taker go over. But I can't argue either of the BOD are good champions. Either way it goes, if Christian could get a win over the champ at the end of their feud than his career would soar.

IC Title needs to be on Dolph for now. But if he doesnt develop a character outside of Vickie(as in, talk) than once he loses the title he'l also get lost in the shuffle.

US Title should be on Bryan. Can't wait to see what he brings to it. The division is instantly better.

WWE Tag Straps. I love how Rhodes and McIntyre won the belts. Obviously this division instantly got slightly better, but if the challenging tag teams are going to be as lame as they were last night than it's going to be the same old shit. I would love it if main eventers that aren't doing shit(Edge, Cena, CM Punk, Show, etc) would also move down to do more tag wrestling(I know Show and Edge have already done so much for the division but WTF else are they supposed to do, lmao.

Unified Womens Gold needs to be on Maryse. The most talented Diva aside from McCool, Melina and Gail Kim, and as much as I'd like to see it on Gail Kim again I think if Maryse held it for a while and feuded with McCool and Layla than it'd establish her apparent face turn.
WWE Championship : Ted DiBiase Jr. - I know not many people say this, but come on, he in my mind needs the belt more than anyone else, One moment he goes from being a huge dominating force in Legacy, to a jobber who has the gimmick of a World Champion, something by the way his dad never accomplished, so imagine Ted winning the World Title that would skyrocket him way above his dad, and his dad is a half of famer, than you can have Ted do promos about how his dad was nothing compared to him, and he could try to establish himself, like Swagger and Sheamus did tried doing with the belt.

World Heavyweight Championship : Yeah this is probably never going to happen, but Christian should get at least 1 title run in his career, not because he "deserves" it, because we all know that's not how WWE works, but I can think of a million possible feuds he can do to give a title run credibility, he can have feuds with McIntyre, Del Rio, Rhodes, Swagger, maybe even Edge comes over to fight for his belt, having a Kane-Undertaker type of feud. This guy with the belt can automatically skyrocket 4 young superstars careers who I have named above, and WWE has to start planning for the future, we have seen a lot of retirements or future ones on the horizon lately.

United States Championship : Evan Bourne needs this maybe even more than Daniel Bryan right now, the guy went from a 2008 ECW Championship match which he lost, he has had numerous US title shots but never won, he went from jobber to main event for 2 weeks and now back to jobber, WWE have to make up their mind with this talent, and need to put the belt on him, he can have a couple feuds that can help him, even maybe giving him the belt for a month would just help his career, but I think with his gimmick, If you take *Jobber* away from him, he can have a long reign just because of the heart he portrays.

Intercontinental Championship : CM Punk, the guy is getting his *jobber* role on way too much now, and with a 2nd time with this belt, CM Punk could get his role re-established, build him back up to the main event, giving him the belt presents opportunity to Kaval to grab it off him, and give him a type of presence in the Industry since Bryan already has the US belt. This also gives Kingston and MVP extra feuds to participate in over the belt, nothing better than seeing multiple guys feud over a belt than just 1 guy vs the champ.

Tag Team Championship : The Usos, like most say we need credible tag teams and in the WWE we have few real teams, Hart Dynasty, Usos, Dudebusters.. who are jobbers on SD! but we only have three real teams, we need more teams and maybe an angle like how Rated RKO got started, agreements to team and dominate. If you want to get the belt more recognition, you need at least 2-3 more credible teams, but the Usos right now would benefit the belt the most, to see if they can run with it.

Bathroom Break Championship : Also known as the Unified Diva's Championship I believe? Anyways, I think Natalya needs it, I don't know If It's because she's a Hart or not? but she hasn't done nothing yet, and needs the belt more than anyone, I mean come on, they gave Jillian, Eve Torres!?!?!, so many people the belt before she gets an opportunity to win it, and she is definitely the best diva in the WWE right now hands down, she can work a match better than any diva, and I think she is better on the stick (don't mean that in a you know what way) (MIC) more than any Diva in the business, so give her a run with the belt, and she will not let anyone down, I'm positive
WWE Champion - Chris Jericho. Sorry, but I would like to see Jericho wear the gold again. He has busted his ass for the business and could carry a lengthy title run.

World Champion - Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio has been on fire since his debut. I do not subscribe to the notion that he is just a JBL clone. Del Rio simply has it and would make a great champion as his presence alone has taken Smackdown up 3 notches. I feel that it's only a matter of time.

Intercontinental Champion - Kaval. Sooner or later, this guy is going to "snap" and win some gold. He is a great athlete.

US Championshi - Currently happy with Daniel Bryan

Tag Team Champions - Give it to the friggin' Uso's

Diva's Champion - Give it to Melina..I couldn't care less. Bring back Chyna!

Oh and while you're at it, bring back the Hardcore Championship.
WWE Championship : Ted DiBiase Jr. - I know not many people say this, but come on, he in my mind needs the belt more than anyone else, One moment he goes from being a huge dominating force in Legacy, to a jobber who has the gimmick of a World Champion, something by the way his dad never accomplished, so imagine Ted winning the World Title that would skyrocket him way above his dad, and his dad is a half of famer, than you can have Ted do promos about how his dad was nothing compared to him, and he could try to establish himself, like Swagger and Sheamus did tried doing with the belt.

World Heavyweight Championship : Yeah this is probably never going to happen, but Christian should get at least 1 title run in his career, not because he "deserves" it, because we all know that's not how WWE works, but I can think of a million possible feuds he can do to give a title run credibility, he can have feuds with McIntyre, Del Rio, Rhodes, Swagger, maybe even Edge comes over to fight for his belt, having a Kane-Undertaker type of feud. This guy with the belt can automatically skyrocket 4 young superstars careers who I have named above, and WWE has to start planning for the future, we have seen a lot of retirements or future ones on the horizon lately.

United States Championship : Evan Bourne needs this maybe even more than Daniel Bryan right now, the guy went from a 2008 ECW Championship match which he lost, he has had numerous US title shots but never won, he went from jobber to main event for 2 weeks and now back to jobber, WWE have to make up their mind with this talent, and need to put the belt on him, he can have a couple feuds that can help him, even maybe giving him the belt for a month would just help his career, but I think with his gimmick, If you take *Jobber* away from him, he can have a long reign just because of the heart he portrays.

Intercontinental Championship : CM Punk, the guy is getting his *jobber* role on way too much now, and with a 2nd time with this belt, CM Punk could get his role re-established, build him back up to the main event, giving him the belt presents opportunity to Kaval to grab it off him, and give him a type of presence in the Industry since Bryan already has the US belt. This also gives Kingston and MVP extra feuds to participate in over the belt, nothing better than seeing multiple guys feud over a belt than just 1 guy vs the champ.

Tag Team Championship : The Usos, like most say we need credible tag teams and in the WWE we have few real teams, Hart Dynasty, Usos, Dudebusters.. who are jobbers on SD! but we only have three real teams, we need more teams and maybe an angle like how Rated RKO got started, agreements to team and dominate. If you want to get the belt more recognition, you need at least 2-3 more credible teams, but the Usos right now would benefit the belt the most, to see if they can run with it.

Bathroom Break Championship : Also known as the Unified Diva's Championship I believe? Anyways, I think Natalya needs it, I don't know If It's because she's a Hart or not? but she hasn't done nothing yet, and needs the belt more than anyone, I mean come on, they gave Jillian, Eve Torres!?!?!, so many people the belt before she gets an opportunity to win it, and she is definitely the best diva in the WWE right now hands down, she can work a match better than any diva, and I think she is better on the stick (don't mean that in a you know what way) (MIC) more than any Diva in the business, so give her a run with the belt, and she will not let anyone down, I'm positive

Great post, but DiBiase, why?? He hasn't even been in a high profile feud yet, nor has he really captivated the WWE audience. I'm sure Ted has potential, but nothing has come to fruition yet. If anything, Cody has done far better in terms of asserting himself and making a name for himself.
WWE Championship
Edge- I don't care if everyone says he's stale. Every single fued (EVER) he's been in is always a rememberable one. He can fues with Orton again, Sheamus, or even bringing up the old Edge/Cena fued would be great. If I had my choice, id like him to hold it for at least six months.
World Championship
Kaval-I know he's a rookie, and we all hate underdog storie (thanks to mysterio) but this guys got the talent and look to lead an entire brand in the WWE. He could win it by rolling up chris jericho, or kane or something. A massive upset. Have him hold the title for at least two or three months to establish this kid. He could fued with anyone and have a great one.
Tag Titles
Hmmmm, I think id go with dudebusters. There isn't much to choose from but these guys are the best right now. Have them rip off gen me a bit. They are athletic enough to do so. Have them hold the belts until some new tag team arrives that are worth holding the belts.
Daniel Bryan seems to be a good champ. He could bring back some major pristige to the united states title.
Intercontinental Championship
Christain- he would've beem my pick for world champion but I felt kaval needs to get over. Christain could do wonders for the ic title. Kofi, swagger, macintyre all make great fueds with him. Christian will face kaval for the world championship and ic titles with Christain eventually coming on top.
Mccool are the best thing to happen to the divas division in years. Keep it on them. DO NOT FUCKING BREAK THEM UP!!! They work well together. Keep them both as co-holders of the title. Any diva against lay cool fued will be worth watching.
WWE Chmpion: Sheamus, I think this guy made the perfect heel champ. He should of retained the championship at NOC but WWE though they would make him lose it.

US Champion: Daniel Bryan, WWE hit the ball by making him US Champ. He's great in the ring and okay on the mic, I'm sure he will have great matches with some other mid-carders.

World Champion: Big Show, he's the face of SD and is doing geat at the moment. He hasn't been champ fo a while now which is a shame because he's a good champ.

Intercontinental Champion: Kaval, top talent with a great future ahead of him and to kick it off just give him the IC Title. He can have some great matches with guys like Kingson, Ziggler, Del Rio etc.

World Tag Team Champs: Hawkins and Archer, I really like these two and I believe they are good enough to be Tag Team Champs. I think they're probably the best tag team in WWE.

Diva's Champ: Melina, simply the best diva in the wrestling company and will add prestige to the Divas Title.
WWE CHAMPION - The Miz. Hands down he is ready for the title. He is one of the best heels right now in the WWE. I have been a fan of The Miz since he started on Tough Enough.

WHC - Wade Barrett. You're either going to give Miz or Barrett the title, so why not give them both the title. Once Barrett and Nexus disband get him over to Smackdown and put him in a feud with whoever is holding the title. Its gotta be a face, heel vs heel usually never works. Maybe turn Edge face since there are no REAL faces on Smackdown that could hold it.

U.S. TITLE - Daniel Bryan. I agree with WWE putting the title on him. That, along with the Intercontinental title has always been used as a stepping stone and its exactally what he needs. He is somewhat over with the crowd and its only going to push him more.

INTERCONTINENTAL - Luke Gallows. The title needs to be put on a rising heel, then have a face like Kaval take it off him. Again, this title has always been used to push someone and no one on Smackdown really needs it that is a heel.

*NOTE* Either of these titles can be used with light weights like Evan Bourne, Justin Gabriel, Chavo, Kolfi Kingston, etc.

TAG TITLES - Hart Dynasty. There are no credible tag teams in WWE. I would even go so far as to place them also in singles matches, give one of them double titles. WWE needs to build a better tag division so use these belts sparingly and put DH and Kidd in singles bouts too.

WOMENS TITLE - Natalya. She is already a member of the Hart Dynasty and with them having titles, give her one too instead of making her arm candy for them. Plus a triple threat match against Beth Phoenix and Tamina.

*ADDITIONAL NOTE* Ill go as far as saying...

RAW MITB - John Morrison. The push he is getting and the rub he got off of Jericho (almost a sort of passing the torch) has made him get over with fans. Give him this and continue the push. Plus with Miz having the WWE TITLE, it would make for a great feud.

SMACKDOWN MITB - MVP. He is ready for it. Plus if Barrett has the title it'd make for a great feud having MVP as an NXT pro while Barrett was on it.
World Heavyweight Championship: Christians hand down because he has proven that he is sorry for going to TNA and that he wants to make it up and he did with his matches with Edge, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, etc. and he is very popular with the crowd on SmackDown!.

WWE Championship: Chris Jericho or John Morrison because they are the 2 best superstars on Raw today and as Chris Jericho would say, "He is the best at what he does".

Intercontinental Championship: I have 3 superstars that could be good intercontinental champions. Cody Rhodes, JTG, and M.V.P are the 3 most best young talent on the SmackDown! roster besides Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger and this title could elevate any 3 of these superstars.

United States Championship: A couple superstars come to mind for this one, for example, Evan Bourne, Goldust, Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, and Zack Ryder. All of these superstars are young, except for Goldust, and need a title to evaluate themselves to the big story lines.

Tag Team Championships: (Raw is War) - Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel because those 2 besides Wade Barret are the best superstars in the NXT fraction and they will really be something to watch in a few years.

(SmackDown!) - Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler because those 2 would be the most powerful tag team in SmackDown! history hands down. And with the ever so beautiful Vickie Guerrero in their corner, they would be unstoppable.

Unified Diva's Championship: Alicia Fox or Eve Torres would be really good because both have gotten better at wrestling and I think both could be like the next Trish Stratus or Lita.
Interesting thread DD, let&#8217;s see what I can think of.

Divas Championship
I would have Natalya hold the belt. I think she is a phenomenal women&#8217;s wrestler who has the potential to put on great matches. She seems to work well with any of the divas so she could really build the division to become credible with title defences against Beth, Gail Kim or Melina. She could still manage the Hart Dynasty but having a title would help make her much more relevant. She&#8217;s a wasted talent right now.

US Championship
I&#8217;m with you Dagger, Bryan is the perfect man for this title right now. He should be a fighting champion who will defend against anyone. He&#8217;s got this whole &#8216;anti-superstar&#8217; gimmick going which is working beautifully and to have the &#8216;anti-superstar&#8217; going over established talent for a few months would do wonders for his career and the US title. The belt will also help him become relevant and a viable World Championship contender.

IC Championship
I would put the belt on Christian and allow him to run with it for a few months before pulling the trigger on him to move towards the World Championship scene. I think having him turn heel while winning it would help make his character become that World Champion we know he can be. I think if Christian is ever going to hold a World title he needs to turn heel and beating a face champion for the IC belt and having the feud slowly turn him would help him accomplish this.

Tag Team Championships
I think that the Hart Dynasty or the Uso&#8217;s should be holding the titles. Either is fine but I would want both teams to be involved in an actual feud that is allowed to continue for at least 5-6 months. Have a huge feud between the 2 teams to bring integrity back to the titles. After that you could start bringing in other teams to face the champions, when the titles are relevant you can then make the lesser known teams relevant.

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk should have another lengthy run with the title where he is a winning champion. Punk needs a really credible run with the title where he wins at least 2 or 3 feuds before dropping it. His first run was a wasted opportunity by feuding with Batista. His second run was great by being evenly matched against Jeff Hardy and then his third run wasn&#8217;t too good by having to drop the belt to Taker. If he were to defend the title against guys like Mysterio, Swagger or Kane he could have a much better consistent run with the belt.

WWE Championship
This one is a tough choice but I would have Orton carrying the title. He&#8217;s too over right now to not have a good run with it. I would, however, put over Sheamus at the end of their feud by allowing Sheamus to win the title back cleanly for once. Having Sheamus go over Orton cleanly would further cement him as a main event talent. Every win/defence he has had has been a result of a dirty finish. Orton should hold the belt past HIAC and continue to feud with Sheamus until around Bragging Rights or Survivor Series where he can drop the title to Sheamus cleanly.
WWE Championship: The Miz - I am ready to see if he can hold his own as one of the very top guys of the company. Is he a "go to" guy? We could soon find out if he cashes that briefcase in, successfully. I think he is much more ready than anyone else you could call "up and coming".

World Heavyweight Championship: Christian - I want him to win the World Title so bad. I fully think he deserves it. He should get his chance. He has earned it and he is an all time favorite of mine.

United States Championship: Daniel Bryan - I think they have the title on the right guy in this case. He will be a great champion, and I think he will be a name 10 years from now, people mention when naming great wrestlers to hold that belt.

Intercontinental Championship: Cody Rhodes - I think this would do wonders for not only Rhodes, but also the IC Title itself. Rhodes is on a roll and I am glad he has a title at the moment. Though Drew McIntyre as his partner is weird. I believe he could bring a true interest back in the IC Title scene.

Tag Team Championships:

Unified Divas Championship:

For me these 2 connect. I think creative should do a major push/Heel turn with The Hart Dynasty. They should pull some sort of maneuver on Bret, to turn, and go from there. They should regain the Tag Titles, they never should have lost in the first place. Then, Natalya should be The Divas Champion. With Divas like Eve Torres and Alicia Fox holding it, I can't understand why they haven't given Natalya a reign or even a couple by now....

They should make The Harts a top presence in WWE. With their family ties and what not, they would be a top presence in world of professional wrestling!!
WWE: Jericho by the far the best on the mic and in ring performers sure jericho has held the WHC a few times but he has only held the WWE once, and every time he has a reign it dose not last long and i truly believe he deserves it. The runners up for it though would be john morrison (if he was heel), Edge,or for once let sheamus not have a paper champ reign.

WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: This one is a bit hard for me there are a few people id choose but at the top of my choices goes to C.M. punk , he is amazing in the ring, has his mic skill down, and has a faction that draws attention and lately has done nothing having him hold the belt for a decent reign for once would be great and get him main eventing wrestlemania they could definetly get someone to feud with him like Kofi or christian. My runner ups for this is definetly christian hes popular and good in the ring, Kofi and i actually do like kane as champ.

I.C. TITLE: Give cody rhodes the title theres no reason to give the man a push and a character change and then turn him to tag team gold, he needs that belt and help bring its prestige back. Runners up for the belt :christian cuz they aint giving him anything, and del rio.

US TITLE: daniel bryan is perfect , hes great technical wrestler like benoit was, and and great submission wrestler and if he defends alot he should bring that belt back up.

TAG TITLE: Nexus , specifically , justin gaberial,and tarver both getting good on the mic and other than barret the only good ones, and it would help with the nexus angle and would makes alot of sense for feuds.

WOMENS title: i honestly could care less cuz it means nothing now, but gail kim she is the best woman wrestler next to beth pheonix
WWE Title - The Miz, but id have him cash in MITB on Sheamus and turn him face..the fans are almost begging for it to happen. He got a huge pop the night after MITB.

World Title - CM Punk, quite easily one the best promo guys around gets great heat and can feud with many stars on any brand.

US Title - Daniel Bryan, I think its great its obvious the fans love him and pulled to get him back went he was "released". He a good ring worker as well and i find it funny they give him Chris Beniot's famous crossface as i see alot alike in there styles. Also id have him feud with Wade Barret its an easy feud and he could be the thorn in Nexus side

IC Title - Ted Dibiase or Cody Rhodes, either one i just want to see these guys feud over the IC title would be great for the title.

Tag Team - Nexus, they've destoryed anything and everything they have seen and i'd have there rain just like the Spirit Squad where anyone can hold the titles

Divas - Maryse, remember when Steph was womens champ and HHH was WWE champ they were the power couple...will V.2 Ted as IC champ and Maryse as Divas.
WWE Champion Randy Orton. Props to WWE for putting the gold on the man who deserved it most at NOC. He has been just unstoppable lately. He has gotten way over as a face, more so than anyoune thought he could given his great heel work and his lasst face run. Orton has taken his face turn by the horns and ran with it. Great job Randy! :thumbsup:

World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk. He has been a great heel, working so well in the ring and on the mic. I feel that WWE has let the SES become a complete failure and I m getting sick of seeing Punk scream at Gallows and Mercury all the time. They should have given the WHC back to CM Punk a long time ago. In fact I think he should have won at Fatal 4 Way.

US Champion Daniel Bryan. He is a veteran of the "minor leagues" of wrestling. Danielson is so well known outside the WWE because he may very well be the best technical wrestler in the world. And for that the US title is the perfect belt for him.

Intercontinental Champion Undertaker. No just kidding! :lmao: Seriously, Dashing Cody Rhodes. Yes they gave him the wrong title. Drew is a singles wrestler and Cody has established himself as such since Legacy. He has a great thing going with his "dashing" gimmick and is a way better wrestler and mic worker than Dolph Ziggler.

Tag Team Champions Nexus. Slater and Gabriel speciffically. I have always felt they would make a great tag team for their quickness. And if Skip Sheffeild wasnt injured, I would go with him and Tarver for their size and power. The Nexus needed some gold to made them selves look good, but now their run will tragically end at HIAC when SuperCena overcomes the odds for the 200 trillionth time. :disappointed:

Unified Diva's Champion Natalya. She should have been the first divas champion instead of Michelle. She is easily the best wrestler of all the divas. And enough with this god-awful freakin Laycool shit already. They have done enough damage to the women's division already. And by the way, I doubt you will hear WWE use Natalya's last name on TV any time soon given her father's recent drug arrest. :offtopic:
Here are my champions along with whole I think they should fued with.

WWE Champion - The Miz
After his program with Daniel Bryan is over I would love to see him get the stap and fued with Randy Orton. The Man is money on the mic. I can't say he has had any great matches that stick out to me, but I think a nice fued with Randy Orton would help establish him as a Main Eventer.
# 1 Contender - Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Champion - The Big Show
I have loved The Big Show since his WCW days. I really don't understand why giants don't get long lengthy title reigns. They are suppose to be so dominant, but can anyone remember a title reign of The Big Show? I say put the title on him and have him destroy just about everyone in his path.
# 1 Contender - CM Punk

Intercontinental Champion - Dolph Ziggler
I love having heels hold the tiles. I look forward to SmackDown's move to SyFy. For the first time in a long time I will be able to watch. Having him pair with Vicky Guerrero is great too!
#1 Contender - Cody Rhodes

United States Champion - Daniel Bryan
I think he could bring back some credibility to the title. I think he could put on some good matches with just about anyone in the company.
#1 Contender - Ted Dibiase

Diva's Champion - LayCool
I am looking forward to seeing these two on both brands. There isn't a whole lot of competition in the WWE at the moment. Melina makes for a better challenger than champion. Beth Phoenix is MIA. If only Kelly Kelly could wrestle/had personality. Think they should split and fued, would be highly entertaining.
#1 Contender - LayCool

Tag Team Champion - Edge and Christian
While a reunion doesn't seem likely I think it could be a nice uplift to the tag team division. Edge is lost in space on Raw and think he could be traded or just leave to go to SmackDown, especially with the move to SyFy. Let these two cruise both shows, I think people forget how great these two are together.
#1 Contender - The Hart Dynasty
WWE champion - Randy Orton
this is where i think the belt needs to be only because the Miz needs to cash in on a red hot face andi think its going to happen soon.

WHC - CM Punk
this guy is golden, both on the mic and in the ring, so he needs the belt to go with it

he always seems to be on the verge of something but then falls back. with his recent push id say give him the belt and lets see if he really is the next hbk.

IC - Alberto Del Rio
i like this guy and having gold around his waist would fit into his gimmick perfectly.

Tag Team - Archer & Hawkins
i see something in this team but the WWE dont let them get it out. they remind me of hbk and diesel (not that im comparing hawkins to HBK talent wise) and i really think archer could go somewhere on his own.

Divas - Michelle
only real fit at this time and a likely fued with layla is in the pipeline.
wwe champion: Randy Orton, the man has worked his arse off for ages, he is way over. yeah he has had title runs before but he has the whole viper gimmick working realy well at the moment!!

US title: i agree with the 'E' here, Daniel Bryan is a good choice, although i ould like to see him defend it when ever some one challanges for it, even if it is a one off thing with no fued just just a random call out!

World heavyweight Championship: (my fav title of them all) I like kane on the title he deserve is although i would really like to see a dominant heel version of Chris masters with the title, weird i know but yeah i think it would be different!

IC title: lets make a heel MVP again and give him a run! i loved his run as us champ and his fued with hardy was excellent! i would love to see MVP a champ again!

Tag Title: Hmm tough one, id really like to see otunga and tarver as champs for nexus, make the group look strong then use the tag team to help get barret a world title!!

womens title: Mc Cool is the best idea she is a great wrestler and deservers the honour! although id be happy with beth or natalya!!
wwe championship
I think it should be the miz. every week he is improving and getting better on the mic. lets face it, he has money in the bank he's bound to win it.

world heavyweight
jack swagger because he was a good champion. just bring back the old gimmick.

us title
definitely daniel bryan he deserves it

ic title
Kaval because he needs to get a title

wwe tag titles
Hart dynasty

unified divas title
michelle mccool because i think she is the best diva on the roster

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