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Raw Champions Discussion Thread

HHH Is A Pretty Good Champion Though I Think Orton Was A Better One. I Hope HBK Will Win The Title Soon. He Has Done So Much For The WWE And He Hasn't Held a world Title Since Like 2001. Also With Rumers That Undertaker Might Go To Raw In The Draft I Would Love To See A Taker vs HHH Match.

Taker Vs Triple H would be a good match I think, as well as HBK Vs Taker.

With Triple H, the problem is I think he is enough storylines that he is about to go into without including the Undertaker. The two would have a good match yes, but Undertaker is Smackdown, and I can't see him with any other titles other than on Smackdown.

Shawn and Undertaker is a feud I am really excited about. If it actually went ahead I would love this, maybe a long running feud with the conclusion at Wrestlemania, with it being in Texas. Long running feuds haven't been WWE's speciality lately, but who better to bring it back than 2 of their longest running superstars?
It would be an amazing match, except I don't think they should give the title to Shawn. Also I don't think undertaker should ever lose at Wrestlemania. That said, A champion going into Wrestlemania, and winning is not that much fun. Maybe set it up so that Orton comes back, beats Triple H at SS, Have Trips go for a rematch, lose, and set up Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble. Have Triple H then screw Orton out of the shot, but have the title held up. Undertaker could once again win the Rumble, and get the title shot. Now you have Shawn going for the title, Taker with the shot at Wrestlemania, and Orton mad at Triple H. Orton could face Triple H at Wrestlemania, and Shawn and Undertaker could fight at Wrestlemania for the title which no one has held for 3 months. A new title belt could even be presented, as neither Michaels or Undertaker with the former spinner belt is fitting.
I like Cena, but he needs to get into some other kind've fued. Heck, even that thing he had going on with Mickie James worked.
Triple H is awesome as champ, and I wanna see him take on Kennedy, or even a wm 21 rematch between him and batista.
Kennedy needs a shot and a win for either the IC title of the WWE title.
HBK: I'm liking his fued with Y2J and I hope these two get into a fued for the IC title.
As for the women's championship, I love Mickie as Champ but I think we need Melina to come back as Champ to give us a break from James and Phoenix.
As for the tag titles, who cares? Holly and Rhodes are boring champs. Miz and Morrison are awesome though as wwe tag champs. Unfortunaitly though, it seems that tag title drama and interest is starting to wane.
So the RAW championship has gone to Smackdown for now, and the ECW championship has come to RAW. Jericho promised to defend the Intercontinental title more often and since then has defended it not once! The tag titles look to be going to Ted Dibiase JR and a tag partner of his choice. If Batista beats Edge then the Smackdown title will be on RAW.... thats pretty much how the Championship situation for the mens titles are on RAW atm.

After Night Of Champions it wouldn't suprise me to see all of the top titles on RAW then a unification feud between Batista, Cena, Kane and CM PUNK who has the MITB suitcase, that match would be epic at Sumerslam or Great American Bash, whichever is next...

Whoever wins that should go on to feud with Randy Orton when he returns who for me pretty much stole the show on the draft RAW until the whole vince mcmahon incident. Cm Punk vs Randy Orton, Batista vs Orton and even Kane vs Orton all have potential to be epic if done right. I think Cena Vs Orton will be left well alone for the time being.
WWE needs to get a little extreme with those tag titles and all matches in general over on ECW. I remember when I went to ECW at the hammerstein in NYC, it was amazing all extreme rules, it was great except for the Heyman enforcers. Raw on the other hand needs to utilize the youth, like Kofi and CM Punk, hell start them out with fueds with HBK and Y2J then bump them to the real main event status or ride that very fued into main event matches. They really need to revamp TLC matches and ladder matches for tag team championships. Make it interesting I mean we can still see the Hardys because of the "smackdown-ecw talent exchange". Fued them in extreme tag championship matches with Miz and Morrison. All in all though this new keep your title thing in the draft will be pretty interesting to see how WWE and the writers shake things up, they have so many options here.
yea i was actually thinking the same thing with the undisputed belt, and have it defended on both shows, but they're trying to make smackdown look independent or something and having a undisputed title, means that ul still be having smackdown stars on raw and raw stars on smackdown but i duno

Okay, with the recent news of an apparent Batista heel turn...I have a prediction of how this may go down. He will lose tonight to Edge in a frustrating manner and then later during the HHH/Cena match, he turns on Triple H to assist Cena in bringing that title to Raw and ensure himself of still having a shot at becoming a world champion now that the World Heavyweight Title is stuck on Smackdown. I had a vivd vision...so we'll see if I'm right.
I agree on punk not being the best person to win the title but it will most likely be a short run until summerslam at best. Even though im not a huge punk fan I like the surprises wwe has thrown out lately. This is the first time in awhile that there has been alot of unpredictability in my opinion. Young stars are finally getting thrown in the mix such as koffi, punk and cade. SD is finally something to look forward to watching. The draft actually had meaningful swaps and tons of new fueds were created. The main event at night of champions was great whether you like cena and trips or hate em. Say what you want but they are the top two guys in the company whether u want them to be or not and that was a great match. I'm really impressed with the way wwe rebounded after the ratings were plummeting about a month ago. The million dollar mania wasn't a great idea in my opinion but the new storylines, draft picks and surprises have really sparked my interest and I would imagine others as well. Lets face it, we all like and dislike different guys for various reasons but at least were seeing things now that are not the status quo.
World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk - It was definitely a shocker, seeing CM Punk cash in Money in the Bank on Edge and take the World Heavyweight Title back to Raw. I honestly don't know what to think of this. I'm a fan of CM Punk, and while I'm glad he won the Title, I don't know if he's ready. I also wish he would've used it on Triple H and brought the WWE Title back to Raw instead of the World Title. He retained over JBL, meaning he'll keep it at least for a little while, but it's hard to predict how long his reign will be with Cena and Batista on the Raw Roster.

Intercontinental Champion: Kofi Kingston - This was another surprise. While it was pretty obvious when he came out that Michaels would be costing Jericho the Title, the fact that Kofi just won a singles title so soon into his career was a surprise in itself. In a way it's a good thing, because now it will be more focused on as a midcard title. Kofi will be a defending champ, and I can see him having some good feuds. This is a good thing for both Kofi, the Intercontinental Title, and Raw in general. I hope the IC Title can return to it's former glory.

World Tag Team Champions: Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes - Cody has been the Tag Champ for the past 4-5 months, but now he's traded Hardcore Holly for the much younger Ted Dibiase. These two seem to gel well together, and I think they'll make an excellent Tag Team for Raw. If they have to opportunity to defend their Titles often, these guys could help bring the Tag Team Division back to it's former glory. I can't wait to see what awaits these two in the future.
All I can say about the champions is how fresh they are. all younger than 30 years old, all fresh to the WWE. Well start off with the World Champion, what it means to have the big gold belt back, and what I see of CM Punk. Kofi Kingston's role of being the Intercontinental champion is a difficult one. The New Generation of the WWE is taking place, with Ted Dibiase Junior and Cody Rhodes locking up the World Tag Team championship.
CM Punk getting the win over Edge wasn't a big enough boast in my opinion. If he got a clean win over Triple H, he would be way over. He got a lucky win it seems over a beat down champion. its like claiming yourself king, after someone else has taken down you predecessor right before you got there. CM punk is a better Raw champion then Triple H in my opinion, he is "Raw", young, punk. Exactly what the A show needs. The Big Gold does look nice on Raw, and it is paired with its tag Team partner. I just wish IT was the WWE championship, and the World was the one covered in glitter.
I have not had the chance to see Kofi Kingston much before now. He is alright it seems in the ring. I just can not think of his as anything more than a Carlito rip off. I hope he either develops nicely, or puts someone else over. His current look is nothing to get excited over. Not as exciting as other things on Raw.
The Tag team champions are as hot an item ive seen in a while. Just for the fact that they arent on Raw as it seems. Where are these two? They should start worknig over tag teams, made up of jobber to give these guys some credibility. A feud with John Cena's Cryme Tyme would make these two youngsters look huge.
Well; I think the Champions on Raw are very good. CM Punk's win against Edge wasn't a clean win. But it will get him more over with the fans. And personally I think he deserves the gold for a bit as he has improved a lot, his in ring technique and most of alll his strength; before he wouldn't of been able to lift Bradshaw so that is a big improvement.
Kofi Kingston is more of a "Carlito rip off" tbh. He is much more athletic; and if push right he will do well. He would suit well in a tag team I feel.
And saying that; the tag team division needs to be totally sorted out. It is pretty terrible right now.

Going back to Punk...I am not sure whether he will lose it to Batista as Undertaker is returning soon supposedly with Paul Bearer. I don't think that they will have Taker vs CM. Complete mismatch. So this is the one thing that I am unsure about and the WWE could do something brilliant or awful.
World Heavywieght champion: Cm Punk:
Now i am not saying this wasnt a surprise or entertaining when he won but why him there is many other more Suited wrestlers on raw, Hell they would of had more luck having Kofi Kingston win the WHC instead of the IC Championship. I cant see him lasting much longer at all. He isnt ready for the belt just as yet maybe in a year or two he should be able to get another run if deemed worthy enough.
Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston:Now this was a good move. Kofi Kingston has alot of potential and i can see him going far. He has very interesting matches and is very athletic. I can see him having this title for a while until they want to push a heel.
The world tag team champions: Ted diabasie Jnr and Cody Rhodes.:What is it with giving people the tag team gold as soon as they start out. I like cody Rhodes and Ted but the tag team belts really aint worth anything if they are going to give them to the next person that walks in the door so to speak.
WHC : CM Punk:

I'm a Punk fan and all tough it is a bit too soon I can't feel happier for the lad.From selling out 100 seater arenas to this is unreal.

IC: Kofi Kingston

Currently my favourite superstar and deserving of the belt.He hasn't but a foot wrong since debuting and his mini feud with Shelton Benjamin was a highlight of ECW Programing.

Womens: Mickie James
Melina-OUT.Beth-Not Over.Jillian-A joke.The rest?Can't wrestle.

The RAW Womens scene is VERY Bleak.Unless Beth gets a spiced up gimmick Im predicting a very slow and hard to watch death of the womens divison.

Tag-DiBaise and Rhodes

I like the team.But as said above are they ready?And what happens when the next team comes in?But then again look at the Highlanders.They didn't get the belts.I'm going to say they'll get a long regin untill they fallout or something.
World Heavyweight Champion- CM Punk
A breath of fresh air and it seems to be working. Fans are getting more into RAW, Cena is getting less boos, and it opens up the midcard and makes it exciting. Two months back Cena and JBL would be thrown into the main event. Now, its Punk and Batista which should still draw.

Intercontinental Champion- Kofi Kingston
The IC Title seems to apparently be back to what it should be, a title for midcarders to fight over. Kofi can feud with Cade or any other midcard choice and make it worth something. Before the draft, the belt was just on a random guy who was competing for the World Title.

Women's Title- Mickie James
Mickie is over, but has no challengers. For some reason she gets huge pops despite the fact shes done nothing. This division is still in trouble.

Tag Title- Rhodes and Dibiase
These two are turning into a nice little heel team. With Cena raising Cryme Tyme's value I hope for an actual title feud. Lets hope that these two continue to be featured so that the Cryme Tyme feud can evloved (if it happens) rather than become a quick squash for Cena's homeboys.

Overall I'm very optimistic about the title situation on RAW. They need to keep the midcard titles momentum after being featured on NOC.
World Heavyweight Champion - CM Punk
I think this is a good change for RAW and I hope he carrys it for a little bit. I see Batista and Cena fighting for it, with JBL and Kane here and there. I think Cena will eventually take the belt of Punk.

Intercontinental Champion - Kofi Kingston
I was very excited when he got drafted to RAW and when he won the belt at NOC I was pretty happy. I think the Burchill feud will be good and they should have some good matches together. I think Burchill might eventually take the belt, but the feud will continue.

Tag Team Champions - Ted DiBiase Jr & Cody Rhodes
I like this team and I hope they have a good run with the belts. I think a feud with Cryme Tyme is upcoming and I see the belts changings hands between them. Should be a really exciting feud to watch.

Women's Champion - Mickie James
I love Mickie James and I love her as champion. The way things are going right now, Katie Lee looks like she will take the belt, which I don't agree with since Beth Phoenix is on RAW and I haven't heard from her. I think Katie Lee takes the belt, then fueds with Phoenix and James, and then when Melina comes back, she'll be thrown in there too.

Overall I love the direction that RAW is going in with their Champions. All great choices, fresh faces, and bring about new feuds. Great stuff coming from RAW now and in the future by the looks of things.
World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk
--Transitional champ. Depending on who he faces at Summerslam, I think he'll be dropping the belt either then or at Unforgiven, most likely to Kane. I can wholeheartedly see them having Kane turn into a psycho heel, win the title from Punk, then lose the title around Survivor Series to either Batista or Cena (preferably Cena). Then, someone from the Smackdown side (Kennedy or Hardy probably) wins the Royal Rumble, and on Raw's side, either Batista or Cena (whoever isn't the champ) wins the WrestleMania shot against the other one, leading us to Cena vs Batista as a very boring WrestleMania main event title defense. Punk, in the meantime, will linger around having feuds with the likes of JBL, Jericho, and maybe a heel turn pitting him against Mysterio and HBK. By the next draft, he's moved on to Smackdown or is once again on ECW.

Intercontinental Champion: Kofi Kingston
--Kofi is pretty much what I would hope for the Intercontinental champion. He's a young guy who isn't being pushed too far too fast, he's popular with the crowd, has years ahead of him, and this allows him to hone into his craft. I think it would be wise for them to have Kofi eventually lose the belt to Lance Cade, who isn't ready for a main event or upper midcard push. Its a shame Burchill won't see the belt until another face shows his..face....

Tag Team Champions: Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes
--These guys are going to be major players in the next few years. But, as I said with Kofi, LET IT HAPPEN NATURALLY. Don't have them drop the titles in the next month and then start winning world titles immediately. Let them have a long run with the tag titles and drop the belts to a team that could benefit from a big push. Then, put DiBiase and Rhodes on opposite shows and in midcard title contention. Once they win that a few times, put them in the upper midcard. Right now, its a shame that Rhodes and DiBiase don't have any teams that they can go up against (outside of Cryme Tyme), as that might hurt their reign.

Women's Champion: Mickie James
--Love the girl. Over with the crowd, hot, good wrestler, etc. Its a shame they don't just merge the titles already and have a proper women's division.
WHC: CM Punk
I like Punk. He is straightforward and doesn't back down from a fight. The guy got his head kicked into a ring post by William Regal then busted open and still hit the GTS on Regal to get the pinfall. I think if he is used correctly, then he could become a great face champion.

IC: Kofi Kingston
I think Kingston is ready for this role. He brings charisma and athleticism to the ring. I think he could look even stronger if his new feud with Burchill goes well. Kingston is the type of guy who can have an okay to good match with anyway just by how he moves in the ring.

WTTC: Rhodes & DiBiase
I think these guys are gifted with both mic skills and mat skills. Hopefully, they don't get to full with themselves and get a suspension, otherwise they can be molded to be great tag team champions.

Women's Champion: Mickie James
I love Mickie as well. She is an awesome worker in the ring. She has pretty good matches with all the other girls, especially the Glamazon. She kind of reminds me of Trish Stratus with her level of popularity and determination. I believe she is one of the best divas WWE has to offer currently.
World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk

Ever since winning the Money in the Bank ladder match, Punk had been jobbing right and left, and getting buried up and down. He didn't look like a guy who had momentum - he looked like a guy carrying around a briefcase with his clothes in it or something. He looked like a guy holding the briefcase for somebody else. Somebody who should have won the MITB. It at least was two years too early to give him a World championship, but they did it. I like the guy, but so far, he's one of the least credible champions I've ever seen, and through no fault of his own. It's because of a group of people known as the bookers. From day one, he hasn't gotten a clean win over his challengers for the title. He's just looked like a transitional champion, just as he did with the Money in the Bank.

CM Punk is one of the worst face wrestlers I've ever seen in the main event. It may be due to seeing his entire ROH stretch, I've seen that this guy is a natural heel. I mean, he made Edge look like a newcomer. The only way WWE can save his abysmal reign without damaging his career and credibility in the future is to turn him heel. That's all I can say. Nothing else can help. A clean win might help a bit, but the damage has already been done.

Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston

From day one, I've loved the work of Kofi Kingston. He was the first in a wave of new acquirements for WWECW. His great style helped augment a WWECW that wasn't going anywhere - that was not going to improve. After squashing some jobbers and Mike Knox (no wait, same thing) he finally got a real feud - against Shelton Benjamin. And so far, it's been one of 2008's greatest feuds (this may or may not be due to the fact that the feuds of 2008 have been crap) because these two guys really worked well together. I was surprised to see him get drafted from WWECW so fast, and the same with Shelton who had just been transferred there. His match with Jericho at Night of Champions was one of the best matches from that PPV. I was completely behind him since Jericho had done nothing with the IC title, not taking away anything from his accomplishments, and marked out when HBK appeared and Kofi won.

So far, he's been doing a good job as Intercontinental champion. The feud with Burchill is going pretty well, although WWE seem to be a bit back-and-forth on it; on Monday, he squashed Jamie Noble and Paul Burchill didn't even appear to do a post-match sneak attack? Strange stuff. Anyway, I don't see anything but great things for Kofi, but his gimmick may get stale after a while.

World Tag Team Championship: Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

I can't tell you how frustrated I was with the booking of Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes when they were champions. In an age of a flawed tag team division, you could at least expect them to do SOMETHING with them, Raw even had a pretty good tag team division at the time, with Londrick, Carlito & Santino and eventually Cryme Tyme. Either way, they didn't give Holly & Rhodes ANYTHING. Hardcore Holly is one of my all-time favourites and I was really pissed to bee seeing them being given the ignorance treatment. And while Cody did improve while a tag champion, it would take a lot to kill the worst rookie year I can remember.

And at Night of Champions, Cody did just that. By backstabbing Bob Holly and joining up with Ted DiBiase, Cody turned heel and killed his uninteresting character. A heel run is great for Cody and a tag team championship reign is good to build DiBiase. And although I see DiBiase becoming the "Shawn Michaels" of the team, it's been good so far to see the champions actually getting some mic time and some mention at all. I love Rhodes/DiBiase.

Women's Championship: Mickie James

Again, hadn't Beth screwed up with that "backstage incident" (I don't know what it was since the news was "premium" members only) she would still be women's champion. She's one of the best things to happen to the WWE women's division in a long time and I enjoyed her title reign, as it fit her perfectly. Mickie is very on/off, but for the most part she's entertaining and indeed FINE looking. I'd prefer Beth Phoenix, but she's doing a fair job.

We all knew CM Punk would win the WHC after he won the MITB Ladder Match at WM24, I am happy he won the title as it gave him the good push he needed in WWE even if I can't see him holding the championship for a long time I am waiting for a new champion but I hope it's not Batista.


I'm lovin' Kofi's reign as the Inter Champ he is entertaining in the ring and great to watch he is having fun at what he is doing. His championship reign on Raw my favourite show is what he needed to make him better. I really like his rivalry with Paul Burchill as they are both up and coming talents and that the Intercontial Championship division is stronger because before there was not many title defenses


I really like Mickie James and her Women's Championship reign when Trish & Lita left WWE Mickie was the only good Raw Diva so I was delighted she got the gold I hope she has a long title reign but I feel that Raw is just keeping the title warm for Candice's return Mickie has did well defeating Beth Pheonix, Katie Burchill and Melina and many more

I like the pairing of these two because there young talent. I like their arrogance and there cociness they have a great future in WWE with rivalries againist Cryme Tyme although I think the 2 Tag Title belts should be merged together Rhodes & DiBiasie could be really big like their dads where and I look forward to seeing there talent
I like who are champions on the raw team cause its fresh... A little more work is needed to make the womens title bigger but mickie teddy cody kingston and punk all make great champions just need good competition
<b> World Heavyweight Champion - CM Punk <b/>
I dont know ifi should liek this or not because Punk has a great future but they just rushed him into a World Title run way too quick. Now.......... Orton got his first WHC in 2004 and had been with WWE for 2-3 years. The nobody thought he deserved it. Now..... Punk won it in 2008 and had been in WWE 2-3 years so.... i see Punk going to be like Orton eventually in a stable not as big as evolution though then to smackdown and win the WWE Title then back to RAW.

<b> IC Champion - Kofi Kingston <b/>
Great move , but was a total suprise. Kofi deserved a mid-card title and he got it. I see him swoopingi nto the Tag division though. His contenders look like no one , but i would like to see Punk vs. Kingston.
my days? Cena and batista Tag champs? thank you for burying and a young talented team and giving the belt to two main eventers who didnt need them! this is the same boring predictiable wwe the draft effect has truly worn off!
Cena and Batista as tag champs won't work like Cena and HBK as tag champs.
There is no point to this, as neither has really had any proper tag team experience. HBK already was in a tag team already and he had betrayed his partner, so people were wondering when he would turn on Cena.
Also, this reign is just burying Simply Priceless, whereas Cena and HBK beat Rated RKO, who were already main eventers not up and comers like Simply Priceless.
Cena and Batista as tag champs won't work like Cena and HBK as tag champs.
There is no point to this, as neither has really had any proper tag team experience. HBK already was in a tag team already and he had betrayed his partner, so people were wondering when he would turn on Cena.
Also, this reign is just burying Simply Priceless, whereas Cena and HBK beat Rated RKO, who were already main eventers not up and comers like Simply Priceless.

I don't know why everyone says this is burying team priceless. First of all what means more a couple of wins over Lawler/Cole or Lawler/Duggan. Or main eventing Raw every week against the likes of John Cena,Batista,Cryme Time.

For 2 weeks straight they were in 6 man tag main events teaming with JBL against CTC. Then they had a hell of a tag title match with Batista/Cena two of the biggest stars in the wwe not just raw. Yeah their reign coulda been longer but I think they benefited from this more than anything.

As for Kofi Kingston I think he's been a great Intercontinental Champion. Beating Chris Jericho is a hell of a way to build credibility. Follow it up with successful title defenses against Jericho and Burchill and Kofi will be good for awhile. Now I think Kofi will lose the title at Summerslam to Santino and win it back the next night on Raw. Just because Kofi won't become women's champ that role makes more sense for Santino.

Mickie James is a very good women's champion but her reign is getting kinda old for me like I said with Kofi she'll losse the match at Summerslam to Santino and he'll win the women's title only to lose it the next night to the Glamorous Amazon Beth Phoenix.

CM Punk was a good change of pace at first but his title reign has lacked credibility.He hasn't gad a credible defense yet and Batista made him look bad. I expect him to get his first clean win over JBL at Summerslam then lose to Randy Orton at Unforgiven.
Hahahaahahha Well This Are The Current Champs Now Ok, But You See Cm Punk Didn't Deserve The World Title, Do You Imagine The Number Of Superstars On The Roster That Deserve A Shot Or A Title Run? And This Trash Cm Punk Has It Now.... That Makes Me Sick!!! He Won It Because Raw And Wwe In General Needed It Because Raw Was Without A Champ, But He Will Loose Soon. Go Jbl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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