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Raw Champions Discussion Thread

Well I cannot wait for Summer Slam to come around so that the paper champions will lose their belts. I'm not talking about those rookies who hold the Tag Team Championship. I'm not talking about CM Punk, I don't mind him as champion. But according to the Santino Commandments, these titles do not matter. Why? Santino has no interest in them. This Sunday, Santino and his Glorious Amazon will unite to take the Intercontinental Championship from Kofi Kingston as well as the Womans Championship away from Mickie James. They will create harmony in the WWE, and become the power couple! I cannot wait for the pride Santino will bring to the IC title. The IC title will mean something again! Bless you Santino! This is so great for the Santino Fan A Club!
CM Punk: Everybody bashes him so much it's funny. Personally I dont like Punk very much but when people say things like he's the worst champion ever or he didnt deserve it and such its funny. 1. When(in the new age of WWE) did a champion need to "deserve" their title run? Khali got a title run, Henry got a title run, you really dont need to be anything special to be a champ now a days. 2. Punk is something different right now. People bitch and complain to no end how guys like HHH, Cena, Batista, ect always get the belt and now something different happens and we still complain. No matter who the WWE gives the belt to we will still bitch and complain(maybe not Edge since he is the golden child of the IWC). But really we bitched about Orton, HHH, Cena, Khali, Henry, Batista, ect so who should get the belt? Jericho? People will still bitch...no matter who has the belt no everyone's going to be happy....and I have realized that. Anyways Punk could probably be a decent champion, since I believe with the right push by the writers and the proper storyline anybody could be a "good" champion. The proper push could have made Punk look legitimate but he's been made to look weak and his reign isnt even the "mainevent" on Raw right now(Cena/Batista). I just think people are gonna hate the champion who ever it is so who cares if Punk holds the title.
Personally i think WWE nees to take the old approach, build up a wrestler to main event status. Off everyone on Raw, id of liked to see Jericho or Kane get a decent run, but i dont see that happening. Now that Punk has it[im n ot a fan to be honest, just not interested in him] he should keep it for abit. I get fed up with the titles going back and forth all the time, god i rememebr a few backs when everyone had held the IC title.

For these belts to mean something, the current champs either need a longish reign, or creative needs to give the belts to someone who will hold them for awhile, especially the IC.
World Heavyweight Champion - C.M. Punk Personally, I don't like the guy,others do, but not me. He hasn't proved he's worthy yet. Hopefully he beats JBL because that man should never be allowed to be in a title match.

Intercontinental Title - Kofi Kingston This guy is one of my favorites. He has alot of athleticism. I didn't like how he won the title though. Hopefully one day him and Evan Bourne have a rivalry in the future.

World Tag Team Champions - Team Priceless They are the best team in WWE's weak tag team division and eventualy them and Cryme Tyme will trade the titles.

Women's Champion - Mickie James She is obviously one of the top two most over divas in the WWE right now. And she can wrestle. I see the Glamorous Amazon getting the title back soon though.
It's now obvious that titles mean nothing on Raw. Every single champ lost a match last night, and the tag champs lost to one man. It's disgraceful. How can the WWE ever expect to make tag team wrestling credible when the best tag team loses to ONE GUY! It's becoming more and more obvious that they can't make up their minds about the tag division, or that it just doesn't matter to them.
Personally the curent state of the RAW chapionship picture is pretty sad. CM Punk as much as I like him, his booking is piss poor. He has only got a pin in a championship on JBL. And this whole trying to make him not a transitional champion and hiving him lose on raw week in and week out just isnt working. Santino went from kinda cool to really annoying, and why did he drop the singlet he sported at summerslam. I was over on him for about 2 weeks but right now he has lost all his appeal when he started wrestling. Beth, meh. Mickie, Beth, Candice it has gotten to the point where I really dont care who is womans champ. Personally it should have been the burchill's not glamerella. Team priceless is the team with an interesting story now that cryme tyme stole the titles. Other than that i just dont care.
I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, but with the Championship Scramble happening at Unforgiven, I see it as an excuse to drop the title of CM Punk and throw it into the Batista/Cena feud, though I may be wrong. With Cena saying "you were the better man...last night" it seems like it will in fact continue, however if neither were to win at Unforgiven it would be an abrupt & lame ending in my opinion, which is why I think one of them will get it. CM Punk is a good champion (with terrible booking) but I just get the feeling they created this to take the title away without him in fact being pinned or something like that.
World Heavyweight Champ - CM Punk He finally got a legit win but I still don't see him as a legit champion. He will prove himself if he wins the championship scramble.

Intercontinental Champion - Santino Marrela I really don't like the guy. I can see how putting the title on him might be good for the new PG rating but somebody who is champion should at least be able to wrestle.

World Tag team champions- Team Priceless I like them as champs but they should be made to look good and not lose handicap matches. I am interested in seeing where this thing with the belts getting stolen goes.

Womens Champion - Beth Phoenix She is very solid in the ring. She might be the best champ on Raw right now.
World Heavyweight Champ - CM Punk - I don't see him as a credible champ, more like hes keeping it warm until wwe pick someone they want to give the title to- hopefuly Kane Im a lifelong Kane fan although I cant see wwe giving him a title run now if they havn't over the last 11 years Kane has deserved to be champ (plus they would only find a way for him to lose it to taker anyways)

Intercontinental Champion - Santino Marrela -I quite like Santino funny promos but i dont think he makes a good IC champ this title used to mean somthing, if you hold the IC then you would be pushing for the wwf title in a year or so

World Tag team champions- Team Priceless- i would like them as tag team champs if there were other tag teams to defend it against, we didn't have many to begin with and wwe just sacked half of thoughs

Womens Champion - Beth Phoenix- finally a great champion but again no challengers, I don't really like womens wrestling in wwe i think one or two matches a month is enough but instead the women seem to have replaced the tag teams and cruzerwieghts
World Heavyweight Champ - CM Punk - I don't see him as a credible champ, more like hes keeping it warm until wwe pick someone they want to give the title to- hopefuly Kane Im a lifelong Kane fan although I cant see wwe giving him a title run now if they havn't over the last 11 years Kane has deserved to be champ (plus they would only find a way for him to lose it to taker anyways)

Kane is due for a title run, but it's going to be a little bit. The Rey feud is next, and CM Punk will need to lose the title to a face for that to happen. Maybe Batista will win this scramble and feud with Cena for a month or so to let Rey/Kane finish up. Raw is going nowhere right now, so some direction would be good, and this belt is the place to start.

Intercontinental Champion - Santino Marrela -I quite like Santino funny promos but i dont think he makes a good IC champ this title used to mean somthing, if you hold the IC then you would be pushing for the wwf title in a year or so

If you think this title is getting shit on now, just wait. Here's what is going to happen. Beth is going to keep helping him, and he's going to claim he's the man. At some point Beth is going to get pissed, and win the IC belt. If WWE wants to stay consistent, they will then pass the IC belt through the women's division, because that would be swerving for the purpose of swerving, and we all now that did so well for WCW.
World Tag team champions- Team Priceless- i would like them as tag team champs if there were other tag teams to defend it against, we didn't have many to begin with and wwe just sacked half of thoughs

I can't wait to see Cryme Tyme with the belts. I love those guys. I like Priceless in their role too. They do well as heels, and ahve gotten reasonably over as heels, so I'm good either way here. What I'm not good with, is that these are the only two teams on the show.
Womens Champion - Beth Phoenix- finally a great champion but again no challengers, I don't really like womens wrestling in wwe i think one or two matches a month is enough but instead the women seem to have replaced the tag teams and cruzerwieghts

Candace is coming back soon, so that feud will restart. Mickie is competent, and Gail Kim is leaving TNA, so the women's division could step up a bit in the coming weeks and months.
I'm not too happy about Santino getting the IC belt. Kofi Kingston was doing grand but then they have to put it on Marella who is basically a joke. Don't get me wrong I think Santino is funny and the Glamarella storyline is entertaining but putting the title on him is bad news. There goes any possibility of having a good intercontinental title match.

The Burchills must feel hard done by. A few weeks ago they were challenging for both the women's and IC titles and now they're not even getting any TV time spare Paul jobbing completely unnecessarily to Tista. A Katie-Mickie feud had some potential but now we get the stale Katie-Beth feud. Sigh.
World Heavyweight Champion - CM Punk : I personally dont care for Punk but he is a pretty well rounded guy in the ring. When they gave the belt to Punk I think they rushed into it to quick but I see Batista or Cena winning and they still fued , but Punk comes in for a triple threat match.

IC Champion - Santino Marella: Okay I have been a fan they past few months with his funny promos and stuff , but im start to not be a fan with him ohlding a title.

World Tag Champions - Team Priceless : My dad call these guys gay and i see his point of view they hug and shit , but i like to see where Cryme Tyme-Rhodes/DiBiase are oin i love Cryme Tyme so maybe they will get em'.

Womens champion - Beth Pheonix : Should be Candice end of story.
Intercontinental Champion: Santino Marella: I'm at a loss for words on why he didn't drop the Intercontinental Championship back to Kofi the following night on Raw, I really am.

I honestly don't like Santino holding any Championship. The guy doesn't deserve to hold a title, merely because he can talk well as a heel. He was Intercontinental Champion when he entered the W.W.E., and sucked greatly. The only saving grace he's ever had was stumbling into being a heel and suddenly getting over with the fans that way, which is kinda oxymoronic to say the least.

In the end, I sadly think a rematch between Kofi Kingston & Santino will end up happening, on Pay per view none-the-less. Or possibly even a Triple Threat match with D-Lo Brown added to the mix, and forbid Santino ends up winning (Punk Style) and retaining for yet another month.

Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix: The only thing I can say about this is.. either Candice Michelle, Melina, or the newly released and assumed soon to be hired Gail Kim is on their way to glory.. at Beth's expense.

Much like Santino, in such an ironic way, Beth's first run as Champion.. albeit more dominate than Santino, was much the same in the fact that it just didn't work. Beth was so much MORE dominating as a Champion, she resembled that of Chyna, when the 9th wonder used to tear through diva's two on one.

I really think a Beth Phoenix against Gail Kim feud is JUST what this division needs right now. And all I can say is, I hope Candice isn't returning next week and being hot-shotted directly back into this title. She needs to learn how to enter a ring without breaking a collarbone before she gets a Championship reign.
Intercontinental Champion: Santino Marella: I'm at a loss for words on why he didn't drop the Intercontinental Championship back to Kofi the following night on Raw, I really am.

I honestly don't like Santino holding any Championship. The guy doesn't deserve to hold a title, merely because he can talk well as a heel. He was Intercontinental Champion when he entered the W.W.E., and sucked greatly. The only saving grace he's ever had was stumbling into being a heel and suddenly getting over with the fans that way, which is kinda oxymoronic to say the least.

In the end, I sadly think a rematch between Kofi Kingston & Santino will end up happening, on Pay per view none-the-less. Or possibly even a Triple Threat match with D-Lo Brown added to the mix, and forbid Santino ends up winning (Punk Style) and retaining for yet another month.

Santino holding the title is the best thing for the belt. What exactly did Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho & Umaga do with the belt? It's been worthless for years. At least Santino will act like it's important. Kingston celebrated with it. But most wrestlers barely raise an eyebrow when they win the belt. The only wrestler in recent years who looked genuinely please to win it was Randy Orton nearly 5 years ago.

Santino is the new Honky Tonk Man. He amuses a lot of people. But he's in no danger of being turned face. He'll be a heel, and as a heel it'll elevate a face when he finally loses the title.
Intercontinental Champion - Santino Marrela -I quite like Santino funny promos but i dont think he makes a good IC champ this title used to mean somthing, if you hold the IC then you would be pushing for the wwf title in a year or so

Once again this stupid argument, that people assume if you're IC champ you'll be in the title picture shortly, which is a pile of rubbish, if you look at past IC winners you will realise that this is not the case.

Kingston winning the IC belt was a good move, and at the time I said there's only one other person I want to see as IC champ...Santino Marella. Remember the IC belt is the midcard title, it actually means something. As Jake pointed out the likes of Jeff Hardy, Umaga and Jericho seem to be forgetting that.

I think Marella as champ is a good move, he'll clearly be big and cocky with his Intercontinental belt which I think will be good, this hopefully could build to a fued with Kingston for the belt...I honestly can't remember the last feud for the IC belt, and I reckon we'll actually see it defended!
World champion CM PUNK: I think he's a good champion but with little to no build.. His mic work against JBL was good and that's what he needs.. More mic time.. He's good on the mic and it'll make you wanna see more.. He needs to win the scramble to make everyone doubting him to realise that he's worth it.

Womens Champion Beth Pheonix:she was champion before but no one really knew who she was. Now she is in the spotlight and people know who she is and that means more to a wrestler especially holding the title. So now holding the title for her is good. I would like to see her and mickie wrestling seperate but with Gail and Burchill.. That would be fun top watch.

Tag Team Champions Priceless: they are a good team and have already main evented to build their name more. Let's see how they do in their fued with Cryme Tyme and see how they all work together.

IC Champ Santino: I saved him for last because there is a lot of discussion about him. He is the right person to hold the ic title now because with the last few guys besides kofi that has held the title they were focused around tag or heavyweight type fueds.. Kofi also wasn't well known. Imo santino deserves it. He has went from a nobody into a jobber and actually came out of that to become a house hold name and now champion. With him you know that the ic title will mean something once again and he won't let you forget that he is the champion and its great having a ic champ who treats it like the world title and that's what it is.. The world title for mid carders.
World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk. I've been a fan ever since the first time I saw him wrestle. I am glad that WWE has given him the ball, as I believe he will be one of the foundations of the future of the company. I just wish they would give him more leeway, as if you've seen his ROH stuff, he can wrestle ten times better than what he's doing now. But I guess with this shitty PG rating, they're afraid some 6-year-old is gonna try to imitate the more dangerous moves. -_-

Intercontinental Champion: Santino Marella. Great on the mic. He is very entertaining, but I'm just not sure if giving him the title was the proper choice, as it has been said that the IC title is lacking the credibility and value it once had, and I tend to agree with those people. We'll just have to see where this reign goes.

Women's Champion: Beth Pheonix. Great wrestler and deserving champion. I like the whole angle with Santino as it is making her more fun to watch for pure entertainment value as well.

Tag Team Champions: Team Priceless. These guys have a great future, now I think they need to work on their mic skills by cutting a few more promos. And for the love of god let there be a tag team title defense every now and then. There used to be tag title defenses on basically every other show, now it's rare you see them being defended once every month and a half. Put the titles up for grabs now and then to give both the titles and Priceless some more credibility to jumpstart their careers.
I have a confession to make. There is one man I have repeatedly hated on for being sloppy, for being boring, and even for being tatoo'd. That man is CM Punk. He has won me over. When he first came out and beat Edge, I was angry for two reasons. I already thought he was dragging down Morrison and secondly, he was taking Jeff Hardy's title.

Now, I have seen the light. He and JBL put on a downright good match tonight. He has been in nothing but good matches since coming to Raw.

I would like to apologize to you Mr. CM Punk. You have stepped it up, and I appreciate you.
I would have to say that Cryme Tyme is the most over team in the WWE. I don’t know if I would want them to win the belts at unforgiven. I would rather see creative put time and effort into a feud like that are with Jericho and HBK. Let Cryme Tyme and Team Priceless feud for a while before the belts change hands. Even after they do still feud them bring some credability back to the tag team division. Any one agree?
World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk: I still stand by my original assessment that everything (in-ring ability, mic skills, charisma) about him is average and he’s a fluke, transitional champ. 2½ months into his reign and he’s still not main-eventing, the only guys they’ll let him cleanly go over are Snitsky and JBL, and he rarely gets mic time. He could miss a few weeks of Raw and I don’t think anyone would really notice or care. I like his straight-edge gimmick though, but I don’t know why they don’t use it.

Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella: The argument has been made that Santino as IC champ is a joke because he’s nothing more than a comedic jobber. I don’t have a problem with him as IC champ though. This guy is flat out entertaining, which is more than I can say for about 75% of the current Raw roster. Everything he does and says is gold. No one can say he makes for a boring IC champ.

Tag Champions Rhodes & DiBiase: Rhodes and DiBiase are a great fit. Their promos get better every time and they come across as natural cocky heels. They have good chemistry and solid in-ring skills. It’s just a shame Raw’s tag division is virtually nonexistent; they only have Cryme Tyme and the Oldtimers against which to display their talents.

Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix: Beth as champion again is a good thing. Mickie had grown stale and no other active Raw diva is ready just yet. I think Beth’s more interesting holding, rather than chasing, the title. She’s always been consistently good in the ring, but now I find her matches, even when she’s squashing someone, entertaining. Thanks to the pairing with Santino, Beth is intriguing for the first time in a long while.
World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk - This lad is doing a fantastic job as champion. His matches are better than I expected, as he actually knows how to play the babyface role really well. Plus i've always liked his in-ring style. Promo wise he could improve, but he is better than some. Either way, I want him to stay as champion, for a long time.
Intercontinental Champion - Santino Marella

It was not a big surprise, him and Beth winning the titles at SummerSlam, but it was a good championship change. Kofi did a pretty fine job with his reign, considering how green he is, but his matches have been less energetic since he got it, in my opinion. It was just too early to give him a title.

Santino will never be remembered as a fantastic wrestler, but perhaps the best comedic character in recent WWE history. He treats the IC title like it's the WWF Championship at its peak, and it's refreshing to see someone actually care if they have a title or not (Jericho did not do such a great job of this...) and his matches are decent enough not to be boring. Santino's a great fit as IC Champion in my opinion. But they really need to put him in a proper feud soon.

Women's Champion - Beth Phoenix

I've said it once and I'll say it again - Beth Phoenix is one of the best things to happen to WWE's women's division in a long time. Her reign after beating Candice was refreshing after so many repetitive, boring title holders. She'd just go out there and crush somebody every week. Been a long time since WWE had a female wrestler like that.

Now, it seems they're gonna kill that gimmick and have KELLY F'N KELLY go over her? That's just freakin' stupid - she's the last chick on the roster who should have a title opportunity. I mean, Jesus, she's hot and all, and over, but she's sloppier in the ring than my friend Sloppy Joe. This reign has started off on entirely the wrong foot. You can't have someone who actually squashed credible female wrestlers like Mickie James or Melina lose to Kelly. It just makes no sense. I realize she's the only face Diva on Raw right now that isn't Mickie James, but geez. They could have brought up someone from FCW or something. Would be better.

So in all, this reign so far has been booked very poorly, through no fault of Beth. I really hope they scrap this program.
I personally like Santino as the IC champ. He's great on the mic, and as was mentioned, he keeps us reminded that he is the IC champ. There have been too many times in the past that, outside of the HW, World, and Womens Champs, I haven't been able to remember who the lower card champions are.

This brings me to the recently introduced Honk-o-meter. I love this gimmick. It is entertaining and should lead to some memorable segments. What I would love to see is Santino make it to week 61. I would love to see him in the ring acting very confident and bragging about how in 1 week HE will become the greatest IC champion of all time. He then goes on to call out a challenger. Everyone waits, but it seems like nobody is coming. Santino walks around the ring cockily, but then a familiar (to some) guitar riff plays. Out of the back, comes the man himself - THE HONKYTONK MAN. As he gets in the ring, Santino thanks him for coming to congratulate him on being the greatest IC champ of all time. Honkytonk tells Santino he's not there to congratulate him, but to actually challenge him. Santino laughs and accepts. The match starts, and Santino finds himself in trouble so Beth comes out to assist her man. As she tries to help, the referee turns his attention to her, allowing HTM to use his guitar on Santino. He clears the debris from the ring, picks Santino up and SHAKE, RATTLE, and ROLL. THE HONYTONK MAN is the new IC champion.

Likely not going to happen, but I would mark out for that. Honky should make some kind of appearance during this angle though.
The WHC has become a 2nd rate title...no Triple H, Edge, Undertaker, or even Big SHow involed...then, Punk gets it with the old Money in the Bank scam - defends "above all odds" and gets basically stripped...yet a push for JBL for too long...no real push for Batista, Kane, or Rey - how does the belt change... to a "beat up" Jericho... come on...lets have someone go after it for a while...someone meaningful...oh wait - HBK and Jericho are going to bring back credibility to the title...
Jericho is the new World Champion, big surprise there, it looks like WWE is continuing their string of twists and unpredictability, which is a good thing. A lot of people seem to be happy about this choice, Y2J is a great worker and deserves it, but does he have what it takes to be the lead man on RAW today? The WWE gave Jericho many moments in his career, but they were cut short every time(his title reigns and his SAVE.US debut to name a few), so I don't expect Jericho to have the World title for very long, I can't see him having the belt for more than two months. I see him as a filler champion at the moment for one of two reasons: 1. He only has the belt so it can lead to Shawn Michaels' long anticipated last World title reign OR 2. He is keeping the belt warm until Randy is fully recovered and the main focus on RAW will be Orton vs Punk or Orton vs Batista. Tonight on RAW, we will find out where this is leading, a Batista/Y2J feud is a strong possibility at this point, unless Shawn is able to work through his injury and we have those two go at it for the title this time.

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