Randy Orton Next WWE Champ?

I would like to see Orton win the title, but look at this...

Wrestlemania 23 = ALOT of people though Michaels was going to win his final title here, and they though it was going to be the end of the Cena run. They were wrong.

Judgement Day = The Great Kahli had been beating the crap outta Cena for weks, and some people actually though they'd give him a short title run just to get it off Cena for a while. They were wrong.

ECW June 26th = The First ECW since Morrison won the ECW title, and they feed him to Cena ASAP. Most people would have at least though Cena could have jobbed to give the new champ a bit of well needed credibility. They were wrong.

The Great American Bash = The best example. Vince had been building Lashley up for a while now, gave him the ECW title way to early, had him plow throiugh everyone he could, he even shaved Vinces head! And at the Bash, people though Lashley was finally going to unseat Cena because Vince would want it, and vince had been quoted as saying "Cena didn't need the title anymore to get over."... THEY were also wrong.

What am I getting at? Vince is making things seem like Orton ill win the title with HHH wanting him to do it. Face the facts, with Ortons problems lately, there is no way he will win the title. Vince has the whole IWC thinking Orton will win this, but in the end, Cena will counter the RKO into an FU and "F" what we all want to see. Lets hope I'm wrong.

well yeah that is tru,e but also i read somewhere that creative has run out of ideas with that title and cena holding it. I mean he feuded with the whole roster pretty much theres no one left to feud with except kennedy, and i dont see that happening for a while, and maybe king booker but thats it so i think ortons going to win.
I would like Orton as champion again. He hasn't won any singles gold in a long time, and Cena's had the belt for awhile now

I think both are great, but I just think Randy Orton needs the gold more right now. Even if Cena wins, Triple H will probably end up with the title
If Orton wins and then loses to HHH which leads to a Cena vs HHH Wrestlemania match that will be the third year that this would have been the plan! HHH vs Cena happend when Cena beat HHH. Then when DX was around the plan was for HHH to face Cena as a face vs face match (and loose) then he got injured and HBK took his place. Now suprise suprise for the third year in a row I am hearing Cena vs HHH!!!!
I am sick of Cena.... HHH deserves another run with the belt but I would rather see him face Orton, Kennedy, Lashley, HBK... anybody but John Cena!! And for what it's worth I would love to see Orton have a looooong title reign!
Randy would probably be one of the greatest champs since HHH. C'mon randy is the most deserving on raw. Ever since he lost the title he has never had a legit one on one title match. And besides that who really wants to see Cena with that title anyway. If someone should beat Cena then it should be Randy. Then when the game comes back they can have a great rivalry, for once without Cena
The HHH title hogging has passed, it is only natural for him to get the belt. It would only make sense to have it be against Orton. Everyone will assume HHH will win 1st try, if they were smart they would have Orton beat HHH clean and shock the world so to speak. Have HHH win around the Rumble, have Cena win the Rumble, and go heel. Cena need a heel turn, it would be the only way to save him in the eyes of fans over 16 with a Y chromosome. Have Cena do a Rockesque "the fans turned on me" routine.

But I rant on, yes Orton needs to beat Cena.
i personaly think orton will win it and loose it at unforgiven to tripple h,i hope this is the case as john cena has been champion for to long
Originally posted by Edge418
i personaly think orton will win it and loose it at unforgiven to tripple h,i hope this is the case as john cena has been champion for to long

No actually i think he'll hold until the rumble or maybe even wrestlemania! No chance in hell that orton will be transition champ again! HHH is going to have to wait.
hell if the wwe wants to gain more money, then give orton the title, having cena or triple h chase orton after the title will equal success, i like cena but hes had that title way to long, but i would rather see him chase after the title, orton is the next rock, and he's the damn future, and the future is now vince!
see i think there too worried about orton fucking up to give him the title. i mean the man has been in trouble for doing stupid things many times. now it seems like hes gotten better about that and i think giving him the title would show him they have confidence in him and it may straighten him out.
Ok, i know cena has been champ for to long, but he deserves to still be champ. Look at orton, he has hurt many of the legends that made wwe. Dusty Rodes, HBK ect.By the way, does anyone have a close summerslam tickets that they are willing to sell>? I have a pair, but it is in sec 239.
Look at orton, he has hurt many of the legends that made wwe. Dusty Rodes, HBK ect

hes the legend killer hes a PRO wrestler thats his job thats what gets him over as a heel. and thats what will lead him to winning the title at summerslam. The world life era is ending and the RKO era is about to begin, hes long overdue and now that hes got his shit together(i hope) its his time
No actually i think he'll hold until the rumble or maybe even wrestlemania! No chance in hell that orton will be transition champ again! HHH is going to have to wait.

You are correct. I don't know how dumb you'd have to be to think Orton's gonna beat Cena for the title and turn around and lose it to HHH right away. First of all, it makes no sense to end the Cena/Orton fued that quickly. Second, it makes even less sense (which seems impossible) to blow Triple H vs. Orton at fucking Unforgiven. That's a huge dream match. That's a WrestleMania match that you might blow at Survivor Series, but not at Unforgiven.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Orton loses at SummerSlam before beating Cena to win the title at Unforgiven.

The scenario I see playing out has Orton beating Cena for the title and finishing him off around Cyber Sunday, Triple H disposing of King Booka at Summerslam and maybe one more match at Unforgiven, fueding with somebody else (Kennedy or Carlito?) in October, and then having the big collision with Orton at Survivor Series. He wins the title, that fued lasts until Royal Rumble. Then, of course, Cena wins the Royal Rumble to set up the dream match of Triple H vs. John Cena.
with all the wrestlers returning in the near future wouldnt it be a great idea to have Orton win on Sunday, then have Cena, Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker, and even Jerricho, all in the Rumble for a shot. Just a suggestion.
What do you think
I think Orton really should take the belt from Cena. Everybody is so sick of the predictable storyline with him, Orton has more to offer IMO. He has been a face and heel superstar, so he can handle the reaction that he gets from the crowd and work off it, good or bad. He seems to be a more exciting superstar in the ring, he can explode at any time and just take over. I could see a feud between Orton and Kennedy in the future, both are very arrogant and a "who's better" storyline could be great for Raw.
i could really see this match ending in so many ways that i'm not sure who's gonna win. but if i had to chose i would pick Orton. just because cena has held the title for so long that it wouldn't make sense if he yet again overcome the odds. wwe knows that it would make more money to have orton win @ summerslam and then have the storyline continue with orton as champ and cena as the challenger trying to get the title back. with hhh having so much power in wwe and hhh favoring for orton to win the title, i almost have no doubt that orton will somehow walk away as champ. even if he had to cheat which he might do because as we all know cena is the superman of wwe and to beat him not only do you have to be lucky but you have to cheat really good somehow.
You are correct. I don't know how dumb you'd have to be to think Orton's gonna beat Cena for the title and turn around and lose it to HHH right away. First of all, it makes no sense to end the Cena/Orton fued that quickly. Second, it makes even less sense (which seems impossible) to blow Triple H vs. Orton at fucking Unforgiven. That's a huge dream match. That's a WrestleMania match that you might blow at Survivor Series, but not at Unforgiven.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Orton loses at SummerSlam before beating Cena to win the title at Unforgiven.

The scenario I see playing out has Orton beating Cena for the title and finishing him off around Cyber Sunday, Triple H disposing of King Booka at Summerslam and maybe one more match at Unforgiven, fueding with somebody else (Kennedy or Carlito?) in October, and then having the big collision with Orton at Survivor Series. He wins the title, that fued lasts until Royal Rumble. Then, of course, Cena wins the Royal Rumble to set up the dream match of Triple H vs. John Cena.

according to rumors on the main page its going to be HHH and Mr. Kennedy at WM. I would expect HHH to win the title at the Survivor Series. Thats just my opinion though. I would expect to see cena/orton at unforgiven and then put that feud to rest. I think we can all agree that HHH will get the gold around his waist at or before the Royal Rumble. We can all also agree that Orton wont win and then drop the title THAT quickly.....it should be interesting to see what happens....I can see cena winning at SS too and Orton eventually taking the title at Unforgiven.

I don't think the question is if Orton will when the title, but when he'll win it. I think it'll probably happen at SS, if not Unforgiven. I then think that this will lead to a 3 way feud between Orton, Cena, and HHH, with HHH coming out as the champion.
i believe they will go with this idea. take the title off cena and put it on randy orton. why? because whether you like to think of him as a total a-hole or not, he really does deserve it ya know? hes busted his ass since he lost the WHC and to think someone like triple h, the guy who thought the championship was practically the other love of his life if there was one, is pushing for orton to do this, then it should happen. Randy Orton deserves the WWE Championship. not taking anything away from John Cena, hes a great athlete in my book, i dont care what you people think cause obviously you cannot see greatness but seriously...Cena has held that title for toooo long. i honestly believe they should just send him to SD! and throw him in the WHC title run. hes better than batista. all batista is, is a huge rock with arms and legs and goes RAWR! like a dumbass. so yeah, thats why i think orton should win it. hes talented, young, an amazing athlete and in my opinion, could carry RAW. and i also think they should turn orton babyface so that he could feud with Mr. Kennedy. seeing as how kennedy is now the big heel and everything ya know?

Kennedy is not a "big heel". The guys gets pops everytime he is out in the ring. Orton is the bigger heel of the two. Orton is expected to be the top heel for the next 3-4 months. The whole illigitimate child storyline, from what i have read on the main board, will make Mr. Kennedy into a top heel, perhaps THE top heel of the company. As far as Cena goes, I dont hate the guy but you using "greatness" and Cena in the same sentence is pretty damn funny. You kinda lost creditbility in my book with that statement. His charecter and title run is stale and has been since WM. IMO, Cena should turn heel. It would freshen up his charecter and would generate interest again...just a thought.

Kennedy is not a "big heel". The guys gets pops everytime he is out in the ring. Orton is the bigger heel of the two. Orton is expected to be the top heel for the next 3-4 months. The whole illigitimate child storyline, from what i have read on the main board, will make Mr. Kennedy into a top heel, perhaps THE top heel of the company. As far as Cena goes, I dont hate the guy but you using "greatness" and Cena in the same sentence is pretty damn funny. You kinda lost creditbility in my book with that statement. His charecter and title run is stale and has been since WM. IMO, Cena should turn heel. It would freshen up his charecter and would generate interest again...just a thought.


in my opinion, they should send cena to SD! turn him into a heel and contend there since SD! doesnt have so many main eventers like raw.

but the Randy Orton to win? i sure hope so. hes been away from a title shot/winning it for a long time and i think cena's reign should be over
i believe they will go with this idea. take the title off cena and put it on randy orton. why? because whether you like to think of him as a total a-hole or not, he really does deserve it ya know? hes busted his ass since he lost the WHC and to think someone like triple h, the guy who thought the championship was practically the other love of his life if there was one, is pushing for orton to do this, then it should happen. Randy Orton deserves the WWE Championship. not taking anything away from John Cena, hes a great athlete in my book, i dont care what you people think cause obviously you cannot see greatness but seriously...Cena has held that title for toooo long. i honestly believe they should just send him to SD! and throw him in the WHC title run. hes better than batista. all batista is, is a huge rock with arms and legs and goes RAWR! like a dumbass. so yeah, thats why i think orton should win it. hes talented, young, an amazing athlete and in my opinion, could carry RAW. and i also think they should turn orton babyface so that he could feud with Mr. Kennedy. seeing as how kennedy is now the big heel and everything ya know?

"i believe they will go with this idea. take the title off cena and put it on randy orton. why? because whether you like to think of him as a total a-hole or not, he really does deserve it ya know? hes busted his ass since he lost the WHC and to think someone like triple h, the guy who thought the championship was practically the other love of his life if there was one, is pushing for orton to do this, then it should happen."

With all due respect Jawn87... are you smoking crack or taking mushrooms? While most of your post made a degree of sense, I couldn't help but question your sanity with the line reagrding Orton winning the title "he really does deserve it, you know?" Besides doing his job since losing the WHC, what has Orton done to deserve the strap? His promos are monotone, arrogant diatrabes without any convincing emotion. I'll say this again and again, if Orton expects to be a real superstar in the industry, he's got to take his acting level beyond that of a high school drama club. And while you might say Batista, Khali, and Lashley don't have any mic skills, in the case of Lashley, you've got a powerhouse who has a good degree of mobility in the ring. While he probably shouldn't have been given a world title so soon, Lashley has the skills in the ring, or at least potential to be a dominant force in the next few years. While Khali's ring skills and promo skills are laughable, the fact is he is a huge man, and over sized giants have always been a novelty to the industry. As for Batista, we all know Vince's history and love affair with muscle bound steroid monsters.

And please don't contend that Randy has developed the ring skills to carry the company. Beyond his drop kick, side neck breaker, and RKO (which while far from being as versatile as DDP's diamond cutter, is developing), his matches
are snooze fests containing way too many restholds. Frankly, he should probably quit smoking so he can carry himself in the ring at a high pace for longer than several minutes before resorting to a headlock.

So, what has Randy Orton to deserve this opportunity? I could easily throw his issues in the locker room and hotel destruction into the equation, but that's too easy. The fact is, he's nothing more than an arrogant, good looking guy with 3 moves that are passable on television. Say what you want about Cena, but he at least gets a crowd into his matches. While he might not be a technician, his promos deliver. In that aspect, he reminds of Hulk Hogan in the 1980's. I'm sure if it were 1989-1991, these posts would be tearing Hogan's reign apart. But, the fact is, Hulk Hogan brought wrestling to new audiences and a surge in popularity. If he hadn't been around, chances are a fair amount of us reading and writing these posts would have never come around to wrestling. Wrestling needs men Cena and Hogan to reach the masses, as opposed to the hard core wrestling audience. Orton's promo skills and matches will never let him get close to this level.

As for HHH endorsing Orton's reign, you think he's pushing it because he legitmately feels Randy Orton is a top tier wrestler and superstar? Of course not! He wants a heel he can take the title off of. Considering the WWE's lack of depth in decent wrestlers (nevermind main eventers), they have little choice but to put it on someone who, quite frankly, has half the skills of the champions of yesteryear. Personally, if HHH desperately wants to stroke his ego with a face run as champion, it wouldn't be a bad idea to turn Cena heel. Or just to keep the belt on Cena till they're ready to give it to Kennedy.

Face it, if Orton wins the title, he'll hold it for several months tops, and a year or so from now, his reign will be as forgettable as his first one. He'll feel justified in his arrogance and continue to coast through his career. I say make him really work for it. Send him to a few acting classes to develop his promo skills, have him wrestle in OVW in his off time to develop a better pace and ring psychology, and give him the time to develop into real champion, as opposed to someone keeping the strap warm while HHH waits to wear it.

As for deserving the title, here's a list of wrestlers... Ted Dibiase, Ricky Steamboat, Junkyard Dog, British Bulldog, Andre The Giant, Scott Hall, Curt Henning, Owen Hart, Greg Valentine, Jimmy Snuka, Jake The Snake (before his issues crippled him)... those are men who deserved a world title. Not Randy Orton !!!
"i believe they will go with this idea. take the title off cena and put it on randy orton. why? because whether you like to think of him as a total a-hole or not, he really does deserve it ya know? hes busted his ass since he lost the WHC and to think someone like triple h, the guy who thought the championship was practically the other love of his life if there was one, is pushing for orton to do this, then it should happen."

With all due respect Jawn87... are you smoking crack or taking mushrooms? While most of your post made a degree of sense, I couldn't help but question your sanity with the line reagrding Orton winning the title "he really does deserve it, you know?" Besides doing his job since losing the WHC, what has Orton done to deserve the strap? His promos are monotone, arrogant diatrabes without any convincing emotion. I'll say this again and again, if Orton expects to be a real superstar in the industry, he's got to take his acting level beyond that of a high school drama club. And while you might say Batista, Khali, and Lashley don't have any mic skills, in the case of Lashley, you've got a powerhouse who has a good degree of mobility in the ring. While he probably shouldn't have been given a world title so soon, Lashley has the skills in the ring, or at least potential to be a dominant force in the next few years. While Khali's ring skills and promo skills are laughable, the fact is he is a huge man, and over sized giants have always been a novelty to the industry. As for Batista, we all know Vince's history and love affair with muscle bound steroid monsters.

And please don't contend that Randy has developed the ring skills to carry the company. Beyond his drop kick, side neck breaker, and RKO (which while far from being as versatile as DDP's diamond cutter, is developing), his matches
are snooze fests containing way too many restholds. Frankly, he should probably quit smoking so he can carry himself in the ring at a high pace for longer than several minutes before resorting to a headlock.

So, what has Randy Orton to deserve this opportunity? I could easily throw his issues in the locker room and hotel destruction into the equation, but that's too easy. The fact is, he's nothing more than an arrogant, good looking guy with 3 moves that are passable on television. Say what you want about Cena, but he at least gets a crowd into his matches. While he might not be a technician, his promos deliver. In that aspect, he reminds of Hulk Hogan in the 1980's. I'm sure if it were 1989-1991, these posts would be tearing Hogan's reign apart. But, the fact is, Hulk Hogan brought wrestling to new audiences and a surge in popularity. If he hadn't been around, chances are a fair amount of us reading and writing these posts would have never come around to wrestling. Wrestling needs men Cena and Hogan to reach the masses, as opposed to the hard core wrestling audience. Orton's promo skills and matches will never let him get close to this level.

As for HHH endorsing Orton's reign, you think he's pushing it because he legitmately feels Randy Orton is a top tier wrestler and superstar? Of course not! He wants a heel he can take the title off of. Considering the WWE's lack of depth in decent wrestlers (nevermind main eventers), they have little choice but to put it on someone who, quite frankly, has half the skills of the champions of yesteryear. Personally, if HHH desperately wants to stroke his ego with a face run as champion, it wouldn't be a bad idea to turn Cena heel. Or just to keep the belt on Cena till they're ready to give it to Kennedy.

Face it, if Orton wins the title, he'll hold it for several months tops, and a year or so from now, his reign will be as forgettable as his first one. He'll feel justified in his arrogance and continue to coast through his career. I say make him really work for it. Send him to a few acting classes to develop his promo skills, have him wrestle in OVW in his off time to develop a better pace and ring psychology, and give him the time to develop into real champion, as opposed to someone keeping the strap warm while HHH waits to wear it.

As for deserving the title, here's a list of wrestlers... Ted Dibiase, Ricky Steamboat, Junkyard Dog, British Bulldog, Andre The Giant, Scott Hall, Curt Henning, Owen Hart, Greg Valentine, Jimmy Snuka, Jake The Snake (before his issues crippled him)... those are men who deserved a world title. Not Randy Orton !!!

I'd throw Dusty Rhodes in there too.

Nice post....very good points. I agree, without good mic skills (such as Kennedy) Randy Orton is just another avg. build wrestler with a few moves....
Dude i think Cena needs to stay champ.Cena and Kennedy will make a intresting fued. Cena makes a great Champ but look at other wrestlers at TNA,ECW and Smackdown.I would pay money defenatly to see Cena and Brock Lesnar Rip it especiouly now that Cena has improved with his wrestling skills last time Lesnar and Cena faced off was at Backlash 2003. whow Cena did not even make his Wrestlemania Debute then Cena defenatly sucked then i wished it was Lesnar Vs Chris Benoit.
But i would like to see a drafting soon i know that we had one like 2 months ago but i would love to see Kennedy vs Cena at Unforgiven or Cena vs HHH at survivor series or Batista vs Cena at wrestlemania.
There are many random matches that would be intresting.Hell ill even like to watch Lesnar vs Cena at wrestlemania 24.
Dude i think Cena needs to stay champ.Cena and Kennedy will make a intresting fued. Cena makes a great Champ but look at other wrestlers at TNA,ECW and Smackdown.I would pay money defenatly to see Cena and Brock Lesnar Rip it especiouly now that Cena has improved with his wrestling skills last time Lesnar and Cena faced off was at Backlash 2003. whow Cena did not even make his Wrestlemania Debute then Cena defenatly sucked then i wished it was Lesnar Vs Chris Benoit.
But i would like to see a drafting soon i know that we had one like 2 months ago but i would love to see Kennedy vs Cena at Unforgiven or Cena vs HHH at survivor series or Batista vs Cena at wrestlemania.
There are many random matches that would be intresting.Hell ill even like to watch Lesnar vs Cena at wrestlemania 24.

Lesnar isnt coming back to the WWE so you have a long wait for that one. Cena can still have those feuds...he doesnt need the title to have those matches. Nobody is talking about killing off his charecter they simply want the title off of him. Cena and those individuals, although different opponents, would fall into the same formula...bad guy stacks deck against John Cena....John Cena finds a way to win and retain the title....that formula is old and stale...Cena chasing the title would be more appealing to many fans out there....as would a heel run.
It just pisses me off were i see Batista lose a title match and it does the
same with cena and Edge around JUNE JULY AUGUST last year and piss me off more and it is more intresting to see Cena against a BIG MOuth like Kennedy putting the title on the line.It will make an intresing push for Kennedy first being the illigidiment son of Vince then in the main event of a PPV Kennedy is already getting a push when its reveled that Kenneddy is the son of vince it will give Kennedy a bigger push to a new populaerty if Cena faces off with Kennedy WWE Title up for grabs.
Id like to see how long Cena could withstand Batista asking and hunting for his world title if Cena had the world title. Hed die prolly from the amount of times hed beaten him yet Batista keeps coming back. I think its funny how Batista keeps coming and asking for rematches untill hes won the title.

Onto Orton man he so deserved to win, he busted his ass off and you cant deny hes been improving in ring. Hed be able to draw more fans as a champ and as i heard on the forum before the Cena fans are still gonna buy Cena t Shirts no matter if hes champ or not.

LOL i almost fell for Randy winning the title ill never ever bet against John Cena ever again unless he like dies or is physically unable to defend his title even then they might retire him as the last ever champ and his reign would never end and in the future hed still be selling t shirts and hed be still be loved by ten year olds.

What happens whe nthe 10 year olds grow up will the next batch of 10 yr olds love Cena we will have to wait and see.

Orton may you never have to job to Cena again possibly move you to Smackdown and have you fued with your ex evolution partner Batista now you'd at least have a chance of winning that even tho there'd be like an eternity of rematches.

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