i believe they will go with this idea. take the title off cena and put it on randy orton. why? because whether you like to think of him as a total a-hole or not, he really does deserve it ya know? hes busted his ass since he lost the WHC and to think someone like triple h, the guy who thought the championship was practically the other love of his life if there was one, is pushing for orton to do this, then it should happen. Randy Orton deserves the WWE Championship. not taking anything away from John Cena, hes a great athlete in my book, i dont care what you people think cause obviously you cannot see greatness but seriously...Cena has held that title for toooo long. i honestly believe they should just send him to SD! and throw him in the WHC title run. hes better than batista. all batista is, is a huge rock with arms and legs and goes RAWR! like a dumbass. so yeah, thats why i think orton should win it. hes talented, young, an amazing athlete and in my opinion, could carry RAW. and i also think they should turn orton babyface so that he could feud with Mr. Kennedy. seeing as how kennedy is now the big heel and everything ya know?
"i believe they will go with this idea. take the title off cena and put it on randy orton. why? because whether you like to think of him as a total a-hole or not, he really does deserve it ya know? hes busted his ass since he lost the WHC and to think someone like triple h, the guy who thought the championship was practically the other love of his life if there was one, is pushing for orton to do this, then it should happen."
With all due respect Jawn87... are you smoking crack or taking mushrooms? While most of your post made a degree of sense, I couldn't help but question your sanity with the line reagrding Orton winning the title "he really does deserve it, you know?" Besides doing his job since losing the WHC, what has Orton done to deserve the strap? His promos are monotone, arrogant diatrabes without any convincing emotion. I'll say this again and again, if Orton expects to be a real superstar in the industry, he's got to take his acting level beyond that of a high school drama club. And while you might say Batista, Khali, and Lashley don't have any mic skills, in the case of Lashley, you've got a powerhouse who has a good degree of mobility in the ring. While he probably shouldn't have been given a world title so soon, Lashley has the skills in the ring, or at least potential to be a dominant force in the next few years. While Khali's ring skills and promo skills are laughable, the fact is he is a huge man, and over sized giants have always been a novelty to the industry. As for Batista, we all know Vince's history and love affair with muscle bound steroid monsters.
And please don't contend that Randy has developed the ring skills to carry the company. Beyond his drop kick, side neck breaker, and RKO (which while far from being as versatile as DDP's diamond cutter, is developing), his matches
are snooze fests containing way too many restholds. Frankly, he should probably quit smoking so he can carry himself in the ring at a high pace for longer than several minutes before resorting to a headlock.
So, what has Randy Orton to deserve this opportunity? I could easily throw his issues in the locker room and hotel destruction into the equation, but that's too easy. The fact is, he's nothing more than an arrogant, good looking guy with 3 moves that are passable on television. Say what you want about Cena, but he at least gets a crowd into his matches. While he might not be a technician, his promos deliver. In that aspect, he reminds of Hulk Hogan in the 1980's. I'm sure if it were 1989-1991, these posts would be tearing Hogan's reign apart. But, the fact is, Hulk Hogan brought wrestling to new audiences and a surge in popularity. If he hadn't been around, chances are a fair amount of us reading and writing these posts would have never come around to wrestling. Wrestling needs men Cena and Hogan to reach the masses, as opposed to the hard core wrestling audience. Orton's promo skills and matches will never let him get close to this level.
As for HHH endorsing Orton's reign, you think he's pushing it because he legitmately feels Randy Orton is a top tier wrestler and superstar? Of course not! He wants a heel he can take the title off of. Considering the WWE's lack of depth in decent wrestlers (nevermind main eventers), they have little choice but to put it on someone who, quite frankly, has half the skills of the champions of yesteryear. Personally, if HHH desperately wants to stroke his ego with a face run as champion, it wouldn't be a bad idea to turn Cena heel. Or just to keep the belt on Cena till they're ready to give it to Kennedy.
Face it, if Orton wins the title, he'll hold it for several months tops, and a year or so from now, his reign will be as forgettable as his first one. He'll feel justified in his arrogance and continue to coast through his career. I say make him really work for it. Send him to a few acting classes to develop his promo skills, have him wrestle in OVW in his off time to develop a better pace and ring psychology, and give him the time to develop into real champion, as opposed to someone keeping the strap warm while HHH waits to wear it.
As for deserving the title, here's a list of wrestlers... Ted Dibiase, Ricky Steamboat, Junkyard Dog, British Bulldog, Andre The Giant, Scott Hall, Curt Henning, Owen Hart, Greg Valentine, Jimmy Snuka, Jake The Snake (before his issues crippled him)... those are men who deserved a world title. Not Randy Orton !!!