Randy Orton...a Future Forgotten Champ

Shawn did job to orton. He did it at two surviovr series back to back, he did it at one summerslam and so foth. Let stop with HBK won't Job thing. He done plenty of time during his comeback,

Orton is very borning. he and kenedy match was horrible. When he wrestle michaels he was on the offense during the dry spot and to be honest he does not even have the camp look. Hardy does. The heels are just sorry. We need another patrioism fued. it is the current state of wwe in my opinion.
I sure as #!*$ dont like the idea of randy being the champ. i think maybe tripple H or maybe Rey should obtain the fact of being the champ?
if not, then who do u think should be the champ?
I thought I commented on this thread but maybe it was another RKO related one. Personally I hate Randy's reign as champion that's going on right now. It's not that I don't believe he doesn't deserve to be a champ but if I see him run, lose by DQ, or cower to anyone else I'm going to rip out every piece of hair on my head.
Randy Orton was one of the main reasons I got back into wrestling in more hardcore instead of catching it when I had time, it was when he was in Evolution and he, HHH, and (silent) Batista (I liked Batista so much when he didn't talk, lol) and something about him just had me drawn to him, well besides the fact we went to the same high school, lol but I thought he was going to be the next big thing in WWE so when he FINALLY got the belt after me ordering many PPV's believing he was going to beat John Cena; I was excited as hell!!!
But... over the past few weeks I honestly want them to take the belt from him. You see Randy for maybe 10-15 min. during the whole 2 hours and when you do see him he's always getting his ass kicked.
I don't think it's Randy's fault that he's being very boring but maybe with the return of Y2J they'll spice his character up some by having him dominate some.
I sure as #!*$ dont like the idea of randy being the champ. i think maybe tripple H or maybe Rey should obtain the fact of being the champ?
if not, then who do u think should be the champ?
alright buddy ive read 2 of ur post and you are a joke asadkins ..... wnting rey to be wwe champ dont u under stand he's on smackdown .... and hhh did have the title for two min bascilly they are trying to build up y2j vs. cena when he gets back .... i dont see hh getting the title so every one settle down and get ready for orton to loose the title by royal rumble and stop complaing its not like we expected orton to be a long running champ.... and rko can work a match so stop bashing him biut that and he had great mic skills early in his career wwe is not pushing him as that kind of champ.... we were complaing bout cena a while ago now bout orton jeez is there one chmp we wnt to see or that we actually like
Honestly I think the lack of time orton is getting has nothing to due with orton himself. There just aren't any good superstars to fued with a major heel like him. Everyone knows HBk is starting to whine down and HHH is being pussed so hard its getting boring. They dont want to turn kennedy face because he's the next big heel. So they turn to jeff hardy, dont get me wrong I like jeff but he's not a complete package. So if lashley or cena dont return after Mania' I think someone like Undertaker or Batista will move to raw to fill the spot of main face. And poor orton is stuck on the waiting list....it sucks!!!
He very well may be lost in the shuffle. The problem with him, in my opinion, is the fact that his heel character sucks elephant nuts right now. If he could turn face for at least a month or so and give all of the fans a break from his 'stare-down, pulsating-vein, gonna-kick-your-ass-even-though-I-am-not capable-of-it-really attitude.'

He needs a change. I say he should drop the title to Hardy at the Royal Rumble and start over on Raw the next night. Maybe have Hardy turn heel, Orton turn face, and shock the fans. OOOOHHHHH, what a GREAT idea!!! Even though it won't really happen, SOMETHING needs to happen in order for Orton to not be overlooked as a credible champion. I truly believe he has the ability to be a memorable one, if given the opportunity.
Orton Fan here... and after thinking about it for a while, I totally agree! And you can thank Triple H for that. Once again, the spotlight HAS to be on Trips. It's happened before and it's happening again.. if trips wasn't in the spotlight as much as he is now, then Orton would get his mic & promo time that he needs to be an awesome champion. Maybe he should change his promo style... take a page out of Edge's book perhaps?
I think WWE may use Orton to hold the title until Cena comes back which would really piss me off and i would stopp watchin WWE for the rest of my life nd im only 16 so thats a long time!!! but i do agree i loved Orton nd have been waitin for him to win the title now he has it nd wat??? Jeff Hardy is stealin alot of his light aswell by commin out nd always stealin his light FK off Jeff Hardy go back to tag matches wiff Matt!!!!!!!! Its time for orton to dominate Raw nd become a true champ!!! nd hold the title for lyk 2 years! or atlest a long time so i dont have to c Cena wiff the title again!!!!
Just a little something i caught was that orton said to hardy "since I've been champ, no one has been able to beat me." Okay he must have gotten superkicked one too many times because in his first title defense he lost it to triple h.
i think you'll find he means in the current title run.. not the title run last only lasted a couple of minutes so by "since I've been champ, no one has been able to beat me." he means since the second time he won the championship at no mercy
Yeah, but even if he meant that,he lost to HBK and Jericho by DQ, and if he didn't mean by DQ than that doesn't make sense because he wouldn't have the title, and even if he meant a non title match he lost to hardy in that tag match. I don't remember another match he's been in since he's been champ where he actually won.
I agree with those who say he is being lost in the shuffle. His title reign is a lot like Jericho's was in my opinion: A heel champion that tends to run from his opponents most of the time. As a few people have said, who has he actually beaten? His first two feuds were Jericho and Michaels, and he retained by DQ, and then had the sweet chin music banned the second time. So far he has been made to look like a weakling, and more than likely will be forgotten about in a few years, much like his first title run a few years back.
Orton was great without the belt because he was seeking the action and was creating storylines.
It seems now like WWE is ok with allowing Orton to carry the belt and cruise through his title run until the time comes to put the belt back on Cena or HHH. When Cena was champ, his story was that he was always up for the challenge and welcomed the challenge. Now Orton isnt the legend killer, or "The Champ", he's the guy who holds the title...its boring and the fact WWE has nothing new for him to do is the reason why there is no big push.

IMO if Orton were to lose the title to Jeff and then gain it back at No Way Out would be huge for his legay as Champ and allow him to further build up as the new "Cerebal Assasin"
A Future Forgotten Champion... Naw, I don't think so. He'll be remembered... He'll be remembered for brutally honestly being one of the most boring WWE Champions in WWE history.

2003-2004, on RAW, Randy Orton had a much better aspect to him during his superior reign as WWE Intercontinental Champion and short-lived first reign as WWE Champion in comparison to currently being WWE Champion. I mean, he was a younger athlete proclaiming himself "The Legend Killer", his potential was running high, he enrolled in Evolution and was a growing WWE Superstar.

But later on did he grow into a boring personality. He just matured and became boring to the eyes of his beholders or just me then, I'll speak for myself. His stuff got really old fast and they didn't know what to do with him. He got suspended multiple times over disorderly conduct and basically in my eyes, reduced to a low.

Everyone was begging on WWE to crown him WWE Champion and I was against it because he wasn't exactly eligible to me to carry it. But the day did come, however, and he became WWE Champ following a perpetual raged-on rivalry with John Cena and now... he just isn't doing anything with the belt. The belt just rests on his shoulders, awaiting the day someone steps up to the plate like an over and a talented rainbow-head-warrior like Jeff Hardy or Cerebral Assassin like Triple H or an April or May returning John Cena.
Randy Orton has the potential to become one of the best! i agree his first two title reign, or three... will be forgotten but the man is booked like shit! before becoming the champ, he was on the roll of his career, the best winning streak, and the toughest sob. But there is one thing people seems to be forgetting... HE'S 27 YEARS OLD! the guy is 27 years old and he's already a 3 times WWE champion. We will see Randy Orton for at least another 15 years in the WWE if he keeps his acts good! some of the best didnt won there first title until they were like 30! so people need to chill out. orton is young and will have plenty of time to change his character, or his mic skills, or his in-ring work (wich is already good IMO). Randy Orton won't be a forgotten champion, because he has the potential to be great. they should consider pushing there younger talent then HHH who is getting old and boring to watch him burry people.
this is complete bs the reason randy orton snt getting a push is
because triple h and his trusty shovel for burying him he is a great champ

Last time I checked, Randy Orton is the W.W.E. Champion. Triple H. doesn't even have a spot (yet) on the next p.p.v. Seems to me, Orton is getting a push just fine. Maybe that shove you claim Triple H. has is currently broken from digging up too much dirt?

but nobody can shine when triple h appears 4 times in 2 hours

Orton defeated Triple H. in a great Last Man Standing match. Triple H. PUT HIM OVER. If Orton can't shine off beating a man that hadn't been defeated since his return, then I don't know what to tell you.

orton has proved he can be hardcore at backlash 2004

I loved his hardcore match with Mick Foley, but what on earth does being hardcore have to do with anything?

he has proved he can wrestle with the best chris benoit undertaker and kurt angle

Please do NOT classify Randy Orton as anything close to being the next Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit or even Undertaker. Orton's skills couldn't touch any of the three, especially Angle, who IS a true amateur in the sport of Professional Wrestling.

he can take mad heat if they let him he might would fair better

Uhm.. again, whats stopping him from taking heat? He's a heel, he's the main event, he SHOULD be receiving the biggest amount of heel heat possible. If he's not, that isn't anyone's fault but his own for not doing the job they put him in position to do.

on smackdown were politics isnt as important he has been getting more screen time

I have no clue where you're going with this?

since he stood up to trple h and hbk at the tribute to the troops maybee bieng a locker room leader instead of a
political master can get you some were

Backstage politics have always played a stupid role in professional wrestling, & congrats to Orton for finally being a man & standing up for something. Unfortunately, it'll take more than one good deed, to overlook all the horribly, stupid shit he did in the past two years alone.
The title of this is Randy Orton... A Future Forgotten Champ, so to answer this question, let's examine his title reign so far. He first got given the title at NO Mercy before losing it to HHH then HHH got beat up by Umaga before RAndy Orton win his rematch the same night against HHH. So he looked very Weak from the start since it was barely able to beat HHH even when HHH was at 100%.

So after that HE started a feud with a returning Shawn Micheals and got the crap beat out of him for the entire feud. HE lost his match at Cyber Sunday by Dq and then manage to beat HBK at survivor serires but the only reason he won was because HBK couldn't use Sweet Chin Music. This feud further damages Orton and he was made to look very weak.

Then After he got in a feud with a returning Y2J and again got the crap beat out of him for most of that feud. Then at armageddon, he lose the match by DQ because of JBL Interference. So then again he'S made to look like he'S not able to beat Y2J and since we never got to see a rematch between Jericho and Orton, we will never know if Orton would have been able to beat jericho.

His third title feud was against Jeff HArdy and again got the crap beat out of him by Hardy. Hardy finally lost to Orton at the Royal Rumble but the fact his that Orton wasn'T the one that was made to look strong during that match it was Jeff HArdy.

Then he re-candle is feud With John Cena and again got the beat everyweek by cena and the way the match ended at No Way Out, Orton was made to look like a total joke.

So now we started the road to wrestlemania and after seeing Raw this week, they should really just take the title away from ORton and just declare it vacant because for most of the night, Orton was just an afterthought, even Mr. Kennedy got more attention then Orton and he not even in the main event.

So is Orton a future forgotten Champ, i really believe so and for what it's worth, i think that the WWE as already forgotten about him.
I've been calling this the worst booked title run since Jericho since Orton got the damn belt. I don't know that he will be a "forgotten champ." I do think the memory of this run will damage his future chances of winning the strap, just as Jericho's asstacular run has screwed him.
The way Orton is being booked now, yes, nobody will care - and very soon.

The reason for that is they're making Orton look like the cowardly heel, something Edge is much better at doing. Orton, in my opinion, should be the type of heel that is "cold and calculating, methodical, and he'll get the job done"...eg, a heel that strikes you after a match as an exclamation point to how he just pinned you. Edge comes off as the type of guy who snakes his way, very intelligently, into domination. He cheats to win, but not in a way that makes him look like he NEEDED to (like slapping a ref to get a disqualification).

So you have Edge as the intelligent opportunist who will run when he can to avoid a beating but when you turn around, he'll spear you like a sneaky bastard, and Orton as the guy who is upfront about things and takes a few hits in the process but gets the job done in the end.

The way they have him now makes him look like he shouldn't have gotten the belt in the first place. Granted, its a gimmick that could work for a different champ (like if Santino had the IC title again, as his character is based on being pathetic and funny, not a serious threat), but for Orton to be "the legend killer", losing all the time surely isn't killing anything but his own career.
Yeah, it is very hard to remember a champ whenevery time he has a title match, it ends in a DQ. Now i can't really remember watching a great finish to a tile match at a ppv the way it was back in the day....i know everyone has heard about the nostalgia era, but it is true. I really think that creative has made orton a forgotten champ, the writing to these matches are awful.
I was reading on wrestlezone a few months ago that he was now seen as a backstage rival to HHH and HBK who were playing the politics!

Think this could have anything to do with it???

Orton had the oppertunity to be the best heel champ for years, its a shame that creative cant see past HHH and Cena. The Orton-Hardy was the white hot and in all honesty could have carried both to wrestlemania (in fact it will probably be rekindled after Mania as an IC fued).

I hope Randy keeps his nose clean an does not get frustrated with the booking team because eventually the fans will tell them what we want (Cena has found that out!)
I don't want to say that Orton will be a forgotten champ. His first title reign... Yes, he held it for all of a month or so before loosing it to HHH. Now as far as this reign is concerned. I don't think forgotten is the right word. I think he will be one of the least thought about champs in recent times given the other name ie: Cena, Edge, Undertaker, who have held either the WHC or WWE title. Reason being is that Orton has been made to look like an incredibly weak champ. I think he keeps getting DQs to try and build heat, which is not working. I don't understand why WWE keeps going that rout. Orton on the mic. sounds like he could be a rather vicious champion, but as soon as he gets in the ring he seems to fill the role of a coward, and I'm not talking about like Edge who waits to strike either. I would love to have seen what would have happened if WWE kept Orton on the vicious streak he was on prior to winning the strap. I think that would have made him one of, if not the most memorable champion in recent memory... *sigh*
I'd have to say that yes he is going to be a forgotten champ. WWE have done a poor job with his title reign.

For one he was awarded the title. That's bullshit. It's even worse than winning it in a battle royal. Then 20 minutes later he lost it. Again that's bullshit. Yeah he got it back at the end of the night. Big fuckin' deal. He defeated HHH. The guy who was on his 3rd match of the night. Orton also had to deafeat him with the aid of a gimmick match. Terrible.

His next opponent was HBK. Good matches. But again. His first PPV title defence ended in a DQ. That adds no credibility to his reign. He defeated HBK at the next PPV, but the feud was already sullied by then.

The Jericho. Poor feud. DQ finish. Even less credibility to his title reign.

Next Jeff Hardy. HHH put him over at Armageddon, yet still buried him. Talented guy that HHH. Anyway. Good feud. Good match. BUT. Would people have accepted Jeff as a challenger to a bigger star like Cean? Would Cena even entertain a feud with Jeff Hardy? Doubtful. So good feud, cut short. The only fued so far he's got the better of.

Then Cena at NWO. DQ finish. 'Nuff said.

You can't establish a memorable or important title reign with that many DQ finishes on PPV. Almost half of his matches have ended that way. The thing is that it wouldn't have harmed most of them if they'd lost.
I have to agree that Orton's title reign has been that of a forgotton champ in a couple of years. Which sucks because I really like Orton, the problem is he seems to fit better in a role of going for the title, not actually being the champion. The problem with his title reign began when he received the title, it was given to him, which never makes a champion look great, if he had beaten Cena straight up it could have made his title reign great, but he never had that chance. Then he lost to HHH and later won the title back from HHH on the same night, that is pretty much a draw. His HBK and Y2J fueds did nothing for him, seeing he kept the title by DQ vs Y2J, and HBK couldn't use sweet chin music against him. Basically creating two ways that he could keep the title, but not look good doing so. The Hardy feud was actually pretty good, but it elevated Hardy to a higher level, and really did nothing for Orton. Then he lost by DQ to Cena, which made him look weak. So far his reign as made him look weak. But if somehow, someway he walks out of Mania' with the title that will all change. That is what I am hoping for, but it looks unlikely.
Orton is a true Old School Heel...not a tweener like Cripple H
The DQ's are a page out of Flairs book from what I remember
i dunno what RAW you guys have been watching but hasn't
Orton been standing above RKO'd HHH and Cena 2 of the past 3 weeks?
Unfortunately for Orton...HHH has the most devastating finishing move ever...the BOOK. They should hake HHH carry around a book like Old School Undertakers URN.

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