this is complete bs the reason randy orton snt getting a push is
because triple h and his trusty shovel for burying him he is a great champ
Last time I checked, Randy Orton is the W.W.E. Champion. Triple H. doesn't even have a spot (yet) on the next p.p.v. Seems to me, Orton is getting a push just fine. Maybe that shove you claim Triple H. has is currently broken from digging up too much dirt?
but nobody can shine when triple h appears 4 times in 2 hours
Orton defeated Triple H. in a great Last Man Standing match. Triple H. PUT HIM OVER. If Orton can't shine off beating a man that hadn't been defeated since his return, then I don't know what to tell you.
orton has proved he can be hardcore at backlash 2004
I loved his hardcore match with Mick Foley, but what on earth does being hardcore have to do with anything?
he has proved he can wrestle with the best chris benoit undertaker and kurt angle
Please do NOT classify Randy Orton as anything close to being the next Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit or even Undertaker. Orton's skills couldn't touch any of the three, especially Angle, who IS a true amateur in the sport of Professional Wrestling.
he can take mad heat if they let him he might would fair better
Uhm.. again, whats stopping him from taking heat? He's a heel, he's the main event, he SHOULD be receiving the biggest amount of heel heat possible. If he's not, that isn't anyone's fault but his own for not doing the job they put him in position to do.
on smackdown were politics isnt as important he has been getting more screen time
I have no clue where you're going with this?
since he stood up to trple h and hbk at the tribute to the troops maybee bieng a locker room leader instead of a
political master can get you some were
Backstage politics have always played a stupid role in professional wrestling, & congrats to Orton for finally being a man & standing up for something. Unfortunately, it'll take more than one good deed, to overlook all the horribly, stupid shit he did in the past two years alone.