Exactly. Shitty WWE creative. Orton would have been here along time ago and a multiple time World Champ by now if he stayed out of trouble.
That explains why he is easily the best heel mic worker in WWE right now(Edge is injured)
That explains why he always puts on a watchable match.
That explains why he plays his role better than anyone in the company.
Orton is good on the mic. Not in the top 5 but he's easily in the top 10.
He is. He is one of the few that will be on top of the company for years to come....
I love the idea or RKO being Champion. Like I said he would have already had possibly 2/3 reigns by now. RKO would make a great heel champion. Something we haven't seen in WWE since Triple H.
6 months ago dude, Get over it. Cena fans can bitch and moan about that all they want. Orton is a top performer that delivers when asked. Watch SummerSlam.
RKO used more than 6 moves during SS...
The restholds have a point. He looks to concuss his opponents after the match. So therefore he works on the head. That was the whole point of his arsenal at SS. He is also a good seller, Great at getting the crowd into matches and has good in-ring physchology.
The point is to get the crowd pumped...Which is the basics of wrestling![]()
Same with Edge when he does the Spear...
the best heel mic worker? i'd have to go with kennedy on that one with mvp taking 2nd......you say hes the best heel mic worker then say he may not be the top 5 in the company but at least the top 10...lol...not sure what point you are trying to make. "he plays his role better then anyone in the company".....what the hell does that mean lol of course he does...hes the only randy orton in the wwe.....you say orton is a top performer that delivers when asked.....well i can think of 5 other guys that deliver when asked and havent done half the bullshit that orton has done...you tell me to get over it...lol...how about when randy orton;s name quits getting linked to steroids i'll get over it.....deal? you say he puts on a watchable match...what the hell does that mean? i thought you were supposed to be defending him....well...cena's matches are "watchable" too...that statement doesnt mean shit bro.........lol...thanks for teaching me the "basics of wrestling" lol

lol...im not sure what points your trying to me in your post.....for defending the guy and thinking of him as the 2nd coming your comments make him look like an avg chump....."top 10 in mic skills" and "watchable matches"...lol