Randy Orton Next WWE Champ?

Exactly. Shitty WWE creative. Orton would have been here along time ago and a multiple time World Champ by now if he stayed out of trouble.

That explains why he is easily the best heel mic worker in WWE right now(Edge is injured)

That explains why he always puts on a watchable match.

That explains why he plays his role better than anyone in the company.

Orton is good on the mic. Not in the top 5 but he's easily in the top 10.

He is. He is one of the few that will be on top of the company for years to come....

I love the idea or RKO being Champion. Like I said he would have already had possibly 2/3 reigns by now. RKO would make a great heel champion. Something we haven't seen in WWE since Triple H.

6 months ago dude, Get over it. Cena fans can bitch and moan about that all they want. Orton is a top performer that delivers when asked. Watch SummerSlam.

RKO used more than 6 moves during SS...

The restholds have a point. He looks to concuss his opponents after the match. So therefore he works on the head. That was the whole point of his arsenal at SS. He is also a good seller, Great at getting the crowd into matches and has good in-ring physchology.

The point is to get the crowd pumped...Which is the basics of wrestling:rolleyes:

Same with Edge when he does the Spear...

the best heel mic worker? i'd have to go with kennedy on that one with mvp taking 2nd......you say hes the best heel mic worker then say he may not be the top 5 in the company but at least the top 10...lol...not sure what point you are trying to make. "he plays his role better then anyone in the company".....what the hell does that mean lol of course he does...hes the only randy orton in the wwe.....you say orton is a top performer that delivers when asked.....well i can think of 5 other guys that deliver when asked and havent done half the bullshit that orton has done...you tell me to get over it...lol...how about when randy orton;s name quits getting linked to steroids i'll get over it.....deal? you say he puts on a watchable match...what the hell does that mean? i thought you were supposed to be defending him....well...cena's matches are "watchable" too...that statement doesnt mean shit bro.........lol...thanks for teaching me the "basics of wrestling" lol:lol2:

lol...im not sure what points your trying to me in your post.....for defending the guy and thinking of him as the 2nd coming your comments make him look like an avg chump....."top 10 in mic skills" and "watchable matches"...lol:icon_rolleyes:
the best heel mic worker? i'd have to go with kennedy on that one with mvp taking 2nd......you say hes the best heel mic worker then say he may not be the top 5 in the company but at least the top 10...lol...not sure what point you are trying to make.

The point is he is a damn good mic worker. You take away the injured stars then yes I'd put Orton around the top 5. MVP/Kennedy are up there.

Kennedy isn't really even a heel. He's more of a tweener. Orton is a evil heel that does a great job on his promos. His promos so far during the Cena feud have been great. Same with Dusty/Cody.

you say orton is a top performer that delivers when asked.....well i can think of 5 other guys that deliver when asked and havent done half the bullshit that orton has done...you tell me to get over it...lol...

6 months ago. Booker had to be fed to Trips since he mouthed of in public therefore RKO was put into the title picture. Orton didn't fail to deliver at SS and hasn't during this whole feud with Cena. Which is why he should be a permanent stay in the main event picture for awhile.

how about when randy orton;s name quits getting linked to steroids i'll get over it.....deal?

And yet he isn't suspended...So what the fuck does it matter?

Cena is going to retain anyway. Any knowlegable wrestling fan would know that by now.

you say he puts on a watchable match...what the hell does that mean?

He puts on matches that I can watch without having to change the channel due to shitness. Cody Rhodes for Example... They were watchable. Were they good? No. But watchable. Cena/Snitsky wasn't which is why I flipped the channel.

i thought you were supposed to be defending him....well...cena's matches are "watchable" too

I am. Duh. Cena's PPV matches are watchable when he has a worthy opponent. His RAW matches/promos are channel change worthy.

...that statement doesnt mean shit bro.........lol...thanks for teaching me the "basics of wrestling" lol:lol2:

I figured any smart mark would know the basics. Something you don't.

lol...im not sure what points your trying to me in your post.....for defending the guy and thinking of him as the 2nd coming your comments make him look like an avg chump....."top 10 in mic skills" and "watchable matches"...lol

First of all. Please speak english and spell correctly.

Second of all. Orton is a very good performer from his mic work to his in ring work. He carried Cena to what was a good match. He had good matches with Beniot and Trips during his first run with the title which IF he was to get a title run right now. We wouldn't have to worry about seeing a piss poor main event for a 40 doller PPV.

Right now RAW needs a change.

Orton is the # 1 Heel, And RAW hasn't had a title worthy heel since Triple H.

Which is why I defend him being title worthy.

It isn't hard to understand. Who else is there? Fucking Carlito who is being burried? Booker? Who Trips just plowed over at SS? Kennedy who just got pinned in an IC title match?

None of those heels would fit in Orton's spot right now. He is the most-over.
Kennedy is easily the best heel mic worker, I don't think orton will be the Champ because of the Steroids thing, but considering he has a match at Unforgiven, i can see them making him lose the match and then he will be suspended just like Kennedy, who ended up being pulled from a great storyline in the making. Orton would not be good for the kids as champ, coz he has been spotted numerous times openly smoking marujuana at WWE Events and gets dropped lower down the order to who will be Champ
Liberalism is destroying America. Liberalism is what keeps allowing Orton to get chance after chance after chance after chance after chance. A man that needs desperately to be in rehab will be rewarded for his addictions. Look for Orton to have the belt for a very long time. Look for America to be a third world nation within 2 generations. Thank you liberalism.
the best heel mic worker? i'd have to go with kennedy on that one with mvp taking 2nd......

Putting MVP above Edge on the mic causes you to lose all credibility in my book.

Randy Orton is an ass. He would not be the greatest role model for kids. Im sure he is still using some kind of drug. It is only a matter of time before he gets caught. The thing is... I don't give a damn. I could care less about his backstage behavior. He is talented on the mic and in the ring. THAT is what I look for in a champion

As for the holds..? I suppose you also think Bret Hart and Kurt Angle are bad in ring workers
Bwaller get off Ortons case you bring up stuff from six months ago Ortons promos with Cena that punt to Cenas dad put him over as a heel even more as people have said he is a evil heel now not the cocky heel like he was before at least Orton can evolve his gimmick and not stay the same like Cena

He does way more moves then you think also he even does that sky high neckbreaker although he does not do that too much now he is athletic enough to go to the top rope and do cross bodys drop kicks etc. you said Cena was athletic sorry dude Cenas a brawler heis not that athletic or at least hes not showing it

Its time to accept Orton as a main eventer he is a top 10 mic worker in the wwe and can manipulate the crowd to hate him just like edge I will give you that Orton is not any good as a face so he will be a heel for a while Other than that the man is entertaining and its about time we start realizing that
Bwaller get off Ortons case you bring up stuff from six months ago Ortons promos with Cena that punt to Cenas dad put him over as a heel even more as people have said he is a evil heel now not the cocky heel like he was before at least Orton can evolve his gimmick and not stay the same like Cena

He does way more moves then you think also he even does that sky high neckbreaker although he does not do that too much now he is athletic enough to go to the top rope and do cross bodys drop kicks etc. you said Cena was athletic sorry dude Cenas a brawler heis not that athletic or at least hes not showing it

Its time to accept Orton as a main eventer he is a top 10 mic worker in the wwe and can manipulate the crowd to hate him just like edge I will give you that Orton is not any good as a face so he will be a heel for a while Other than that the man is entertaining and its about time we start realizing that

you pretty much said it right there, and i think i recall somebody saying that orton is not top 5 material? please, orton not only is athletic, but he has underrated technical skills, i aint saying he's a kurt angle but he has technical ability. and umm did peeps really watch summerslam? because if you did you would have noticed that orton carried that match, and displayed that he is more than capable of putting on a good match. and im tired of hearing about the past troubles, leave that shit in the past, the kid made mistakes, we make mistakes, big deal, i'll admit he should have been champ over the past two years, but big deal, he made mistakes, he's cleaning his act now, and like edge, he plays that evil heel persona really well, and he can switch it up to a cocky heel persona as well, mic skills are top 10 material as well. look bottom line, orton is ready and prime to be champ this time around, he can carry raw by being a champ, like triple h said, the company will make more money with orton being champ, and having either cena or triple h chase after him.
If you would have ask this question a couple of months ago i would have say absolutely. As much as i hate Randy Orton, i got to give it to him, he's a great performer inside the ring. He got the making of a future hall of famer, if he stays out of trouble and that why i don'T see him winning the WWE title anytime soon. It's not that i don'T want him to win the WWE title from Cena but i don'T think the timing is right for him to win it. Even if i supposedly already serve is suspension for the pharmacy scandal, i still think that it's too much of a risk right now for the WWE to give the biggest belt in the company to someone like Orton who's name can pop up at any moment on another list for steroïd or other non-prescripted drug. In the last 2 years, they already when through it twice, one with RVD last year and this year with John Morrison. So yes, i want John Cena to lose the belt, but just not to Orton so am guessing one of two things is going to happen next sunday. Either somebody win by disqualification or somebody gets injured to the point of not being able to wrestle for a month or two.
I think Randy as champion would set up a great feud between him and Triple H-possibly throwing in something with Shawn Michaels in there when he comes back-it's just time for someone new to be champion and I think Randy fits the profile-I agree with everyone that has said it's time for someone new to be champion and be a heel..and although Randy has had some shady indiscretions outside of the ring, steroids, trashing hotel rooms, and what not-he still performs and he still delivers. I tend not to change the channel when he comes on because I'm interested in what he will say because I think he is excellent on the mic and I'm entertained by his matches...and that's what WWE needs right now....Cena was a good choice for champion for a while, but unlike his theme music "my time is now" I think his time is up...it would be excellent to see him drop out of the limelight for a little bit, possibly bringing him back up as a heel or even the old school Cena with the throwbacks and ridiculous raps he did while on Smackdown-just make him interesting again...

But as far as a new champion goes, I think Randy is a wise and smart choice...
And by the way...has anyone seen the poster for No Mercy? I just saw it and I think it looks amazing-Orton looks extremely evil and I think it's a great sign that Orton will become the new champion and that the championship will be transitioning into a heel reign :)
I'm new here and I agree with you both. Cena is too boring now!!! Orton plays an excellent heel. A heel as a champ again would be a good thing.
I think Randy as champion would set up a great feud between him and Triple H-possibly throwing in something with Shawn Michaels in there when he comes back-it's just time for someone new to be champion and I think Randy fits the profile-I agree with everyone that has said it's time for someone new to be champion and be a heel..and although Randy has had some shady indiscretions outside of the ring, steroids, trashing hotel rooms, and what not-he still performs and he still delivers. I tend not to change the channel when he comes on because I'm interested in what he will say because I think he is excellent on the mic and I'm entertained by his matches...and that's what WWE needs right now....Cena was a good choice for champion for a while, but unlike his theme music "my time is now" I think his time is up...it would be excellent to see him drop out of the limelight for a little bit, possibly bringing him back up as a heel or even the old school Cena with the throwbacks and ridiculous raps he did while on Smackdown-just make him interesting again...

But as far as a new champion goes, I think Randy is a wise and smart choice...

very good point my smart friend, but what the wwe needs to do, is like you said give orton the belt, but have him with a long title reign that he deserves, and give us the old john cena back, the true one that we had on smackdown, and lets have a true john cena, face randy orton again at wrestlemania.
I've been reading a bunch of different threads here and there over the past two days-getting a feel for what people think on different situations, title reigns, superstars and so on-there is one thing I noticed and I wasn't sure which thread to put it in, but I figured this one was the best.

I read that people don't think that Randy Orton should be the WWE champion because of his actions outside the ring and he wouldn't make a good role model for kids-examples, steroids, trashing hotel rooms, and now apparantely taking people's camera's and throwing them-and while I do think his behavior is appalling and disgusting, I don't think it should be held against him. However much of an asshole he may be outside the ring, his in ring performance and work in the ring deserve him the title. What he does outside the ring is his choice-and again I'm not saying that it's right but if the WWE based titles on people's outside ring behavior, half the people that were champions wouldn't have been-WWE pays the wrestlers to entertain and perform in the ring, not outside of it (unless they are a filming a movie or something else along those lines)

I think what people fail to remember, these guys have their own lives and own personalities outside wrestling-even if some of them are quite similar to how they are, people can't expect them to be perfect all the time-it's not that hard to figure out that Randy Orton is an ass in the ring and outside the ring-being a girl, I can tell from a mile away he is and why wouldn't he be? He's good looking, athletic, and making the big money- the complete package, I'm sure the word no isn't in his vocabulary all that often- If people are worried about having a good role model, John Cena isn't all that great of a role model-anyone remember his interview on Howard Stern? Not that I think kids should be listening to Howard Stern, we all know censorship is a joke anymore and parents let their kids listen to almost anything-if they listened to that, they would have heard Cena talking about sleeping with six women at once, his favorite night being with two strippers, and taking home a plus size woman on a bet-if we are basing championships on role models and behavior, I'm thinking Cena wouldn't have the championship-and while that's his life and what he choose's to do (or who to do) I don't see too many parents being thrilled about that...
Alright I'll finally throw my opinion in on this. The WWE Championship needs to change hands soon. Cena has had the title for a year now, and it's time for a change. I do enjoy the new angle that they have going on right now involving Cena's father. Honestly I can't think of a recent storyline that can top it. Take a look. You got the meniacle Orton literally going and picking apart Cena's mind, and from that Cena is going insane. I just think that for the first time in a while there is actually some fire under the WWE Championship matches.
Orton as champ? By all means yes. We've had a face champion for a year now, and it's time to move on. Right now Orton is the top heel IMO on any show in the WWE. He is over in a heel way with the fans, and there still are fans who cheer him as well. Yes his past actions outside of the ring shouldn't grant him the title, but if you take a look... He served his suspension, and from what is being reported really cleaned up his act, and in a hurry too. That has to account for something. Orton is the youngest WHC, so it's safe to say that he could possibly be a part of the future of WWE, as with Cena.
I really don't think there is any need to continue Cena's reign past Orton. He's pretty much faced every heel on Raw (minus Kennedy) and won, so unless WWE has plans for Kennedy to win the title from Cena down the road which does not seem like the case, it makes sense to give the belt to Orton. In doing so new windows for storylines could potentially be opened.
As champion we would see a rematch against Cena, but beyond that what could there be? Edge should be back for Survivor series. Should he have the title I could see a Smackdown vs Raw 10 man elimination match with the former Rated RKO as captains as well as champions
I've been reading a bunch of different threads here and there over the past two days-getting a feel for what people think on different situations, title reigns, superstars and so on-there is one thing I noticed and I wasn't sure which thread to put it in, but I figured this one was the best.

I read that people don't think that Randy Orton should be the WWE champion because of his actions outside the ring and he wouldn't make a good role model for kids-examples, steroids, trashing hotel rooms, and now apparantely taking people's camera's and throwing them-and while I do think his behavior is appalling and disgusting, I don't think it should be held against him. However much of an asshole he may be outside the ring, his in ring performance and work in the ring deserve him the title. What he does outside the ring is his choice-and again I'm not saying that it's right but if the WWE based titles on people's outside ring behavior, half the people that were champions wouldn't have been-WWE pays the wrestlers to entertain and perform in the ring, not outside of it (unless they are a filming a movie or something else along those lines)

I think what people fail to remember, these guys have their own lives and own personalities outside wrestling-even if some of them are quite similar to how they are, people can't expect them to be perfect all the time-it's not that hard to figure out that Randy Orton is an ass in the ring and outside the ring-being a girl, I can tell from a mile away he is and why wouldn't he be? He's good looking, athletic, and making the big money- the complete package, I'm sure the word no isn't in his vocabulary all that often- If people are worried about having a good role model, John Cena isn't all that great of a role model-anyone remember his interview on Howard Stern? Not that I think kids should be listening to Howard Stern, we all know censorship is a joke anymore and parents let their kids listen to almost anything-if they listened to that, they would have heard Cena talking about sleeping with six women at once, his favorite night being with two strippers, and taking home a plus size woman on a bet-if we are basing championships on role models and behavior, I'm thinking Cena wouldn't have the championship-and while that's his life and what he choose's to do (or who to do) I don't see too many parents being thrilled about that...

I understand what your saying and i agree to a certain point that Wrestlers should be shouldn't be judge by what they do outside the ring. They have there own life outside the ring and that's o.k. But when you become the WWE champion, you become the most important wrestler in the company. You are the guy that's going to represent the company outside the ring. If your not able to deal with fans that ask you for a picture, when you relaxing at a bar or a restaurant, then you not fit to be the WWE Champion even if your the most talented guy in the company. RAndy Orton as the right to be an a$$hole outside the ring and i understand that, but i don'T see him representing the company until he able to deal with fans while being off the clock.
What are you guys thinking will happen at No Mercy? Im all about Orton winning, and im goign to raw the next day, so that would be amazing. But im also seeing posters for Cyber Sunday, and there was another rumored match with cena and orton that ppv. wonder if orton will win at no mercy or wait until cyber sunday since its only 3 weeks after. what do you guys think?
Randy Orton is to much of a jackass to get the title. He hasn't earned it yet. He's been a champ in the past but not for long. HHH will get it but I think that they should somehow get Batista onto Raw and maybe move Cena to smackdown. Batista should get a title run on Raw, at least for a little while. Cena and Edge can do their thing on Smackdown and Batista can fued with HHH and Orton for a while. Maybe get another Evolution type group and when HBK and Lashley came back it could get pretty cool.
Randy Orton has taken a lot of ridicule for his out of the ring actions, and most of them are deserving, but in the ring he is the top performer on Raw, and he deserves the WWE championship. I saw the posting a few back about giving it to HHH, and I strongly disagree. HHH is by far my favorite, but Orton has earned it this year, and if Raw is smart, this will set up a great fued between HHH and Orton, something Raw has been missing since last year. Give it to Orton, and let HHH/Orton have the war of 2008!!!! Just my opinion!!!
I did read that article about Orton attempting suicide which I thought was completely bizzarre-and whoever did write that article, I agree needed to get some facts straight and not only that, it was poorly written and didn't flow all that well together...and if Randy Orton did attempt suicide in the past year, it probably had something to do with the steroids he was on at the time-the same ones that the other wrestlers that passed away were on-hopefully Randy is off of them for good and really is getting his shit straight
first of all dip-shit, do your fuckin research before you speak. orton got the name"legend killer" because of his involvement in the mick foley and rock vs evolution match at 'mania XX(actually prior to that match, at raw in maddison square garden when he kicked mick down the arena staircase). WWE never used eddie's death until later when orton was to face mysterio for the world title, however, orton never claimed to be responsible only that eddie was in hell. which i do agree was in poor taste. but still, do your fucking research before you speak, maybe you'd have more credibilty you dumbass.
thanks for reading

Two corrections. First, Orton got the "Legend Killer" nickname before Foley. It was just after the Elimination Chamber match at SummerSlam 2003, he was using it by Unforgiven against Shawn Michaels which was a Legend vs. Legend Killer match.

Also, they did use Eddie's death earlier than that. They used it right after he died, when Orton was fueding with Undertaker...they had Orton put Taker in the trunk of Eddie's lowrider and back it up into the SD! set whereit exploded...a lot of people thought that was in very poor taste.

Other than that, you really should calm down and untwist your panties just a little bit. That much stress is definitely not good for you.
God, is there anyone more undeserving of being a world champion than Randy Orton. This guy honestly is starting to believe that he is who his character is. Randy Orton is a cocky young son of a bitch that has never had to pay his dues properly. He lives strictly off of his father and grandfather's last name.

Randy Orton is a proven Steroid Abuser, yes, he gets nothing when his name is linked yet again, thanks to knowing the right people backstage. What a piss poor example to set to the locker room to get rid of ten guys, but since one happens to be buddies with the bosses son in law, and happens to be in the main event storyline, he gets a free pass.

Randy Orton is an asshole to the fans, as evident with his actions in Green Bay last week. The guy respects absolutely no one. I love how people try to pretend like the hotel room incident never happened. The fucker caused 50,000 dollars worth of damage, which would have landed him a pinkslip, that is, if he wasn't buddies with the bosses son-in-law. Randy Orton respects zero in htis business. Hell, the suicide article proves he doesn't care about himself as well. The man is a ticking time bomb that needs to obviously be in some sort of institution to get his shit straightened out. He cares about no one else, nor himself, and putting the belt on him would be a flat out disgrace.

Randy Orton has contributed zero to the wrestling business outside of his first big run in 2004. Since then, he has been a cocky arrogant prick living off of his Evolution "Legend Killer" gimmick. Randy Orton has added zero to his moveset, and has lost what little mic ability he once had. Randy Orton for champion, please that is pathetic.
originally posted by The Shockmaster
Randy Orton is a proven Steroid Abuser, yes, he gets nothing when his name is linked yet again, thanks to knowing the right people backstage. What a piss poor example to set to the locker room to get rid of ten guys, but since one happens to be buddies with the bosses son in law, and happens to be in the main event storyline, he gets a free pass.

don't you think you're a little bit exaggerating?? Your talking as if Randy Orton has "backstage power". He supposedly already served his time for this steroid infraction that was in what February?? and no one has forgot about the hotel incident, its just that it has been like 5 months ago so people have move on! you should also! Triple H is the ONE who's using his backstage influence to make everybody job to him every damn week! Maybe they should put the title to someone who deserved it! Triple H aint deserve it! he just uses his influence to have everything he wants! beside who said HHH and orton are good friends outside??

Randy Orton respects zero in htis business. Hell, the suicide article proves he doesn't care about himself as well. The man is a ticking time bomb that needs to obviously be in some sort of institution to get his shit straightened out. He cares about no one else, nor himself, and putting the belt on him would be a flat out disgrace.

Now im not saying that orton his an angel outside the ring, but come on since the hotel thing we havent heard of him doing crap outside the ring! maybe this bar incident his real but they need sometime off too you know! they have a personal life! again he shouldn't had done it but well what do you want me to say! maybe him having the WWE title will make him realize that he has to mature a bit! but about this suicide thing, its weird but again its been 6-7 months ago so he looks like he's been well!

Randy Orton has contributed zero to the wrestling business outside of his first big run in 2004. Since then, he has been a cocky arrogant prick living off of his Evolution "Legend Killer" gimmick. Randy Orton has added zero to his moveset, and has lost what little mic ability he once had. Randy Orton for champion, please that is pathetic.

Orton is still in the WWE cause he's damn good of doing his job! you can't deny that he's a bad performer! he has okay mic skills, he's definitely in the top 10! and his in-ring work is tremendous! i mean who would you see champion beside orton?? kennedy? yeahh hes great on the mic but i dont understand why people are so into him! he definitely needs improvement in the ring! randy has add a couple more moves but so what! in 3 years, who has really improve his moveset??? If he's still a cocky jerk oustide the ring, then why is he getting a huge push???! Now you sound like a BIG orton hater, but dont exaggerate! since the hotel room, we only heard of him in that bar incident, so we need to consider that he may indeed improve his attitude! Randy is the best choice for a heel champion and he'll be winning it real soon! so lets just get use to it and lets see if he'll change!

Randy being Champion ain't pathetic! its the best thing the WWE should do! Hell Cena has overcome the odds and beat everybody in the locker room! Orton would have plenty of opponents to defend the gold!
Two corrections. First, Orton got the "Legend Killer" nickname before Foley. It was just after the Elimination Chamber match at SummerSlam 2003, he was using it by Unforgiven against Shawn Michaels which was a Legend vs. Legend Killer match.

Also, they did use Eddie's death earlier than that. They used it right after he died, when Orton was fueding with Undertaker...they had Orton put Taker in the trunk of Eddie's lowrider and back it up into the SD! set whereit exploded...a lot of people thought that was in very poor taste.

Other than that, you really should calm down and untwist your panties just a little bit. That much stress is definitely not good for you.

whatever, my point is reporters who know nothing about the sport should'nt cover it. would you send someone who has never watched football to cover the big game? no you would'nt(unless you just don't care). and as i said, orton did'nt get the name from eddie like the report said. and as far as the panties comment, we're all fans here. there is no need to start attacking eachother, besides look it up bro, orton got the name from "killing" the legend of foley. and blowing up eddie's car doesn't mean he was used in the storyline, his car was not him. then again, i was in iraq at the time so i could be a little off. if i am does it really matter?
For those of you who are bashing Orton for the hotel room incident: Yes he caused alot of damage. Yes he made bad choices. The guy is human as we all are. If you honestly think that Orton is getting such a monster push because he's friends with Shane, or w/e think again. Since that incident have we seen Orton in trouble? No and if you say the internet pharmacy thing, he served his time, so get over that... Reguardless if he's friends with HHH, Shane or whoever espically with WWE being under the microscope do you really think they would push someone who's been doing stupid stuff outside of the ring this far, let alone have him in title matches? Hell Sandman was one of WWE's best workers and look where he is now primarly because of his gimmick I believe, correct me if I'm wrong please. Orton as champ? I said it once and I'll say it again... Hell ya! Sorry if I pissed anyone off, I'm normally pretty laid back about these things, but I dunno this just sorta pissed me off espically when the latest report claims Orton got the legend killer thing after Eddie...
theres been plenty of time where wrestlers have screwed outside of the buisness and then recived titles and have kept their jobs. For example Big show few years back had that sexual harrasment scandal and he went on to have another wwe tiltle and then the ecw tiltle last year. Ric Flair is another example the man screws up all the time slaps flight attendants on the ass and they give him the IC title at the age of 65 or however old he is. As far as people dissing fans it happens all the time HBK ignores people outside of the arena. Stacy left a signing event early just so she could drive down to a ravens game. What im getting at is there off camera lives has nothing to do with thier TV personalities.

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