Randy Orton Next WWE Champ?

don't you think you're a little bit exaggerating?? Your talking as if Randy Orton has "backstage power".

As a WWE main eventer, in a time when they need all the main eventers they can get, he does have power.

He supposedly already served his time for this steroid infraction that was in what February??

I dont remember him being suspended in February.

and no one has forgot about the hotel incident, its just that it has been like 5 months ago so people have move on! you should also!

If I needlessly caused thousands of pounds worth of damage then I'd still be thinking about it 5 months on. I'd be thinking ''Damn I'm such a fucking idiot. Why the hell did I do that''

Triple H is the ONE who's using his backstage influence to make everybody job to him every damn week! Maybe they should put the title to someone who deserved it! Triple H aint deserve it! he just uses his influence to have everything he wants!

As somebody who's a genuine WWE superstar, somebody who's paid his dues, and somebody who will eventually have a large part in running the company, HHH can do what he wishes. I dont like him. But he's earned the right. He's also more over than most of the other main eventers.

beside who said HHH and orton are good friends outside??

Trips told me personally.

Now im not saying that orton his an angel outside the ring, but come on since the hotel thing we havent heard of him doing crap outside the ring! maybe this bar incident his real but they need sometime off too you know! they have a personal life! again he shouldn't had done it but well what do you want me to say!

At his age he should know better. I dont know many people his age who are that immature. It wont be the last incident. Orton knows he's invincible.

maybe him having the WWE title will make him realize that he has to mature a bit!

Or maybe it will make him think he's even more invincible than ever. If WWE are putting the title on him then he must know that they are desperate for main event heels.

but about this suicide thing, its weird but again its been 6-7 months ago so he looks like he's been well!

I'm suicidal. It changes every day. He could be very happy today, and on the brink tomorrow.

Orton is still in the WWE cause he's damn good of doing his job!

Yeah he's good. But there's better.

you can't deny that he's a bad performer!


he has okay mic skills,

Yup. Okay mic skills.

he's definitely in the top 10!

In WWE? Hmm. Dont know. Names? Certainly. Worker? Not in my opinion.

and his in-ring work is tremendous!

It's good. But he's not improving.

i mean who would you see champion beside orton??

Cena could remain as champ. Triple H. Umaga. HBK. Lashley. Booker. Kennedy.

kennedy? yeahh hes great on the mic but i dont understand why people are so into him! he definitely needs improvement in the ring!

He's green. And he is improving.

randy has add a couple more moves but so what! in 3 years, who has really improve his moveset???


If he's still a cocky jerk oustide the ring, then why is he getting a huge push???!

Because WWE has no other options.

Now you sound like a BIG orton hater, but dont exaggerate! since the hotel room, we only heard of him in that bar incident, so we need to consider that he may indeed improve his attitude!

You said that already. He wont improve his attitudeuntil his position is seriously in trouble.

Randy is the best choice for a heel champion and he'll be winning it real soon! so lets just get use to it and lets see if he'll change!

Not really. Kennedy is more over. Umaga is still pretty over. And a Triple H heel turn wouldn't be a bad thing.

Randy being Champion ain't pathetic! its the best thing the WWE should do! Hell Cena has overcome the odds and beat everybody in the locker room! Orton would have plenty of opponents to defend the gold!

True. But any heel champ would have plenty of opponents on Raw.
ok check this out im not saying now im not saying in a year but for the future cody rhodes definetley get a push i like his in ring skills u never kno if he can cut a good promo im saying this because look at wrestling 5 years from now? you think triple H is gunna be at the top of his game? no i would love to say randy orton but he is a bad ass mr kenndy? nope hes having troubles everytime he gets close he screws up so im jus saying for the future cody rhodes needs a push
Orton Needs to win this time at No Mercy Because CENA sucks Period. Its getting so the the Kids and women are cheering him and the men are booing him. Just like at Wrestlemania 2 years ago when he fought Triple H. I say, Let Orton Win it, and another feud happen, and Keep Cena out of the title picture for a while, better yet never let that garbage get it again. He is probably one of the sloppiest champs ever. He always has to have someone else to pull him through the match, to make it watchable. *note: i said one of the sloppiest, not THE sloppiest. Khali sucks.lol*:wcw:
Randy Orton does not deserve a wwe championship match. John Cena kicks ass. And he is better then Orton. You guys just don't know real talent until it slaps you in the face.

Are you saying that Cena is talented?:blink: He is the exact opposite of talent. I agree that Orton doesn't deserve a title shot , but WWE does not have much of a option.

Moving on...Does Randy Orton deserve a title shot? Yes and no. Yes, because I'm sick and tired of Cena's reign and like I said earlier WWE doesn't have that many contenders. No because he is a terrible worker, is a druggie and currently suicidal which could land WWE in hot water with the media.
They still have Hbk,Lashley,Triple h,Kennedy.Why didn t they let lashley or Hbk win the title.Raw is going from bad to worst in tv ratings,maybe they should receive the wake up call and make someone else a champion as soon as possible.
Hey peeps well think is a question most of us have been asking, for 3 months now ive been waiting for orton to win the title from cena but will no mercy be ortons time?
its seems to me wwe are only keeping cena as champ for only one thing... the money, id like someone to tell me how many t-shirts have wwe sold from the cena gimmick?
anyway im hoping randy wins the title at no mercy an hope will feud with triple h!! laterz
Randy Orton is the Ultimate heel character right now. In my prediction, Randy might win the title, then Shawn Micheals would return and have a "revenge" match against him.
i dont see how randy deserves a title, hes actually worse then cena when it comes to wrestling in pretty much every aspect of it, hes always in trouble, maybe suicidal, i mean come on the guy is crazy and at max decent as a wrestler, why should he be the 1 to take the belt off cena??

i think we shouldnt see this as ''any1 has to beat cena'' sure pretty much every1 is tired of him for months now, but IF he ever loses the title, id say lose it to a young star that has a major future and would be put over as a huge main event contender for the future... soo id say kennedy should take the belt, cuz who ever beats cena, should be seen as great since cena has beaten pretty much every1 there is to beat, lets not just give the title to any challenger...

as for him winning at no mercy, i doubt it, no mercy isnt really a big ppv, i would expect them to make cena lose at armageddon maybe, personally i would make one of the best raws in history and make him lose the title at Raw but whatever...
They still have Hbk,Lashley,Triple h,Kennedy.Why didn t they let lashley or Hbk win the title.Raw is going from bad to worst in tv ratings,maybe they should receive the wake up call and make someone else a champion as soon as possible.

EINSTEIN! Ok listen up.

Lashley and HBK are both injured, both wrestled injured, so why would they win just to relinquish the title right away? HHH was injured, and now is mixed up in other feuds because the WWE can't just stop Cena/Orton at where it is and go, "Oh, lets give darius malcisky what he wants!" He'll get it eventually I'm sure, and we all know why Kennedy isn't a candidate for the WWE title at this point in time.
Orton can't wrestle his way out of a paper bag. People just like how "evil" he is. Cena is like that kid in school who used to try to hang out with the popular crowd but everyone laughed at. I'm still amazed at the stupidity of people who actually cheer for him. Sucks that no one who can actually wrestle these days will see much of a championship reign when WWE is marketing to the future fan club.

My opinion, give one belt to taker and the other to kane. Make them do the whole satanic shit again. That at least would be a storyline that would be worth watching.
its seems to me wwe are only keeping cena as champ for only one thing... the money, id like someone to tell me how many t-shirts have wwe sold from the cena gimmick?

Dude do u know anything about business that the whole point of wrestling being fake so they can make as much money as they can.
While i would love to see Orton win the the title for no other reason just to get it off of Cena, i just cant see it happening. His run as World Champ did nothing for me and I'm sure many others fell the same. I think that Cena should lose the title to either one of 3 people, Kennedy (at Survivor Series), Lashely (at the Royal Rumble, if he's back), or Undertaker at WM24. I really think Lashely/Cena II would be a big draw at the Rumble and if Cena lost there's no doubt that he would win it No Way Out so he could be in the main event at Mania.
While i would love to see Orton win the the title for no other reason just to get it off of Cena, i just cant see it happening. His run as World Champ did nothing for me and I'm sure many others fell the same. I think that Cena should lose the title to either one of 3 people, Kennedy (at Survivor Series), Lashely (at the Royal Rumble, if he's back), or Undertaker at WM24. I really think Lashely/Cena II would be a big draw at the Rumble and if Cena lost there's no doubt that he would win it No Way Out so he could be in the main event at Mania.

I'd feel you on Taker if Taker wasn't on SD, you genius. Cena's gonna have a ton of competitors for that belt when Lashley/HBK returns and HHH is done with Umaga/Carlito. If Orton wins, he'll lose it within no time as I don't think WWE would see him fit for a long title reign. One of those legends he killed will be coming after him, I'd say.
That's why they need to move Taker to Raw. It could happen if won the Rumble again. Or they could just send Cena back to Smackdown!, that would probally be better because the main events on Smackdown! suck.
Taker's gonna have his hands full with Batista, maybe the Great Khali, and Edge when he returns. While I'd love Cena to move to SD, that won't happen cause Cena makes Vinny Mac too much dinero. We do need some more high mid-card/main eventers to go to SD...Lashley/Jeff Hardy/Carlito/Orton to name a few would be perfect to spice up life on SD. Rosters would then possibly be even and we'd have a great main event scene on the A and B show, as well as a good mid-card scene.
For people moving to other shows, it's not happening anytime soon-as much as SD needs more superstars, I really don't see anyone moving over there until the next "Draft"-or unless someone is getting demoted for some reason.

As far as suggestions for Kennedy getting a title shot or becoming champion, I think it would be just as boring as Cena. I do like Kennedy and I think the only thing exciting about him is his mic skills. He is hilarious on the mic and gets the crowd going but as far as his matches, I could care less. I'm never that enticed until he does his finisher-kind of like I've become with Cena lately. People talk about Randy being a mid to average wrestler but really what can he do with the opponets he's been put against? If you put him against someone fast pace, Jeff Hardy for example, I think he would be great. Randy is a good wrestler and good on the mic, he's done his time, worked his way up-he has earned his title shot and a title reign in my opinion. The only thing in my mind that should prohibit him from ever having a shot would be the steroid abuse, which I've seen so many people complain about-and many of those people that complain about Randy's steroid use, are the same ones that think Kennedy should have a shot/title reign-but wasn't he, and isn't he, on the list for steroid abuse? Doesn't make sense to give it to him...

Either way, WWE is going to go whatever they want and give the title to whoever they want, no matter what we all think-they never seem to listen to us before and they aren't going to start now-so we just have to hope that whoever is the next champion, whether it's Cena keeping the title, or Orton, or someone else, makes the title race interesting and exciting again.
The best way for wwe to improve title chase among many other things is very simple. Im sure that some poeple may agree and some will hate and thats destroy the whole branding thing. Start superstars on ecw to improve there face or heel status then move to smackdown to improve story lines and further improvemnet upon there heel/face status, and then to Raw where they will remain until better story lines build and popular wrestlers come up through the system. while keeping all curent titles and adding a few such as an ecw tag champs, and a tv title which is soley defended on smackdown because its a brodcast and not a cable show.Showing clips on each show from the previous shows to help the story lines develop and improve. this allows for far more compeling story lines and more in depth competion. A few problems with this idea are the scheduling of superstars so there not on all three shows competing all week long, but it also alows for wrestlers took take time off to recover without having to use stupid lies and pointless angles to give a superstar a few weeks off every so often,which should go a long way in helping superstars to stay healthy and fit while not gathering any ring rust. A nice little boost to story lines could be a heavyweight champ loses his title and can call for a rematch,they could challenge for any heavyweight title, or the tag champs. Now you have unified title story line and more decorated champs due to the access to many different titles. I think expanding the rosters to be more than just the drafted stars would be much better then what they got.
While i would love to see Orton win the the title for no other reason just to get it off of Cena, i just cant see it happening. His run as World Champ did nothing for me and I'm sure many others fell the same. I think that Cena should lose the title to either one of 3 people, Kennedy (at Survivor Series), Lashely (at the Royal Rumble, if he's back), or Undertaker at WM24. I really think Lashely/Cena II would be a big draw at the Rumble and if Cena lost there's no doubt that he would win it No Way Out so he could be in the main event at Mania.

You dont think Orton would be a good champ, but you think Lashley would?? The biggest tool in the history of wrestling? Cena/Lashley is is no way more of a draw then boogeyman/matt stryker. Everyone I know who watches wrestling cant stand lashley, and the only reason anyone cheered him at all was because he was against cena. He sounds flaming on the mic, he always has that goofy smile that makes him look like a total moron, and dont even get me started on the finger point, which makes for the worst "big" entrance in WWE history. Orton should definetely get the title, and I think he will at No Mercy or Cyber Sunday.
The only way an Orton title run will work is if he remains a heel. The face Orton just didn't work for me, and I wasn't to thrilled about how he actually won the title and who he won it from. I'm still a Benoit fan (RIP). That's a taboo name, now isn't it. Anyway, let him finally win the title a Unforgiven and fued with Cena for the next two months until Armageden. At NYR Trips should then be brought in.
lashley is a great wrestler, ppl dont like him because he has 0 charisma and 0 mic/promo skills... thats why, in terms of in ring ability he is great.. maybe ppl should start watching his past matches on youtube or something, cuz he actually was a amature wrestler, and does great power moves, and actually has more than 5 moves.... ppl just like to say he sucks cuz he lacks everything else a wrestler needs, wierd to not see ppl bashing shelton since hes in the same situation, but o yea he more of a high flyer then a power wrestler, guess thats why

while at the same time ppl bash cena cuz he sucks in ring but is great in pretty much everything else a wrestler needs to be... O.o

anyway, i think kennedy should have a title shot because he is good on mic, hes entertaining outside the ring, and in ring i like his matches, granted they arent phenomenal but i still enjoy them, as for his steroid abuse, if im not mistaken this is his first strike right? while randys should have had like 4, steroids twice, the hotel crap, backstage crap, and he might be even suicidal, i dont see how he deserves a shot at all, if kennedy has had more problems then this steroid abuse of right now please correct me cuz im not sure

but in terms of entertaining matches, well WWE has a really thin roster that can pull this off and is in a main event status... better yet, as for wrestelr in main event status... i find it hard to some1 one who actually is great IN RING... main eventers in WWE have almost always been average in terms of actual wrestling in ring, because most of them are brawlers, styles smarks really hate, i dont see how it would be better to put the belt on randy instead of kennedy, atucally randy would be worse cuz his matches take 2 hours to do 5 moves, at least cena can do his 5 moves in 5 min or a hour....
Honestly, I like Randy Orton as a character as well as his potential and performance. However I don't feel he's worth handing the championship to. IMHO Randy Orton is a dangerous man, mostly to himself. He will never stop violating the Wellness Program, his backstage attitude will remain a disaster and with reports of him attempting suicide (although it's just a rumor), putting the title on Orton will be a HUGE risk for the WWE.

The question is this; is Randy Orton worth taking a risk on?
Honestly, I like Randy Orton as a character as well as his potential and performance. However I don't feel he's worth handing the championship to. IMHO Randy Orton is a dangerous man, mostly to himself. He will never stop violating the Wellness Program, his backstage attitude will remain a disaster and with reports of him attempting suicide (although it's just a rumor), putting the title on Orton will be a HUGE risk for the WWE.

The question is this; is Randy Orton worth taking a risk on?

id say no, they need to teach randy a lesson, he should have been suspended, kennedy was in a even bigger storyline and that didnt stop him from being suspended, wich i hope now he gets his head straight

Randy has had so many problems but WWE for some reason just keeps letting it slide, i dont even see how hes still on the roster after so many problems, wich i dont get cuz yes he does have potential but is it that much potential??? to risk their whole buisness on? i doubt it...

id say suspend him for a really long time and drop him down to IC status for some months so he starts taking wrestling serious and has to clean up his act for like a year until his next shot...

and that would be being nice... if they really wanted to punish randy they would drop him to ECW and make him work his way all the way to Raw main event status once more... thats my opinion on the subject
It seems that Randy Orton is a child sometimes...and according to some sites has been known to whine in the back alot. He has no respect for the business. I think that if you force him into that position as a champion, a leader, he will have no choice but to adapt to its prestige. Randy is fantastic and now that I can't watch The Crippler any longer, I'm gonna make a choice right now, and say that I would easily pay to see Orton perform. The Cena spin is kind of dull now. I dont like his father being apart of it and they have to stop trying to make him this INSTANT LEGEND. Its sickening to watch. With all the potential in the locker room, this is our champion. I mean come on the guy wins in TLC's, 4 on 1 matches....last man standing against UMAGA. Come on....its time to give him a personal fued not a championship fued. Actually, as a heel, he would do great. Maybe we could even get some of those really cool "raps" he made so famous. His character is the type that flashes and then dies, problem is, WWE is too dull to realize when a good thing has died.
I would like to see Orton as champ. I think he needs to change up his style in the ring a little bit, but other than that I think they should give him the Title.

On a side note, I remember reading about Orton being suspended when he is off camera or in other words House Shows. I wonder who or what determines what type of punishment you get? I mean you have these other guys being suspended even on camera, yet Orton gets to shine on camera. Hmmm...
So if Cena really does have a torn pec I'm thinking that I am going to throw a party that every single one of you is invited to... There will be plenty of Bagel Bites and Capri Sun to go around.

I think if Cena is injured it's pretty certain Orton will be champ come No Mercy. Although I will always wonder if they would have given Orton the win injury or not.

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