Randy Orton...a Future Forgotten Champ

The WWE is giving no justice to Orton's title reign. I mean, all of these DQ's make it seem like Orton can't have a legit title reign where he can win by pinfall. He also had some pretty bad feuds. So as far as I see it, he's been given no credibility and shown as a weak champ. As of now, Orton will probably become another forgotten champ.
Future Forgotten???

he is Forgotten as the champ now, sorry but I don't watch Raw for Orton not sure many actually do, yeah he holds the belt but people watch to see Cena, HHH, Jeff Hardy just to name a few

Orton is the champ but they barely use him on Raw, he is basically the 3rd wheel in this match even though he is champ, if they want people to take him serious as a champ they would some how allow him to win at Wrestlemania and keep his belt which I don't think will happen, or they could give him a small stable like Edge and he two look a likes I think that is working great for Edge but he is much better on the mic then Orton LOL

Orton just don't have it yet even though they are trying to force feed him to the fans.

It is very few guys that can't wrestle all that great but can entertain then it is many guys that can wrestle very well but can't entertain nor can they draw any type of reaction from the crowd and I think that is just what Orton is
Future Forgotten???

he is Forgotten as the champ now, sorry but I don't watch Raw for Orton not sure many actually do, yeah he holds the belt but people watch to see Cena, HHH, Jeff Hardy just to name a few

Orton is the champ but they barely use him on Raw, he is basically the 3rd wheel in this match even though he is champ, if they want people to take him serious as a champ they would some how allow him to win at Wrestlemania and keep his belt which I don't think will happen, or they could give him a small stable like Edge and he two look a likes I think that is working great for Edge but he is much better on the mic then Orton LOL

Orton just don't have it yet even though they are trying to force feed him to the fans.

It is very few guys that can't wrestle all that great but can entertain then it is many guys that can wrestle very well but can't entertain nor can they draw any type of reaction from the crowd and I think that is just what Orton is

looks like WWE made the right choice to keep Orton as champ after mania then, this will give the guy some well needed credibility as the guy who may get his ass kicked a lot but when it comes to the big matches he always keeps his title. If orton can hold the title till say at least the great american bash he'll seem like much more of a threat.
Randy Orton will not be a forgotten champ, he is my faverite champ in well over 6 years arguably, on all brands, he has the potential to be the real future of wrestling, he looks like a champion thus makeing him greater than say a rey mysterio or Cm Punk world champion and he acts like a man who loves being champion, doing whatever need to be done to remain champion. Whats more is he acts like himself, he acts like how I would imagine him to act outside the ring, this to me is important for the top guy.

All in all, no, Randy will not be forgotten, and whats more is he will have many more title reigns which proove to much more impatful than even this one!
The answer to this question is pretty simple, if Orton would have lost at Mania', he would have been a forgotten champ, but that didn't happen, so he will not be forgotten. I am a huge Orton fan, but I will admit that up until his Mania' mini fued with HHH and Cena, all of his other fueds, HBK, Y2J, Hardy, Cena's return before HHH was involved, were pretty average and not very good. He looked like a little bitch, took the easy way out and really did not have a good title run going. That is why Mania' was so important.

By winning Mania', he defeated two of the biggest stars in the business today and did it on wrestling's biggest stage. Now it looks like they are booking him to be a more dominant champion, based on what happened on Raw. Pretty much the way I see it is every champion needs a signature win in order to not be a forgotten champ, up until Mania', Orton did not have that win, but now he does, so he will not be forgotten and is on the verge of having a great title run, barring that HHH doesn't take the title off him at Backlash.
I agree, before Mania I really though Randy Orton was a forgettable champ. At No Way Out though I really thought he started getting interesting. It was a great heel move for him in the way he left that match. Even at Mania he won in a somewhat shady way, not really an earned win.
I like the way that hes winning because it leaves the door open for challengers, even when he beats them. He doesnt do it cleanly, and he leaves them looking strong. I did like how he was booked on Raw though. I couldnt have hoped for a better comeback for Hardy then to see him lose.
Anyways, Randy Orton is no longer a future forgotten champ.
What Raw needs right now is a badass heel and they do not have that. Orton is a quite heel right now. I know that heels need to cheat to win and all that good stuff, but Triple H as a heel works and he is at his best as a heel. What does everyone think of Orton turning face. Orton could somehow, for example, save HBK from Batista during their match and they could form a team out of respect. When Hogan turned heel no one saw it coming and it was a risk but it worked. I really think Orton could go over as a face, especially if Triple H and Jericho are the heels. It would be interesting to say the least.
After his...... somewhat unexpected win at the grandest stage of them all, wrestlemania, Randy has proven he will not be a forgotten champ at all. He will be a long remembered champion, most likely. He is a top heel at the moment and a deffinate legit title holder. Before mania, he wasn't close to that. Now that he had won, he will be remembered for a long time in coming.

Winning against the 2 other major guys in the business really proved a point. He will remain a major heel for a long time in coming. The age of Orton will live on for a while.
Orton as a Champion is as worst as the time Jericho was champion. I mean Orton is a great heel, but as Champion e is no the heel that could lead a company. Like others have said, no one watches Raw for Orton, they watch to see Cena or Triple H and Orton is only the title holder. He is like Kurt Angle, great wrestler, but overrated as a Champion.
Its a shame that a majority of this community ranted monthes how Orton needed to be the champ and now all you really here is how he is just a meaningless titleholder or and overrated champ... Idk what it is but nothing seems to please the IWC these days... Ill admit im one of em..
I think Orton's Title Reign was legitimized the moment he retained at Wrestlemania. Before that his run was lackluster at best. He had good feuds with good superstars, but the hype just wasn't there. It seemed like it wasn't really earned, because he didn't beat Cena to win the belt. Cena's injury was a major blow to Orton's win, and even though he went over Triple H, it just wasn't the way to end Cena's year long reign. Momentum seems to be building for Orton's reign as Champion though, now that he retained at Wrestlemania. Let's just hope the momentum sticks and leads to a better than average Title Reign. All in all, Orton will not be a forgotten Champion, because he retained against Cena and Trips at Wrestlemania.
As far as the current champions go, I want to see Orton hold the title for a while and give him a legitimate run. Orton has the "it" factor as a heel. I hope he wins at Backlash by beating HHH with the RKO. I love heels that can talk the talk and walk the walk...by any means neccessary...
The next 6 months will tell the tale for Orton's legacy as a WWE Champion. Randy really needs a solid feud and a couple of classic matches if he truly wants to be remembered as a great champion. At Backlash 2004, Foley legitmized Orton as a superstar in a brutal No holds barred match for the IC title. Up until then, in the eyes of many fans he was just a pretty boy protege of HHH, and for all of his talent was getting by on Hunter's coat tails. When Orton took the bump on the thumbtacks bareback it added so much more depth to his character, and showed how badly he wanted to be the best.

Orton is in a very similar position now to that of HHH in the fall of 99 when he first became champion. For how good HHH is and became, at that time I think a lot of fans had trouble taking his new "GAME" gimmick seriously. After all, it was only a few months earlier when the same guy was getting over on dick jokes and crotch chops. Plus, at the dawn of HHH's reign, Austin was out injured, and Hunter was having mediocre matches with Big Show, Vince, Bulldog, and even the Rock. It wasn't until Hunter started feuding with Foley, and they had their Street Fight at the Rumble in MSG, that he was truly legitimized as champion.

Now Randy needs something like that to truly legitimize him as champion in the fans eyes. The win at Wrestlemania was a starting point, but it has to grow from there as does his character. I'm not saying throw him in a hardcore match with Foley, as he's already done that. Instead, he needs a really strong feud that means something, last more than a month, has a few really great standout matches, and several moments that will resonate with fans for years to come.
Personally, I'm loving Orton as heel so far, and I think he's been booked well so far. He went over pretty much everyone when they gave him the belt, so "lucking out" at Mania was a nice change, also well executed finish that one. I personally can't wait to see how he gets out of the situation he finds himself at Backlash, word is that Trips wants the belt back, which could be the death-nail on this title reign.

I hope he gets the chance to make this title reign mean something cos he's done damn well! So no he shouldn't been forgotten.
I agree with having Orton hold the title for even longer. If things go the way the should, I believe the following: 1.) Orton is the next major superstar. He's already established himself, he's a bona fide star and I personally think he's amazing. He's a great heel (right up there with Triple H IMO). 2.) He will have MANY classic matches to come and dare I say, I think there will be some with John Cena. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but Cena needs repackaged, new gimmick, new attitude, new moves, new finisher. You give Cena a different moniker, he'll be better than ever. 3.) WWE blew the chance to give Orton some classic matches. RR with Jeff Hardy could have been one of the better ones of Orton's career past, present, and future. A twist of fate reversal to the RKO and match is over? Really? Give it another 5-7 minutes and it would have been classic. But Orton is so good, he's one of the best heels out there and he would still be huge as a face because he's that damn good.
Randy Orton is a great heel and an okay Champion however, i wouldn't want to see another long title reign by another WWE superstar. -it makes the character get to preditable and played out-.... (like Cena)

Randy Orton can not carry a match and depends on his oppents to work the entire match while orton waits until they get tired and Orton gets another cheap win.

(although he does have the most devestating finisher i've ever seen)

I beleve that If Randy Orton can up his performance level he would not become a forgotten champ such as John Bradshaw Layfeild in addition, he should drop the belt in June then get it back in Augest or September so he won't become a forgotten champ.
I think in a few years the fans will forget about Orton. Orton is one of those champions that has not really had a good run. He has worked with HBK / HHH and others but still is not really that great in my book.

We have saw far better champions and some bad champions and Orton I think would be added to one of those bad champions. He has had 3 championship runs all awful in my book.
Orton was a forgotton champ before Wrestlemania, but Wrestlemania might of saved it. You see WWE just didnt use him properly as a champion, they made him look weak, from having the stong legend - killer gimmick to being a pussy with a title around his waiste. He didnt have any creditable wins, he cheats every time, and gets DQ. But thank god WWE did something right, they let him retain against HHH and Cena at WM, and he did it cleanly, so it rescues him a bit. But he still needs more victories, he needs to be made to look strong and not one of HHH's dogs out there, his the champ, make him look like the champ. And for him to be a really good champ, they need to make him pin HHH at Backlash, actually mabye all of them, cause quite frankly, Orton's title reign was nothing untill Mania, he needs all the steem he can get!
The Wrestlemania win saved him, but it doesn't give him that good a reign. If only he could have kept it for 2 more months or more, it would have been something truly memorable... something an RKO fan could be proud of. He'll get it back sooner or later, I can see it happening... he's RAW's only main-event heel atm. So, it will definitely happen... hopefully it'll be a more credible heel reign, not the crap-tastic pussy-heel reign they gave Orton this time round.

All in all, not forgotten... but not as good as it should have been. WWE loves to screw over the deserving ones...
Orton was the worst Champhion because he did alot of things that the other WWE CHAMPHIONS did not do for example he Cheated in his match against John Cena at NO WAY OUT! Orton also cheated other people as Tripple H.The most Disrespectful thing that Randy Orton did was Cheating John Cena at Bavklash by hitting him in the face when he was Putting JBL into the simmmision Mode.I am the BEAST and i hate Randy Orto!
Orton shud have had Cena's reign last year. For some reason i feel it's more of a draw to watch a heel b champ forever because you want to see him get beat bcoz you'd want your hero as the champ right? As much as i dnt like JBL, his reign as champ was gr8 bcoz i desperately wanted to see anyone take the title from him.

Cena's reign didn't work IMO because loadsa ppl wanted to see him lose not bcoz he was a heel, but bcoz his reign was boring and predictable, and just as he was approaching his big defeat, he got injured and we were jipped out of it.

As for the Orton's reign, his 'Age of Orton' gimmick was just getting rolling and then suddenly it ended, again in a fashion that most of us could see coming a mile away. I'd have loved a year of Orton as champ, so long as he didn't win most of his matches by DQ. The RKO is one of those finishers that can just come out of nowhere and shut a guys momentum down in a flash, blink and you miss it. Could have seen loadsa 30 minute classics with all the momentum going the challengers way and then BAM! R-K-O! Orton v Jeff is a gr8 example
I loved the age of Orton it was good to see a dominant heel as champ. At No Mercy He is given the title drops it then wins it back. When Shawn Michaeals came back you thought he would take the title he didn't Y2j returned we thought he would win he lost. Jeff Hardy everyones favourite looks set to win the belt but he loses. Then Cena comes back he loses a no way out. At Mania everyone expected The game or Cena to walk out champ but he some how retains. Finnaly loses the title at Backlash superb and thrilling title reign.
Like someone said above, I can't see Randy not being in the world title picture, if he isn't he'll probably be in the upper midcard after this feud with HHH is (finally) over. Randy's reign as champion was just getting rolling, no-one thought he could retain at WM, but he did. Had me thinking just maybe, Randy would get a few more months on his reign, however, it abruptly ended at Backlash which makes no sense. WWE should have let Randy keep it, boasting more about how he overcame the odds at Backlash & WM, then HHH could beat him at Judgment Day. However, I was quite pleased with the bottom end of Randy's reign, at the beginning, things were looking a bit rocky, with him continuously being booked to look weak, however things kinda improved from there.

My only hope now is that since it's obvious that Randy won't be winning that belt back anytime soon, that WWE either keep him in the upper midcard( don't let him be forgotten) or draft him to Smackdown. Either way, I'm just getting tired of seeing Randy vs. HHH..
Bottom Line: Randy Orton is not going anywhere from the big titles for the next 20 something years unless he either gets himself fired because of wellness policy, behavioral issues or just retires early which I see as being unlikely..The Legend Killer has an already huuuuge resume' and will be at Hbk/HHH/UT status behind the scenes in the next 5 years if not sooner...That's how big Orton is already and hes not even 30 years old yet.
I don't know. Orton in my opinnion is the largest heel the WWE has and he puts on some damn good matches. The HHH fued was solid and produced some awesome matches. As far as getting a push after this injury I would say hell ya he has no reason not to. If H has the title I would say that Orton would probably obtain it.

I think the real question is

When he comes back will he be a heel or face?

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