The next 6 months will tell the tale for Orton's legacy as a WWE Champion. Randy really needs a solid feud and a couple of classic matches if he truly wants to be remembered as a great champion. At Backlash 2004, Foley legitmized Orton as a superstar in a brutal No holds barred match for the IC title. Up until then, in the eyes of many fans he was just a pretty boy protege of HHH, and for all of his talent was getting by on Hunter's coat tails. When Orton took the bump on the thumbtacks bareback it added so much more depth to his character, and showed how badly he wanted to be the best.
Orton is in a very similar position now to that of HHH in the fall of 99 when he first became champion. For how good HHH is and became, at that time I think a lot of fans had trouble taking his new "GAME" gimmick seriously. After all, it was only a few months earlier when the same guy was getting over on dick jokes and crotch chops. Plus, at the dawn of HHH's reign, Austin was out injured, and Hunter was having mediocre matches with Big Show, Vince, Bulldog, and even the Rock. It wasn't until Hunter started feuding with Foley, and they had their Street Fight at the Rumble in MSG, that he was truly legitimized as champion.
Now Randy needs something like that to truly legitimize him as champion in the fans eyes. The win at Wrestlemania was a starting point, but it has to grow from there as does his character. I'm not saying throw him in a hardcore match with Foley, as he's already done that. Instead, he needs a really strong feud that means something, last more than a month, has a few really great standout matches, and several moments that will resonate with fans for years to come.