What's Next for King Booker? (Booker T)

lol @ "Harmely Heat"

Batista's horrible. I too was very disappointed when he got the title off of Booker, but sadly we all saw it coming. Batista will hold the title for at least several months, so be sure to expect boring main events on Smackdown in the weeks to come.

As for Booker, I personally enjoy the King Booker persona. He pulls it off very well. I wouldn't mind seeing him come to RAW, as the Raw brand is in need of another top heel to feud with Cena, with Edge and Orton are busy with their DX feud. I don't like Umaga in the main event scene. I don't care if he's undefeated, his matches and his character are boring.
Actually, I think Booker will do something involving Flash Funk since he pushed for him. It would make more since to go back to the "5 Time" gimmick if that happens. Also, Batista will probably keep the belt till mania and face taker. I just hope the rumors aren't true about him losing to Batista at mania. Anyway, MVP is going to get pushed as the 2nd top heel w/ kennedy being first. he'll beat batista. Also, look 4 mvp, kennedy, and matt hardy to becoming bigger w/ batista and booker getting old. I would like to see the alpha male come 2 smackdown. hit batista with the POUNNCCCCCCCE.....PERIOD!
mamasgun78 said:
ALL HAIL KING BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKER, Booker should have held on to the title at least till Royal Rumble. Batista sucks.

NO..i disagree...Batista does not suck..and he deserve to get his title back..since the guy never lost it to anyone..He forfit the title because he got injuired and was taking time off. I for one like the guy..because ever since he move to SD..hes been a huge star for the Fans..Booker on the other hand came after so..hes not that important..I was pretty happy they got the title of booker since the KIng gimick really suck and doesnt even match the dude. Sure he can be a king but How long since we seen the KIng of the Ring..hmms about 6 months ago..

How does this wife deserve to be queen? Is there a Queen of the Ring Match too..I dont think so. anyway the king/queen gimick is getting really old and boring..So i suggest he change is gimick and go back to RAW or find a partner and reform the Harlem Heat to take on London/Brian.

He may even ask MVP or Mr. Brown (if he decide to Join SD)to be his TT partner.

"THEY NEED TO GET THE TT of london and brian." London/Brian are a good TT but i rather seen them in the CW divison.
You realise the only reason Batista became champ is because he has big muscles right?

Booker deserved his title and deserved someone better than Batista taking it off him. Finlay should've been the one to take the title and hopefully we could see a competitive rivalry with awesome wrestling. Not a snorefest with Basnoozeta headling, the guy needs to learn how to sell moves and should never EVER have come into the main title picture.
Booker T should definitely not reform the Harlem Heat. Yes, I agree that in the old school WCW days, they were one of the greatest tag teams of all time. But that was like, over a decade ago. Booker is definitely talented enough to remain a singles wrestler.. I think his tag team days should be behind him.
Well we can only hope that Batista will just hold the title for a very limited period of time. Booker has held it for a long continuous time, and defended it
against all comers at multiple PPV's and Smackdown tapings, and house shows and what have you, so it was time to switch it up a bit I guess.

Which is what RAW really should do. Like how long has CENA been champ? Seems like forever, and man would I love HHH, or HBK, or Flair or someone other than UMAGA to get a title shot.

Hope Big Show drops the belt at December to Dismember, and man, what is with the only 2 matches so far? Yeah sure one is the Extreme Elimination Chamber which will probably go for an hour, but only one other tag-team match?

Think we need to eliminate the whole stupid brand diversification crap. Like why the hell do we need 3 World Champs? And it is stupid how they only have tag-team belts on one show...think they should all just wrestle each other on the 3 different shows, HAVE ONE TITLE, and that way being world champ actually means something again.

Will probably never happen, but I would love to occassionally see Big Show vs Taker, or Umaga versus Sabu or something like that.

Any thoughts?
thisiscrazy619 said:
I am glad to see a forum of people who realize what real wrestling is. Real wrestlers like Booker and Finlay deserve to be in the main event, not Batista. Batista cannot sell moves and is not interesting at all, big deal he has muscles, not impressive. Whats weird is the crowd isn't really behind him, I can't figure out why they gave him the title, especially on smackdown which is the REAL WRESTLING show, he would fit in better on Raw.
People like them and hbk and too cold scorpio
great wrestlers
oh yaeh and i know this is of the topic but how do you start a thread or can some one post this thread

Day of reckoning wii?

is their going to be a third installment in this series or will smackdown vs. raw come over?
If this is going to happen when?
oh yeah i forgot to say is i hate the fans who cheer for him
all that is is vince telling them what they want
dboy1373 said:
oh yaeh and i know this is of the topic but how do you start a thread or can some one post this thread

Day of reckoning wii?

is their going to be a third installment in this series or will smackdown vs. raw come over?
If this is going to happen when?

Asking the same question in multiple threads is not the way to start a thread. There's your first hint.
He should feud with batista and lose the rematch at a big ppv. Batista feuds with finley and kennedy to get them over, and turns heel. Meanwhile, booker could feud with somebody (damn they need main eventers) and slowly turn back into his old self. The promos when he accidently slips outta his king character are priceless. When he goes back to sayin "suckkkaaaa!!!", turn him face and wi the strap back from a heel batista, or jbl who'll be back by then.
Batista was good in the HHH feud, those were good matches IMO.

Greanted it was probably HHH doing all of the work but I enjoyed batista during that era. That survivor series match was a joke though, I think the poblem was not only is Batista not that great of a wrestler, he's only good with other power wrestlers. Slip Booker back to his old gimmick and have him go for US title again and have undertaker take title from batista then feud with kennedy.

dionosha said:
king booker is cool but i love booker t

Since this is only your second post I'm not warning you but this is considered spam. I don't know if he plans on staying in Smackdown (or if they plan to leave him there). Since he likes 2 cold so much he could form a tag team with him but that would be steps down from being Champ and King. If WWE wants to prove that they aren't racist (IMO, they are no African American has ever been WWF/E Champion), then Booker would win the WWE gold. The Heavyweight Championship is big and it also has a lot of prestige even though WWE doesn't acknowledge any history before HHH got the title from Bishoff. If and when Booker T looses the belt he should be traded to or jump to RAW and feud for the WWE title, he certainly deserves it.
Batista needs to retire immediately! The man can't wrestle. He can't sell and he can't cut a decent promo. Taking the title off Booker T was the dumbest thing they could have done. Should have been Booker vs Finlay for the title. Could you imagine how awesome a Finlay/Regal match would be, especially with the title on the line?
Yeah your right Batista is shocking, and only appeals to young ladies and children, much like John Cena. King Booker is probably the best in ring performer on Smackdown, with the exception on Benoit who is a league of his own, shame about his mic skills. If you ask me they need to get the title off Batista asap, before smackdown slumps again. As for Batista vs taker at WM23 there has to be only one outcome for that, anything else would cause so much heat on Batista and the WWE...
T-Money said:
Hey all

What do you think will become of King Booker now that he's lost the World Championship to the crappiest guy ever Batista?

Personally, I'd like to see him remain King Booker and win the Royal Rumble or something; Leading to a match at WrestleMania, but to be perfectly honest if I have to see Batista VS Booker one more time I'll throw up...Batista cannot SELL! - The Survivor Series match consisted of Batista running the damn thing and hardly getting any from Booker, you call that a match?

Well one thing's for sure, whatever Book does next he's done the WWE Smackdown side proud. That guy is the Champion Of Champions and has had to defend his belt at every major PPV in the last three months! - And not to mention all the countless SD! Title Matches he's had to fight. Correct me if I'm wrong but ever since he won it in JULY, he's had to defend it at every WWE PPV (excluding Unforgiven as it was a RAW Only PPV) and in comparison to Raw and ECW's Champions, he deserves to be Champion Of Champions!

So now that Booker has busted his ass as the Top Champ in the WWE, what will become of him next?

Hopefully, he'll remain Upper-Mid Card/Main Event level, and get the respect he deserves!


Can you say time off.
l dont now l woul dlike to see a inlay vs king booker rivaly start

it would be a good rivaly and it would make finaly a top WRESTLER on s.d

if he already isnt
punkd24 said:
l dont now l woul dlike to see a inlay vs king booker rivaly start

it would be a good rivaly and it would make finaly a top WRESTLER on s.d

if he already isnt

DUDE...learn how to spell correctly..
wp2 4 life said:
Can you say time off.

What the hell do you mean by that?

What kind of reply is that? - If you're implying that Booker should take time off, maybe your head is so far up Batista's ass that you can't actually see how bad he REALLY is.

Well gentlemen, it seems that Booker is still keeping his 'King' gimmick for now (thank God!) and let's hope that soon he'll win it back, or do something awesomely surprising and WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE; That way he can even go for the WWE Title at Mania, which would be brilliant!
lol i agree that BOOKER T is a great wrestler n all that but this KING BOOKER crap has got to go they have played it out 4 to long now its stright up ******ED his lil wife runnin around yellin ''all hell king booker'' 10,000 times just on the way to the ring n she help booker win most of his dam matches i would like to see him go bac to the old booker t but still b on the top level on smack down but 4 sum reason i dont c him stayin n wrestling very much longer he might get 1 more run 4 the gold but i read sum where b 4 he got the gold this time that wwe was givin him 1 last run at the gold b4 he goes but i dont no we'll c
quit bein racist. first u say cena should be killed like jews in holocaust, and now your saying who cares about booker because he's black. what is that supposed to mean?

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