I think as the plans stand now, Triple H is in line for yet another WWE title reign. While I believe that another title reign will not benefit Hunter greatly, there is no question that he is the most over face out of the current roster and his overall package is probably superior to anyone right now.
When scrutinising your options most of those wrestlers are not very eligible for a WWE championship...
John Cena is out until Wrestlemania, and by the time he comes into the title scene there would have been a title change.
Bobby Lashley is out until December and I doubt he will be thrown straight into contention for the title. In fact he hasn't even feuded for the title yet, and I doubt that an ECW title reign is enough to give him credibility as a WWE champion.
I like Umaga as a wrestler, he has great skill for a big man. But what mic skill does he have? We can't even find out, because all his character does is growl. Taking into account that he has been used as a jobber for the main eventers recently, I do not think his character will be pushed to the title picture anytime soon, if at all.
Jeff Hardy has been getting a big push as of lately, but I think it will fizzle out, and while some may argue that he is already a main eventer, I still see him as a spot monkey with limited wrestling ability. My verdict on Jeff, is that he will always be stuck on the main event entry level, and will not elevate to a title reign.
With all the IWC praise for Mr Kennedy, I do not think he has much credibility, or has the required skills for a champion. I too have jumped on the Kennedy bandwagon and I loved his whole mic routine. But after seeing him do this day after day, I have become bored of it. Furthermore, to me, he has been sloppy in the ring, and I have not been overly entertained by his matches. I hope HBK does bring out the best in him, in the feud that the two are currently in.
Overall I think Kennedy is too green for a title reign and I do not think he will get a championship until the latter part of next year.
Chris Jericho is over, he is working off his ring rust, but to put a title on him would be ruining the credibility of the championship. I just do not see him getting to be the next champion after just coming back to the company.
HBK in my eyes is the only other credible enough contender apart from Triple H. He has the skills and charisma and everyone already knows. But he has stated that he does not want the pressure from being a champion and on that basis I discard him as being a contender for the next champion.
My prediction is Triple H, not only from the current plans of WWE, but also from the credibility perspective when put against the other contenders.