Next WWE Champ?

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Next WWE Champ?

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Triple H

  • Chris Jericho

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Umaga

  • Mr. Kennedy

  • Bobby Lashley

  • John Cena

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Believe me, I am not a huge Hardy fan at all. I just think we should try him out. Sure he might not be good on the mic, but that wouldn't be a big change as of late. Hardy puts on pretty decent matches, and has been over with the crowd for a long time.
I'd say Jericho would be a good champion too, but HHH has been trying to bury him ever since he has been back, and his debut wasn't even as big as it should have been. That really sucks, because Jericho can be a great main eventer, he's proved that before his two year break.
I'm a little biased, but I would love to see Hardy as the next champ. He is progressing really well, from what I have seen over the last month or so, and seems to be finding his nitch. The guy has held every other title imaginable and has done so very well. Hardy's been at it for a while now (committed to WWE since his first match against Razor Ramon) and I believe he at least deserves a shot to see how it plays out. As previous posters have said, he could be the breath of fresh air that they desperately need right now, And if it didn't work out just take the title off him. He's had his problems here and there, but has really cleaned up his in ring work, seems focused and driven,and IMHO he has the credibility needed for at least 1 run.
If Shawns knees are really that bad and his career really doesnt have that much time left then IMO HBK should defenitely get it and one hell of a reign.

But I guess the plans are for trips to get the title next, which is good for me because he was my second choice.

Mr. Kennedy should defenitely have a run sooner or later, I love his in ring work which is only matched by his charisma. IMO the next face belt drop to should be to him because IMO he has the potential to be one of the greatest heels of all time.

I would like to see the title on Hardy in the future but not now. IMO he defenitely gets it done in the ring but his mic skills suck.
Some people think Jeff Hardy has no chance at the Rumble. Possibly. But I relly believe that him and RKO will put on an exciting match. Many of you said that the WWE title should represent the best in the business at the time. Who's matches get huge pops, who's finishers get huge pops. Jeff Hardy can win or lose any match because his finisher, specifically the Swanton, can be countered easily by rolling out of the way. What builds a great match? False finishes, fast-paced action, the believability that either competitor could win the match at anytime. The WWE has built Orton as a Viper, striking suddenly and with finality. Placed against Jeff Hardy, the pace will be alternately fast and methodical, depending on who's in control. Jeff brings an excitement to matches that, no offense, RKO, HHH, Cena, Lashley, etc. don't offer. The fans never know what Jeff will do, just how he'll probably win.
Id love to see hardy become wwe champ,but i think its obvious that they may have orton keep the title till cena returns .but please i hope to god ric flair dosenot get any where near that title 16 times is enough lol. but on my list who i want to be wwe champ it's
1. Hardy
5.RVD (if he decides to come back)


:robvandam: MR> MONADAT NIGHT
Although it will not happen I would like to see RVD come back to WWE in 2008, go on a good run and win the title. His first title run was a joke. It will also make sense feuding with Orton after what was done with him. RVD is quite over with the fans and still marketable. And I don't think he is a spot monkey like some would argue. He has had pretty good matches throughout his career, some come to mind with Jerry Lynn, Jeff Hardy, Sabu, the '02 elimination chamber, ladder vs Guerrero, ONS 2006..etc..
I really do suspect HHH is in line to be the next WWE champion and perhaps enter a summer long feud between him and a returning Cena, I would love to see Hardy get it as I think the fans would eat this up, even if just a short one month run.

Also, with all the talk of 'Taker-Edge at Mania as a Streak-Title match, why not have 'Taker-Orton as the Streak-Title/Legend Killer match and let the Undertaker come back to Raw for one last run? Just a scenario which I think could play out great on screen and with the fans.
I think as the plans stand now, Triple H is in line for yet another WWE title reign. While I believe that another title reign will not benefit Hunter greatly, there is no question that he is the most over face out of the current roster and his overall package is probably superior to anyone right now.

When scrutinising your options most of those wrestlers are not very eligible for a WWE championship...

John Cena is out until Wrestlemania, and by the time he comes into the title scene there would have been a title change.

Bobby Lashley is out until December and I doubt he will be thrown straight into contention for the title. In fact he hasn't even feuded for the title yet, and I doubt that an ECW title reign is enough to give him credibility as a WWE champion.

I like Umaga as a wrestler, he has great skill for a big man. But what mic skill does he have? We can't even find out, because all his character does is growl. Taking into account that he has been used as a jobber for the main eventers recently, I do not think his character will be pushed to the title picture anytime soon, if at all.

Jeff Hardy has been getting a big push as of lately, but I think it will fizzle out, and while some may argue that he is already a main eventer, I still see him as a spot monkey with limited wrestling ability. My verdict on Jeff, is that he will always be stuck on the main event entry level, and will not elevate to a title reign.

With all the IWC praise for Mr Kennedy, I do not think he has much credibility, or has the required skills for a champion. I too have jumped on the Kennedy bandwagon and I loved his whole mic routine. But after seeing him do this day after day, I have become bored of it. Furthermore, to me, he has been sloppy in the ring, and I have not been overly entertained by his matches. I hope HBK does bring out the best in him, in the feud that the two are currently in.
Overall I think Kennedy is too green for a title reign and I do not think he will get a championship until the latter part of next year.

Chris Jericho is over, he is working off his ring rust, but to put a title on him would be ruining the credibility of the championship. I just do not see him getting to be the next champion after just coming back to the company.

HBK in my eyes is the only other credible enough contender apart from Triple H. He has the skills and charisma and everyone already knows. But he has stated that he does not want the pressure from being a champion and on that basis I discard him as being a contender for the next champion.

My prediction is Triple H, not only from the current plans of WWE, but also from the credibility perspective when put against the other contenders.

All due respect dude but, What? Yeah, he's working off the ring rust. No, it wouldn't ruin the credibility because he was the first undisputed champion, defeating The Rock and Steve Austin. He's the one who created credibility for the title and will therefore be the next "credible" champion. BTW, Triple H will not be in the rumble as he did not beat Ric Flair. I think the title will change hands at Wrestlemania, making it impossible for Trips to win.
Well, Unless a Smackdown! superstar wins the Rumble, in which case the rumored Elimination Chamber could be won by Trips for a title shot at WM24.

That said, I think if any face does get a title match at WM24, they'll win, because for some reason, heels don't walk out of Wrestlemania as the champion. However, USA is said to be happy about Orton's title run because they haven't had a dominant Heel be the main attraction on RAW since it left for TNN. And no, when Edge was champion, Cena was still what the championship picture was all about.

That said, I personally would love to see Hardy win it. Jericho is another option, as is really anyone else that WWE wants to elevate into the title picture. Heck, DH Smith could win the rumble and shock the world. who knows. Would a surprise like that be cool? Of course, if they could keep it under wraps. So, of course they won't do it.
superstars like jeff hardy and rey mysterio should not even be in the running for the WWE or World HEAVYWIEGHT championships, when randy orton first won the title i thought they were gunna do big things with him but he rele has disappeared, and chris jericho came back to save us from randy orton and that feud sucked! they need a good return to the WWE even HHH returned small after losing to jeff hardy and not even being in the royal rumble. So therefore i would like to see bobby lashley return and take the title and do something with it like john cena did.
Well personally id like to see Kennedy as the champion, yet i think we all know there'll be some sort of "evolution" wwe title match, with Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista and maybe Flair. Out of them i reckon the Triple H win would be the biggest, the Flair the most shocking- but would be a great end to his career, but i'd still want Orton to keep title as he's the up and coming star, and Batista hell no i hope he doesnt win it. When Cena returns i reckon he'll be in the title picture soon enough, which is a good thing i dont see why everyone hates him he's great on the mic with promo's/ funny segments, etc and he's also a good wrestler. However Cena going heel would be great and maybe having Cena/ HHH, or Cena/ Batista feud for the title would be awesome.
let's face it, any one of these men is worthy of the title ( with the exception of Kennedy. Please! The guy can't even commit to a finisher, and since losing the Money in the Bank opportunity has been nothing but diminishing returns. He's got talent, but I think he needs to sharpen his already superb skills.)
As for who will be the next WWE champ, I believe Cena and Lashley should be disqualified due to their current injury status. Now my thoughts on the remaining canidates:
Shawn Michaels: He has stated that he doesn't want the rigors of being the champ. While it would be great to see HBK go on one last run, I just don't see it happening.
Umaga: Has the physical skills and the gimmick to be a great champion one day, but is dire need of another mouthpiece. has day will come, but it's not now.
Chris Jericho: Charisma and skills galore! But he needs some time to re-develop his gimmick and get himself over with the fans once again.
Jeff Hardy: He's so close to being ready for a run as the champion. I would like to see him in at least one more high profile feud before ascending to the title. Also think that he has the gimmick and image to be a great changeup in the title picture. If utilized correctly, I think that he could be a transcendent champion.
Triple H: The most ready of the bunch to be champion immediately. He's over with the fans, very good on the stick, the physique, and the credibility.
My solution: Triple H should get the title shot vs.Orton at Wrestlemania, and come out the winner. Meanwhile, I think Jeff Hardy should win the Money in the Bank match and cash it in sometime around Summerslam.
Yes we all hear the 'pop'. But that doesn't automatically mean he's good enough to be a champion. He hasn't fully established himself yet. It's not about him being not good enough. He just doesn't have the character or the gimmick right now to be champion. It just doesn't scream 'The WWE champion'. And I know recently this hasn't been made clear, but looking at the WWE champion gives you a great idea of who's the best in the business. If I look to Jeff Hardy as being the best, if he was champion as he is now, I wouldn't be very impressed.

The only problem with Jeff changing his gimmick to become champion is that it may not suit him. For years we've seen the high-flying Jeff Hardy, and it'd be hard for him to get into a new gimmick, and for the fans to go for it.

So, once again, it's not because Jeff Hardy isn't good enough, he is a good wrestler, but he doesn't suit the champion role, and he hasn't been back to the WWE all that long.

Jeff Hardy has been back in the WWE for a over a year now. What's so wrong/bad with his gimmick? It works for him and changing it now would be horrible. Do you really think that Jeff is NOT at the top of his game right now?

So maybe he doesn't scream 'WWE Champion'? Well to that I say that Rey Mysterio's style/gimmick/character doesn't scream World Champion to me either, but it happened. The underdog came out on top. That is what people, especially the kids, care about. For example, I was at the last Raw of 07 in Greensboro, NC and I've never seen so many Hardy signs...they far outnumbered signs for anyone other star (with the exception of Flair, since it is Flair country, but those were mainly held by adults). To me, all those kids holding those Jeff Hardy signs says who should be the next WWE champ.
I would have voted for Shawn, but he isn't doing house shows and he doesn't really appear to want it so i thought better of it.

I voted for Jeff, pretty much because i'd like to see something different. Sure, he's not the best wrestler, but he's still damn entertaining and holds many of the fans attention with his spots. Plus he already has a fairly large fan base. Eh, at this point i don't really think its the champions responsibility to "carry" the company anyway.
i voted for jeff. i mean why would you give him his push now if he isn't going to win the title because like 5 months ago he was suspended. so why not let umaga or kennedy have their push knowing there not going to win the title. see i think people think that jeff might win so thast why he might be the next wwe champ!!!
I think Jeff Hardy is going to be the next WWE Champion come the royal Rumble the ear of Jeff will begin coz no one that beats HHH for the #1 contendership is going to lose to Randy Orton.

Jeff to win at the royal Rumble.
I think Jeff Hardy is going to be the next WWE Champion come the royal Rumble the ear of Jeff will begin coz no one that beats HHH for the #1 contendership is going to lose to Randy Orton.

Jeff to win at the royal Rumble.

i agree completley dont get me wrong im not the type of person that says trips refuses to put over anyone but i just couldnt see trips letting jeff hardy get a clean win on him just to let him job to randy i dont think it will happen at the royal rumble but possibly wrestlemania.

That is not the only reason i think jeff will win the title, ever since he came back from his suspension he has got his old spark back and has had some good matches that has been far better then randy ortons, he has also gave some credability back to the intercontinental title imo, being number one in the power 25 for the second week running.

Jeff hardy will be the next wwe champion
HHH and HBK shouldnt have more title reigns but they probably will, the buisness has passed them by but they cant accept it , oh well. I genuinely rather have cena as champion than either of them but as ortons my first choice im feelin pretty good about it , even if his bookings terrible.
okay to all Jeff Hardy lovers, and I'm not really trying to stir the pot but.. Can anyone remember the last time he did his litlle run on the barrier outside and didn't fall off in the middle?

Don't get me wrong, I think he's fuckin awesome! But, can anyone remember anything he's done in the ring?(or on the mic?) Best I can Remember is an old high school "bully"(knocked his ass out after high school BTW) then forgotten forever.(and I did that, not jeff)

Just stating my opinion, what's yours(BTW if you don't remember when the Hardy's showed up on T.V. you should watch their early stuff) (before either of them were even half-good in WWE)

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