Randy Orton Next WWE Champ?

Ya, the problem with the WWE is the piss poor pay per view main events. I know for me, only one main event this year on pay per view has been marginally good, and that was Backlash. The rest of the main events have been garbage. Now if you consider the Rumble a main event, then the last ten minutes of that are simply legendary.

I know a lot of people feel strongly about Kennedy, but for me, he's not ready. He needs to prove he's not Ahmed Johnson II, and stay healthy for a year. I feel that WM 25 should be the dawn of the Kennedy MvP eras for the WWE, with both men walking out with world gold, anything before then is pushing it too soon.
Randy will take the title from Cena. However, Randy will most likely be a transition champ. Most of us know how much pull Trip H has backstage. Some way or another, Trip H will be in the title picture. But the question is: What match has a bigger buy-rate: HHH vs. Cena, or HHH vs. Orton? That's what it always come down to. I think Trip H vs. Orton will be bigger because Cena gets mixed reactions. Some hate him; some don't. Orton has the potential to be a really big heel and top-card player. Prediction: Orton beats or cheats Cena, then Trip H returns, beats Orton. Cena then comes after Trip H, and Orton gets bumped back down to mid-card because Orton doesnt have the right mentality. Dont expect Orton to hold the belt for more than a couple months, which will give Trip H the time to build up the hype. Trip H makes Orton look better than he is and it will definitely have a bigger buy-rate than the other options. At this point, I dont care who becomes the next champ; just get the belt off of Cena.
I don't think Randy Orton should be given the title.

He's behaving now,and was for a while after he got suspended for his troubles last time but he'll be in the doghouse again.

He's proven to be immature and the last thing the WWE needs is for it's champion to run afoul of the rules and cause unneeded drama especially coming off the whole Chris Benoit family tragedy.

I do think it may be time to take the belt off John Cena but I think it'd be far from wise to give the biggest title in the WWE to a guy who can't keep his attitude in check.

Maybe,they should give Mr.Kennedy a run with the title and have him feud with another face that'd be getting a push for that time.

I think with the amount of times Triple H has been champion and the amount of time John Cena has had his hold on the title that it's time for some fresh names to be added to the mix.

Hell,maybe if his upcoming monster push goes well and he proves to be an effective heel again than Viscera could be given a run or maybe even Shelton Benjamin who in my eyes should be pushed alot more than he has.
Well that certainly adds more fuel to the fire.

Now with Orton as champion and triple H coming back, you give yourself a very interesting scenario going into Wrestlemania 24. Triple H wins the rumble, and he gets his choice at either member of Team RKO with Edge and Orton, the men that took him down a year earlier. Now that my friends, would actually be some very damn good TV.

now that would b a great storyline my friend,and if orton does win i pray to god they change it back to the original title coz i do not wanna see orton with the spinner belt !
I personally am all for this, I would love to see Orton beat Cena for the WWE title, and I'm with Shocky on this too, they should do it at SummerSlam in a Elimination Chamber, it could be Cena vs. Orton vs. Booker vs. Lashley vs. Kennedy vs. Triple H, that would automatically be the match of the year so far, and then they should have the last to guys in the chamber be Orton and Cena, and then Orton could do his whole concussion thing to Cena, and put him out of action for a while, though knowing WWE it would only be a week or two at best, but anyway Orton should get the title seeing as how he is the best option right now, Bookers gimmick is to stale and running out of steam, I'm actually amazed they could keep it going as long as they did, Lashley would be like having Batista as Champion, need I say more?, Kennedy is just not ready yet, give him at least another six months, though I would love to see him win it at WM25, I think a run at IC title would be good for Kennedy right now, and it would give that belt a little more credibility, Triple H is just coming off a big injury, and that is never a good time to give some one a title, cause there is a bigger chance of re injuring what they have just fixed, give it to him at Survivor Series, and than let him hold it till WM unless Cena is his opponent then let him hold it till Cena is gone forever
Orton will never be the next Rock. Thats too much of a stretch. But he does have the POTENTIAL (key word) to be a wrestling great. Having potential and living up to it are two different things. He needs in-ring improvement. His mic skills will never be as good as the Rock's. Orton is dry and boring to watch. His finisher is the only move that he's great at executing. I cant count how many times I have fallen asleep watching Orton put someone in a headlock. If Orton had the right mentality and was drug free, then he would get a HUGE push. But since the roster is so weak right now, you can expect Orton to get some kind of push regardless...
I don't want to see orton take the belt from cena. I don't know how he got out of the doghouse so fast for him to win the title. Personally, i think they should keep the belt on cena until summerslam. Have kennedy be number 1 contender both have great mic skills that would make things interesting. Kennedy wins at ss orton attacks him. This would start a feud with two popular, over guys with good ring skills and mic skills. With the belt not on cena Kennedy or Orton could feud with all of raw's top talent umaga, booker t, lashley. After they lose to the new champ have HHH crush them all in short feuds leading up to him winning the rr. wm24 Kennedy vs HHH vs Orton three way dance i dont care who wins it would be a godly match.
kennedy isnt ready yet , I would give him the heel push into WM24 as champ against triple H , however at this momemt orton should get the title, he has the charisma, the look , the in ring skills, the finisher and a great heel attitude. An orton run as champion with cena chasing will put a lot of asses in the seats.
kennedy?? kennedy?? the guy works the mic better than he works the ring. and cena needs to lose the belt. his drawing power is leveling out. have cena chase orton and things will start getting interesting. orton is too green and doesnt work hard enough to put over his "heelness"(new word) but with orton having the belt and cena going after him, orton will have a chance to increase his "heeldom" (another new word). if orton continues to increase in his "heelocity", then HHH vs. Orton would be huge and one of best matches seen in a long time. i cant see cena carrying the belt into the fall and i cant see him and HHH feuding. it just wont sell as well as orton vs. hhh. Hunter has always done a good job at putting randy over. And all we need is kennedy and cena to feud over the top mid-card spot, because after cena loses, which is inevitable, dont expect cena to be in the big race for awhile. he needs to step back and let some of the other guys have a turn.
Randy Orton would be an exceptional champion. Raw needs a heel champion anyway. Let's face it, he is 10 times the talent that John Cena is and he has better mic skills. I couldn't think of anyone better on the Raw roster to be the champion right now then the Legend Killer.
what cena needs to do is go to the mid card and win fuckin intercontinental titles before he goes back to win wwe tittles in about 2 or 3 years. he needs 2 earn himself before this. u see rvd, edge, kurt angle, rey mysterio, benoit, guerrero...they earned demselves before they won the world title by winning multiple titles and progressing into great wrestlers. cena needs to do the same and for who should win the tittle. i believe king booker should win it. now hear me out.. kennedy is jusst lost on raw. i think he should go back 2 smackdown and fued with edge since edge took his money in the bank, lashley just makes me sick, umaga better not touch the title, and cena held the belt for too long and for orton, he should wait a while. i want him to win it but it wont be for the best. hes going to have a fued with triple h. lets have triple h make a return, orton crash it and theres a great match for summerslam, then they could continue this to survivor series and have a team hhh vs team orton again. and around royal rumble triple h wins a #1 contender match and gets a title shot against king booker while orton wins royal rumble...and theres your wrestlemania 24 event..where orton wins. and for why i picked king booker to win it, he deseres it more then anybody else and i feel bad for him cuz he lost his title 2 fuckin batista. and he can give credibility back to the title after bein on cenas waist 4 9 months!
How about this. At the PPV have orton interfere in the match, causing cena to retain. then have a cena match against orton on raw for the title, have orton win, and have lashley try to slam orton only to have the ref be taken out, and causing orton to win controversally. then have a program with lashley vs cena, while booker goes after orton, until HHH coems back to challenge, leading to cena vs MRK, and lashley booker matches.
I don't think Randy Orton should be given the title.

He's behaving now,and was for a while after he got suspended for his troubles last time but he'll be in the doghouse again.

He's proven to be immature and the last thing the WWE needs is for it's champion to run afoul of the rules and cause unneeded drama especially coming off the whole Chris Benoit family tragedy.

I do think it may be time to take the belt off John Cena but I think it'd be far from wise to give the biggest title in the WWE to a guy who can't keep his attitude in check.

Maybe,they should give Mr.Kennedy a run with the title and have him feud with another face that'd be getting a push for that time.

I think with the amount of times Triple H has been champion and the amount of time John Cena has had his hold on the title that it's time for some fresh names to be added to the mix.

Hell,maybe if his upcoming monster push goes well and he proves to be an effective heel again than Viscera could be given a run or maybe even Shelton Benjamin who in my eyes should be pushed alot more than he has.

Today I learned for myself how much of an ass Randy Orton really is. I was at the show today in Lafayette (of course I live here) and had an encounter with RKO.

We were standing outside waiting for superstars to arrive and Orton left to go tan. I was across the street at the time, but a friend of mine told me he just left and told everyone he was going tan. He came back in like 20 minutes and comes pulling through like a maniac nearly hitting us. I guess he was driving his own vehicle or maybe a rental.

He got out his car and wouldn't go by the fans, but did his cocky pose. He's really like his character... thinks he is god's gift or something.

After the show we head back to the parking lot and we are standing a bit back as the wrestlers are leaving. As they were pulling out We saw Val Venis (didn't wave) Lilian Garcia (waved) Mickie James (blew me a kiss) Dusty Rhodes and Cody (waved briefly) Carolito (ignored everyone) and here comes.... Randy Orton flying out the parking lot. Unlike any other wrestler acting the ass. I told him "slow down" as there were kids near me and he yelled out "f--k you!" My friend and I just looked at each other stunned that he said that. Of course I replied right back to him "no fu" and he sped out the parking lot as there were cops directing traffic.

A lady on the side of me says... that was really uncalled for!
And another guy said... I heard he was a prick.

Immaturity will get Mr. Orton right where he needs to be. If not for his legacy he would be long gone. Do you guys want a champion that trashes hotel rooms... drives recklessly and is disrespectful to the people that keep him employed?

Oh well... here comes Bobby Lashley. He is the coolest wrestler outside of the show. He walked up to visit with the fans after security asked him not to. He didn't care. Lashley was just a class act. If you guys are looking for a role model there he is. Most wrestlers understand that besides being performers there are looked upon as role models and idols. Orton is just an immature prick who I'm sure many people backstage would not appreciate as the WWE Champion. Too many guys busted ass all these years to get to the top. Like stated before... why not Benjamin, Kennedy (who I think makes an excellent heel), Booket T...

Who cares what HHH thinks. I remember getting sick of wrestling when HHH was champ forever. I do miss him now that he's been gone and he'll be a fresh face, but he held a lot of guys back when he was on his power trip a few years back.

I really didn't like Orton before tonight and I still don't care for him. Funny how I got under his skin though. I really laughed when he yelled out "FU".
THESUPERIOR1, did it ever occur to you that the particular wrestlers you mentioned were just staying in character and were behaving in the same way that their scripted in-ring work calls for.

Randy Orton plays a cocky heel, who acts like he's better than everyone. Arrogant, aloof, wouldn't be bothered to speak to the fans, that's his character. Wouldn't you be surprised if you watched the show, saw how he behaved with the whole Dusty Rhodes thing, and then came out and did a warm meet and greet with the fans, shaking hands and kissing babies? These guys tend to stay in character, that's all he was doing. Not that I'm a Randy Orton fan, because I'm not, I think he's highly over-rated and wouldn't be where he is only for the roster is currently stretched pretty thin. But I'm not surprised that he came out after the show acting like an asshole, that's his character.

Same goes for Carlito, I'm surprised he didn't spit his apple at you.

And Lashley, who's being pushed as a super-face, comes out and acts like a top-notch fan-friendly guy. Again, surprise surprise. In character. If Lashley came out and said FU and sped away, I'd be surprised. Just wait until Lashley turns heel if he ever does (which I say he won't). Let's see how fan-friendly he is then.
Okay now Orton is the no 1 contender i think hes going to get beat at Summerslam.

To far Vince to far your going to ruin Orton at the expense of John Cena the worlds most over rated Champion

Even those that hate him are starting to like him, all i see is from Cena Haters eh oh he works hard and he wouldn't be champ if he was that bad?

Well he is that bad and now Orton the best choice for a new WWE Champion in the short term is going to be blasted for the sake of Cena being allowed to stay in the spotlight.

Oh and I think for all those saying Kennedy should be champ i think maybe next year but not now hes to green and needs a few more high profile feuds under his belt.

Okay now Orton is the no 1 contender i think hes going to get beat at Summerslam.

To far Vince to far your going to ruin Orton at the expense of John Cena the worlds most over rated Champion

Even those that hate him are starting to like him, all i see is from Cena Haters eh oh he works hard and he wouldn't be champ if he was that bad?

Well he is that bad and now Orton the best choice for a new WWE Champion in the short term is going to be blasted for the sake of Cena being allowed to stay in the spotlight.

Oh and I think for all those saying Kennedy should be champ i think maybe next year but not now hes to green and needs a few more high profile feuds under his belt.

Oh yeah Randy Ortons character would not walk away from fans if he was WWE Champ he would be like you want my autograph sure coz im the greatest WWE champion ever! And i want to stick it to those who dont like me.

His attitude backstage has improved showing if he is given the right treatment and respect he does perform better.
Just throwing this out there. Since the whole hotel insidant I think Orton's behavior has drasticaly improved. I'd honestly love to see him win the belt, even though I don't like him much, but I hate Cena that much more. Right now RKO is on an incredible mean streak, and as I've said numerous times. I'd love to see Orton and HHH feud again. Interestingly enough the last time these two fought for the title HHH was heel and Orton was face. So it should be interesting to see those roles reversed should Orton win the title
im almost certain cena will remain champ until HHH feuds with him... but i hope orton wins, not because i really like the guy, but beacuse (like many other wrestling fans) i just wanna see a new champ! and orton wouldnt be a bad one... he needs to improve his move set cuz right now his matches arent really entertaining, but damn his finisher is, just so fun to see him hit that, it reminds of how i enjoyed seeing the stunner =D anyways, even with his move set right now i wouldnt mind him champ for about 6 months, but no way should he hold on to the belt like cena for the love of god...
If wwe makes orton champ, this would be one of the best things theyve done in a while. Everyone is sick of seeing cena retain his title at evry ppl. Its time for a change. Orton would make a good champion, beter than cena anyway. But i dont see the point in having him drop the title 2 hhh, someone twice his age and past their prime. I suppose that hhh would draw more though & that is probably the only reason wwe would give him the title again.
im guessing its because HHH not only draws more but is always over with the fans right now, after having a face champ thats not so over like cena now, they need one who will be, HHH would be perfect for it, plus i like seeing him as champ, sure hes past his prime but i always find his matches more entertaining than cenas, and hes just awsome XD, i hope he gets to pass ric flair in title reigns, but anyways, if orton beats cena, hes gonna have a hell of a feud with HHH no doubt, or it will be a 3 way and they will make cena go heel after losing the title since they love him so much O.o
If Orton becomes the champ, then I don't know what to say. It would be great because it could be the end of the Cena era (possibly?). Why do I say this? Well, I'm predicting that Randy Orton will hold the title for a couple months or so or maybe up until WrestleMania and its almost 3 years since Triple H held a World title so if or when he wins the championship, you best to believe his title reign will be a long term. It will be Triple H representing the RAW brand and Cena possibly having a losing streak when it comes to title shots.

Not only that, with the WWE title possibly being away from Cena's possession for a long period of time and most likely being passed down to Triple H, you best to believe that the Cena spinner style will vanish....
I am hoping and praying that at SummerSlam Randy Orton walks out as the New WWE Champion.
I am getting so sick and tired of Cena retaing PPV after PPV. (fair enough i havent wanted anyone he has feuded with so far this year to be champ - Lashley, Khali) but its been the same old crap. 5 knuckle shuffle - FU/STFU and Cena retains. How much longer can he live off the whole "over coming the odds" gimmick.

Vince do the right thing and give orton the title! Your fans are sick of Cena being the champ!
Orton should hold the belt until Wrestlemania or The Rumble at least when he gets beat by HHH it makes him look credible because its not shameful getting beat by HHH.
A few months is long and isn't overly going to push him into Cena Territory.
At least a few months gives him the credibility he would need as champ and possibly the credibility the WWE Championship needs

All I hope for is a redesign of the belt and a new champ to bring back the credibility it once had!
Orton has been on Raw for a whole year and has barely smelled the title. I'm pulling for him big time and I hope he keeps it for a good minute. I would like to see Orton keep the title until the Rumble, but that's not going to happen. I see him losing it at Survivor Series. I just don't want to see the title on Cena anytime soon. With all the people moved to Raw, and with Triple H coming back, Cena shouldn't be anywhere near the title until next spring, sometime after Wrestlemania.
The only thing I hope is whoever beats Cena for the belt, that they take that belt to RAW the next day, piss on it, and bring out a real belt. I can't stand that stupid spinner belt, it ruins the image of the championship. Oh, let me rephrase myself, any former WWE Championship BUT the Winged Eagle belt, nobody else deserves to hold that belt ever again.
Well, in ma mind if orton does become WWE Champ, and his feud with HHH starts; i dont think they'll make him lose 2 HHH again since he's lost both rivarlies he's had with HHH...... But if HHH's politics comes in play them i guess it'll be otherwise!

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