Randy Orton Next WWE Champ?

More bullshit politicking on the part of Triple H. All this is made for is to make Triple H look good in the end. He gets "revenge" on one of the guys that took him out, and if he puts Cena over again at WM, he will say that he made Cena, blah blah blah.

Make no mistake about it, this title reign is tainted as hell and means absolute zero sense. The man destroys a hotel room, causing 50,000 dollars worth of damage, fails the Wellness program, shits in a Diva's bag, so we reward him by putting him in the main event of the 2nd biggest pay per view of the year, and more then likely, giving him the title.

Say what you will about John Cena, but the man has zero backstage problems, unlike Orton.
More bullshit politicking on the part of Triple H. All this is made for is to make Triple H look good in the end. He gets "revenge" on one of the guys that took him out, and if he puts Cena over again at WM, he will say that he made Cena, blah blah blah.

Make no mistake about it, this title reign is tainted as hell and means absolute zero sense. The man destroys a hotel room, causing 50,000 dollars worth of damage, fails the Wellness program, shits in a Diva's bag, so we reward him by putting him in the main event of the 2nd biggest pay per view of the year, and more then likely, giving him the title.

Say what you will about John Cena, but the man has zero backstage problems, unlike Orton.

I 100% agreee with this thinking! Ok myabe Cena has had the title for to long but this whole situation is just HHH politicing. Cena a guy who has held the title for close to a year loses it to Randy Orton(so mnay problems he dont desserve it yet). Then Orton the guy who did what no else could do for nearly a year beats Cena and then a month or two later loses to HHH. To me HHH is just looking out for himself and if all that happens he is bringing down the credibility that both Cena and Orton have created. A guy has the title for nearly a year then loses it to someone and that person loses it in a month or two. To me that is unfair to both Orton and Cena.
i think they should wait a couple your for people like mvp,kenedy,the hardys
and alot of the dicarders to become main eventers so people like cena can become like stone cold steve austin they wouldnt be legends but older more experenced in the wwe in a couple years i see jeff hardy as the whc or wwe champ
I agree with you guys on one point and that its all a setup for HHH to be WWE champ again! But honestly randy is the best choice at this point. and its getting old to still here about the hotel incident or the diva problems. cmon get over it its been about 4 months now! and since then ive read twice article that his backstage attitude is doing pretty well lately! we can all agree with his in-rings work. its fantastic and he seems more confident! so maybe hes finally put his acts in order and grow up! since the incident and his match with edge, he hasnt been pin! So Orton deserve the title! but if hes just a transition champ like the last time.. WWE sucks!
I agree with you guys on one point and that its all a setup for HHH to be WWE champ again! But honestly randy is the best choice at this point. and its getting old to still here about the hotel incident or the diva problems. cmon get over it its been about 4 months now! and since then ive read twice article that his backstage attitude is doing pretty well lately! we can all agree with his in-rings work. its fantastic and he seems more confident! so maybe hes finally put his acts in order and grow up! since the incident and his match with edge, he hasnt been pin! So Orton deserve the title! but if hes just a transition champ like the last time.. WWE sucks!

that is what he is gonna be. I agree with you his in ring ability is good and he seems more focused and better since the hotel room incident. I still believe though this whole thing in the end is only gonna make HHH look good and unfortunately Cena and Orton are gonna look bad. Orton has consistently been one of the better guys on Raw and lately has been the best heel and one of the top 3 guys in my opinion. And Cena, since coming to Raw whether you like it or not he has been not only the face of Raw but the face of the WWE and that includes while HHH was on the active roster. Just goes to show you how much pull HHH has and it doesnt hurt when your wife is the bosses daughter. Just a shame in my eyes for it to MAYBE be going down like this. I have no problem with HHH holding the title just maybe have Orton lose to Cena and Summerslam and then the next month at Unforgiven have Orton take the title from Cena in a controversy so Cena still has his credibility and say he was never beaten cleanly and then give Orton a good run with the title say from September up until the Royal Rumble then let HHH win the title. The way it seems to me is this whole thing is gonna be a quick move to get the belt on HHH.

Just for the record i am a fan of all 3.
Just wish and hope it goes down differently than it seems its going to.
Hey Yeah, Orton DOES have yet to be pinned since then, don't he? WRONG! He lost his very first match back, and then again a few days later to edge. But I guess you pointed that out... But yeah, I'm agreeing with you all, Cena needs to drop the title, but not so that Orton can get a reign and have HHH take it back. If HHH wants it, why not take it from Cena himself and leave Orton outta it? I'd love to see a Heal Orton chasing a Face HHH for the title, anyone else agree?
Orton is going to get a 2-3 month transitional title reign. Win against Cena at SSlam, gets into a "legend killer" feud with the King of Kings when King Booka is done with him, and loses to HHH at Armageddon or Rumble.
I don't think a title run right now is gonna be good for Orton. He is at his best as a dominating heel, just like Edge was. And look what happened to Edge when he won the WHC. He was booked to try to get out of matches, win without looking strong, and getting destroyed by Batista and Kane in non-title settings. With two strong heel champs already (Khali and Morrison), I can't see Orton retaining his persona if he takes the belt. More than likely, he'll just end up ducking Cena for as long as he can, and then doing the same with HHH until he loses the belt. I really think he'll come out of a title reign looking not nearly as strong as he does right now. And as for him changing belts...unless there is a storyline about him killing the legend of John Cena (i can hear the collective groan now if those words are ever spoken aloud on WWE TV), I don't see how it would make any logical sense for him to change belts.. When Edge did it, it was at least to introduce the "Rated R Era"...but Orton doesn't have a gimmick like that, so why would he switch belts?
ya now that some of u mentioned it, orton will just be holding the belt for HHH... well that sucks since he deserves much more than to be a paper champ, i always like win HHH is champ, im a big fan.. but if hes gonna be champ then he has to be the one to take the belt from cena =/... ive always been aware of his backstage politics, but since HHH is actually a great wrestler i dont mind it that much, but when he destroys 2 other careers just so he can be champ really pisses me off, i hate cena but damn even i dont want him to lose the belt that way

why would cena be so dominate then lose it to randy orton?... they arent building orton to be like the most dominate guy on raw so i wouldnt see how orton would beat cena... this would just ruin the whole cena storyline, even though it sucks, and a possible orton era... but i think we're getting ahead of ourselves

maybe orton loses to cena at SS... i think this is gonna be the 1st time i will want cena to win a match! wow... me being happy with a cena victory who would have thought...

id rather have cena beat orton and lose to HHH, than orton to be a paper champ, so i hope HHH beats cena and randy can have a good feud with him
I hope to God that Orton beats Cena for the belt at Summerslam. It would be the three year anniversary of his title win against Benoit in Toronto. I don't hate Cena, but his stuff is getting to stale. Is it me or does he magically become Superman every single match he is in and somehow, despite the odds, he is able to win. It makes me wanna throw up. I have been a huge Orton fan for 3 years, but I have to say, I cannot remember a wrestler who has done more to sabotage his career than Orton. Whether it's getting in fights with divas, using steroids, or trashing hotel rooms, it seems that Orton is trying to get himself fired. It looks like he is straightening himself out, and making him the champ now would be a great move. Cena has held the belt for the past 24 out of 27 months. It is just ridiculous.
i believe cena is our modern day hogan.
i mean think about it cena vs khali is to hogan vs andre
cena vs edge is to hogan vs piper.
i use to like cena in his heel days but nowadya his matches are all the same he gets his ass beat for about 10 to 20 mins and then comebacks with a clothesline and another clothesline than a back supplex then 5 knuckle shuffle and then fu leads to stfu and thats it thats all u c. its been to long since orton has been champ he should win it and lose it maybe at survivor series to triple h. it'll probably be sooner than that knowing how hhh can be
Cena=Superman and Orton=Kryptonite
Call me crazy but Superman needs to take some tyme off from this hero stuff and i think that Kryptonite should injure Superman and Superman should come back as a villian.Get what i'm saying?
I sure hope he becomes champion....although his behavior has gotten him into trouble in the past, i think he can be at the top of the company and bring in good money and fans. And besides, The majority of fans are sick of cena holdin the belt...it was obviously at WM22 when the fans really started to boo him. HHH vs Orton is a good match...they can make it out as a "teacher vs student" type of deal.
A while back I remember people sayin that Orton had the potential to become almost like a modern day Austin. Then when Orton's behavior collapsed all that talk pretty much stopped and a lot of people belived he was on his way out the door. I said it before, if his attitude has changed, which it seems to have. Then by all means Orton should be the champ. The more I think about it the more I realise that Orton does have the in ring ability as well as the charisma to have actually a pretty decent run. Espically since Cena generaly puts on the same show night in and night out. Orton's move set seems to vary every match
Orton has lots of potential but to say hes a modern day Austin...I don't know about that. I also wouldn't mind seeing Orton as champ. He seems to have straightened his act up and is staying out of trouble. The more I think about it,The hotel incident was months ago in the past and he shouldn't still be held back for it IMO. But in a way its still a risk and hopefully IF he gets a title run he will keep out of trouble. The match at SS should be a good one and this should be a great feud if done right but I hate the fact Orton is only going to win (possibly) because of HHH's Backstage BS just to set HHH up for another title run but its still great to see the belt off of Cena he just makes me sick. The HHH-Orton feud will be great but I think it would be better if Cena was in the middle. To me it would be more entertaining and would keep him the title hunt as long as he isn't spitting the same shit out of his mouth each week and being shoved down my throat id be fine with it. I say give Orton the title but not another fluke title reign like he had 3 years ago just to give HHH the belt. Should be interesting and actually has me excited for once.
Cena, aka the vanilla gorilla, needs to lose the belt. orton is a good choice to take it from him but whoever wins at summerslam, they will only be keeping the belt warm for HHH. he's the boss's son-in-law. he has more pull backstage than any WWE wrestler has ever had. HHH wants orton to hold the belt because orton is more credible as a heel than cena. cena only draws heel heat because he naturally sucks. orton actually works over a crowd. expect orton to maybe have a four month title run at best before HHH finally crushes him...
Randy Orton is destined to win the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Triple H wants him too for his own good and Vince agrees as he sees what Trips has been saying its better to see Cena chase awhile and it be good to change things up on RAW for awhile. RAW needs a heel champion to change things up and Randy is the number one heel on RAW. Look he doesnt have the best behavior and shouldnt be rewarded for things he has done especially this year but he the only real candidate. Anyways as much as he will end Cena's reign he will nly be feed to Triple H later in the year.
I Have Been A Huge orton Fan For A while and it seems likely he will win the title at summerslam but I do think if Cena loses he needs to be kept in the main event picture somehow I hope trips does not take the title too soon but that may be wishfull thinking anyways I think he will wait untill survivor series or Royal Rumble to win the belt
I was going to make this topic and I'm kicking myself now that I didn't as it's such an interesting thing to talk about, particularly in the world of WWE.

If the rumours do prove true, and Orton is crowned WWE Champion, it will be one of those rare moments (at least, currently) that the WWE has a stroke of genius. With Cena chasing the title and Orton holding it, you'll struggle to find a wrestling fan that isn't pleased. Sure, you'll find the odd Cena fan wishing that he was still champion but that won't stop them tuning in, will it? In fact, they'll probably be more devoted to Raw, so to see how Cena fares against the new champion that particular week. As for the smarks, well, Orton isn't a "technical masterpiece" as some would like but they'll still consider him a step up from Cena and will tune in just to see the alternative.

As I said before, pure genius. Hang on, wasn't this Triple H's idea?
Sorry to disappoint you, guys, but after Summerslam 2007, the WWE champion is going to be JOHN CENA. Not that I'm pleased about that, because I'm not, but I think that will be the case.

Cena defeats Orton at Summerslam and retains the title. Too risky having Orton with the main strap at this precarious time in WWE.

HHH wrestles Cena at the next PPV, and the winner at the end of this PPV will be: JOHN CENA.

Meanwhile Orton and Lashley wrestle at this PPV, don't know who wins, don't care.

At Royal Rumble, there'll be an Elimination chamber, with HHH, Orton, Cena, King Booker, Lashley, and Mr. Kennedy. The winner and new WWE Champion, TRIPLE H.

Triple H returns as a face but by the time he wins at the Rumble, he'll be heel again. There'll be 3 faces (Cena, Lashley, and Kennedy (yes I said it)), and 3 heels (HHH, Orton, and Booker).

Cena chases HHH, Booker feuds with Lashley, and Orton feuds with Kennedy.
I think the timing is right to have Cena lose the strap. It's the second biggest show of the year, Cena's just come off a string of impossible wins, no-one's expecting it. Randy Orton is not an unstoppable monster, he's just a man, and that is why it will be so shocking that he is able to defeat Cena in singles competition. It's the perfect time for the turning point in Raw's 2007.
Sorry to disappoint you, guys, but after Summerslam 2007, the WWE champion is going to be JOHN CENA. Not that I'm pleased about that, because I'm not, but I think that will be the case.

Cena defeats Orton at Summerslam and retains the title. Too risky having Orton with the main strap at this precarious time in WWE.

HHH wrestles Cena at the next PPV, and the winner at the end of this PPV will be: JOHN CENA.

Meanwhile Orton and Lashley wrestle at this PPV, don't know who wins, don't care.

At Royal Rumble, there'll be an Elimination chamber, with HHH, Orton, Cena, King Booker, Lashley, and Mr. Kennedy. The winner and new WWE Champion, TRIPLE H.

Triple H returns as a face but by the time he wins at the Rumble, he'll be heel again. There'll be 3 faces (Cena, Lashley, and Kennedy (yes I said it)), and 3 heels (HHH, Orton, and Booker).

Cena chases HHH, Booker feuds with Lashley, and Orton feuds with Kennedy.


Quite an interesting theory you have there. Despite that, I disagree with it. I believe Cena DOES win at this upcoming PPV, but as soon as he does, the Game's music hits. He comes out with his equilizer, aka the sledgehammer, and takes out the losing combatant. Then, he turns and takes out Cena. The next PPV features John Cena versus Triple H, with the winner being: The Game.
We may indeed see your Elimination Chamber match, but it won't include King Booker, but HBK, who makes a dazzling return two weeks before the match is scheduled, takes out King Booger, then feuds over the title with Triple H. A friendly feud; mind you, but still a feud.
The outcome will be an entertaining one either way, I am a fan of both of those guys. Thats my theory ladies and gentlemen, and I am sticking too it.
Randy Orton should win the title at the Summerslam PPV against John Cena in ONE ON ONE action, which to me, is very important. Cena always overcomes fucken impossible odds every damn PPV to win back his title (ex: 5 man match a while ago..WTF) His reign is boring, his moveset is soo common (i think the FU is a great energetic finisher tho), and RAW needs a new spark and Randy Orton would give them that

BUT i dont think it will happen, as HHH will return at SummerSlam and attack Cena after the match and erupt a great feud. ITS EITHER THAT OR ORTON AS CHAMP!

In the midst of all of this, HHH returning is sure to be a huge blast. i would love to see HHH face, while Randy would be heel and a huge showdown at the Royal Rumble with an elimination chamber in mind.

It was HHH's idea in the first place to let Orton see the gold, but i think he will just be a transitional champion and HHH will end up with the title in the end, BUT orton would be a new flare and i would be excited to watch RAW for once.

John Cena should scrap the WWE Title junk and start a fresh new feud with another superstar, even someone like kennedy (even tho that one time cena looked like a total idiot ... mr kellogg? wtf...)

I don't think you can call Cena vs. Edge the same as Hogan vs. Piper. I can see the comparison between Cena and Hogan but to compare Edge and Piper is absolutely rediculous. I totally appreciate everything Piper did for the business, but Edge has more athleticism than Piper could ever dream of.
My personnal opinion is this: Orton will win the belt at SummerSlam the reason is simple , the writers want triple H to have a feud with booker T over the King of Kings. Cultimating with Hunter winning ( and ending the feud) at king of the Ring. Then the feud with Orton will get started.but anyone know what the deal is with Hall and X-pac returning as a sort of N.W.O. against D.X. thing. If anyone has a response on this rumor thanx.

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