John Cena - the STD of the wrestling world? Well, that insinuates that millions of people enjoying seeing STDs in action. Anyway, I bet you my house that Orton will dethrone Cena at SummerSlam. It makes perfect sense, all the warning signs are there, it's going to happen! If it doesn't, I'm just not ever going to watch WWE ever again. Simple as.
First: I fully believe many people enjoy seeing the action that produces STDs, but that doesn't mean most of them actually enjoy the STD itself. Now, if you're a Cena fan (dispite housing an Orton sig) I more than approve.. to each their own.. I too, once, liked Cena.. until he decided to stall atop the WWE & seemingly die there.
His promos are the only thing that pretty much keep me from completely hoping someone hurts him, badly & seriously. Even at that, I wouldn't be slightly effected if Cena had an Edge/Triple H type injury that'd cost him half a year or more on the shelve. (not wishing bad things to him, just saying its way past time for a change)
I stopped liking Cena, when he stopped being *new* & started repeating the same ol' song & dance routine. (again, no offense to Cena fans, many wrestlers including Edge & Triple H. even do their own thing over & over until its dead - but neither of them held a Heavyweight Championship for almost 2 years, minus about 4 total monthes collectively.)
Second: I wish & hope Randy Orton wins the title, but whos to say WWE won't change things up again? Jeff Hardy was rumored heavily to beat Umaga, but I still see Umaga with his title. (Not that that too, won't switch at SummerSlam)
And I do see the signs.. Orton, killing Legends.. WWE, making Cena unstoppable, then having Orton stop him.. "oh, who can stop the Legend Killer??" --- Enter, the Game.. gladly. Times like this, from what I've read about Triple H's backstage power/authority.. & about how he thinks having Cena chase the title, instead of continuing to hold it.. I'm glad he married Stephanie.