Randy Orton Next WWE Champ?

The WWE championship has become boring. With cena winning at every PPV, it's starting to become predictable. However, People, stop saying its your personal opinion to look smart.. you know it was posted here that Orton wins the Title..and HHH feuds with cena still in the picture. I've never really liked Cena, and i've grown to hate him because of this reign.
The current plan is for orton to take the title at summerslam then Orton cena and triple H all fighting for the title to dominate the main stroyline for raw in the fall I think its going to happen then orton is gonna lose to Trips at survivor series triple H and Orton work well toghether so they could put together some good matches if it was not For Triple H's backstage Politicking and a combination of injuries this probably would not have happened but with the Triple H influence it will he usually gets what he wants on raw thats why for example Booker T did not want to go there Booker became A.King Of The Ring and B.World Champion the closest Booker T ever got to a title on raw was at wrestlemania 19 where he lost to the Trips other than that a intercontinental title reign here or there with a few world tag title reigns but thats it why because Triple H wanted the title and he gets what he wants While I am a Orton fan id rather him win the title because he earned it with good behavior and solid matches and feuds not because Triple H wanted him to but thats what will probably happen but plans do change sometimes
The WWE championship has become boring. With cena winning at every PPV, it's starting to become predictable. However, People, stop saying its your personal opinion to look smart.. you know it was posted here that Orton wins the Title..and HHH feuds with cena still in the picture. I've never really liked Cena, and i've grown to hate him because of this reign.

It's been said dozen of times, you're given us little new information before. Like I said before, the timing is perfect for Cena to drop the belt. The smarks are tuning out, complaining that Cena is some kind of Superman, defeating unstoppable monster after unstoppable monster. Then what happens, on the second biggest event in WWE's year? Cena, the unstoppable marine, is dethroned by a man, simply because he was smarter, craftier, more "strategical". Bingo! You have a gripping storyline and you bring in the viewers. Just look at the contrast between this and the Great Khali on SmackDown. Raw's like an ugly person having plastic surgery, then SmackDown's like a pile of steaming crap that no-one wants to look at, not even to cringe. Somebody quote me on that.
randy orton will beat john cena for the title.HHH comes back takes the belt off of him at a ppv.all the legend promos for hhh are airing..all that legend talk so its only right for orton to beat cena...hhh to beat orton so hhh will be one legend that orton did not kill......
I didn't go through 9 pages of this, but I have NO clue how anyone could compare John Cena to Hulk Hogan except for the overall fact that neither guy wants to let go of the top spot once they get it.

Regarding the overall topic, I'm SO sick (like many are) of Cena being Champion.. that I was ready & willing to see Khali of all people unseat him. Now, not only did Cena manage to escape that, but in a cruel twist of fate -- Khali ended up with the title of the person, to whom I was excitedly willing to watch for the next 8 monthes carrying the Smackdown Brand. (Edge, for those hidden under a rock)

I've read the rumors of Randy Orton taking the title from Cena, to which I'd be even more happy to see.. since I actually like the cocky Legend Killer. However, sadly my trust in believing the unofficial "wrestling gawd" John Cena can ever be unseated, will wait until my eyes catch up with the rumors spinning around it.

John Cena reminds me of the 2000 version of The Rock, how truly noone was able to unseat them (without cheating) & he kept sticking around & winning the title back.

I'll be more than glad to see Cena drop the title & out of the picture to win it back.. however just like the Rock of that day & age.. you can't just build that character, then drop him out of the Main Event picture all together.. sadly, unfortunately, & ultimately.. John Cena will continue to be the S.T.D. of the wrestling world & stick around until his career is over. (All, in my own opinion, of course)
John Cena - the STD of the wrestling world? Well, that insinuates that millions of people enjoying seeing STDs in action. Anyway, I bet you my house that Orton will dethrone Cena at SummerSlam. It makes perfect sense, all the warning signs are there, it's going to happen! If it doesn't, I'm just not ever going to watch WWE ever again. Simple as.
John Cena - the STD of the wrestling world? Well, that insinuates that millions of people enjoying seeing STDs in action. Anyway, I bet you my house that Orton will dethrone Cena at SummerSlam. It makes perfect sense, all the warning signs are there, it's going to happen! If it doesn't, I'm just not ever going to watch WWE ever again. Simple as.

First: I fully believe many people enjoy seeing the action that produces STDs, but that doesn't mean most of them actually enjoy the STD itself. Now, if you're a Cena fan (dispite housing an Orton sig) I more than approve.. to each their own.. I too, once, liked Cena.. until he decided to stall atop the WWE & seemingly die there.

His promos are the only thing that pretty much keep me from completely hoping someone hurts him, badly & seriously. Even at that, I wouldn't be slightly effected if Cena had an Edge/Triple H type injury that'd cost him half a year or more on the shelve. (not wishing bad things to him, just saying its way past time for a change)

I stopped liking Cena, when he stopped being *new* & started repeating the same ol' song & dance routine. (again, no offense to Cena fans, many wrestlers including Edge & Triple H. even do their own thing over & over until its dead - but neither of them held a Heavyweight Championship for almost 2 years, minus about 4 total monthes collectively.)

Second: I wish & hope Randy Orton wins the title, but whos to say WWE won't change things up again? Jeff Hardy was rumored heavily to beat Umaga, but I still see Umaga with his title. (Not that that too, won't switch at SummerSlam)

And I do see the signs.. Orton, killing Legends.. WWE, making Cena unstoppable, then having Orton stop him.. "oh, who can stop the Legend Killer??" --- Enter, the Game.. gladly. Times like this, from what I've read about Triple H's backstage power/authority.. & about how he thinks having Cena chase the title, instead of continuing to hold it.. I'm glad he married Stephanie.
I'm far from a Cena fan. I think if you are a Cena fan, it's not the action that he produces that draws you to him. Slyfox will contradict me on that, I'm sure. I was merely pointing out that millions of people do enjoy watching John Cena for John Cena, not for seeing him wrestling Edge, or whoever.

Besides, I think that with so many Cena fans, it'll just help build Orton into a bigger heel. As it is, WWE as a whole is awful, in my view anyway. It's a messy snorefest. Orton being champion would redeem it in my eyes.
What I was thinking is triple H got it this far right ? having Orton challenge for the title vs Cena when the rumor first came out Orton was not getting a Push like he is now but ever since that Rumor came out he has been winning my opinion is and I think it makes sense is that if Triple H got it this far why would it not go the rest of the way with Orton winning the title anyways thats just my two cents
Hey, Mr. Sam.. I agree with you fully in how WWE as a whole is crap anymore. But I also think the main reason why Cena has held onto the title this long is mainly because of 2 reasons.

1. John Cena is being built to be the new version of Hulk Hogan (as in, Hogan was huge in his era - they want Cena to replace him, to stick it to him - I think)

2. The MAIN reason -- Injuries. Enough said.

As a whole, storyline-wise, Cena defeating all these huge stars & unstoppable forces.. only kills each & every one of THOSE characters. Umaga, at first to me, was just Jamal with a new gimmick.. but once he started destroying DX & basically, literally, mowing through the roster.. I thought to myself, Umaga's character really has turned into something awesome. UNTIL, they made the unstoppable moster, lose with a simple roll-up pin.. which was incredibly stupid. (they could've ended that match with either Cena getting counted out, or Umaga "not" understanding the rules & being DQ'ed which still could've lead into their match they had at the Rumble.)

Finally, incase you didn't know it, I agree fully with Randy Orton winning the Championship.. NOT just because I want anyone to get it.. but because I feel Orton didn't get a good enough push his first title run, because they assumed fans would cheer him.. I think fans love to "hate" bad guys, but end up cheering them in the long run. (Steve Austin, Rock, Triple H., Shawn Michaels, the list can go on)
I would love for Orton to be champion, well I would love for the Brooklyn Brawler to be champion, anyone but Cena. His run has gone wayyy past stale, its now just stupid.

Word backstage is that Trips wants to feud with Orton on his return, and he wants it to center around the belt, so everything will center around him, yet again, so there will be no big surprise if Orton wins at Summer Slam, for once, I would be surprised if Cena retains. How bad is that?
Word backstage is that Trips wants to feud with Orton on his return, and he wants it to center around the belt, so everything will center around him, yet again, so there will be no big surprise if Orton wins at Summer Slam, for once, I would be surprised if Cena retains. How bad is that?

I tried to believe anything was possible regarding John Cena losing the title, especially when they gave it to R.V.D. then to Edge, last year. I was thrilled that Edge was given that opening.. but it pisses me off more than anything when they give the title right back to the person who lost it.

It reminded me of the Triple H. 10th title win. How they stripped him of the championship, only to give it right back.

Now, to finally get to the point.. it would NOT surprise me if Cena retained, just because I've lost all hope in believing WWE wants to keep a fan base. I realize people go stupid over Cena, similar to the Rock.. but after so long, you got a lot more people literally hating the guy, just because he won't go away.. or at least let someone else have a chance, without giving it right back "blank number of monthes" later.

Unfortunately, I can see a Triple H./Randy Orton title feud, which will lead to Cena winning the Rumble & once again head-lining Wrestlemania v. Triple H.
I dont know if you guys have seen the raw rating but its awful 2.5????? for god sakes vince is gonna have to listen to Triple H and get the title on Cena cuz anything is better than him having the title its ran its course its over it has to be at summerslam
no i think cena will keeps title if orton stay i wwe to long he is going to cost vince mcmachon alot of money if he stays i wrestling ut he one of vince top stars
no i think cena will keeps title if orton stay i wwe to long he is going to cost vince mcmachon alot of money if he stays i wrestling ut he one of vince top stars


Anyways, I don't really care for WWE wrestling as of now. Don't get me wrong I love Vince and the crew but right now they are just down right pissing me off. I didn't watch RAW at all on monday and I probably won't watch it again next monday either. All I'm going to say is that I'm going to be looking forward to watching IMPACT this thursday.
Anyways, I don't really care for WWE wrestling as of now. Don't get me wrong I love Vince and the crew but right now they are just down right pissing me off. I didn't watch RAW at all on monday and I probably won't watch it again next monday either. All I'm going to say is that I'm going to be looking forward to watching IMPACT this thursday.

I mainly agree with you.. with some slight alternatives on my side.

While I completely think WWE is crap right now, & they're scrapping for something original & big.. no matter how ugly, repeatative, (sp?) & crappy it continues to get.. I'll still watch, because I'm die hard to wrestling.

I DO fully agree that TNA iMPACT! should have the better go for the next couple of weeks. It seems when one starts to suck, the other picks up the slack.

I can't believe WWE is sucking around Summerslam though, just because normally around Wrestlemania, Summerslam & Survivor Series they normally put on unbeatable shows. I suppose we still have like what, 4 weeks to go though..
havent read the other replys, but i for one agree with Randy Orton winning the WWE championship at summerslam, for one as i no he will put on a hell of a match, and for a 2nd he his a hell of a wrestler if u watch most of his matches, the RKO he delivers are top quality and gain pops from the fans notibily the one to Carlito and Jeff hardy, and he is a good HEEL, and RAW or Smackdown or ECW hasnt had a good HEEl as champ for atleast 2 years, the only decent one i can remember is triple H, edge had a breif title reign, and i would like to see Orton fued with kennedy for the tittle, leading to Wrestlemania where he faces Undertaker OR HHH.
havent read the other replys, but i for one agree with Randy Orton winning the WWE championship at summerslam, for one as i no he will put on a hell of a match, and for a 2nd he his a hell of a wrestler if u watch most of his matches, the RKO he delivers are top quality and gain pops from the fans notibily the one to Carlito and Jeff hardy, and he is a good HEEL, and RAW or Smackdown or ECW hasnt had a good HEEl as champ for atleast 2 years, the only decent one i can remember is triple H, edge had a breif title reign, and i would like to see Orton fued with kennedy for the tittle, leading to Wrestlemania where he faces Undertaker OR HHH.

Hear Hear I think randy deserves the championship he has had some excellent matches in the past 12 months the hulk hogon match last year at summer slam for instance he is would be the best person to win the title from cena becouse from memory i might be wrong but randy orton has only been pinned by cena once or twice in the last twelve months and it may have already been done but the angle that he will have withe triple H will be huge especially if randy ortan has the belt for a while and B.T.W wouldnt it be excellent if randy ortan put cena out with that kick thing he does that list would be impressive
Hear Hear I think randy deserves the championship he has had some excellent matches in the past 12 months the hulk hogon match last year at summer slam for instance he is would be the best person to win the title from cena becouse from memory i might be wrong but randy orton has only been pinned by cena once or twice in the last twelve months and it may have already been done but the angle that he will have withe triple H will be huge especially if randy ortan has the belt for a while and B.T.W wouldnt it be excellent if randy ortan put cena out with that kick thing he does that list would be impressive

sorry for quoting the whole thing but anyways orton will beat cena. he will have a mediocre title run.last a couple of months...hhh will take the belt from him so hhh will be one legend orton didn't kill....trust orton isnt knocking cena out with a foot to face cena is going to become another hhh or maybe hulk hogan i can see it now ten yrs down the line people chanting " the champ is here"...but yeah orton defeats cena....hhh wins belt back....cena eliminates orton from the rumble and defeats hhh at wrestlemania...o yeah people you spell feud not fued....
Randy has been without a championship since he got the world tag team champions with edge and randy hasn't had a world championship since 2004 and was the youngest world heavyweight champion in history.John Cena has to lose that championship at a point because it is boring seeing him champion.Randy is my favorite wrestler of all time and i would enjoy to see him take out cena with that running kick and take his championship and cena will be finally out of action for the firt time on raw.
I would like to see Orton win the title, but look at this...

Wrestlemania 23 = ALOT of people though Michaels was going to win his final title here, and they though it was going to be the end of the Cena run. They were wrong.

Judgement Day = The Great Kahli had been beating the crap outta Cena for weks, and some people actually though they'd give him a short title run just to get it off Cena for a while. They were wrong.

ECW June 26th = The First ECW since Morrison won the ECW title, and they feed him to Cena ASAP. Most people would have at least though Cena could have jobbed to give the new champ a bit of well needed credibility. They were wrong.

The Great American Bash = The best example. Vince had been building Lashley up for a while now, gave him the ECW title way to early, had him plow throiugh everyone he could, he even shaved Vinces head! And at the Bash, people though Lashley was finally going to unseat Cena because Vince would want it, and vince had been quoted as saying "Cena didn't need the title anymore to get over."... THEY were also wrong.

What am I getting at? Vince is making things seem like Orton ill win the title with HHH wanting him to do it. Face the facts, with Ortons problems lately, there is no way he will win the title. Vince has the whole IWC thinking Orton will win this, but in the end, Cena will counter the RKO into an FU and "F" what we all want to see. Lets hope I'm wrong.
why do people always bring ortons' backstage problem to the cause? yeah hes been a pain in the ass for a long time but look at this way. after he crashed the hotel room, he was losing to lots of guys but since his lost to edge, hes being well behave and it showed off because he performs better in the ring. i think he deserves it now. until he hear that hes been an idiot again, stop bringing his attitude to the reason. I actually think that hes going to counter the FU to an RKO in midair!
AS of laetly reports have been saying Orton will win the title unless things change before Summerslam.I personally dont feel like hes done anything good to deserve it but he has talent and I'd love to see someone just take the title off of him finally.
I believe Orton is going to win the title. I believe the reason they have Cena as Champion for most of the last 2 years is to raise the image of the belt. Since Cena first won the title, here is a list of the champions:

John Cena
John Cena
John Cena

Ever since Cena won the title at Wrestlemania 2005, the title changed 5 times coming up to Summerslam 2007. And only to 3 different people. Now in that 2.5 years, Cena held it for a total of 743 days. Thats over 2 years.

Now look at the history of the WWE Champion ship in the same time length Wrestlemania 2002 to Summerslam 2004, the same length of time.

Triple H
Hulk Hogan
Big Show

So in the exact same space of time a few years ago, The same title changed 11 times to 8 different people, more than double. So, that's why I believe Cena has his reign. And that's why I believe Orton will take it away, since Cena is basically the only one to hold the title for the last 2 years, the fans would love Orton to take the title, and it might get better buy rates and ratings.

In the end, I believe Cena is todays Kevin "Diesel" Nash: both non draws as Champion, and the fans are sick of both of then (as champion)
Unless plans change orton will win the title triple h and michaels at wrestlemania we never had those kinds of reports on them those matches were just people thinking and wondering who would win this is cold hard proof

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