Official Undertaker Injured Thread

Umm Shockmaster the only reason Batista drew for RAW is because of his feud with Triple H, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Rated-r-canadian it is not smart for them to have MVP go straight for the WHC, he is in a feud that is actually giving him some credibility even though he is losing, look back at what people said before Wrestlemania, now look at what they are saying in terms of MVP. I still want Benoit to win it from Batista if they have Batista have a short reign. then you can bring Mr Kennedy in at the time you want, not having your hand forced like it looks like happening now. I don't think Kennedy is truly ready just yet to take the Title from either Undertaker or Batista. I think Kennedy will be waiting until after Summerslam for the title shot.

I honestly don't think Kennedy will be cashing in MITB next year at WM 24 due to 'Takers injury, but I do think there's a strong possibility that he might be in contention for the world title by the time SummerSlam rolls around.
The perfect solution would be for Benoit to get the WHC. He handed it off perfectly to Orton. The Handshake as much as it sickened me at Summerslam to see him drop the belt, was great, even though Triple H played politics and got the belt backa month later.

Look at what Benoit's feud with MVP has done. MVP has been elevated. Look at some of the buzz this guy is getting. Now is it Benoit bringing out MVP's best, or is MVP for legit, the jury is still out. But a Benoit/Kennedy feud for the gold would be the perfect thing for Kennedy. If Kennedy won the belt from Benoit, you know Benoit is going to make Kennedy look like gold.
Shockmaster, I agree that Benoit would be the perfect person to put the gold on Kennedy, but I think that Kane is a more likely option. WWE is obviously obsessed with big men, ripped men, and big, ripped men (Cena, Khali, Lashley, Batista, Snitsky, Umaga etc etc). Since Kennedy doesn't fit those catagories, in order for him to be champion he is going to have to defeat a big guy in order to look legit. Unfortunatly, Benoit doesn't fit that description..but Kane does, plus Kane is a solid worker, doesn't seem to be in any danger of leaving, has a history of being a "good soldier" and putting over whoever he is asked to, and is looking for some time off in the semi-near future. I think all of those things make him a good candidate to pick up the belt from 'Taker, have a month or two long title reign and then drop the belt to Kennedy and do an injury angle to get his time off for knee work.

Just to be clear, I don't think Kennedy needs to go over a big man to look like a legit champ...but I do think that is the impression McMahon and the writers are under.
i also think that guys like benoit, kennedy and MVP should be champ but as for the latter 2 they shouldn't do that or they will make the same mistake they made with people like lashley because he was to inexperienced he couldnt wrestle (even though he still cant) and a rotting corpse has more mic skills than him so his macthes just cant draw. Like before wrestlemania 23, on raw he had a ECW title match with Kenny Dykstra 670,000 people changed the channel, also at WM 23 Most people used that match to go to concession and only came back to see mcmahon get his head shaved
with 'taker injured now and being sidelined for 6-8 months, i think this means that his Mania winning streak will continue next year...can't see him coming back with a huge build up and great fanfare a few months before Mania and then have him lose at the biggest PPV of the year...although i personally think his streak will never end and he'll retire undefeated at mania....
I agree that Beniot should be the one to carry the title.I dont believe Dave should win it back(not because of he's wrestling dodgy skills)but because it wouldnt seem right for him to regain it from the same champion in such a short time.I'm concerned with the face pops Kennedy's been getting.For some reason it would be a bad idea to have his 1st title reign as a face(or even a tweener)He could end up getting faceheat like Cena.Right now the only two people I can see taking the WHC title other that Batista are Beniot or Kane(unless the screw us over and give it to Lashley)
this sucks... thats a shame, im sorry for the BEST WRESTLER WWE have, i just hope to see it again for the R rumble 08 and regaining a title shot for WM24.
i only hope that Mark Henry is not involved in the title scene, because he can get injured again!! and what would WWE do in that case? give the belt to f*ckin Miz and shit???? this is the perfect time for Orton to switch to SD, have a decent feud with Benoit (legend) and .. guess what?? another legend vs legend killer match at Summerslam! i mean MVP can have the US belt right now, then he can have a feud with Finaly or anybody in the mid-card level.

Batista IMO will take on Mark Henry with a "Revenge for my self-inducted-injury-cause-im-an-asshole" angle, so you can give Kane time off also.

Kennedy will be cutting promos in RAW more and more... thats the way he'll jump to RAW till WWE put him on a title match again vs Cena or Edge.(summerslam?)<-- is there a thread for the Kennedy storyline??

Discard HBk, he need some time off 2, and for what i've heard, he's not into SD,and remember, with HHH returning in about 3 or 4 moths...

Bookah! could be an option, does anybody knows what happened with him? i know he took time for healing, but how much time?

i guess will have to wait for next week Tuesday night....sorry..Friday Night SmackDown!
i want to hear the super-dooper-stupid-LAME excuse they have for the greatest wrestler of all time droping the belt.

Vince could be double champ!! no, im not kidding.. the man is CRAZY!
OMG, im starting to have a bad feeling about this...First Vince gets the ECW belt, Cena is Destroyed by Khali, Taker's out... NOOOOOO!!
Funny enough,I also hoped that Randy would make the jump to SD! He and Batista never did resolve their post-Evolution fued(It was supposed to be Batista vs. Orton for the WHC at WM22)but in view of his recent backstge problems,its doubtful he'll be getting a World Title push any time soon.
i think undertaker shouldnt drop the title to batista, or kennedy.
judgement day is a couple weeks away
if taker stays out of action, and gets a world title match against kane at JD
kane could pick up a reign through the summer, and maybe then lose it to
kennedy around unforgiven.
but batista needs a feud as well, and mark henry just returned.
there you go
I think that if taker had to lose his title to batista he should get screwed for the title cause if batista wins cleanly 1 month away from wrestlemania it will make his win look like a fluke and that it meant nothing
I think Edge should become a non heal and then go to smackdown and become the world champion. Edge would be a good champion better than Batista and the rest of smackdown.
Edge as world champ on SMACKDOWN! would be a really good idea. I can see him feuding with Rey, Batista, and possibley taker if he returns.
I'd rather see Edge stay on Raw and fued with HBK... I'm still convinced the best thing to do is get Benoit the WHC belt. Have MVP screw him out of the US Title.. then Benoit surprisingly wins something..let's say a Battle Royal... for a title shot or for the vacant title. either way, he gets the title. his first fued is Finlay, since the two of them work fantastic together and Finlay is always hovering between upper mid and main event anyway...and then since Finlay and Kennedy have an occasional teaming-up thing going, the Finlay fued can be the start of a Kennedy/Benoit fued. If Benoit can work magic with MVP, imagine what he can do in a main event slot with Kennedy. Plus it'll solidly get Kennedy over as a main-eventer in time for him to cash MITB at Survivor Series or hold out til Mania 24.
Y2 Jake we might be saved by Edge. Meaning no long boring Batista title reign. I have a feeling Edge may win the title on Smackdown this week after the steel cage match after who ever wins. He just won the MITB briefcase!!!! Now lets hope Undertaker wins and Edge cashes it in.
Y2 Jake we might be saved by Edge. Meaning no long boring Batista title reign. I have a feeling Edge may win the title on Smackdown this week after the steel cage match after who ever wins. He just won the MITB briefcase!!!! Now lets hope Undertaker wins and Edge cashes it in.

That would indicate McMahon knew what he was doing. I would like to see that too, it is a win win. No Batista title reign and no more Cena/Edge fued for a while. I hope that is what they do, but I have a feeling this is just to keep the MITB on TV while Kennedy is out, with Kennedy getting back by the Royal Rumble and going into wrestlemania. But I hope edge does cash it in. SD needs him there now.
I actually get the feeling that Edge will cash in his MitB to include himself in the Cage match to make it a three way. Because the way I see it is if you have Edge win in the steel cage by escaping first, you aren't damaging Takers cred, you also don't damage Batista's cred because you can book it that Batista gets so focussed on Taker that he "Beats the shit out of Taker" but forgets Edge, leaving Edge free to win the match.
This is wondeful news with Edge winning the MITB. Undertaker takes down Big Dave Batista, either with Mark Henry taking both men out, or a long fought match with an exhausted Undertaker getting pinned by Edge. This would keep Batista occupied wiht Henry,and finally start to Establish a long anticipated Edge vs. Undertaker feud when he gets back. This will put real heat on Edge with taking out Kennedy and Undertaker in a matter f nights.
I think it will be similar to when Edge beat Cena last year. Batista and Undertaker will beat the crap out of each other and Edge will pin the winner right after the match.
goddammit, i was looking forward to a long title reign for undertaker. looks like that damn batista is getting the title. BUT HAHA EDGE WON!
its a shame I was looking forward to what could be his last title reign and the injury was simply horrible timing
Do you believe when The Undertaker returns he should regain the title? I believe he should being a huge Undertaker fan myself. But.........the injury he took was pretty serious, can they put the title on him and just rely on prayer to keep him injury free?
We know Undertaker is coming for Edge when he returns. Surprised though that news these days have not posted any updates on the Taker & his injury. Did he have the surgery?, was it a sucsses?, is he in rehab now? & most of all when's the possible return time so the mindgames on edge could begin ??

Back to what I was saying, If the wwe decides to take Taker away from another tilte reign then they gotta get the belt off Edge before Mania.
The timing of his injury is absolutely dreadful is this was to be his first serious and long championship reign.With the injury can they even really put the belt back on him becasue his injury is very serious.This sucks and now the whole Undertaker is facing Edge at Wrestlemania possibility popped up and now he might gain the title again.I think this injury just plain sucks.
I am definitely looking forward to the Edge vs Taker feud which will most likely happen as soon as Taker returns. I hope the Edge/Taker WM24 match is going to happen b/c the story escalating to their match could be perfect:

Edge practically stole the title from Taker by using his MITB last month---

Taker will return for the Royal Rumble and almost win it 2 years straight, but Edge will screw him out of winning it---

At No Way Out there will be a #1 contender match to decide who takes on Edge at WM24 and Taker wins it, Edge could not interfere in this one b/c he would lose his title as stated by the GM of SmackDown---

At WM24 Taker finally gets his revenge by defeating Edge and securing his winning streak making it 16-0 and becoming World Champion once again.

That is a great storyline IMO.
^^^=This guy won't last more than 24 hours

I am definitely looking forward to the Edge vs Taker feud which will most likely happen as soon as Taker returns. I hope the Edge/Taker WM24 match is going to happen b/c the story escalating to their match could be perfect:

Edge practically stole the title from Taker by using his MITB last month---

Taker will return for the Royal Rumble and almost win it 2 years straight, but Edge will screw him out of winning it---

At No Way Out there will be a #1 contender match to decide who takes on Edge at WM24 and Taker wins it, Edge could not interfere in this one b/c he would lose his title as stated by the GM of SmackDown---

At WM24 Taker finally gets his revenge by defeating Edge and securing his winning streak making it 16-0 and becoming World Champion once again.

That is a great storyline IMO.

By the way I lasted 24 hours.You lost your bet.

Moving on to better things now, I would love to see Undertaker and Edge finally face off.Would anybody mind if they made him lose to Edge?

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