Official Undertaker Injured Thread

6-8 months, damn, he's out for the rest of the year. That's bad, very bad. The WWE is just so damn banged up right now, it's almost impossible to get a belt on someone. You have Kane, but he needs off because of Knee problems. Orton is being punished, HBK wants time off to heal, RVD wants time off, Edge is healing from a broken jaw, the list just goes on and on.

Like Jonny said, I can see them giving it to Kennedy, and then using MITB to possibly merge a title, or be a co-champion.

As sick as I feel, it looks like Batista is going to be the beneficiary of this injury. There simply isn't anyone else.

Hmm, here's just a wild idea, maybe put the belt on a guy that can actually perform, like oh ya, Chris Benoit, no that would make way too much sense.
Well WWE is one of those years were injuries are a plenty. Hopefully this will lead to some of the mid-card guys getting their opportunity. The sad thing is Undertaker who was finally getting that chance to shine as the world champion now goes up in flames.

Worst part of it is Batista is the likely individual to become champ. Though I do believe WWE will come up with some lame ass excuse as to why Taker needs to drop the belt and have some sort of match for the belt. I just don’t think they will push Kennedy that quickly yet as now I am predicting a Kennedy cashing in his title shot at Summerslam.

I see Smackdown having like an 8 person tournament and just to make the championship look creditable. Heres what I think can happen is at have the 8 man tournament and each week have a match then have the simi-finals and finals at judgment day. Thus least making the winner look good. Hopefully it be Benoit but I doubt so I see batitsa winning it but then Kennedy becoming the man at Summerslam.

The big question is does Taker really want to come back again, I think he will but I doubt we will ever see taker have a real lengthy reign.
i think wen undertaker returns we could recieve a long title reign...he still has years left in him with the way he is moving...and the vacation he will recieve from this injury would make him extremely fresh for that long title reign to occur...its going to look good when he retursn but right now its complete shit this had to like to see them give some crazy promo or something that will c him disappear and not one like batista gave when he had to give it up..its undertaker after all and mystery is what his character is based upon therefore give us another myster as to y the deadman must disappear
Hopefully this will lead to some of the mid-card guys getting their opportunity. .

I do agree that if there is one "bright" side to Taker being injured it does free up some space at the top of Smackdown. So, who from the midcard level should get a push into main event contention? I'm not saying this person would necessarily win the belt, just be moved up the card into title contending position? My vote goes to Matt Hardy..He and Jeff can put over the rednecks and get back to individual title contention where they belong..
It's a damn shame if this is true, because The Undertaker deserves a long title run. It will be interesting to see what develops with this and where they take it.

This is the part of wrestling that is "real"... on any given day the champ can go down and the writers have to deal with it. THIS is why I love the damn thing.

Best wishes for the Undertaker. I hope this is not true, or if it is, I hope they can work around this injury without him jobbing, and giving it to Batista.
I have heard nothing lately on Kane taking time off. They keep on planning stuff for him as if he's staying more like fueds with Mark Henry & the Boogeyman. But just like what the watching&waiting guy above just said there is a bright side. Now they can get rid of these fueds they were talking about and have Kane go for the Title.

Better Yet, Picture How Taker's Going To Leave:

Undertaker could come out with the World Title and talk about what he's accomplised, Batista, and the injury he has along what he has to do (drop the belt & take time off). In the end he calls out his brother Kane & hands the belt over to him. Just like the Royal Rumble in 94, Taker gets back on the mic and speacks his final words "I WILL NOT REST IN PEACE".

The gong sounds and the lights go out, they come back on Undertaker has completley vanished with Kane alone with the World Title. This is where Batista comes in & the crap I mean fued starts.
If RVD wasn't in the middle of so much shit this would be a perfect way to get him to sign his contract extention - let him win the title in a tournament on conditions that he gets a nice little run till Kennedy, Benoit or someone else is ready for it or until Booker comes back & after RVD drops the title he can get his time off, plus that would let him redeem himself & get him outta ECW. He can draw & have good fueds so it's perfect but won't happen.
mark henry is commin bak back 2 smackdown. they will hav a tournament mark henry will win it nd win da whc. then he will feud with kane nd dat fued will go on for a while until kane wins da championshiop at judgement day
I can see Kane getting the title in this senario, quite simalir to what was just said. Taker cuts a promo, hands Kane the title, and then the Kane Batista Feud happens. Kane gets a longer title rein, which he goes Heel at some point, then feuds with taker when he returns for the belt, maybe at WM24. No one will know who will win that match with all the hype that Kane is going to be the one to end the streak, and with the title on the line, with Kane as champ no less. Then again, I can't see him hold the title that long anyways...
Undertaker Is Injured???

Oh Well it's not like it's the end of the world. Yes he is one of the best this business has ever seen. Yes he is The Deadman, and yes He's the world Heavyweight Champion, but...... That doesn't mean he's everything to Smackdown. You still have people like Benoit, MVP, Kennedy, Kane, Batista (I'm not a fan nor will i ever be a fan of this guy), Finlay, and a returning Mark Henry (Same as Batista).

With all these guys leading the way Smackdown will survive. Yes I liked seeing Taker as champion, it is a damn shame that he got injured but it's not the end of the world.

Taker will be back and once again dominate the yard with or without the title. Mark My Words
If his injury cant be worked through (which i hope it a nonexistant entity isnt the case) Batista and/or JBL can have a go at Long saying that Taker didn't win the match so it should be vacated then do something either a tourniment or a battle royale to determine the champ (but keep baggytitsa out of whatever they chose) so the chap can feud with him for a bit then move on to other members of the roster and Taker eventually returning and getting his gold back
What a damn shame. Guy has only held the title for a month at tops. I expect them to rush the title off of him now so he can rest. What a damn shame, just when he was FINALLY going to get the long title reign he deserves, he gets injured. What bad luck.

Hopefully this doesn't mean the give the title back to Batista, or I'll scream.

This could affect Kennedy too, the scenario in my head was that they'd have Taker hold the belt for an entire year, where he'd face Kennedy at WM24 and Kennedy would win the title. Guess not now huh.

Here's to hoping they keep Kennedy on Smackdown so we can see some more decent wrestlers in the main event picture over there.
It's a damn shame that a wrestler like Taker , who put a lot of guys to the top by havin' them perform on a level that they otherwise had not achieved, has to put his title up for grabs due to that kind of injury....

I hope from the bottem of my heart that WWE give's this man the respect that he disserves after 15 years of beeing one of their most loyal workers, and maybe we could see a bit of the man behind the mystery, despite of that doing harm to the Taker character...... and let him give up the title in the ring, so that the fans can give him their apriciation..... that is what this man deserves .....

of course this is all my humble opinion....
PS: i like the Kane scenerio that was written earlier......
dam shame, Taker is out he was by far SD best star, apart from batista i cant think of anyone who the WWE will give the belt to, alto i think its Kane's time to have a go at the WHC, but i do agree one man who can carry the WHC is RVD, that guy can fued with anyone and make a high quality match.
It is such a shame that he could be hurt. I as well thought we see a long title run, because he has been the face of smackdown ever since the brand extension, but everybody of yall agree dont give the tile to batista. If 'taker goes down we have lost 3 main eventers on smackdown mysterio, booker, and now taker. I been reading what u guys have been writing bout bringing guys from raw i like the idea, but vince needs to push the guys on smackdown first before the guys on raw that might show up ones smackdown here are some examples like: benoit, finlay, m.v.p., kane, kennedy, maybe matt.

Kennedy just cut a promo last night saying he will put it to use at wrestlemania not sure if that is what will occur but throwing him into the title picture at this moment and time wouldnt fit in with the promo he fed us last night...the best thing to do would be vacate the title have stars such as kennedy involved in it...have him barely make it and therefore his money in the bank can reflourish him into the title picture...or throw the title on him and at the same time have the briefcase with him as well? Undertaker being injured is a big fuck up...does anyone know where and when this occured?...this opens the door for doubt batista will still b involved in this title picture in some way or form the question is if they will return it to him or throw it on a fresh face to still give the same element undertaker was bringing smackdown at this current point and time...

I honestly cant see anyone else that can carry the title other than Kennedy (and even he would be a push) on Smackdown. To be honest even the RAW roster is on the thin side at the moment when it comes to top stars, although if they did plan on keeping the belt on Cena, Edge moving back to Smackdown might not be a bad call because I honestly think that guy works alot better with the title on him rather than chasing it. Plus Edge could use the push, he in my opinion is starting to lose his momentum that he gathered in 2005 and 2006 as one of the top heel, not winning at Mania didn't help.

I think unless the WWE does something really creative we are probably going to end up seeing Batista with the title again unless they really do plan on putting the title on Kennedy.
I've sort of drifted in and out of watching WWE in recent years, so can someone tell me, did Batista get his injury in a match with Mark Henry, and was it caused by Henry, or just for the storyline caused by Henry?

I could see them doing that again. Henry is due back, so if Taker can lose the title in a match scenario, they'd probably go with Henry 'injuring' him, causing the title to be vacated.

Not sure if they would go for a tournament, or just an Elimination Chamber maybe?

Batista vs Mark Henry vs Mr Kennedy vs Finlay vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio or Booker T OR..... a mystery entrant, last man to enter the chamber, Y2J!
I've sort of drifted in and out of watching WWE in recent years, so can someone tell me, did Batista get his injury in a match with Mark Henry, and was it caused by Henry, or just for the storyline caused by Henry?

I could see them doing that again. Henry is due back, so if Taker can lose the title in a match scenario, they'd probably go with Henry 'injuring' him, causing the title to be vacated.

Not sure if they would go for a tournament, or just an Elimination Chamber maybe?

Batista vs Mark Henry vs Mr Kennedy vs Finlay vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio or Booker T OR..... a mystery entrant, last man to enter the chamber, Y2J!

Batista was really injured by Mark Henry but it was by accident at a house show. I can see Henry comming back and getting into the title picture but not doing much since I dont think he can draw as a champion. Also lets be realistic, Y2J is not comming back this year. He has way too many ''projects''. At least not at this time. A battle royale can solve this problem like when Angle won when Batista vacated the title. King Booker is also on the injured list btw.
Batista was really injured by Mark Henry but it was by accident at a house show. I can see Henry comming back and getting into the title picture but not doing much since I dont think he can draw as a champion. Also lets be realistic, Y2J is not comming back this year. He has way too many ''projects''. At least not at this time. A battle royale can solve this problem like when Angle won when Batista vacated the title. King Booker is also on the injured list btw.

Yeah, I know Booker is injured, but wasn't it only going to be a relatively short period out for him? Back by June or July? What is for certain is that Smackdown has major problems if Undertaker is out for the rest of the year, even with the likes of Henry, Rey Mysterio and Booker T back for Summerslam.
i kno he mite not be ready for a title reign but i think he shud be in the tunament and go pretty far... MVP, he just lost to beniot and he can be a good canidate to go deep in the turnament if its a big one, but i think the belt shud be given to kane after he wins KOTR
Aw this is gonna suck. Undertaker was suppose to have a long title reign, now he has to relinquish it like batista and most likely have it vacanted till judgment day. batista will most likely fight for the title but who will he fight. i wonder if kanes in the poster for a reason...
DAMN IT! Undertaker is one my all time favortie wrestlers, he has earned a long title run and now this. This is bad news for SD as they need him around to aid failing ratings. I just hope Batista isn't the one who gets it. Mr.Kennedy would be good, but I would send HBK to SD and have him get the title where Kennedy challenges him at summerslam.

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