*OFFICIAL* Edge injured and return thread

Would Edge make a good Raw GM?

  • Yes. He's a great mic worker and would do the job well.

  • No. He's a wrestler and should only wrestle. Not be a GM.

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I was thinking about how he could return. How about they do the whole leave him off TV for a while and than in an effort to turn him face have him interfere in one of Jerichos matches thus setting up the Edge vs. Jericho feud. But the kicker is how they bring him back. During a match have his music play and no edge at the ramp. Cut music match continues...... Edge's :band: plays again.....nothing, by this time everyone is talking about what is going on during the match. One last time Edges :band: plays and out come Edge but get this, Through the crowd like his original entrance. That would definetly make me mark out. The best thing about this is that it could even be done at the RR. Imagine Jericho down to the final 5, a couple of Edge teasers and than Edge come through the crowd trench coat and sunglasses just like the good old days. Man what a way to return and jump right into another amazing feud. Just my personal opinion plus I would love to be back in the states to watch his return on TV and not have to read about it on the internet like I have to from Iraq.
It worked for Angle when he GM'ed on Smackdown while recovering from an injury, and it would definately work for Edge. I would have him GM on Smackdown, and move Teddy Long to Raw after the guest GM Raw story ends. That way Smackdown has a fresh face, and Teddy Long can step up to the next level.
I think this is a chance to bring in curt hawkings.......With Edge injured, he should turn to his follower to defend his title. Curt should keep the Edge head carbon copy gimmick....and team with Jericho as the champs........As the team continues....Curt should begin to drift away dfrom the edge gimmick and start to copy Jericho......imitating his look and in ring moves. It would give jericho another follower and Can SAVE curt hawkings........hell eventually he tells Curt hawking to be himself and this kid finnally gets a shot.....if not Curt hawkings is on is way out
Have him make his return in the Rumble match in January, come in at the #30 spot, where its him, Christian and maybe a top heel, Randy Orton? Have Orton and Christian duking it out, and Edge slides in (everyone all riled up, thinking its the "Face" Edge they have been missing for so long), and spear the living HELL out of Christian. Then Orton goes for the RKO, but Edge pushes him over the top ropes while he's in air. Orton eliminated. Christian is getting up slowly, while Edge is building up another spear from hell. He goes for it, Christian jumps to the left, and Edge goes through the middle ropes, landing outside. Christian goes under the ropes, and picks up Edge, thows him back in setting up his finishing move, Kill Switch. Then, the building turns black. They come back on and Christian is layed out on the floor on the outside. The referee declares Edge the winner, but there is controversy over the win.

This builds up to a TLC Classic at WM 2010..

This would make Edge a bigger heel if leading to the RR, they built Christian up as a mega face. It would definately be a swerve.
I think the Edgeheads are dead and gone. I can't see Curt really benefitting from this situation as his connection with Edge has been over for some time. Also I would love to see Edge return at the Rumble, but definitely as a face. Even with everyone expecting it, it would still be a shock because it mean Edge can finally portray a different character than his Opportunist heel self, because he has been the heel for SO long. I wouldn't want Vince to say hey just cause everybody thinks Edge is going to return as a face, we should throw out a swerve and keep him heel! It is legitimately time for Edge to turn face, and assuming he is ready to go the Rumble would be the perfect place to bring him back.
Jericho should keep the titles, but find a new partner. Who? I'd say Raw's THE Brian Kendrick. He needs something to do and what better than to work with a guy like Jericho. Have one champion from Raw, and one from Smackdown.

So we all know Edge is out for a few months, it might take longer, but could also take a shorter amount of time. Anyway, the Rumble is in January, in 6 months, now Edge could be recovered by then, he has won most major titles and accomplishments, except the rumble. Plus , Edge is known as an opportunist and WWE could keep this Rumble entry a secret, like they did with Cena in 2008. Edge would return with a huge pop, in an opportunist way, to win the Rumble and go right back in the main event, keep in mind this is hypothetical, and only IF he recovers by then. What are your thoughts on this?

(Edit: Feel free to move this to PPV if needs be)
Yeh, I think Edge winning the Rumble would be a great way for him to return (assuming he is able to compete by that point). As was mentioned it would be a good way to continue his 'Ultimate Opportunist' gimmick and would instantly propel him back into the main event scene which is where he should be in my opinion.

In addition, Edge has done it all in WWE except winning the Rumble and so I think it is inevitable that it will happen one day, Rumble 2010 is when that could happen. WWE could also possibly use this as an opportunity to turn Edge face (which would be refreshing to see as he has really done it all as a heel, on Smackdown anyway that is), as Skeptikal pointed out Edge would receive a huge pop if he returned at the Rumble and that might be the perfect opportunity to turn him.

If and once that did happen then I imagine they would go down the route of Edge eventually reuniting with Christian and a lot of people seem to like that idea. Overall, assuming Edge is able to return in time for the Rumble, I think that would be a great way to reintroduce him to WWE...
Well, Creatives old plans were to create an extremely slow face turn for Edge in the time spent as tag champ with Jericho, leading to some sort of huge match to take place at WM between the two. [FYI, this time would be used to rebuild the Tag Team division as Edge & Jericho would be just "minding the titles")

Since he is injured, I see the only plausible way to create this planned fued now is at the Royal Rumble. IDK if he would win though. There are many possibilities for Edge in the Rumble if Creative were to stick with their plans of an Edge vs. Jericho WM match.

Depending on creative, I think Edge is a likely candidate to win the Rumble. I hope his too, he deserves it from his time, loyalty & working efforts he has earned.
It is quite the bummer actually to see Edge like this. He broke his neck so he can't do too many high risk maneuvers and now he will be grounded in fear he could reinjury the Achilles Tendon. I miss the pre-injured Edge. He was entertaining in the ring. Now he is just entertaining on the mic.

I digress...

I don't see him coming back that early. he reported scheduled time off is until March 2010. But if he could return, it would be at the Rumble. It is the only way he could. He'd have to win it because I don't see him risking being thrown over the top and landing on the floor with that sort of injury.

The only way this is effective is having Jericho being Champion and having it be Jericho vs. Edge. So Jericho would have to have lost the tag belts, started a feud with either CM Punk or Jeff Hardy and then winning the Championship to start a feud with Edge when he returns.
So after doing some research, I noticed that if Edge does win the rumble, he would have accomplished something that HBK, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, or even The Great One himself never did. He would have won EVERYTHING in the WWE including 12 tag titles, 9 world championships( I think 6 to many but someone has to win them), 5 IC titles, WCW US title, 2001 King of the ring, 2 M.I.T.B. Hell he even won a friggin' slammy award. So my point is, if he hypothetically wins the rumble, won't that make him "the greatest wrestler of all time"?
It is a likely chance that Edge may win the 2010 RR. They set a timetable from six to nine months I believe and the RR would be a nice return. Like they did with Cena, he probably will be #30 which I don't think he should but that's just me.
So after doing some research, I noticed that if Edge does win the rumble, he would have accomplished something that HBK, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, or even The Great One himself never did. He would have won EVERYTHING in the WWE including 12 tag titles, 9 world championships( I think 6 to many but someone has to win them), 5 IC titles, WCW US title, 2001 King of the ring, 2 M.I.T.B. Hell he even won a friggin' slammy award. So my point is, if he hypothetically wins the rumble, won't that make him "the greatest wrestler of all time"?

Number of title reigns doesn't equate being the greatest wrestler of all time. If so Raven or Jerry Lawler would be better than Edge. Winning everything doesn't necessarily make you the greatest. He'll be lucky to crack the top 10 when it's all said and done.
So after doing some research, I noticed that if Edge does win the rumble, he would have accomplished something that HBK, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, or even The Great One himself never did. He would have won EVERYTHING in the WWE including 12 tag titles, 9 world championships( I think 6 to many but someone has to win them), 5 IC titles, WCW US title, 2001 King of the ring, 2 M.I.T.B. Hell he even won a friggin' slammy award. So my point is, if he hypothetically wins the rumble, won't that make him "the greatest wrestler of all time"?

The greatest wrestler of all time? Not in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I've always liked the guy but winning a lot of championships doesn't automatically equal greatness. After all, Raven won I think 27 Hardcore Championships in the WWE when it was defended 24/7. On the surface, it sounds impressive but it's really not. Another example is Jerry Lawler's son Brian. According to a Wikipedia article on him, he's won a grand total of 49 championships in his career. Sounds impressive on the surface, but most of those title wins came while he was wrestling in the USWA promotion, which is based in Memphis and which his father owned a controlling interest in for a long time.

That being said, Edge's accomplishments are impressive, at least to me, but the whole "greatest of all time" subject is always debatable.
Let Me Just Tell You All Something Now So You Wont Bother Wasting Anymore Time Hoping You Are Going To See Edge At The Royal Rumble.....he Had A Complete Tear Of The Achilles Tendon......that Is An Injury That Takes A Minimum Of 8 Months Recovery Time....he Wont Walk Without Crutches/ And Later A Cane For 4 Months.....you Will Not See Him Until Wrestlemania.....it Is What It Is People...it Sucks, But Accept It Because That Is The Way It Is.
Im not saying Edge is or will go down as the greatest wrestler ever. I think he is great for this era but not of all time. What Im saying is that since they keep track of "triple crown" and "grand slam" champions it seems that when you look at everything he has done someone could make the argument.
I HIGHLY doubt Edge will be winning next year's Royal Rumble. I'd put down quite a hefty sum of money to support that claim too.

First of all there's the issue of Edge's injury. Odds are he won't be ready to even get back into the ring by the time the Rumble comes around, not unless he's got some kind of super-body that heals faster than your regular man. Can't have a guy on crutches/in a cast win the Rumble now can you?

Secondly, it would serve no purpose, and Vince knows this. What a monumental waste of a Royal Rumble it would be if Edge won, even more of a waste than Mysterio's Rumble victory. Edge has nothing to gain from a Rumble victory, he's already one of the most established main event stars the company has. The Rumble should be saved for building up new talent and giving them their big break, not for adding stats to the already impressive resume of Adam Copeland.

My prediction for 2010 is most likely going to be John Morrison, barring any injuries. The way they're building him, it's only a matter of time. I would throw Punk's name into the mix, but I'm not completely sure the WWE would be confident giving him a Rumble victory.
I said this right after he got injured. I think if he could return in time, it would be great to see him win the RR, because its the only thing he hasnt done. He's won every major, and minor title, as well as being King of the Ring. He already has story book career and winning Royal Rumble would only solidified him more as one of the best.

It would also depend on who held the Titles at the time, because at the rate its going I think Orton would still be WWE Champ, and Jericho will be WHC on their respective brands (and no the ECW title doesnt count, its a middle card belt, and below Edge) If he returns as a face he could go to either show and enter into a program with either Jericho or Orton. But it really looks like their building up for him to return to enter into a feud with Jericho, which would work out great if he won the Rumble and then went into a program with Jericho until WM26, but played it out on both shows.

The only downside to him winning it, is it would displace some young and up coming star who could benifit from it more, say someone the likes of John Morrison.
Edge will definately come back as a face, anyway. Any beloved wrestler, heel or face, comes back to huge cheers after a serious injury. Just look at the times Triple H has returned.
I was thinking about this last night, Edge winning the Royal Rumble and then going on to win his tenth (tenth, right?) title at Wrestlemania, more over than he's ever been. And as a face, he would get a fairly long reign. When Edge comes back, he will only have a couple years left as a main eventer before he starts having to put younger guys over.

But Edge vs Orton at Wrestlemania 26 could be a great rivalry, but for some reason I don't think that will happen, unless the other main event match is Triple H vs Cena vs Batista, which would leave Punk, Jericho, Mysterio and whoever else is a main eventer by then out of the title picture.
So it's a tricky situtation, with too many main eventers on Raw and not enough on SD.
What I'm hoping for is Edge vs Triple H and Batista vs Orton vs Cena. A proper Edge vs Trips feud would be cool, they could even use stuff from the attitude era to fuel the hatred.

But this is all assuming Edge is back in time for the Royal Rumble. He's a tough guy when it comes to injuries, but January might be too soon. Although I think he will have a Wrestlemania match.
"Greatest of all time" may be a stretch, but he will, if and when he wins the Royal Rumble, do something no-one has ever done; and that is become the "Cleansweep" Champion. World, WWE, IC, US, Both Tags, MITB, KOTR, a Slammy... he is missing ONLY the RR.

I think in terms of what he is in WWE today, he deserves some sort of outstanding achievement. He has carried Smackdown for at least two years and been a main eventer in WWE for six. Taker has his streak, Flair has his World Titles; so why can't Edge have the distinction of being the only WWE Superstar in history to win everything?
Cleansweep Champion? Wouldn't that require him to have won every title available to him? He never won the European or Hardcore.

As for a Rumble return, it's unlikely, but there's one scenario that would be super awesome. Have him enter the rumble and #2, with #1 being Raw's main heel (maybe Jericho or Orton) who is confident he's going to win it. Have Edge and the heel make it all the way to the end, and have Edge win clean. Everyone would expect Edge to make a surprise return at the end of the rumble, and win it using some Ultimate opportunist trix. But having him survive the entire rumble, on his own, and kicking the crap out of one of his old heel buddies throughout the entire match would instantly turn him into a mega face.
First of all there's the issue of Edge's injury. Odds are he won't be ready to even get back into the ring by the time the Rumble comes around, not unless he's got some kind of super-body that heals faster than your regular man. Can't have a guy on crutches/in a cast win the Rumble now can you?

Secondly, it would serve no purpose, and Vince knows this. What a monumental waste of a Royal Rumble it would be if Edge won, even more of a waste than Mysterio's Rumble victory. Edge has nothing to gain from a Rumble victory, he's already one of the most established main event stars the company has. The Rumble should be saved for building up new talent and giving them their big break, not for adding stats to the already impressive resume of Adam Copeland.

See isnt tha wha they said about cena last yr when he came back what 2 months early to win the rumble

And you said they wanna use the rumble to build up careers...so wa they ignored using it for that in the last 3 or 4 yrs by havin batista taker cena and orthon winning....last i checked they didnt need any help with their careers
okay i can see this happening.... cm punk is going to keep the belt until sept when undertake comes back, then taker wins the belt...he fueds with jericho for a few months leading to jericho beating him maybe at the rumble...so u have jericho going to WM26 as world champion.... i see edge returning with one of the late #'s in the RR and winning it... and he will right off the bat say he coming for jericho...i feel that he wont be close 100 percent at the rumble so after he wins it he prob wont be having any matches maybe one at NWO and one or two a few weeks b4 the WM PPV jsut so it gives him time to heel it all up...but i think the two of them will have one hell of a storyline for WM bc we havent seen they battle in years!
To be honest, after I saw Edge lose to The Undertaker at Summerslam in the Hell in a Cell match, I automatically thought to myself that Edge was going to win the 2009 Royal Rumble. Then he returned at Survivor Series to win the WWE Championship and then drop it at Armageddon. When I heard that Edge would be getting his rematch at Royal Rumble, it cut down my Rumble winner predictions to two. In a professional standpoint, my pick to win was Randy Orton, but from a fan's standpoint, my pick was Kane... since I was hoping he would get a push.

Back to the question: Edge to win the 2010 Royal Rumble. I would not mind that like I would if he won this year's Rumble match. The Royal Rumble is seven months from now, and if Edge is a fast healer, like John Cena is, then we could very well see Edge winning next years Royal Rumble. But because of what happened with John Cena, most fans probably won't like to see a returning superstar winning it again.

Edge probably would get a huge pop if he won, but I ask... will it depend on who he last eliminates? For example, if Triple H wants to be the final man eliminated from the Rumble match for the third straight year, would you cheer if Edge won or if Triple H won? If Edge last eliminated a huge face like Undertaker or Rey Mysterio or Batista (all former Rumble winners, by the way), would his huge pop still exist. Or is it that the final man eliminated would have to be a heel, so that we know for a fact that Edge would be returning as a face?

So, I would not mind seeing Edge win the 2010 Royal Rumble, but I hope that he will be healthy by then. Whether he returns as a face or a heel remains to be seen, but it's not question that he'll become a face soon after his return. Here's to hoping Edge has a quick recovery...
TO SPORTS FAN 2007...... a pec injury isnt even close to being on the level of a torn achilles tendon....ask around to any athlete in any sport that you may know what they'd rather do tera a pec or their achilles....youll have your answer there...if that doesnt work for you....ask your doctor...im sure he could explain it in a manner that youll understand.

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