I was thinking about how he could return. How about they do the whole leave him off TV for a while and than in an effort to turn him face have him interfere in one of Jerichos matches thus setting up the Edge vs. Jericho feud. But the kicker is how they bring him back. During a match have his music play and no edge at the ramp. Cut music match continues...... Edge's plays again.....nothing, by this time everyone is talking about what is going on during the match. One last time Edges plays and out come Edge but get this, Through the crowd like his original entrance. That would definetly make me mark out. The best thing about this is that it could even be done at the RR. Imagine Jericho down to the final 5, a couple of Edge teasers and than Edge come through the crowd trench coat and sunglasses just like the good old days. Man what a way to return and jump right into another amazing feud. Just my personal opinion plus I would love to be back in the states to watch his return on TV and not have to read about it on the internet like I have to from Iraq.