We all assume that Edge will be back and ready to go with a long haitus and theropy in his future. Something were all missing here though is, Edge's career could very well be over.
If anyone has ever had even the slightest of tear in their muscles, they know that it is one of the most painful experiences to go through, and the pain will persist for dang near the rest of your life. Heres what you're missing when it comes to Edge. Hes torn his Achilles heel, it is incredibly painful, disruptive to your way of life, and can persist for years. Every time you move your ankle, the tendons move too- when you have tendonitis, moving hurts! Even the slightest weight on your ankle can be extremely painful.
For anyone who doesn't know where/what the Achilles tendent is, its right on the heel, and a main muscle for your entire leg. Edge may never even step step foot in the ring again, let alone do something like this here.
especially one like this.
With Edge more than likely in a hurry to get back in the ring by WrestleMania 26. I'd say hes going to get some re-injury factors, as when you re-heal a muscle too fast the chances of a re-injury are quite high. Obviously, it delays the healing process, but even worse, every re-injury and additional healing cycle means increased scar tissue build-up in the muscle and tendon. Scar tissue is hard, inflexible, decreases range of motion, and is tough to get rid of. Additionally, as more scar tissue builds up, the greater the chance that you will suffer from chronic pain later on.
While forever may be durastic on my part, I wouldn't expect the same Edge to come back by any means necassary. More like a high mid-card Edge, not the Main Eventor that got the number 2 spot in the 3rd Anual WrestleZone tournament.