*OFFICIAL* Edge injured and return thread

Would Edge make a good Raw GM?

  • Yes. He's a great mic worker and would do the job well.

  • No. He's a wrestler and should only wrestle. Not be a GM.

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im so gutted about this injury as like the original poster edge is one of my all time favs, and so is jericho so having both my fav wrestlers in the buisness today as tag champs was awesome while it lasted this is so fucking shitty. typical luck too smackdown onto a winner giving us fresh storylines that actualy make u want to pay attention and then this happens its just shitty shitty luck.

realy intrigued now as to what their gonna do with the tag titles and jericho
Who knows what the WWE is going to do about this? Because it was at house show they won't reveal that. My guess is they will say he injured himself training or something for Night of Champions and name a replacement. We'll see though. I'm curious to see what will happen.

BTW Edge is my favorite wrestler and this really does suck. =[
You know how long I was looking forward towards Edge and Jericho to team up? And now that it finally happen I know they were going to have a long title run. After I heard Edge got injured I was hoping that it was false. Now it sucks, I really wanted to see them go against Legacy because I was hoping that the fans will support Edge & Jericho over Legacy in Philly. Also, I am going to Smackdown taping on Aug 4 in Long Island hoping to see Edge & Jericho =( this sucks man.
Really was sad to read about this cause I love Edge, maybe the effects of the Tournie did this! lol.

One idea I had which would be cool and not lose Edge entirely. With Teddy Long in this probation situation, this could be where Edge could gain some momentum. Get T'Lo fired and become GM of Smackdown! It's perfect, he'd suck up to Vince, make unfair calls, reminds you of another injured wrestler who was made GM to last out until he healed? Kurt Angle! Seriously, it would work best, it puts him in a better position to push himself further and he would rock the place with his mike work. EDGE FOR GM!

Otherwise, I would accept him taking time off and then returning as a face, it would make sense with the other guys taking up heels, perfect situation for his face turn!
I want to hear ideas about edges face turn after the injury. I have a possible idea.

So When Edge comes back jericho and ziggler have the tag titles at the rumble we see a promo of edges return. The next smackdown during a promo of jericho and ziggler wanting competition. You hear edges new or same theme and he just looks at jericho and says i have looked at my past years i was mean and a cheater blah blah blah. So edge issues a challenge saying i will challenge you and ziggler to a tag title match with a certain partner and this person and i have been one of the best tag teams ever hes been your tag partner before and mine he is CHRISTIAN. jericho is shocked they feud till mania then E&C win the titles then ya thats it.

If you have ideas post and i no this isnt the greatest of all ideas but what the hell.
I dont think they will do that but I do think they might bring Christian in as Edge's replacement since they already showed edge on wwe.com with his ingury:smashfreakB:
So Edge is now injured for what could be up to Jan - March 2010, now after i slightly mentioned how i would do this in another thread, i thought i would start its own thread for it since i have not come across one.

Now first off for me, i would book Edge back as a Tweener, or try to lean more on the Face/Tweener side of things.

So id start off by somehow in the next coming weeks (i believe SD taped 2 weeks worth this week ?) i would have Jericho and Edge have to defend on Raw after the last SD taping with Edge not injured aired. Have Edge "no show" the match and then have whoever the special host is tell Jericho there’s no time to find a partner he must wrestle in a handicap match. Have it Vs Legacy and let them win the titles. Then have Jericho look for Edge and find him backstage and take him out, focusing on his ankle/leg area and have Edge leave in pain. Never have Edge back on TV until his return.

For the next couple of weeks on SD have Jericho brag about how he took out Edge for being the bad partner bla bla bla.

Now have Jericho enter in some little feuds leading into Survivor Series and Armageddon, perhaps with someone like Christian. Now when it comes to RR (hoping Edge is back in time as recoveries are usually quicker than expected) have Jericho beat whoever the WHC is at that time, then have Edge enter as a surprise at number 30 and win it. On SD the following week have him cut a promo saying he’s coming for Jericho for what he done.

Have this continue throughout NWO and then into WM and onto Backlash to. This making a 6-8 month wait for the feud but making it a big success for a Main Event at WM26.

Now how would you lot do it ? .....

Now I do like this idea. According to a report from WZ, the idea was for Edge to make a slow face turn, which would end up being full blown at the Rumble. Now your idea could work a lot, because Edge is fairly popular, and could blow the roof off the Rumble, similar to Cena last year. But this would only happen if two things happen, Creative having the mind to do this, and Vince letting it happen, and also the most important factor, Edge would have to be 100% healthy by then.

If Edge isn't 100% at the Rumble, and has to wait until March, I would keep him off of TV until Wrestlemania. Making the feud with Jericho happen. Have Jericho, still heel obviously, win at Mania and retain or win the World Title, whichever would be better. Then on Smackdown, Jericho is giving a speech about how he won the title and is the best and yadda yadda. All of a sudden, "You think you know me", Edge comes out to a huge pop since we the fans have missed him. I know if his return is secret, I will mark out no matter what. Then he talks about how Jericho took him out, and that he wants revenge for the time that was taken from him.

All I want is Edge to be a face when he returns, and if that happens, I will mark the fuck out, since it has been a good 4 or 5 years since Edge has been a face. Just my hopes, but who knows.
well assuming he gets back by January, i would like to see Jericho win the title at the Royal Rumble and then have Edge make his return also at the Royal Rumble with him winning and then on the next episode of Smackdown, Jericho would come out and say how Edge is no challenge for him and that he was the better of the two and how Edge got injured. Then he will end up defended the title at Wrestlemania with Edge ending up winning.(I highly doubt this would happen but it would be awesome)
First off all, I'd worry about NOC, I'd have Edge injured and show up and do nothing. And at the end have Jericho throw a tanrum 'coz the Legacy beats Jericho in basically a handicap and than have Jericho beat the shit out of Edge (kayfabe). This would give Edge a reason to return as tweener or face. And I'd have Christian feuding with Jericho for the next several months in a contriversial feud, defending his 'brother' Edge. And eventually have Jericho take out Christian at the Royal Rumble, and make Jericho win the world title that night. And have a match at No Way Out for the world title with Jericho vs. Christian which Jericho would win. And have Christian vs. Jerichofeud end there. Than the next taping of Smackdown have one final Jericho vs. Christian match as the main event, and have Christian win it! That would be the perfect time to have Edge return. Edge would return he'd use the con-chair-to on Jericho a couple of times. And than the have Edge vs. Jericho the main event at Wrestlemania 26 for the WHC. And have Christian win MITB. I'd have Jericho retain but only to lose it to Christian who cashes in on MITB! And there you go new world champ and Edge face turn by Wrestlemania 26. Final feud Edge vs. Jericho vs. Christian for the World Heavy Weight Title! :)
It would be fairly straightforward to bring Edge back as a face. All they need to do is cast their minds back to 2001 when HHH got injured. At the time, he was one of the top heels, and then he comes back to an incredible reception and got a pop for beating the hell out of Angle, who everybody loved to hate at the time. Then he goes on to win the Rumble and beat a heel Jericho for the undisputed title. Granted there was the stuff with Evolution after that, but for a good while he was a top face.

I think I remember the promo videos they had as well, I'm sure they went for one of those 'we have the technology, we can rebuild' kind of things. That could work in this instance as well.

So lets say for arguments sake that he's out until just before WM26. You can forget about him main eventing in a title match in that instance. They may even wish to hold him back until after WM, which could make more sense (or they could just lazily throw him in MITB). Let's also assume that the WWE holds a draft just after WM.

They could work some kind of angle whereby the returning Edge is being fought over by the three brands in the weeks prior to his return (obviously ECW would just have a token role to play). So say the night after WM on Raw, Orton's out in the ring with the title after retaining the night before against HHH and Cena part 27. He's talking about how he's sick and tired of proving that he's the best there is on Raw, and that surely, there has to be someone other than HHH or Cena to challenge him. Edge's music hit's, he announces that he's coming back to Raw, and well, the angle just runs itself from there. You've got the old Rated RKO teammates battling it out for the title, with Edge getting the pops from beating the top heel on Raw. The only trouble then being that we'd get Edge v Cena. Again.

Or they could work some kind of angle involving Jericho. Say they work it as if Jericho thinks Edge is taking the spotlight from him in their partnership, so he beats the living hell out of him and 'puts him out' for a long time. Fast forward to WM and Jericho is in the Smackdown main event in a no DQ match for the WH title. Jericho has whoever he's facing (say Hardy, assuming he's still around), locked in the walls of Jericho, with it looking like he's going to tap. All of a sudden, Edge's music hits, and he comes out to get vengeance on his former partner. And this is where it gets interesting, they can even have him beat down Jericho and cost him the title, or swerve and have him reunite with him.

So, there you go, just a couple of ideas that I think could work.
As someone said before, its been YEARS since Edge has been a face and the crowds have even begun to cheer Edge louder than usual. The most obvious thing would have him be in the Rumble and win. I'd mark out, but it probably wouldn't be a surprise to see him enter in. He's going to, no matter, get a face reaction when he comes back. You're gonna have to put him in one of two feuds: Jericho or a heel Christian.
The way I see it, when Edge comes back, he’ll almost automatically be a Face, so I say give him the number 30 spot in January and work from there. WM XXVI : Rated RKO Explode!!
Yep. Edge is on the shelf for many months, however he'll be mobile in about six weeks. What if Edge could be a permanent solution for the GM role until he's back from injury? It would keep Edge on TV, he could claim he's perfect for the job by watching Vickie do it for so long, and he's charismatic. It's a perfect example on how to get someone who's valuable to ratings and can work the mic to be the GM. Kurt Angle did a helluva job at it while he was on the shelf. Edge would do an even better job if you ask me.

So...what would you think of Edge being GM of Raw? Good or bad?
You see, I was distraught when he was injured because I thought he had such big plans with Team Ego, being Jericho and Ziggler. I thought they would be THE dominating force on Smackdown.

But this would be excellent. It would keep him on Tv, perhaps even lending aid to his tag partners in crime. Sure they wanted to turn him face but plans change. The celebrity GM idea could work itself out until Edge was well enough to be moving around again. Then put Teddy Long on Raw, and have Team Ego have some real power on Smackdown.
I like this idea but I really want to see Edge as a face. Maybe he could start when he comes back as a heel and over the course of his rehab slowly turn face so that when he returns, it will finally be a something other the Ultimate Opportunist
I like this idea but I really want to see Edge as a face. Maybe he could start when he comes back as a heel and over the course of his rehab slowly turn face so that when he returns, it will finally be a something other the Ultimate Opportunist

I agree, it seems a very good way to build him up as a face, he's been heel since 2005 so thats a few years of heel ways, and i've only cheered for Edge occassionally in 2005 and twice this year when he humilated Vickie and when he became tag champ even though i didn't want him to.

Simply its his time to be face again and have different feuds, and using him as GM he'd fit into it, and put up matches that were his kind of matches. He continues heel until he does a series of things thats puts him as a face is good. But in my opinion also i think we'd also want him not to be GM, so an element of surprise for his face return happens and people are stoked to see him.
The WWE will just have to weigh its options. One thing they can do is keep him on tv most likely as a heel, and slowly turn him face (or not). Or they can leave him off, give the fans time to kind of forget about him, then remember him and say "Gosh it's been so long since we've seen or heard from Edge! I kinda miss the guy". That way they can easily hype up a return with some vignettes to promote him as a face, or better still, make it a complete surprise and have him return in similar fashion to Cena at the RR 08. I like surprises
I'd actually forgotten about the Angle situation back in 2004 lol. But anyways, that would be a great choice, give him a month or so so he can rest his foot and rehab it and such. I know Batista's arm injury is different to a tendon injury but he played the role of GM, so Edge could do it aswell. It could lead to him showing a tweener side, then have him held off for a while so he can rest his foot properly, then be a surprise entrant in the RR, and have him win it, much like HHH when he tore his quad the first time, believe he was heel at the time of said injury, then he returned and won RR02 as a face.
Nah, just becuase I always feel its better to have a wrestler who is going to be laying off step as far away from the spotlight as possible. Its prety much a fact that fans gain a newly rekindled love for the major heavy ME guys when they go away for a long time. Ask Triple H. I would write Edge off the show, in a mysterious fashion, and wouldnt even speak his name until that music hit, and he returns. Think of how absurdly epic THAT pop will be, say, if he came in at number 30 in the rumble, after not being seen, or mentioned in that much time. Also, it gives one of your hardest workers time away, to recharge his batteries, and not be on the road. Let the man get some R+R time in, while at the same time, getting that fire for in ring action buring as hot as can be.

No way. Keep him off TV, and let things build to a return.
The best idea. They teased the feud, and Edge should be going away for a very long time anyhow. Have him come back, newly focused, stating that he took what was said to him right before his injury to heart, and he didnt need shortcuts. he is just damn good enough to beat ANYONE. It could be either against Jericho, or Orton. Both of which will also give us *gasp* a new, fresh title match at WM.
Here is my question: we know the current ME situation on Smackdown is unstable at best without Edge. But lets say that over the course of the next few months JoMo and Ziggler move up and fill the ME ranks so to speak. Then can we not have Edge return to RAW? Can he switch brands over the course of his rehab? I would love to see him come back to face Orton or maybe a heel Batista/Triple H depending on if either of them turn later this year. I don't get Smackdown in my area so I really want him to come back to RAW.
I personally think it would be good for Edge not to be GM so to speak, but approaching his big return he could do the job as 'special host' to help build him up. It would also give a clearer picture if he is going to be face or heel. Basically when any superstar goes off screen with a long term injury and returns, he is cheered for because the fans have missed him (ok, this is only top names really - HHH, Taker, Cena, HBK etc - if The Brian Kendrick went and returned who would express more than a meh?). If they wanted to turn him face, he could play off it, or to keep him heel, shoot the fans down.

I think it will be best to keep him off tv for as long as possible before a return at the Rumble (if fit by then) and then as face in Mania main event against...Orton? Rated RKO Mania Main Event would be awesome. Or, lets face it, Punk is not going to main event Mania for Smackdown so Edge could easily walk in and take the title back before Mania if he stays with the Smackdown brand.

When Edge returned in 2004 after his neck injury, he was not only over huge, but built huge! I hope he puts that kind of dedication into his rehab this time also and comes back looking like a true main eventer like he was back in 04/05. The long time spent on the road seems to have cut into his weight training time and, although he is still in good condition, he has been in better and this injury is the perfect opportunity for him to regain the physique he once had.

So, going back to the thread - no, I don't think a Rated R GM is required, but maybe just a glimpse on the road to the Rumble.
Totally agree with Mighty NorCal, Edge needs to take the time off to ensure he is FULLY healed before he makes his return. Ideally this would be at the rumble, hopefully incorporating a face turn & victory (to further add to his already impressive resume), similar to Cena's surprise return & win. Then go on to face either a heel Orton or Jericho preferably Orton cause Jericho is in a feud with Taker. But if not then just enough time before WM26 in order to build a a decent program for the big one.
No. Not at all. Edge needs to be as far and away from WWE as possible for his recuperation. He ends up on Raw and chances are he will have to stay there for the feuds he builds up but when he's fit he's needed on SD. Plus when top stars are away for ages they come back to a heroes welcome, ala HHH in 2002. Edge could feasibly come back as a top babyface and wrestle Jericho or Punk at WrestleMania, or he could team back up with Jericho garnering massive heel heat once more. Whilst he has the skills to be a GM it isn't the right time in my eyes. If he was a GM and was heavily involved in angles there would be a chance he could injure the achilles even more. Let him rest, let him get better and have him come back at the business end of the year. A GM role is a few years off yet.
I want Edge as far away from Raw as possible.. why put him as RAW GM to build feuds between the raw faces then he'll have to stay there to see them through... Edge is Smackdown don't want him on raw

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