*OFFICIAL* Edge injured and return thread

Would Edge make a good Raw GM?

  • Yes. He's a great mic worker and would do the job well.

  • No. He's a wrestler and should only wrestle. Not be a GM.

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I think he'll definitely return as a face. He's a great heel but he's been one for to long. I think more than likely, the fans will end up cheering him, forcing the WWE to turn him face

Total Impact, I'm not trying to disrepect you but i dissagree. Edge is in more crazy matches then most of the wrestlers in WWE and he's getting older now and his body is going to slow down so its like Edge said, he's 10 years older now so his body doesn't heel as fast. but why do you want Edge to be released? I mean he's one of the best guys in WWE right now. True he has had to many World title reigns but thats because the WWE gives him the title when nobody else does. BTW i respect your opinion.
i love edge through and through. this sucks that hes hurt. achillies tear is so f'n painful. my dad tore his last august playing tennis. hes still gimping around. anyways, this could be a blessing in disguise. this gives a chance to other superstars to capitalize on any opportunity wwe might give them. mostly john morrison, shelton benjamin, r-truth, dolph gizzler. hopefuly someone comes out of this year long injury as the newest and freshest heal or even facee to join the ranks
He has to come back as a face. Sure Edge has had some minor bumps and bruises that have kept him out of action for a month or two or maybe 3 every now and then, but this is quite the time out. Eight months without Edge is exactly what the WWE didn't need right now. He was eventually going to hold his first WHC or WWE title as a face before the end of the year, and now we have to wait. This is a terrible blow for the WWE. I was really looking forward to Edge's face run. Also, an achilles tear is probably one of the most painful things ever. I fortunately have never done it, but i've heard stories. I'd rather break a bone... or 7.

Edge has to return as a face. We all saw him turning face. Moreover, eight months without Edge means he's going to return with a bang. And everybody will MTFO when he does make his return. Plus, he's already gone through the whole roster on Smackdown as a heel. The landscape of the show probably won't change much until Edge returns. But this does leave some room open for Jericho now. Maybe we'll see Jericho thrown into the title picture since his Rey Rey feud is over and who is left after that? Jeffy and Taker? Taker will probably wait til WM26 for his match with Jericho. But Jericho is way too good and on too much of a roll (even though he lost to Rey Rey) to be thrown down the card. Esp because he has nothing to do. I just hope they don't throw him to Khali or Kane or somebody along those lines that's not entertaining at all. The only place Jericho can really go is up the card since this was the obvious set-up for the Jericho/Edge feud. Smackdown is going to be scrambling and seem like quite a clusterfuck for a bit. We'll see what happens.
r u serious 'Total Impact'? when was the last time edge was seriously injured? He just takes time off like the other veterans do. If the WWE should cut anybody they should cut Batista when was the last time he went a year without a surgery? There is no way the WWE will get rid of Edge he is way over as a heel and he still has years left in him i think.
Edge's injury is one loss WWE can't afford to have right now. I think we all agree right now that Edge's injury sucks for everyone. This guy was basically carrying the heels along with Jericho throughout the WWE.. Raw, SmackDown and ECW heels were nothing compared to this guy as heel. Edge is going Face when he returns for sure. WWE was already planning this and we all saw it coming anyway. As good as Edge was as Heel (probably one of the best heels we've seen in a long time), Edge as Face put on some pretty damn good Wrestling Matches IMO. These matches are probably underrated to some people, but i was bout' 10 when these matches happened but already new bout' the whole wrestling buisness and everything. Remember Edge vs Test (R.I.P. Andrew 'Test' Martin) At Survivor Series '01 to Unify the IC And US Titles.. I was at the edge of my seat (no pun intended) every time Edge kicked out of how many near falls, then won the match out of nowhere. How bout' Judgement Day '02, Hair vs Hair against Kurt Angle.. These 2 dudes put on one hell of a wrestling match and a fight. And did you hear the pops Edge got as Face..? His mic skills and promos were entertaining and his matches pretty much lived up to the hype.. which wasnt much back then for Edge as they are now. But when he does return as Face, I agree with the other dude and say everone is gonna' go crazy when he returns... but i still doubt Triple H's Return Pop will ever be matched or surpassed (Rock comeback anyone... doubt it..). What i'm sayin' is that everyone's gonna' go nuts.. i mean loco when Edge returns... but with the dead crowds goin' on these days at WWE... this Pop won't surpass Triple H's.. or even The Rock's.. IMO. If Edge's Face return can the revive the dead crowd we have now... This guy will be a freakin' hero.
So Edge is now injured for what could be up to Jan - March 2010, now after i slightly mentioned how i would do this in another thread, i thought i would start its own thread for it since i have not come across one.

Now first off for me, i would book Edge back as a Tweener, or try to lean more on the Face/Tweener side of things.

So id start off by somehow in the next coming weeks (i believe SD taped 2 weeks worth this week ?) i would have Jericho and Edge have to defend on Raw after the last SD taping with Edge not injured aired. Have Edge "no show" the match and then have whoever the special host is tell Jericho there’s no time to find a partner he must wrestle in a handicap match. Have it Vs Legacy and let them win the titles. Then have Jericho look for Edge and find him backstage and take him out, focusing on his ankle/leg area and have Edge leave in pain. Never have Edge back on TV until his return.

For the next couple of weeks on SD have Jericho brag about how he took out Edge for being the bad partner bla bla bla.

Now have Jericho enter in some little feuds leading into Survivor Series and Armageddon, perhaps with someone like Christian. Now when it comes to RR (hoping Edge is back in time as recoveries are usually quicker than expected) have Jericho beat whoever the WHC is at that time, then have Edge enter as a surprise at number 30 and win it. On SD the following week have him cut a promo saying he’s coming for Jericho for what he done.

Have this continue throughout NWO and then into WM and onto Backlash to. This making a 6-8 month wait for the feud but making it a big success for a Main Event at WM26.

Now how would you lot do it ? .....
I think it could really go either way but if I had to chose I'd say he'll go face, something similar to when Triple H was out for a long time and came back. However I think he'll go back to heel somewhere done the line after that. I think a Jericho/Edge feud would be really good to watch as both these guys do great promo's and are very solid in ring performers. It's really sad to hear about Edge getting injured, exactly the last thing the WWE needed but having said that I think Smackdown still has Raw beat even without Edge so even though it won't feel the same, I think they'll cope alright and you never know when the Undertaker might return to fill that gap as well. I hope Edge can recover as soon as possible and return even earlier than March next year. I think it would be great to see Edge come back and win the Royal Rumble. I think the crowd would just go nuts, unlike when Cena came back got booed heavily when he won it, even though he was a Face. I don't think there were many kids in that crowd when he came back but whilst I enjoyed hearing him get booed I was really annoyed he won..god damn you VINCE! Sorry going a bit off topic here, my guess is he'll come back as a Face neway. COME BACK SOON EDGE!!
I'm most amused that just over a week after he says 'If there's a PPV and i'm healthy, then i'm on it!' he suffers one of his worst injuries to date.

Seems Edge always gets hurt in the middle of the year, and while he didn't neccessarily get hurt last year, he still took some recovery time off after HIAC so....

The most interesting facet of this whole incident to me, is who are the tag champs going to end up being now? And what's Jericho going to do? Will they ask Taker to come back earlier so Jericho isn't wasting his time for the next few months?
Hopefully he'll return as a face, the fact he's recently been talking about a face run, is he dropping the seeds are an already planned face turn later on in the year?

I could see Edge return around No Way Out in a none wrestling capacity and build up to Wrestlemania 26 possibly with Jericho/Punk either one would be good,

On a side note the Tag titles are left hanging correct? possible switch with Legacy? why don't WWE not do a Tag title tournament that ends at Summerslam?
I Defanitely think Edge will return as a Face. With a top competetor like that, and with him being gone so long, if they time his return right and make it completely unexpected, he will no doubt return as a face.
I mean the guy is too top a contender to return as a heal, the people will B SOOO excited that hes back, that they wont remember that he was a heal. Hes been throught too many great matches to not return as a face.
Probably, he is on the verge of a face turn and he even gets a small pop now from some crowds. Add to this the fact that any returning big name is likely to get a massive pop, a returning face Edge, would probably be the best way to go. When he returns, it will most likely be a huge suprise, because Vince does love to try to shock people. But, I would enjoya face Edge, where hopefully he does'nt always have to cheat to win, I mean I know he's a heel and an oppourtunist, but all his credibility is leaving him because well for the last 4/5 years he's had to cheat to win, so a face return would be a nice change of pace.
one would think he would when he will be gone so long. out until almost WM it will be good to see how they build a feud that quickly. they were getting ready to make him face anyway. plus Edge as a heel is getting stale. as he has been one since 2005. he needs a good face run perhaps against Orton for the belt when he returns. as i have been waiting to see this feud ever since they broke off there tag team. Edge really needs a descent tittle run when he gets back so he will not be known as a transitional champion. that just sounds bad for the best heel right now.
I am absolutely gutted about this. I was absolutely certain that Edge and Jericho were going to square off at Summerslam and I've been looking forwards to it for months.

As someone said, they really need to offer Jeff Hardy something that can't be turned down now, Smackdown has been amazing lately, but to lose both Edge and Jeff could be a huge blow.
when was the last time edge has been hurt, each of the last 2 or maybe 3 times he was out for a few months was becasue he asked to have some time off which he deserved bc he has been one of the most worked wrestlers in the wwe for the last 3-4 years. He has basically carried the smackdown brand since he got there! i hope he comes back as a face and i hope yj2 n punk will stay heel bc those are to fueds id love to see with edge being face...and him returning and winning the rumble would be awesome and to WM26 and face say y2j that would be a amazing build up i feel like!
So that makes CM Punk officially the top heel on SD I guess...
As much as I hate to see Edge gone, this could very well be a blessing in disguise. The guy has been working his ass off for the last 6 or so months. Wrestling multiple matches on some nights, wrestling on different shows during the week. He's only been back since November, sure, but he's worked so much since then. Perhaps it's better that he got an ankle injury rather than reinjuring his neck again or getting totally burned out and leaving for good. Now he's gonna come back fresh, hopefully in time for Mania 26.

I think this means good things for both Jericho and Morrison. Jericho will be pushed as the second heel on the show, a Morrison's push to the top will be faster than originally planned. As will Ziggler's. Perhaps Matt Hardy will be pushed to the main event too.

With that, will WWE offer Hardy an incredible contract to stay? SD without both Edge and Hardy could lose a serious amount of viewers.

Oh, and it's always so heart breaking when a wrestler apologises for an injury :(
i would love to see edge return as a face but he's the best heel of this era. but hopefully vince heard the pop the fans gave him at the bash and it would make him change his mind about edge being heel. and plus he's actully been winning matches fair and breaking out of that opportunistic character
I hope to god that happens. I mean, what hasn't Edge done as a heel? I think WWE needs to shake things up for Edge. And I also think he should only have 2 reigns as World Champ max if he does turn face. And make them long reigns at least one of them long reigns like atleast 6 months. But I'd still keep the Rated 'R' Superstar gimmick.
As sad as it is knowing edge is going to be out of the ring for a long time, like with any big superstar taking leave it does open big possibilities for other guys to make thier move. Thats just the way the buisness works, so who do you think is going to step up and move for edge's top spot. Seeing as edge was the main guy on Smackdown this is a big opportunity for somone or even multiple people to claim the spot.

Who on Smackdown will gun for the main event slot?

Who will suceede?

Do you think they might move a raw or ecw guy over to Smackdown to help out?

On a side note I bet wwe is regreting moveing swagger to raw right now, if they didnt do this mini draft they could have easily sent him to smackdown and help fill the void and achieve to main event faster. Sad a great opportunity wasted.
I think he will return as a face because he hasn't been a face in a long time and his heel character is getting stale. He is good as a heel but, it is just getting old.

I liked what tLight posted. Edge returns a little early, just in time for the RR like Cena did last year. It would make a HUGE impact to his already decorated career. I would honestly mark the FUCK out if this happened. I am a HUGE Edge fan especially as a face. He is just an awesome character inside and outside of the ring. I believe this will happen because Edge is very deserving of a RR win and a free ride to Wrestlemania from that RR win.

If his return plays out like this, many people will be pleased with the result, I believe. He should headline WM against a heel CM Punk, IMO. The match would most likely be incredible.
the could still end up moving swagger to smackdown. all vince would have to say is that he's tired of swagger coming up short and that since vince owns wwe he wants swagger to prove to him that its his time to shine and he's placing swagger on smackdown to cause some trouble. the good thing is that if that did happen swagger would be able to continue his bodygaurd role with the hart dynasty, the sad thing is i was actually wondering if swagger would end up in legacy or not. vince is the owner of wwe and my beliefs is that he can see the huge potentioal that swagger had in ecw and throw him over to smackdown saying that smackdown needs more swagger. another thing is that vince send triple h over to smackdown to become a bad guy and win another title he doesnt need. and as we all know that will probably be what happens because i think vince cant stand ric flair and wants someone to take over ric's record, and who better to do it, his son in law. but i think that wwe should push the hart dynasty for the tag titles since edge is hurt, and that they need to make Morrison the top heel over there, i think that its his time to go ahead into the spotlight so we can finally get this Morrison/HBK fued started.
I think Edge's injury opens up the door for Kane on Smackdown. Kane certainly deserves another World Title run as he has given many quality years to the WWF/E and Smackdown would be the perfect show to do it on. I was lucky enough to be in attendance to see Kane win his 1st World Title at KotR 98 in The Burgh and I would personally love to see Kane become World Champ again. Kane could defeat CM Punk for the belt somewhere down the line thus setting up a big match between himself and his fellow brother of destruction, the Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship. Although, a CM Punk/Undertaker match for the belt doesn't sound too shabby either.
On a side note I bet wwe is regreting moveing swagger to raw right now, if they didnt do this mini draft they could have easily sent him to smackdown and help fill the void and achieve to main event faster. Sad a great opportunity wasted.

How is this a great oppertunity wasted for Swagger? An oppertunity wasted would be more along the lines of him getting the chance, and then him blowing that chance. All creative has to do is write in some sort of storyline for like... a whole week about Swagger being sent to Smackdown. Just because it's less than a week after this mini-draft doesn't mean everything's etched in stone and Swagger missed a chance. You do realize creative can change their minds in the drop of a hat and change a storyline even faster don't you?

I don't think anybody is going to "take Edge's spot" per se... but since it was obvious he was turning face, this does leave Jeff Hardy in quite the system of some power. With his contract running out and it being said he has yet to sign a new one, Smackdown needs another top face more than ever. So they might throw a little more money at Jeff to get him to sign a new deal. If Jeff Hardy leaves, who is going to be a top face on Smackdown with Taker? Khali? Kane? God no. Mysterio? I friggin hope not. I don't think Swagger making the move to Smackdown would be a huge benefit. He has dominated ECW in a sense, but now he will have some solid matches with some new stars on Raw. If Swagger goes, you need to send a main event talent with him. Raw is saturated with main eventers. Orton, HHH, Cena, Show, HBK (when he returns), Batista, and by looks of things... Mark Henry will be a top face on Raw. Swagger is a great talent don't get me wrong, but he's still a little green and needs to be built through the mid-card first, which I believe he could tear through on Raw in another year. Swagger/Kofi, Swagger/MVP, and eventually... hopefully... he'll get the rub from HBK.

However if nobody moves brands... this is the time for one man and one man only to find himself, find a comfortable character, and shine... and that man.. is John Morrison. That's no surprise right there. IF Hardy leaves, and Edge is out, there is a huge gaping hole in Smackdown's face pool of talent, and Morrison could jump right into that hole. If any time was a time for Morrison to really step up and prove himself, this is his time. He's done great up until now even though he was lost in the shuffle a tad just after the draft, but he's back and featured weekly. It can't be said any clearer than that. THIS is Morrison's time to show everybody that he is main event material and one of the bankable future superstars of the WWE.
i'd say chris jericho...or kane or bring swagger over or u have punk as the main heel. you can easily have 3 or 4 good heels on smackdown. the problem is the faces. hardy is all they got. and he's leaving soon. edge acutally got hurt at a good time. think if smackdown was like raw and orton (you only big heel) gets hurt. that would cause some quick thinking. smackdown isnt worried about edge right now. they need a face.
OK, I see where you guys are coming from however, Smackdown is losing its top heel.
So who will be the heel that steps up Matt Hardy, Kane, or will they send Christian over.
I wouldnt mind seeing Christian take over the show for a while, bring in some good feuds and he has the ability to carry a good storyline.
So Who will he feud with?
Well I would love to see a Christian vs John Morrison feud or even against a babyface edge when he returns from his injury.
Karma works....

Matt Hardy!!!

Matt has moved over to Smackdown and he has made reference to a "new beginning"... The cynic might say that one of the people "unavailable" for the forseeable is Edge and Matt has made benefit of it with a repackage!

Assuming the abs injury is not as serious as billed, then he could easily take Edges place as Jericho's partner...

From there, he goes into a feud with DiBiase leading into the Marine release...

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