*OFFICIAL* Edge injured and return thread

Would Edge make a good Raw GM?

  • Yes. He's a great mic worker and would do the job well.

  • No. He's a wrestler and should only wrestle. Not be a GM.

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In an update on the story we broke first exclusively here on WrestleZone.com last night, we can now confirm the injury to Edge at the WWE house show. He injured it about five minutes into the match and at this point the injury is believed to be a torn Achilles tendon.

As we noted in our initial report, Edge did get on the microphone and apologize to the fans for having to cut the match short. The spot the injury occured wasn't even really a spot. Edge just planted his foot wrong and went down with his leg at a bad angle.

That is actually quite a serious injury and will likely require surgery and a long period of down time for Edge. According to one source, the plan is to try and get the Unified tag-team titles, which Edge currently holds with Chris Jericho, onto the team of Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase - Legacy.

Right now company officials are scanning footage of the Edge vs. Great Khali match taped on Wednesday night for next week's SmackDown! TV show trying to find a spot where they can claim on TV for storylines that Edge was injured.

Well since their planning on giving the belts to Legacy, Jericho will most likely go back to feuding with Mysterio + Ziggler over the IC title. Triple Threat at NOC probably happening. And after that match which Mysterio will win, Jericho could move onto another feud while Mysterio and Ziggler continue feuding over the IC title which Ziggler will hopefully eventually win. Now as to who Jericho can feud with , I was thinking since Summerslam is near,why not have Taker return and start that feud everyone wants to see with Jericho
This is a shame it's one thing when a guy like Batista gets hurt but Edge is one of the best 3 heels in the biz right now he makes smackdown interesting and it will no doubt get more bland in his absence.

Edge will return as a babyface mark my words
Hey Like myself and every other fan predicted Chris Jericho/Edge would ve lost their tag team titles one way or the other don't get me wrong I like Jericho/Edge but Legacy deserves the titles and are young and hungry for them besides what's a stable complete without titles right? Legacy=EVOLUTION
So like I predicted they ll win the tag team titles on Night of Champions
I think Chris Jericho deserves his IC Title and not give it to Dolph Ziggler
now that CJ and Edge will lose their Straps to Edge and CJ too bad Edge got this injury in the worst time now and he ll be out till 2010 that sux
Legacy is winning the titles its in the works Edge is out till 2010 so I expect Chris Jericho to win back the IC title strap of Rey Myseriozo soon and not mix Dolph Ziggler in it since he can t beat Great Khali
If at all possible I would try to have Edge at either the RAW or SMACKDOWN taping in 2 weeks. Even if it is a stretcher/ambulance shot after being taken out by Legacy. Jericho would whine about having to defend the belts alone so the GM gives him an option of finding a partner. Now rityher have Jericho and his ego dcide to defend the belts by himself. Or a young up and comer agrees to be his partner. If Jericho fights alone, he loses but whines about the unfairness of everything. If you go the partner route, the partner would be the one pinned causing Jericho to lose the belts. Jericho would of course attack partner after the match blaming him for the loss. Then you have Young GUy ina small feud with Jericho giving a young guy a rub by competing against Jericho.
Whichever route you go, Jeicho would constantly blame and rundown Edge thus paving the way for Edge to return as a face and feud with Jericho
i fully expect cm punk to turn heel now this has occured. it certainatly seems there arnt enough heels on smackdown without this misfortune. i cant see how they are going to pull off angle unless they either do a legit edge was injured at a house show, a staged beatdown maybe in a wwe.com post or something like that.
:lmao: First and foremost - it was at a House show. How many Wrestlers have suffered stingers, sprains, or non-major injuries and House Shows then played them off to be serious - just to get the fuck outta there?

I know it happens. I've seen it personally. Triple H fell wrong on his head, the match ended suddenly and he just left after being helped to the back. Fucker appeared the next night on Raw in a Main Event match. Obviously not injured.

Second, even if this is a serious injury.. he'd be out, what, 2-4 months max? And its not like he couldn't continue to cut promos, or do the Cutting Edge segment. All in all, with the exception of whatever their plans were for the Tag Team Championships it seems like Edge was becoming irrelevant in the bigger picture to give him a break from it for the previous, oh, 4 years. Much like they've done with Triple H, John Cena, and every other top name in the Company.

Fact is, if you look at whats been happening on the lower table.. Edge has defeated C.M. Punk for the previous, what now, 3 straight weeks? Obviously they were building to an Edge/Punk - Pay per view (possibly Summerslam) showdown. I'm not sure Edge would win or not, but my big guess is.. upon recovering from this possible broken ankle - if its indeed broken - then he'll just come right back into the Heavyweight Championship picture, or a feud with Jericho over Jericho being pissed Edge "lost it for them".

Either way, this is hardly anything to get up-roared about. Edge will be back. Possibly even as soon as next week for the Smackdown tapings. He likely even competes at Night of Champions, with or without a broken ankle.

Actually sorrry to burst your bubble he will be out until 2010 at the EARLIEST. This is a MAJOR injury. From what i've read online and seen in most pro sports, most athletes don't ever fully recover from this type of injury as it affects your speed. And let's face it when he comes back Edge will be a lot more hesitant to take any major risks with that type of injury. This is not the end of his career, or at least I hope it's not but it's a definite strain. I just hope he has a successful recovery and doesn't let Vince and the other higher ups inside WWE goat him into coming back before he is ready. It's happened before and I hope for Edge it doesn't happen again!
I agree on whats mostly been said, this is a MASSIVE loss to WWE. 2 reasons i watch WWE, Edge and Orton.
Cm Punk will definetly turn into a full on heel id expect now to try and take Edges place.
But hey the injury could be good in a slight way, remeber when Orton broke his collar bone and then come back top destroy the McMahons, he was hot as hell and the fans were loving it.

Id somehow have a story of somthing like Edge "no-shows" a match with Jericho to defend against Legacy or somthing, and Jericho losses. Jericho then goes on a hunt and takes out Edge big style. Keep Edge off tv for the whole time hes injured, and have Jericho claim he took out Edge for letting him down and doing some promos on it for a few weeks.
Then have a fued with Jericho and whoever is WHC at the time, from about the Dec PPV n then have jericho win at RR 2010. Have Edge a surprised entry in the RR (Asuming hes ready as 6-8 months i belive is the time) and have Edge win. Then lead onto a Edge Vs Jericho fued leading onto WM and then through to Backlash.
Uuuhhhh, yea Will. it was diagnosed as an actual achillies tear, he is fucked.

As far as it being carreer threatening? Meh. Yea, it ends football and basketball players carreers, but thats becuase it robs you of a lot of speed and explosiveness. Edge doesnt REALLY need that. Yea, itll hinder some of his work, but not in such a way were it will drastically effect him, or what makes him great.

I dont see why everyone is frothing at the mouth at this being such a huge loss. He isnt even a ME guy at the moment. Yea, it sucks for what they were trying to do with the tag titles, but oh well. He wasnt in, and likley wouldnt have been near the title anytime soon, as it appears they are headed towards Morrison-Punk, and hopefully The Undertaker Vs Punk. Sucks that he wont be around, but its not really THAT huge of a loss for WWE. Itll be a bigger postivie impact for him to have some time away from TV that it does negative impact him being out.
I think this could be a big loss for smackdown cause either y2J or edge was about to turn face but now I think they need to possibly stop Cm punks heel turn cause with hardy leaving Smackdown is left with only a couple faces.
I hope its not to serious and edge can return at the end of the year or maybe at the rumble and win it at the number 30 entrant.
Wow, I must say this surprises me. Not that he got injured, but that he lasted this long WITHOUT an injury. He used to be injured all the time, if I remember correctly, and I'm surprised he's lasted this long. His last injury was in, what...2007? That's like a year and a half. Way to go Edge, looks like staying off the steroids helped a little.

As far as what this does to the WWE, like NorCal said, it's not that big of a deal. He's not really engaged in any big time feuds, and Jericho can always find a new partner, or drop the straps to another tag team.
I'll say this much. This sucks for Edge, who was really strating a new storyline that was gonna be interesting. The upside, WWE will have to give Jeff Hardy whatever he wants now to re-sign. There is no way they will be able to lose Hardy and Edge from SD! in the span of a month right nefore Summerslam. Hell, if they want, blame in on Hardy to show Hardy having a flip-shit spell like he did around Survivor Series last year. I'm just sayin'
I think so. Its sad that he's going to be out until mid 2010 cus Edge is a really good worker and entertaining as hell to watch. I can imagine Edge coming back, and getting an ovation similar to the one HHH got in 2002 when he returned at MSG. And like Edge, HHH was a heel when he tore his quads and returned to be a face. So I think it is most likely he'll return face. He could make a big comeback and beat an established heel by then, CM Punk for the World Title by Summerslam. But what are your opinions? Do you think he'll return as heel or face?
He could very well return as a face. It depends on how they play it off on Smackdown in the next few weeks. Either showing him getting injured at the house show or tweaking the pre taped shows saying he was injured there. I hope to hell they don't say the injury was because of the Khali match next week, setting up a horrible feud. Which is doubtful. Maybe they will tape something where Jericho turns on Edge, setting up a feud for later. Anything is possible.
He could come back as a major Face to Jericho or CM Punks heel role, and he would also be coming back a month before WM26 and could make a major impact.

Even better if he could come back at the Rumble (like Cena did last year) and make a huge return to win the Rumble. (which is one accomplishment he still hasnt added to his long list) Then goes on to WM to recapture the World Title
yeah it really sucks that Edge is hurt, he will be missed since he is so good. They should leave jericho as a tag champ and like someone said dolph ziggler would be a great partner. If not, bring the Undertaker back and have him face Chris Jericho in a good program. since edge is hurt, they will need to resign jeff hardy. No Edge, No Hardy, smackdown will loose some of its luster
It would be awesome to see Edge as a face. He's been a heel for what, 5 years straight now? I realise he is one of the best heels in the buisiness, but he's a damn good face as well and I'd like to see him as one for a bit. I also wouldn't be surprised to see him return face, because after 8 months away the fans will miss him.
I can see him returning as a face, they were building up to him becoming a face which makes it more likely he will return that way, but as tLight said if he was do what Cena did at last year's Royal Rumble would be good, since he's never won it. Even as a John Cena fan Edge is damn good in the ring and hard worker, its a shame he's out this long. I hope to see him feud with Punk or even Y2J...thats if WWE hasn't turn Jericho face by Edge's return.
what would be awesome is if he does come back at royal rumble and wins wrestlemania 26 as a face to turn on the crowd and remain a heel. that would be fuckign awesome
Well, Im The Ultimate Edge Fan, But Ahmm, Im Very Sad Of This Injury Specially Because Was At A House Show, And Because I Was Really Looking Up To His Work Alongside Jericho As Tag Champs, They Were Doing Very Well Until Now, But Damn, Now Is Over, Nothing Left But Hard Work To Come Back And I Will Like Him Returning As A Face And Winning The 2010 Royal Rumble, To Complete His List Of Accomplishments, He Has Won Kotr, World Titles, All The Titles, Money In The Bank, But Never The Rumble, It Could Be A Fresh Superstar To Win The Match As He Has Never Been Even Close To Win It Actually And That's It.

Why Is So Possible For Him To Return As A Face? The Crowd Will Explode The Day He Returns, When The People Hear The "you Think You Know Me" Intro They Will Go Nuts For Sure, Maybe Forcing Wwe To Turn Him Face And Use Him In Edge's Final Run In His Career.
I hope that this is how they turn Edge face, when he won the tag titles with Jericho I feared that they would have him facing Jericho right off the get go and wasting the feud that has the potential to main event WM 26, so this to me is a good thing (not because of the injury, I just mean story line wise) I remember when Edge first returned from injury to take the IC title from Randy Orton, he was getting major pops, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to return with at full speed as a face to take on a few minor heels on Smackdown, maybe Punk if he is still being pushed as a heel, then move up to the Jericho feud that I know many people are eagerly awaiting.
why not? It`s really sad to see one of the best workers in recent years gone for a year. He gets a lot of heat but people love him. Look at Triple H in 2001, major heel and gets injured, returns months later and he is the new face of the company. I don`t think face edge would work well too long but people will miss him that`s for sure.
I personally see this as a blessing in disguised... Surely, Edge going out for an indefinite amount of time is very unfortunate and I'm going to miss him, but it will finally give Legacy the tag team championships and redeem "The Job Squad" who are pretty lowly right now and really needed those championships at some point in the very near future.

That was not the sole reason. Primarily and more notably, I believe this could be Christian's break, and Captain Charisma -MIGHT- be given an opportunity to move up... Vince apparently recognizes that he has talent and all, but doesn't think he's a main eventer that will draw a lot of money. But in all reality, SmackDown is sorta the smart mark show where people go to see wrestling... The majority of SmackDown's viewers are those who want to see good wrestling, not the Triple H, Batista and John Cena show.

With that, I think Vince might give Christian an opportunity at being that filler as a somewhat established name on SmackDown, or hopefully will... As SmackDown's upper card is flooded with heels and now that Punk is turning it leaves an open spot for face upper carders... Look at ECW, anyone who's anyone left except Tommy, and he doesn't want to leave. Dreamer wants to elevate these guys.. Having two legitimate names on the brand, one of which shouldn't have been there to begin with, but made it work, and has enough charisma and in-ring ability to be a World Heavyweight Champion doesn't help ECW's image... ECW is the stomping grounds. Christian is 35, and turning 36 in five months.. He needs to just be given a chance. The primary reason Vince is probably left unimpressed with Christian is because he's on ECW to begin with... It takes away from his character. He's Captain Charisma, without mic time.

Regardless, poor Edge. I hope he comes back sooner than projected. Edge is, like I even really need to say this... One of WWE's best and biggest names is out now... Luckily, this didn't happen four months ago or WWE would be in major trouble. At least Undertaker will be returning soon.

Get well soon, Edge. :(
To be honest, I hope this is the end of his career, not wrestling, but of his WWE career. I mean the guy is getting hurt year in and year out and maybe the WWE just needs to cut these guys who are always getting hurt. I'm glad that we will not see Edge for almost a year as it gives the WWE, well makes the WWE create a new top smackdown heel I guess in Chick Magnet Punk.

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