*OFFICIAL* Edge injured and return thread

Would Edge make a good Raw GM?

  • Yes. He's a great mic worker and would do the job well.

  • No. He's a wrestler and should only wrestle. Not be a GM.

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Dolph Ziggler anyone? Since his debut against Batista, I said he would be something special. And now he's getting a push. Now they can push him even more. Ziggler is already on his way up, lets see if they let him do it.

I woulda said Morrison, but since he just turned face, I cant see that happening.
Dolph Ziggler anyone? Since his debut against Batista, I said he would be something special. And now he's getting a push. Now they can push him even more. Ziggler is already on his way up, lets see if they let him do it.

My thoughts exactly!

I would love Dolph Ziggler to take a step up. He has the look, the character and he's a pretty damn good wrestler.
It should be interesting to see where this goes and who creative do decide to fill Edge's boots
Smackdown's challenge right now isn't to find a replacement for Edge. They have a freshly heel CM Punk and Jericho who I assume will soon to go back to singles with edge being on the shelf. After those 2, you have Matt Hardy, Ziggler, and Kane. Right now Smackdown's challenge will be to find a top face to take Hardy's spot once he leaves (assuming he leaves which all signs seem to say he will) Hardy's absence means the next face left is Rey Mysterio or god forbid Khali, neither of which I feel deserves the top spot. The only saving graces right now would be UT or Finlay. Although I would much rather see UT face Jericho as Summerslam and Finlay face Punk.
Considering Cm Punk is on the Breaking point of becoming heel, maybe he'll do it, but I sure the hell hope Matt Hardy won't be comming back as a heel in Edge's place, because Matt hardy pulls off the heel character Terribley.
I think the person to take Edge's place as top main event heel is none other than man that Edge teamed up with at The Bash......CHRIS JERICHOOOOOOO!

He is as good a heel as Edge in my opinion. He would be a fine replacement for Edge.
They don't need to find anyone to replace Edge. I think this injury actually benefits Smackdown, since Edge was thrust into the Undisputed tag team title scene seemingly because they didn't have any other place for him at the moment with CM Punk being champion and possibly being the top heel right now (a work in progress). That leaves far more room for the other heels to be used and take the opportunity with Edge out of the picture. Jericho's easily as good as Edge and one of the top heels on Smackdown. Kane is now back and a heel on Smackdown. Matt Hardy is now back on Smackdown and a heel, so this gives him a great opportunity with one less main heel in the picture. That's all the heels they need and they certainly don't need to bring someone else over from RAW, Smackdown has all they need already.

And another good thing that comes from Edge unfortunate injury, if he's gone for a year, no more short, transitional title reigns for him! We may finally see someone hold the title for a longer term, and won't have to see Edge up his number even more. I hate that he's a 9 time champion and all of his reigns match about the length of time as HALF of Bret Hart's reigns, for example. Horrible.
They don't need to find anyone to replace Edge. I think this injury actually benefits Smackdown, since Edge was thrust into the Undisputed tag team title scene seemingly because they didn't have any other place for him at the moment with CM Punk being champion and possibly being the top heel right now (a work in progress). That leaves far more room for the other heels to be used and take the opportunity with Edge out of the picture. Jericho's easily as good as Edge and one of the top heels on Smackdown. Kane is now back and a heel on Smackdown. Matt Hardy is now back on Smackdown and a heel, so this gives him a great opportunity with one less main heel in the picture. That's all the heels they need and they certainly don't need to bring someone else over from RAW, Smackdown has all they need already.

And another good thing that comes from Edge unfortunate injury, if he's gone for a year, no more short, transitional title reigns for him! We may finally see someone hold the title for a longer term, and won't have to see Edge up his number even more. I hate that he's a 9 time champion and all of his reigns match about the length of time as HALF of Bret Hart's reigns, for example. Horrible.

Exactly! They have so many heels losing Edge actually makes things a bit more interesting. I just hope Edge isn't gone for good as this type of injury has ended peoples careers before. With Edge gone they can do what they did last time. Wait for him to heal up, propel him into the babyface role (as they did when HHH was gone for so long..and we ALL remember the reaction HHH got at MSG when he came back!!!) And when the top heel on SD! is finally established, because lets face it Jericho is KING of the heels. Edge could come back as a full fledged babyface and "save" SD! from Y2J or put us out of our "punk misery" (of course these are just comments as I don't think Punk is that bad in the ring)
There are two obvious choices for number 1 heel and one dark horse from where I sit right now.

CM Punk: He is in a tweener role right now, and is leaning toward becoming a heel. He is doing well in his role right now, and from some of his indy promos I can see that there is a lot of potential in a full-on heel turn for Punk. My only worry is that he will lose his heat when Jeff isn't around anymore.

Chris Jericho: He was superstar of the year last year for a reason. This guy is amazing and can draw heat like no one else right now. I am really curious to see what happens with him since Rated Y2J and any possibility of a feud with Edge are gone. The only reason I didn't list him first is because he might stay around the midcard rather than the main event.

Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler is the dark horse in all of this. He just got done with a mini-feud with Khali and currently doesn't have anything to do. He will probably take Jericho's place as top midcard heel, but I can see him dabbling in the main event for tag matches now and then. He has loads and loads of potential and is probably, along with Morrison, the highlight of SmackDown for me right now.
LOL what main event spot? You mean....for the tag titles?? Or, Or, jobbing to John Morrison? If you havent checked, that spot has already been filled by CM Punk, and they were working on giving it over to John Morrison as well. Not really a huge loss, he wasnt a ME guy anyway.
Maybe Jericho will FINALLY get tired of being selfish and realize he's where he is because of his fans. That will fill the gaping face pool of smackdown. Or hell, turn Punk back to face and bring up Jericho as the main heel. Punk/Jericho matches are always fun. Plus they have unfinished business since last year. However, Smackdown should be a place where new stars can start to shine. So in that case, Morrison should fill Edge's shoes. Many possibilities can come out of this. Or Christian. Multiple possibilities.
We can list hopeful ideas & dream scenarios, but Smackdown isn't going to push a younger guy as the number one heel on RAW. You know how the WWE usually is in that they would never push Dolph Ziggler at this spot right now, never anytime soon.

As a matter of fact, "edge's spot" doesn't hold that much significance at the moment. They have a CM Punk vs Hardy feud going on right now, if I remember, that will probably hold into the end of the summer. In the long run though, that number one heel spot will most likely go to Jericho. I doubt the management would want Punk as a full time heel after his program with Jeff Hardy. His "straight edge" gimmick is a great way to market WWE's new family outlook and it would be a shame to end it after his program with Hardy.

Jericho will most likely hold that spot, as I mentioned. He's a veteran, poised, ready, & most trustworthy to carry the load.
I agree with mighty norcal, edge's spot has already been filled by CM Punk, and Morrison is close behind. Also there are tag teams that can easily take the spot that Jericho and Edge had, so that's not that big of a deal.

The one thing though that bugged me as I was reading some of the responses is you people saying that Dolph Ziggler should get pushed. WTF are you people smoking? Nobody even knows who the hell Dolph Ziggler is. It's WAY to soon to be pushing him to the top.

I would like to see R-Truth get a push as a result of these new developments. I think the WWE holds him back and they should give him some kind of program. He's over with the fans, but they really need to give him a new finisher. That crockscrew spin crap has got to go. It's like Cena getting a pin off of a 5-Knuckle Shuffle

Anyways, if one person is going to take Edge's "ME spot" I would say its gonna be Chris Jericho. He's an established heel and can cut good promos. Once again though this is Vinny's chance to toss us a curve ball and come at us with something we aren't expecting. Like maybe bringing jack swagger over to SD and giving him a push or even bringing Kane back into the mix. But im sure it will be the same old predictable crap...
:lmao: First and foremost - it was at a House show. How many Wrestlers have suffered stingers, sprains, or non-major injuries and House Shows then played them off to be serious - just to get the fuck outta there?

I know it happens. I've seen it personally. Triple H fell wrong on his head, the match ended suddenly and he just left after being helped to the back. Fucker appeared the next night on Raw in a Main Event match. Obviously not injured.

Second, even if this is a serious injury.. he'd be out, what, 2-4 months max? And its not like he couldn't continue to cut promos, or do the Cutting Edge segment. All in all, with the exception of whatever their plans were for the Tag Team Championships it seems like Edge was becoming irrelevant in the bigger picture to give him a break from it for the previous, oh, 4 years. Much like they've done with Triple H, John Cena, and every other top name in the Company.

Fact is, if you look at whats been happening on the lower table.. Edge has defeated C.M. Punk for the previous, what now, 3 straight weeks? Obviously they were building to an Edge/Punk - Pay per view (possibly Summerslam) showdown. I'm not sure Edge would win or not, but my big guess is.. upon recovering from this possible broken ankle - if its indeed broken - then he'll just come right back into the Heavyweight Championship picture, or a feud with Jericho over Jericho being pissed Edge "lost it for them".

Either way, this is hardly anything to get up-roared about. Edge will be back. Possibly even as soon as next week for the Smackdown tapings. He likely even competes at Night of Champions, with or without a broken ankle.

Dude, It's a serious Injury. He's out for the rest of the year, Edge will face Khali which is his last TV match of 2009.

The injury Edge suffered, which is a torn Achilles tendon, generally requires surgery with about eight months - possibly longer - for recuperation. If that is how things play out for Edge, he'll be on the sidelines until potentially March of 2010. The same injury has ended the careers of a lot of pro athletes apparently, although it probably won't be career-threatening for Edge as once recovered you lose some speed, which isn't as big a deal to a top wrestler as it would be a football player, etc. [credit: f4wonline.com]


I think this means good things for both Jericho and Morrison. Jericho will be pushed as the second heel on the show, a Morrison's push to the top will be faster than originally planned. As will Ziggler's. Perhaps Matt Hardy will be pushed to the main event too.

With that, will WWE offer Hardy an incredible contract to stay? SD without both Edge and Hardy could lose a serious amount of viewers.

They could always beef up ratings with another Hardy feud with the title on the line, but the problem with that is Matt Hardy is out due to an Injury. So he won't be around until later this year.

According to JR's Blog, R-Truth has an Alter Ego...which we'll find out about in about 2 weeks. Hopefully that means he'll get a main event heel turn but there's no question that Morrison and Ziggler will start main eventing within a couple months.
i think John Morrison will be the guy who steps up. However, Matt Hardy could step up too. Keep in mind Jeff Hardy is seemingly gone in a few weeks unless he signs a new deal or mini-extension. So that's 2 spots they have to fill.
Also, what about The Undertaker? Is he healthy and ready for his return yet? He can step in and feud with Jericho, Punk, Kane, and a few others. Jericho would be awesome. Jericho's last 3 big feuds have been with HBK over legacy, Steamboat and the other legends over legacy, and Mysterio over his mask (legacy). It just seems natural that The Undertaker would feud with Jericho. Imagine a lengthy on and off feud between the two that ends with Jericho facing Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26. That'd be good.
Wasn't jericho a main event player since day one on smackdown after the draft, so was mysterio. Number 1 and two dosn't matter because WWE has proved that they are interchangeable. I think Punk right now is in a bicarious spot since no one is reconizing him as a top star yet he is the champ. His run so far has not been must see tv and another title run down the drain. Hardy will leave in no time at all, I hope. I think then this will leave Jericho, ziggler, punk vs taker, mysterio, kane. With jeff gone wwe will have no choice to flip kane because wwe has a thing to have babyfaces with major experience and with lack of Hardy I think WWE will not trust punk, ziggler, and morison all comming in the main event so close to eachother so they will put in someone familiar with the main event who can have awesome tag matches that will get viewer intrest at the end of smackdown (smackdown loves tag matches between main eventers to end the show, and the bd's will sell). I think smackdown wouldnt miss edge at all. Honestly I thought the trade was to bring edge to raw and cena to smackdown since i knew with jeff gone smackdown could do without edge in change for another main eventer. If hardy stays then smackdown will be a stale show. Edge does not need a replacement in the main event since its obvious that slot 1 was interchangable with jericho when he was around and slot 3 was zigglers since it seems like hes the next for the ic title and a mysterio fued. This leaves punk as the second. Honestly I dont want to see punk anywhere near the titles. I think he needed to go back to FCW (only place wwe repackages right now and yes i know hes not a fcw allumi) for repackaging and fake an injury after his first title run. When something fails move on and thats my opinion on punk. The great kahli will be no were near the main event and is likely to get relesed now that wwe is done with programing in india the only reason he was on the roster. I see the next world champ fued to be punk vs taker with taker winning and in comes ziggler for the mean time. Dosn't win the titles but gets a rub. Then jericho faces taker for wrestlemania. Then back edge in a fued with jericho over the title. Then the draft comes and wwe is held over for the rest of the year
Who on Smackdown will gun for the main event slot?

No one is going to be replacing him from the mid-card. If you absolutely need another heel, Jericho can fill that spot. But Punk is the champion right now, and going all kinds of heel. You'll need more faces than heels at the moment.
Which I have money on as being Taker. He already was thinking Smackdown needed him back soon even BEFORE Edge got all fucked to hell.

Who will suceede?

What mid-carder is honestly ready for a main-event heel role? I can't think of one. Jericho will just have to fill the role. Maybe Kane. My money's on no one from the mid-card.
While we're still awaiting confirmation of his exact injuries and time he'll be out, the injury he seems to have sustained should put him out until March 2010. I have no idea how they'll script him out, or if they'll just admit that he was injured at a house show.
If he is really injured until March 2010, I'm going to assume all plans for him right now are done. Somebody else will get the tag titles, and life will move on without him. It really sucks, because him and Jericho could have been an amazing team to watch week after week. But that's not what this is about, so...moving on...

How would you script Edge's return?
If he's really injured for a long period of time, I have a couple thoughts...
1.) If he is able to heal up quicker than they thought, and say, return by late January, I would have him make a surprise appearance as the last entrant into the Royal Rumble. He should come out clean and win it clean. I think that would be a really good way to get Edge to make a face comeback. He would be completely over, because by January the crowd will be begging for something new. Let's say Jericho or Punk or some top heel is about to win the Rumble, and Edge makes his return and eliminates them to win. Edge could go on to Wrestlemania to fight for the World Title as a face for the first time!

2.) If he's not going to return until March, than I have another idea. At Wrestlemania, you have 8 men ready for the Money in the Bank match, but one gets attacked backstage and is reportedly out of the match. It would have to be a jobber, but whatever. At the end of the match, everybody is completely dead and lying on the ground everywhere. A top face goes up to win the briefcase and stumbles around. The crowd gets pumped and is on their feet. Edge comes out of the crowd with a chair and attacks him, climbs the ladder and wins the briefcase, making him a 3-time MITB winner.

3.) This would be the last option I could see them doing...it's post Wrestlemania and the WWE Draft is about to come around. It's Draft Monday on Raw. Christian gets drafted to Smackdown and comes out to address the crowd. Jericho or somebody heel on Smackdown comes down and "welcomes" Christian to the show by insulting him for awhile. Christian takes a swing, but eventually they brawl and the heel gets the best of him. They go to get a chair and set Christian up for a Con-chair-to. "You think you know me" hits and Edge rushes the ring, ducks the chair shot, and hits the spear. Christian gets up and the two embrace and pose together.
So besides the fact that Edge is one of my favorite wrestlers ever, there are so many reasons to be disappointed in the injury he just got. For one, I love seeing the occasional main event tag team. While I didn’t see Rated Y2J becoming a force like the Power Trip, I saw them really bringing a bit of respectability to the tag titles. I was also really pumped, because Edge and Jericho are two of my all time favorites, and I was hoping we’d get to see them both on Raw again almost every Monday. Now, we’re still confined to only being able to see them on Friday nights. The biggest reason I am disappointed though is because now Edge and Jericho’s almost certain feud is not gonna happen. Both guys are great workers in the ring, they’re great on the mic, and they would have had an epic showdown, most likely at a big PPV like Summer Slam. Now we’re never going to know what could have been. So is everyone else really disappointed? Do you think this will help out either guy in the long run? What will happen next?
Smackdown is on a sinking ship IMO. Unless they draft some more talent. They have the Hart Dynasty and Finlay but no main eventers except Punk and Jericho. Matt Hardy is gonna be out for 8 to 10 weeks and Jeff Hardy may be out the door when his contract expires in 3 weeks also. The Undertaker isn't due back for a month or so if that and Kane and Rey Mysterio are Mid Carders at best. You have Morrison and Ziggler but they need to move up to the mid card level before main event level. Only time will tell how it will all play out.
Smackdown is not on a sinking ship as of right now. They will be in more trouble if Hardy leaves but for right now they are fine. You have Punk, Taker, Y2J, and Hardy as options with Morrison waiting in the wings. The midcard is fine and there is not much to worry about.
I agree that SD is not sinking ship. There are still a lot of great talents on the show. Now Ziggler will probably step up to a little bit higher mid card, and Morrison might main event a little, especially after he beat Punk a few weeks ago. But if and when Jeff Hardy leaves, there might be a little problem. If that happens, they're pretty much gonna have to count on Taker, Rey, and Morrison as the only top faces, and the last two are fringe main event guys at best right now. I'm just saying, losing Edge is really sad for me. I was playing Smackdown vs Raw a few hours ago, and hearing Edge's theme and seeing him come out to the ring made me MTFO. A video game made me MTFO. Thats how much I miss Edge already. I really hope he heals quickly.
I am going to say that SD! is NOT on a sinking ship, they may be in a little trouble but, they are not a sinking ship. What SD! needs to do is push Morrison to the Main Event scene pretty quickly so he can take the spot of Jeff Hardy. Jericho will be able to fill Edge's shoes pretty well. Then, Dolph Ziggler could move up to Jericho's mid-card spot, evening things out a bit. This will not be the perfect set up but, it will due. SD! also has some other possible main eventers in Rey Mysterio and Kane.
SD! has always managed to through an Edge injury. Granted, this time it comes at a very critical point where Team Ego was just gaining steam. I'm very disappointed obviously that he got injured 'cause the tag team had LOTS of potential and I was very excited for it. However, it's not a tragedy and SD! will pull through, like Haner mentioned they'll give other stars pushes. Hopefully Edge comes back as a face though instead of claiming that Khali injured him and causing a horrible feud.
I'm very upset with the injury. He is one of the most talented, and one of the best on the mic in wrestling today. I saw him at raw last monday, and i saw him fight carlito and primo twice. (last weeks raw, tonights raw) and they were good matches, they were the last raw's of the year for him sadly. Because I saw this tag team as a great force in WWE today. I mean, people have been complaining about tag team's in WWE for quite sometime now. Then you put two great wrestlers, who's World title history equals to 13, and tag title reigns that equal up to 19. It brought back a lot of legitness back to the titles. Sadly, it last less than 5 days. I hope they have a good back up plan for all this.

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