Official Undertaker Injured Thread

Here's to hoping that Mr. Kennnnnedyyyyy (sorry) get's a title run. I do not claim to be a Kennedy mark, however, I think the guy is a great wrestler, and great on camera. I think the beauty of his "gimmick" if you will, is that if Smackdown need a big face to fill the boots of The Undertaker, Kennedy can so easily step in. The promos he cuts at the moment, if they were aimed towards a heel I think would get a huge response. Maybe the cloud the undertaker getting injured) has a silver lining (kennedy getting the belt). I think the WWE could really get a taste of what he is made of at this "early" stage, especially after what he said about cashing in the money in the bank match at WM24, it was quite obvious they were going to build him up. A simple switch or swurve in the storyline could correct Kennedy saying that on Monday, and Bob's your Uncle, we have a new champion. Anyway, I've rambled enough, here's to hoping, and hoping that "Big Dave" doesn't get "his" title back.
Wow this sucks majorly, just when Undertaker was going to get the Long Title Reign he deserves this happens. Talk about Bad Luck!

There arent a great deal of options on Smackdown to take over from the Deadman,

Batista.. I pray to all holy beings that this doesnt happen as Dave needs to be far far away from the title picture

Kane although Id love to see the Big Red Machine with the title I dont think it will happen. Some of his past feuds etc Khali, Umaga, I think have hurt his credibility of being a Monster.

Kennedy... to me its too soon to put the title on him. IF they put the title on him, what happens to the MITB, and the fact he said he was cashing it in at Wrestlemania 24? Unless he was to attack Taker while he was in the ring, say his promo was just a hoax.

Then you have Benoit who is the US champion in a feud with MVP, Finlay, Mark Henry (again im praying no) and of course moving someone over... if they did that id hope it was Edge as he deserves a long title reign.

I do hope they have a tournament however and put everyone on the Smackdown roster in it, can also continue the feuds they have going by people getting involved in their rivals matches.

Sall be interesting to see what happens.
This sucks!!!, finally Taker gets a long reign as champion and now this happens, I like the idea of using the KOTR tourment to crown a new champion, I just hope they don't do some stupid ass bullshit battle royal like they did when Batista had to vacate the title, this really hurts SD!, they are now without three of there biggest stars, Taker, Booker, & Rey, I think another good I dea would be to have qualifying matches leading up to JD, then have an Elimination Chamber match to crown the new champion, I thinking Benoit vs. Kennedy vs. Finley vs. Kane vs. Batista vs. Henry as the particapants, I also think this makes the possability of Orton moving to SD!, alot more likely, though I'd rather see Edge go back to SD!, he could have a great feud with Benoit
My thread said ''Undertaker Dead'' so I merged them.

I think Kennedy deserves better than having the belt just thrown at him. And Batista just came off a title reign. But I don't see anyone else on Smackdown. Unless they punish Orton by giving him a World Title. Sounds ok orton edge and hbk was takin out by g@y kahli so look like no title shot for none of them wich sucks i was looking forward to shqwn bwatin cena again and facing him next week for the title but its not going to happen wich sucks cause of kahli but i hope batista doesn't get the title just like that that would be so gay if he did
does any one no when the injury happened?, could the khalis atacks on raw be a lead into him coming to this weeks smack down and working some sort of angle leading to him "injureing" taker and causeing him 2 forfiet the title
does any one no when the injury happened?, could the khalis atacks on raw be a lead into him coming to this weeks smack down and working some sort of angle leading to him "injureing" taker and causeing him 2 forfiet the no it the undertaker injury happned at backlash the hbk orton edge wer they got took out was kahli
I Would really like to believe that this isn't happening, and its false info.
Im so so sad, i really am :(
I have an exam today and im most likely going to fail now.
I've read a lot of good posts about what should be done. Unfortunately I just don't have faith in Vince anymore..hell he lost it 5 years ago...but chances are he will let us down..Thank you stephanie mcmahon for your creative genius'..And your hubby is just a fountain of good solid storylines..I'll be watching...just to see how bad they fuck this up
it seems like a bad dream but its going to be alright remember he will not rest in peace. also much respect to him he is doing a great job and is getting much respect
Give Benoit the damn title and have him carry Batista's sorry ass thru a fued. Shout Out to Taker, Benoit will be waiting for you as WHC when you get back.
i say you could either
1.move orton to smackdown and let him have the feud with batista that they were building up so much
2.push benoit up to the main event again
3.get mvp in the main event he could do good or
4.They already have kane on the poster i say they should hold off the henry kane feud till henry gets in better shape and start a feud with kane n batista with possibley havin an angle like batista injures taker so then takers brother comes and gets revenge on him,make kane champ,he deserves it !

but knowing vinnie mac batista will be champ for even more months
1)KANE-------> never had a proper run as HW champ
2)benoit------->probly the most deserving champ in the last 5 years
3)teddy long announces taker has an injury and will be out for a month, but wont be stripped of the title....kennedy comes down and says he wants his MITB match now or at the it off that kennedy injures taker badly and wins the title...then lead to a taker/kennedy 2 fued when he gets back.

but i would go with number 1
1)KANE-------> never had a proper run as HW champ
2)benoit------->probly the most deserving champ in the last 5 years
3)teddy long announces taker has an injury and will be out for a month, but wont be stripped of the title....kennedy comes down and says he wants his MITB match now or at the it off that kennedy injures taker badly and wins the title...then lead to a taker/kennedy 2 fued when he gets back.

but i would go with number 1

Kennedy won't be doing that, he already announced that he will cash it in at wrestlemania 24. So any chance we have of seeing a Mr.Kennedy title run before then has been canned by this horrible idea. Kane is about to go away for a while to heal and Benoit is US champion...With Booker out and Mysterio still a few months away, it looks like Craptista part 3....I know that sucks, but whatelse can we do?
Kennedy won't be doing that, he already announced that he will cash it in at wrestlemania 24. So any chance we have of seeing a Mr.Kennedy title run before then has been canned by this horrible idea. Kane is about to go away for a while to heal and Benoit is US champion...

benoit might be able to drop the us title to mvp so then he could go up to the main event n win the title
The answer to your question is to have Benoit drop the US title to take the Title. Unfortunately if it is a Injury that cannot be Wrestled with to drop the belt, then I see another Battle Royal to determine the new Champion like they did with Batista's dropping of the Title. But they should have Benoit drop the US title soon. I don't mind if he drops it to MVP. MVP has shown he can Wrestle against guys like Benoit. Then you have guys that he can already feud with so it is all set up for Benoit to get back to the Top.
i think benoit needs a chance at the top again, i mean he has had too little chances for his skill and history. he should drop his title to mvp and go for the WHC. MVP showed he can definitely wrestle, IMO at WM 23 i thought that MVP was awesome and for most of the match basically schooled Benoit
i think benoit needs a chance at the top again, i mean he has had too little chances for his skill and history. he should drop his title to mvp and go for the WHC. MVP showed he can definitely wrestle, IMO at WM 23 i thought that MVP was awesome and for most of the match basically schooled Benoit

I agree anything is better than giving the title back to Batista. I was impressed though with Batista during his WM match even though Undertaker was the one carrying him through. Obviously Batista is going to be in the title picture. It is a good idea to put him against someone who can actually wrestle and the only one who can do that on the Smackdown roster is Benoit and HBK from Raw roser so it needs to be one of those 2.
Has this injury been confirmed yet?
Also i fear that if this injury is true and he has to take almost a year off the undertaker might not even come back.
Has this injury been confirmed yet?
Also i fear that if this injury is true and he has to take almost a year off the undertaker might not even come back.

Yes, this injury is confirmed and it is real. As for Taker not returning, I doubt that will happen but I think he will go back to only working a few shows a month. That was most likely his last title reign and when he returns he will probably have a feud with Umaga or some young cocky superstar like MVP in non title feuds.
Could you please post the source because i would like to read it.
Major Update On 'Taker's Very Serious Injury
05/01/2007 by Ryan Clark

What was originally planned to be a long-term title reign for The Undertaker could come to a quick halt, reports The Wrestling Observer.

The wrestler suffered a biceps tear prior to Sunday's Backlash PPV; following the match, he was in "tremendous pain."

The muscle is noticeably rolled up, which implies a complete tear off the bone and a six-to-eight month recovery period.

Undertaker committed to working a more regular WWE schedule for the purpose of long-term title reign, but if the injury is as serious as most believe, he'll be forced to drop the belt soon.

He was to be evaluated by Dr. James Andrews Tuesday afternoon. After determining if Undertaker will be required to drop the belt, WWE will then have to decide whether or not it can safely be done via a match.

^^^There you go
Hey all! I'm new here! I've been a wrestling fan for 23 years so I figured I'd throw my two cent's worth in here. 'Taker being hurt definitely sucks!! I refused to watch Smackdown! when Batista was world champ because both not only do his in-ring and mic skills absolutely blow, but he's a class A prick outside the ring too. When 'Taker won the belt, I was excited to watch again. Thing is, last I heard 'Taker and Batista are supposed to have a steel cage match coming up soon on Smackdown! and Batista is supposedly going to get the belt back. Truth is, ever since Vince took the company public and the kayfabe era ended, WWE writers and bookers have gone outta their way to throw the fans off. My personal thought on the matter is to put the belt back on Batista until they can at least find someone to draw numbers. Like it or not, Batista does put asses in the seats. If WWE really wanted to give the fans what they wanted, then they'd put CM Punk on the Smackdown! roster and give him a push. Then again, what do we know?
Unfortunatly what you say is right wrestlefan. Batista drew as a champion while he was on Raw. He had a fairly high rated title reign. I haven't checked the # on Smackdown, but for some reason people like the big guy. I would be interested to see how his numbers compare with his last title reign to his first title reign on Smackdown! I think the crowd has soured on big dave for the reasons you have stated.

The man lacks passion for the business, that's something I can't say about a John Cena. You can tell Cena loves the business, he's just not very good at it. However, it's starting to look more and more like Batista will win the title, unless Kennedy drops a MITB on it.
Do you know what would be kick-ass, i know many may disagree, if triple h , came back from injury signed by smackdown and had another rematch with batista for it........and am i the only one who thinks mvp deserves a title shot other that the US title, i know he cant win it , but it is benoit
Umm Shockmaster the only reason Batista drew for RAW is because of his feud with Triple H, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Rated-r-canadian it is not smart for them to have MVP go straight for the WHC, he is in a feud that is actually giving him some credibility even though he is losing, look back at what people said before Wrestlemania, now look at what they are saying in terms of MVP. I still want Benoit to win it from Batista if they have Batista have a short reign. then you can bring Mr Kennedy in at the time you want, not having your hand forced like it looks like happening now. I don't think Kennedy is truly ready just yet to take the Title from either Undertaker or Batista. I think Kennedy will be waiting until after Summerslam for the title shot.

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