Rey Mysterio Injured?

in case you guys haven't noticed matt hasn't been wrestling for a while and who is to say he is ready for no way out. i have to agree him vsing edge at no way out would be boss, it would defently put in more numbers how ever if matt hardy isn't reayd he shouldn't wrestle. thus giving kane a well desvered shot. but why should kane get it, after all he has been jobbing to every one. why not give shelton a push for the title, he is a great performer, heck what a about a three way featuring edge vs shelton vs kane, and make edge pin benjiman after a choke slam which makes kane look good because he didn't loose the match.
Here is what Rey Mysterio said on his web sight. It looks like he will try to participate in the match.

"What's up everyone... As you probably have heard, during Wednesday’s live event in Santiago, Chile, I injured my right bicep. Today, I met with Dr. James Andrews and he found that I have a torn right bicep. He said that I need to have it surgically repaired, and suggested to do it as soon as possible.

After talking it over with my family.... I decided hold back the surgery, and pursue the match at No Way Out against Edge for the World Title! This means a lot to me... injured or not, I was planning to be there to face him! I am also looking forward to my homecoming in San Diego on Tuesday! So win or loose at No Way Out, I'm bringing the 619 home to San Diego on Tuesday!

To all my fans, thank you for all your prayers and support! We'll get through this together as we always do..."

As for house shows don't forget that they are good for the fans and allow lots of people to see live WWE events in places where RAW or Smackdown would not come. I was able to to afford good floor seats for a house show and actually enjoyed it more than being stuck in the upper deck at Armageddon. They also are good for allowing lower card wrestlers to practice longer matches than the 5 minute ones they get on TV. I know I really enjoyed seeing people like Kofi Kingston, Shannon More, Elijah Burke, and Shelton Benjamin in longer 15 minute or so matches at the house show I attended.
I would have to say I am not a huge Rey Mysterio fan , as much as it is fun watching the lil guy beat the big guy they have beat this horse so much it's like watching Cena wrestle you know he is gonna win no matter what, but I hate to see any of the wrestlers get hurt weather I like them as performers or not, this is a major blow for Rey's Career I hope he has a quick recovery so I can not like watching him on TV again. seeing all the feed back that people have given Rey should talk to the higher ups and promote someone like Kane or Hardy to come in maybe they can name a guy from Raw who could come over and get a surprise title shot? all in all this is what the writers get paid for to come up with a quick rewrite for the show. I am looking forward to all the matches and even though I don't care for Rey as a character these days I was looking forward to the match cause when Edge steps in the ring with someone who can perform. Here's to a speedy recovery Rey.
I really hope Kane gets a title shot if Rey isn't going to be able to go.

What they should do is have Rey jumped by Edge's posse backstage and show Edge laughing as Rey is being carted out on a stretcher and then have Theodore Long announce that Edge isn't out of the fire just yet, and he should announce Kane as his opponent.


It just seems to make sense.

Kane isn't booked for the event. Second, the Edge/Kane rivalry from the Summer is still unresolved and it'd be VERY, VERY easy for WWE to hotshot an angle with Kane and Edge since there's obviously a built in history between the two. Third, it makes for an interesting scenario because they can play up the irony how by injuring Edge months ago Kane screwed himself out of a one on one title match by accident. Now, all these months later, Kane gets a one on one title match because of another superstar's injury. Fourth, it makes it a little more interesting of teasing a Kane/Taker Wrestlemania main event and can add that little dynamic the whole night. If Taker wins the Chamber, like everyone thinks he will, then you can have a situation where if Kane takes the title, they could tease a Kane/Taker Mania title match. Sure, it won't happen, but it'd be much more interesting to tease that than Taker/Mysterio. Plus, beyond that, Kane can get his title shot and still lose due to interference from Ryder and Hawkins, and then, you can even have Shelton interfere to add a bit of fire to the Kane/Benjamin rivalry. Finally, Kane's over enough to be thrust into a title match at any time and still get a good reaction.

NOW, all that aside, if that doesn't happen, my guess is that the match will start and Edge will just have a squash and maybe they'll add Kane/Shelton to the card.
That sucks that Rey Mysterio got hurt. I think that he should go for the World heavyweight title and than gives edge the beating he deserves. He just came back from an injury and im mad that he has to leave again. Lastly i really wanted to see him and mayweather vs. big show and shane cuz that would be very entertaining and a weird combo cuz theres a boxer in a ring with a bunch of wrestlers.
Rey's a talented performer, but in all honesty, this isn't an earth-shattering injury to the WWE. They have more than enough talent (albeit some are being used in the completely wrong way, in my opinion) to cover Mysterio and then some. Mysterio is in the limbo state of the WWE at this point in his career, much like many others, in that he isn't solid enough all the way around to warrant a main event run but he's still above feuding with the average midcarder, so he's best used in feuds with others that are in the same stage. Mysterio's injury is a shame, since he's entertaining, and they could use him all the time and know he'll deliver (unless its on the mic) but at the same time, his matches are repetitive, so getting a break is nice as opposed to sitting through 100 straight xerox copies.
wwe'll miss him because they can't sell as many masks to kids while he's out. beyond that, rey mysterio is athletic sure, but i don't think he really deserves to be at the level he is. i know his injury deprives wwe a chance to let michael cole talk about that favourite topic of 'overcoming the odds', but it means that others will finally be given a chance to be tested at main event level like mvp which is only a good thing
Injury wasn't severe enough, in my opinion. Call me a bastard, but I always felt Cruiserweights belong the Cruiserweight divison. You know... that kinda made sense to me. Everytime I see that guy, all I can think about is wonder why he got a World Heavyweight Title reign he didn't deserve. It bends my brain.

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