Rey Mysterio


Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know that rey mysterio will be out of action due to surgery and wont be back until around next year's wrestlemania. however, this is not the point of my thread, as i am aware that someone has already made a thread about his injury. this thread is to get the answer i am seeking.

Rey Mysterio became my favorite wrestler ever since he debuted in 2002. I loved the matches that he put on, and i loved the excitement he delivered. Not only did i love the excitement he delievered, i loved the dedication and passion that he showed in the ring day in and day out. What i don't understand is, why people want to always criticize him? I understand that rey mysterio isn't as great of a high flyer as he was back in the good ole days (because of the several knee injuries) but he is still a tremendous athlete, and he continues to show his dedication and passion in the ring, injured or not. When Rey Mysterio won his first title at WM 22, people said "he don't deserve it, he sucks, its all just because of sympathy of Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.)" but the fact of the matter is he DID deserve it. Then when he won the title at Fatal 4-Way, people continued to bash him, and the same with is very, very short title victory on raw. I understand why what happened at raw that night, but that doesn't change the fact that rey deserved it.

So again, I ask, what is wrong with Rey Mysterio that people want to disrespect him. the way i see it, he is one of the most dedicated superstar on the roster, and he does what he does for each and every single person watching at home, or live at any WWE event. But for people to sit there and say "he needs to break more than just his leg" or "he deserves to be injured" "he sucks"..i ask why
I'm a Mysterio fan as well and let me shed some light.

1. People say that he's stale and wins all the time. 90% of the roster is stale and he put over Rhodes and R-Truth on PPV.

2. Another criticism is his size and how it isn't believable that he can beat guys twice his size. Wake up, people. This is fucking pro wrestling. If guys like Rey should never win, then guys like Big Show should never lose because they're bigger than everyone else.

3. His first title reign- I don't even care about the Guerrero stuff. He was the hottest guy on Smackdown for a year before he won and even if he didn't win in 2006, he would have been a world champion by now.
People criticize Rey cause there were a lot of rumors about Rey not putting people over. Like when he faced Ziggler in 2009 or when he faced Swagger in 2010. But I'm not gonna criticize him for that. It's just a rumor and he's a good worker. Plus he put over R-Truth, Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania, and Del Rio on numerous occasions. But his character got stale for a lot of fans.

I'm not saying he was refusing to put over Ziggler and Swagger. But if he did then that shows how selfish Rey is behind the scenes. But you can never really rely on those rumors so I'm a fan of Rey. But he seriously needs to retire.. He's seriously risking his ability to even walk in the future by continuing to wrestle.
People hate on Rey the same way they hate on Cena and the same argument.

His matches are predictable,his character is catered to kids,5 moves of doom his promos suck etc etc etc.

To me the only thing that is wrong with Rey is the injuries that allowed father time to catch up to him fast. We're talking about a guy who's been doing this since he was 17 and he's a small guy so the toll his body has taken is much worse than a bigger guy. Plus he really made a name for himself in the Attitude/Extreme era.

He first appeared on American tv in ECW had great matches with Psychosis. Then came WCW were he and the other Luchadors were constantly used as test dummies for the NWO(c'mon did Kevin Nash really have to throw him like a dart into the production truck) then by the time WWE calls he's already had 2 knee surgeries.

His injuries have limited his ability to perform the way he used to even to the level of his early WWE days. As for character there's nothing wrong with Rey he just can't stay healthy.
he's great with the Hispanic crowd and the kids I do like him though not as a WWE champ or heavyweight champ

yeah why people don't like him is beyond me he's very talented in the ring
Allot of the old school fans dislike him because of his corny mexican Superhero gimmick that he has had since 2001.

A corny mexican superhero eh? i don't see him acting like a superhero. and if the haters are talking about his mask, that mask is a tradition, and it means alot to alot of luchadores. i don't see how rey mysterio is portrayed as a superhero. he is a underdog, thats all there is to it. he is the little man that can take bigger people down to his size.
A corny mexican superhero eh? i don't see him acting like a superhero. and if the haters are talking about his mask, that mask is a tradition, and it means alot to alot of luchadores. i don't see how rey mysterio is portrayed as a superhero. he is a underdog, thats all there is to it. he is the little man that can take bigger people down to his size.

I will submit this theory. Rey is portrayed as an underdog. The problem with that is an underdog shouldn't be winning the amount of matches he does. Look at the man's resume, he is hardly an underdog. It gets very repetitive very quickly to be told the same thing only to see him win the majority of the time. Rey stopped being an underdog many years ago, so to continue to portray him in that light is redundant.

I will admit I've never been a fan of his. I believe he has a spot on the card and does deserve to have his moments. He is tremendously over and has a uniqueness about him that sets him apart from others on the roster. I can live with him being a challenger to a title, just not as the champion. His size is a detriment to his believability, but so is his moveset. A lot of what he does comes across as too dependent on his opponent to sell or set up. I cite his series of matches with Kane. I understand wrestling is pre-determined and is for entertainment purposes. Still, it felt insulting to watch him win virtually every match they had with moves that Kane would have shrugged off in a "real" fight.

With all that being said, Mysterio is a special case. Sometimes external factors play into the success of a given wrestler. His popularity, especially with children, and ability to move merchandise are valuable assets that must be exploited. It would simply be foolish not to. Mysterio has earned his spot and garnered respect for the contributions he has made over the years. This is just how wrestling works. There will be always be someone higher on the card then I feel they should be, just like there will be those lower then I think they should be. Rey Mysterio, for me at least, is one of those guys. Everyone has their own preferences. He just isn't one of mine.
hes great, great guy great work ethic paved the way for many other mexican superstars, put the whole lucha wrestling on the map gave it spot light, ultimate underdog great high flyer yadadada.... but if you go on youtube and watch his old WCW matches you will see he is not the same now as he was back then. I personally still like him but hes lost his build and he doesnt fly as much, his move set has noticeably changed and what made him work so well for being tiny was his quickness and unique high flying ability. with his knee problems many people can factually say hes lost his ability to work out (loss of physique), become kind of flabby and out of shape (lack of conditioning), do less spotty high flying moves (much more limited arsenal). with those 3 things gone hes basically your average wrestler with a huge size disadvantage...
for anyone to say they LOVE rey right now more than they ever did would be like saying they love metallicas st anger better than any of their 90s music
I'll say that I agree with the Mysterio/Cena argument. Mysterio is both very popular with a younger crowd and is one of those guys that the WWE likes to push as a hero figure. This is why many of the old school (and those who wish to appear old school) fans hate on him. He's someone the company wants to be successful and so it is considered the "smart" or "in" thing to criticize him. If a fan wishes to appear smarter or more of a fan than the general crowd, they criticize whomever is most popular in the company. Cena and Mysterio therefore become major targets for this.

Mysterio's size and underdog status are also a detriment to his popularity when he wins. I get that he should win when it's important, but he does win more often than most smaller wrestlers. I think this has to do with a misconception that size = winning power in a fight. Such people who think that size is the key factor have never fought a small fighter who knows what he's doing or seen it done. Saying Mysterio isn't credible winning against larger opponents is therefore ridiculous, but try telling that to the uninformed who insist on being right for ego's sake.

The sheer fact of the matter is (and I can't believe I'm going to type this) haters gonna hate. That's the bottom line. Mysterio will be hated by many because many people want to hate on what's popular. Mysterio is popular. It has nothing to do with Mysterio himself, although lame and often exaggerated excuses will be thought up in retrospect.

Feel free to continue to like him if you do. If you're gonna hate him, that's your right. There's crowds on either side. I respect those who like or hate something based on their own individual choice. It's those who are sheep from either flock that I don't respect.
I wouldn't say that I hate Rey Mysterio Jr... certainly not as described by the OP.

I enjoyed his character and work in ECW and WCW pre-Filthy Animals. I kind of wish he had joined WWE sooner than he did to be honest... Rey being a part of a better written Invasion would have been tremendous, but that's another topic for another time.

I think that for me personally, Rey just got stale. Don't get me wrong, he's still a great worker but i'm just so familiar with the character that he's not as exciting to me anymore. Am I looking for a re-packaging? Absolutely not. Do I think a heel turn or championship would get him back in my good graces? Not so much.

What Rey IS doing is what he HAS been doing for some time now. Freshen the act up somehow -- and i'm open to suggestions; and i'd likely care more.
hes great, great guy great work ethic paved the way for many other mexican superstars, put the whole lucha wrestling on the map gave it spot light, ultimate underdog great high flyer yadadada.... but if you go on youtube and watch his old WCW matches you will see he is not the same now as he was back then. I personally still like him but hes lost his build and he doesnt fly as much, his move set has noticeably changed and what made him work so well for being tiny was his quickness and unique high flying ability. with his knee problems many people can factually say hes lost his ability to work out (loss of physique), become kind of flabby and out of shape (lack of conditioning), do less spotty high flying moves (much more limited arsenal). with those 3 things gone hes basically your average wrestler with a huge size disadvantage...
for anyone to say they LOVE rey right now more than they ever did would be like saying they love metallicas st anger better than any of their 90s music

conditioning does not equal great physique. look at roy nelson mma fighter. guys got a gut bigger than mark henry but he can still last 5 rounds of an mma fight which is way more tiring than pre planned pro wrestling.

back on topic.

rey mysterio is the one consistent good wrestler on the roster. i might even go as far as to say that hes definitely among the top 5 at least. every wrestler has their slip ups. cena has put on some crap matches, so has randy and once in a while edge, christian and punk would put up a lame match as well. but mysterio. be it against ziggler, swagger, punk, del rio, cena even santino. mysterio has put on the best matches of whatever night hes on. and dont tell me im bullshitting. almost every (stress almost) rey mysterio match is the best of the night. mysterios match against del rio last week was the best of the night without question despite an injured knee. his match against cena and miz were the best of the night with the one against miz being the best. his matches against punk on raw and on ppv and the ones he had last year, the ones against r truth, the ones against rhodes and especially the ones against chavo, rey mysterio for the last few years has been the one good wrestler on the roster.

since hes over with the kids people think its cool to boo him. but me, i see the wrestling side of things. had john cena been a consistent wrestler id probably cheer him too despite the stale character which has started to show some spark as of late. yet when mysterio faced off against cena it was the crowd cheering for rey.

as for his injury. there are two reasons i believe he keeps coming back to wrestle despite his knee problems.

1.) his doctor allows him to. im pretty sure the doctors know more than all u internet marks out there. they must tell him that hes cleared to wrestler which is the reason he keeps on going at it. 6 knee surgeries so far and the guy is still one of the best.

2.) he loves doing it. like many wrestlers in the business rey mysterio keeps coming back because he enjoys doing this. honestly, do u think rey mysterio can be involved in wwe storylines after hes retired. he cant do a manager role nor can he be a general manager, he cant be an announcer, doesnt have the skill. all he can do is appear once in a while. do a hurricarana, 619, senton or frog splash until hes in his mid 40s. so let him take the enjoy this career as much as possible because lord knows he doesnt have it for long. and its not like we care what happens to him if he loses his knee or leg or cant walk anymore. we really dont care about rey mysterios well being. as long as hes putting on good matches we should be content.

i hate it when people say his knee will fail him and he should retire right now. none of us is in any position to make such a comment. this is another way the IWC rey mysterio haters take it out on him. the same people who like punk because hes a good wrestler dislike mysterio because hes a 'mexican superhero' as they put it. really??

rey mysterio is probably my favourite wrester in the wwe. not superstar, wrestler. and i sincerely hope he can give us a few more years of extraordinary matches.
I think Rey winning is good for the crowd and the kids and the Hispanics

sure it was pretty unbelievable when he got the best of Kane though o well I guess he's really a great asset to the company right now
We all know that rey mysterio will be out of action due to surgery and wont be back until around next year's wrestlemania. however, this is not the point of my thread, as i am aware that someone has already made a thread about his injury. this thread is to get the answer i am seeking.

Rey Mysterio became my favorite wrestler ever since he debuted in 2002. I loved the matches that he put on, and i loved the excitement he delivered. Not only did i love the excitement he delievered, i loved the dedication and passion that he showed in the ring day in and day out. What i don't understand is, why people want to always criticize him? I understand that rey mysterio isn't as great of a high flyer as he was back in the good ole days (because of the several knee injuries) but he is still a tremendous athlete, and he continues to show his dedication and passion in the ring, injured or not. When Rey Mysterio won his first title at WM 22, people said "he don't deserve it, he sucks, its all just because of sympathy of Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.)" but the fact of the matter is he DID deserve it. Then when he won the title at Fatal 4-Way, people continued to bash him, and the same with is very, very short title victory on raw. I understand why what happened at raw that night, but that doesn't change the fact that rey deserved it.

So again, I ask, what is wrong with Rey Mysterio that people want to disrespect him. the way i see it, he is one of the most dedicated superstar on the roster, and he does what he does for each and every single person watching at home, or live at any WWE event. But for people to sit there and say "he needs to break more than just his leg" or "he deserves to be injured" "he sucks"..i ask why

I respect Rey but there are a few things that just get on my nerves. The first being his 619. I just hate it how, in his matches, he's amazingly the only wrestler that consistently knocks his opponents down on the second rope to set up his lame kick. Seeing it a couple times, it's like okay thats kind of cool. But when you have to watch it a few times in every single match of his week after week, it just gets on my nerves.

The other thing that pisses me off about him is how he's constantly called an underdog. When you win on almost a weekly basis and can routinely beat monsters like Kane; you're not an underdog. You're just a fucking midget. I also find it hilarious that he has to bounce off the second rope to do a move. Even the Divas use the top rope. So that's about all that irritates me about him and also throw in how he starts jabbering in Mexican. I know he's doing it for his "raza" and all but that just gives me another reason to fast forward past his weak promos.

As long as the kids keep on buying his masks and the Mexicans keep on watching him, nothing is going to change about his character though. Thank *insert deity here* for DVR.

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