[Official] Randy Orton has a Fight with a Hotel Room

What Should Happen to Randy Orton?

  • Fired immediately

  • Fined/Suspended

  • Demoted to Heat/ECW

  • Nothing, he is too big of a name for WWE to lose

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Ryan Clark said:
Breaking News: Randy Orton Sent Home From Europe
04/20/2007 by Ryan Clark

Randy Orton has been sent home from WWE's European tour.

The reason is apparently because he messed up a hotel room.

More details shortly.

Great, just what we need from Randy Orton right now is for him to start doing stupid shit again. What do you guys think is gonna happen here, I mean it must be pretty damn serious or they wouldn't have taken him off the shows and sent him home..
This is typical Randy Orton horseshit. This is why I despise the man. Nothing but talent, but he thinks because he is 3rd generation that he should have everything handed to him. Honestly, this guy could be into his 3rd or 4th title reign if he quit being such a shit head. The WWE needs to fire this guy. Between fighting with Divas backstage, Steroid Scandals, and now this, what else does he have to do besides either slap McMahon in the face or kill someone int he ring to get fired. Randy Orton is a waste of natural talent and should be shown the door with this one.
Randy Orton caught a stomach virus while in Europe. Orton didn't work the Munich show last night. He was sent home today after apparently messing up a hotel room. The stomach virus story may have been a cover by WWE and the real story leaked today.

Okay now thats just complete crap. Randy Orton destroyed his hotel room because he had a stomach ache? No way man. I'm going with Shocky on this one, Orton just has too big of an ego. I don't want him to leave however because he is so damn talented. Then again if he were to be released I'm sure he'd go to TNA to spite the WWE and he would be in some great matches over there.

I'm just wondering if this will have an affect on their plans for the Backlash 4-Way match?
Ya the WWE spin cycle is on full wash right now. I don't care how sick you are, you don't destroy a hotel room, it just smells like BS. I honestly don't think TNA would pick Orton up. Sure he is a big name, but man alive the baggage this many brings. How could you bring him on when you have Austin Aeries sitting at home for 90 days? I'm sure we'll here the "true story on this" before too long.
He had anger management issues before so something must have really pissed him off for him to ramshack his hotel room(i put my money on a fight with his woman over the phone). Orton has made too many mistakes and this could be the final straw before he gets fired(Vince will probably wait until after Backlash before he fires Orton). Then again, this could be no big deal that will not affect Orton's future in the WWE regardless if it was a bad thing he done or not.
They talk about how and when they're going to fire Orton too much. If it doesn't happen this time, It won't happen at all. Just put him on Heat after Backlash. I think we can all agree that there's no chance in hell for Orton to win now. Damn. That leaves HBK and Edge. They can't take him out because it will be too similar to last year's, and they already built it up.

I still feel a bit weird on this one. They said that WWE reported he had a stomach virus, but in all he just crashed a hotel room? That's been done in the past. In Orton's case, since he already has heat, he might get de-pushed, and this is the worst time for it to happen. He's one of the top heels on RAW and he couldn't even show to be mature enough to handle this situation.

It's a shame too because his old man wasn't that crazy backstage in his time. Orton really needs to shape up or he can kiss his career good-bye. Nobody should really be talking about TNA in this thread though. I don't think they have the money Orton wants, and It's not likely that he'll change all of a sudden. Orton to TNA? Not likely. Orton getting sent to ECW or SD or just getting put away for a long time? Yes.

I've really grown to like Orton though. He's a good heel and Wrestling's in his blood, but people have proven before, that if you don't behave well, or you don't act your age, You'll not only lose momentum, have heat, but you'll also get Vince's mind off of getting you the Title for a pretty long time.
Ya the Orton to TNA stuff isn't going to happen. Orton already thinks he's a mega star that isn't getting what he deserves in the WWE, what kinda ego will he have if he actually showed up in TNA? The Man will think he's a god amonst boys. Orton is what, 26, 27 years old, this isn't a young man. This is a guy in his 5th year on the main roster, was put with Ric Flair and Triple H, and is still perhaps the most immature guy on the roster. And this sucks because I am a huge Orton Fan, but his attitude just sucks. I hope this isn't true, but given Orton's past, there is no way in hell i doubt this story.
I'm not saying Orton will go to TNA I'm just saying it would be an option if he were to be fired because you know Orton is immature and would want to also get revenge on Vinnie Mac for firing him, and what better way then to go the route of TNA? Just a thought, one that will almost certainly not happen, but still just an idea.
Well if its as serious as its being made out to be, then I can see some repercussions. I don't see Orton being fired, as the wwe still needs him in some capacity, and I can for sure say that they don't want to let go of such an amazing talent, they don't want the competition to get him. That would probably be the biggest reason for him not being fired. I do still see him being involved in the match at backlash, but I now see him being the man to take the loss. The wwe will then probably de-push him for a bit, and see how it goes.

But what I am thinking, and hoping, is that the hotel room messing story is hogwash. I think its a rumor started and it got picked up as being the truth. I am really hoping for this because I am a huge Orton fan, and at this stage of his career, I just don't see him making these kind of mistakes anymore. Maybe the actual story is that Orton was sent home after being sick and making a huge mess in his hotel room, and the only part picked out was mess in hotel room... but i dunno... until more details come out anything is just speculation
I just want to get the facts straight before I make a judgment. If it is true, then it proves a point I have been trying to make about Orton fucking up over and over again his calling to be the man. I hope he's not done in WWE.
It makes me sick to think that Orton has been giving chance after chance to change and improve. From the looks of it Orton was moving up in the main event scene and possibly was going to receive the WWE Championship. I have really grown to like Randy Orton as he his one of my favorite heels right now on RAW.

Doing things like this only can lead to a de-push after Backlash and his planned feud with Edge could be off the books after this which woudl suck as I think those two could put on a hell of a prgram if both was tweeners. Back to subject at hand he needs to grow up and if WWE doesnt fire him after this then he will never get fired, and hell he even has the steriods thing above his head as well.

Orton will never go TNA as they can not offer what he belives his is worth so that can be stopped now. In all, Orton could have made the worst mov eof his life on that tour no not time will tell soon i think.
I doubt WWE will fire Randy Orton, They don't have the main event level heels to fill in for him. But this will push back any title push again, I think they had already pushed his title hunt back until the end of the year, so it will be pushed back even further. I doubt thisaffected the program they are setting up with Edge, unless they have Edge win at Backlash, then it is probably off. They will probably have Orton being the on pinned/submitting at Backlash now as punishment.
Orton wont get released. If he was going to be let go there wouldnt be a stomach virus story out there. He will definitly do the J-O-B at Backlash. Probably job for a month or 6 weeks to guys like Marella, Flair, ect ect. By mid summer he will be right back in the Main Event spot light.
maybe he was sick and puked all over his hotel room, and was sent home, like you would've been in 4th grade.
It's quite a bit different to be sent home in the same city as your elementary school back in 4th grade, something completely different when the company has to cancel your booked dates and spend extra money to send you home, which costs them money. It's obviously something serious backstage, probably attitude problems like usual. I'm really doubting the guy got sent home because he puked all over his room, plus, that's not really destroying a room I doubt he would be sent home for just puking all over his room. If he was sick they would've just kept him in Italy and had him treated there.

We'll have to wait until more details come in I guess.
DHS, getting sick and throwing up is cleanable, it is more likely he went rockstar on his room. If he threw up an damaged stuff then it is a reasonable thing to expect that they would send him home but. It is more likely based on past actions that he trashed the room.
If it is true, I wonder what pissed him off so bad. Maybe he was celebrating 4-20 and trashed his room while he was...ya kno
If it is true, I wonder what pissed him off so bad. Maybe he was celebrating 4-20 and trashed his room while he was...ya kno

Yeah because smoking pot and violent destruction of property usually go hand in hand....

I don't even want to assume what the issue could be, but I think Orton is a guy that needs help. For a guy with all the gifts he has, he is single-handedly destroying his own career.
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He does it because he can get away with it. I don't think Orton's so special that they should keep him. He's a good wrestler and good on the mic. He has a good look but I don't think he would really be missed. If he act's like a dick release him. Angle was a bigger star and him going to TNA didn't make them into the biggest company on the planet.
ShockMaster said that Randy Orton is not Talented well he is right. Randy is nothing except a big S.O.B he has no talent at all and he sucks.
Destroying his Hotel Room? I mean how?
Did he actually like broke things inside the Room or what? This is very weird was he Drunk or what and why did he do it? LoL.. things are going Crazier day by day.
Another backstage incident just means another reason for the locker room to hate this guy. Sure, a hotel room messed up is a minor incident but in Orton's case and with the heat he already has, that equals a lot of misbehaviour. I don't know what it is with this guy. He has all the talent and potential yet it's these things that are costing him world titles, pushes and even victories. He's got to learn that if he's ever going to be respected backstage, he's got to stop acting like a moron and doing this kind of stuff. I think most will agree that Orton is a quality heel and wrestler and deserves a spot in the main event but until Orton convinces the locker room of that fact and he stops these incidents that keep occuring, he's going to become even more buried. TNA, if they had any thoughts on Orton before, wouldn't be unwise to reject Orton if that ever came up but I think Orton is too big of a star to just be fired. Being pulled from a tour is pretty big though, so unless this isn't just some bullshit story made up, it looks like Orton is in s*** again, which is a shame.
Orton will not get fired, not unless there are major changes to the raw roster. The obvious post backlash stories the way i see it is HBK/Cena wins and then Edge and Orton feud. This whole rated RKO disintegration has been going on for a LONG time and Edge even speared Orton on raw its just waiting too happen.

As too whether Orton was sick or has done something stupid. I think its quite obvious that its the latter. Orton's rep speaks for itself and a stomach virus does not make you 'destroy a hotel room'. There are hospitals in Italy why would you pull him off the tour and actually send him home. Whole thing stinks of a cover up.

The reaction will be a de-push and jobbing. He will get pinned at backlash and then he will be used too job to other stars (like Edge). He is regardless of his attitude to valuble to fire.
I think it's a shame that this is happening. Another one for Orton's rap sheet. This guy is great in what he does but he just doesn't realize that with his attitude he's going to get nothing. He won't be fired because he is very good. He has the potential to be a great wrestler but his title run ruined it for him. I believe this is a case where he was pushed way too soon and he thought he could do anything, because no matter what i've heard i still don't believe his title run was supposed to last only a month. I just hope that he corrects his behaviour or else he is throwing away a great career.
Orton is not going to get fired for this if anything he will get suspended(again), and fined severly, then when he comes back he will suffer a de-push, this will of course happen after Backlash, and if thinks does anything it pretty much garuntees that Orton will not win the title at Backlash, infasct I sure that he will be the one that suffers the pin fall or submission, I sure that after this incident though that if Orton scews up again Vince will be forced to fire him
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