[Official] Randy Orton has a Fight with a Hotel Room

What Should Happen to Randy Orton?

  • Fired immediately

  • Fined/Suspended

  • Demoted to Heat/ECW

  • Nothing, he is too big of a name for WWE to lose

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Orton is in no way over...and if you pay ANY attention to this forum, you'll notice half the people here, myself included hate the fuck out of Cena. Now, Randy Orton is a grown ass man, he should be able to handle himself a little better, but then again, what would you expect from a douche nozzle like him anyways, dude looks like he'd be lurking outside an elementary school cruisin for Kindergardeners.
theres no doubt that randy orton is going to be punished for his actions in some way or form but it is VERY VERY doubtful that they will fire him..just like RVD, randy orton will not be fired for the possibility of TNA picking him up..vince is a businessman and he must protect his assets therefore sending his asset either to rehab or perhaps depushing him...randy is in his 20s early 20s i believe? he's still in party mode..30 grand isnt shit to the wwe...there cameras cost more than that..is it fucked up what he did? yes of course...should he be fired for it? no of course not..just like don imus..except this man isnt getting fired because people like to dramatize the situation more then it really is....
Temporary Leave Would Be A Good Way To Go About It Or Just Send Him Over To Heat (not Ecw) And Leave Him Their For A Month Or 2
Randy Orton's career is like the ocean waves, he goes all the way up, then goes down.

On a side note, I think he's purposelly trying to get in trouble.
i think the fact the orton has not been fired yet means he will prolly keep his job but will not be in line for a push anytime soon its too bad HHH isnt around because i think he knows how to keep orton under control.

I really wana know what orton took/drank to make him fuck up a hotel room then passout, that guy is one hardcore partyer
I really would like to see Randy either fired or demoted to ECW he could join the new-breed and teh n they could have an original vs new breed losers gett fired match and then we wouldnt have to deal with him (allthou the Originals would lose.)
I think its more than a virus. No one with stomach virus destorys $30,000 worth of hotel property. It either has to do with him fighting with his girlfriend or being pissed over something else. There is no point of firing him as his contract expires in MAY 2007. A month away, im guessing his going to pull some strings to re-negociate and get him a better deal. Randy orton is TALENT. WWE knows it and will not pass him over. I see him jobbing for a month or two then he will be back in the main event picture. If he does indeed make it to the fatal 4 main event on Backlash i for some reason see him winning if not him then edge.
I think its more than a virus. No one with stomach virus destorys $30,000 worth of hotel property. It either has to do with him fighting with his girlfriend or being pissed over something else. There is no point of firing him as his contract expires in MAY 2007. A month away, im guessing his going to pull some strings to re-negociate and get him a better deal. Randy orton is TALENT. WWE knows it and will not pass him over. I see him jobbing for a month or two then he will be back in the main event picture. If he does indeed make it to the fatal 4 main event on Backlash i for some reason see him winning if not him then edge.

yeah it's definetly more than a stomach virus, I'm thinking roid rage, or the side effects from drinking to much and that mixing with all the prescriptions he takes, that or him just being a spoiled little bitch, throwing a tempertantrum, I remember when I was a kid if we acted like that, we got are asses whupped, after a couple of ass-whuppins, I didn't do so many stupid things anymore, maybe he just didn't get that when he was a kid, maybe Cowboy bob Orton needs to put the cast back on a pound the shit out of his kid till he stops fucking up
yeah somethin needs to happen.. by the way, since this is the only active thread right now.. who else cant imagine this match actually going to 11:06
I think its more than a virus. No one with stomach virus destorys $30,000 worth of hotel property. It either has to do with him fighting with his girlfriend or being pissed over something else. There is no point of firing him as his contract expires in MAY 2007. A month away, im guessing his going to pull some strings to re-negociate and get him a better deal. Randy orton is TALENT. WWE knows it and will not pass him over. I see him jobbing for a month or two then he will be back in the main event picture. If he does indeed make it to the fatal 4 main event on Backlash i for some reason see him winning if not him then edge.

And we also have to remember who randys dad is im sure he would kiss the most ass for his son to keep his job
I guess now that I think about it, ur right about morale in the backstage ot TNA being a rollercoaster but just the buzz of them hiring him for maybe a year to stir up some publicity? Ya don't think they would just make him job on TNA and then just let him go? We all know it would be atleast talked about but then again, I do have to agree that they probobly wouldn't know that I read that...
I'm not sure if this was posted yet, but wwe.com has a comment stating simply that they took action against Randy Orton for unprofessional conduct.
When is this guy going to stop messing up already. He probably could be one of the best in the business but he is too busy harrassing divas, doing roids, and messing up hotel rooms. Its time for him to either grow up or leave the business.
I've seen it but it's not very specific. They must be paying him a lot of money if he can afford to keep acting like a dick.
Taken action = j-o-b at backlash, sent home from Europe with out pay and thats it probably.
WWE has taken action against Randy Orton for unprofessional conduct.
Now is the time for Vince to use his catchphrase .....
Orton rocks, he is awesome but he needs to stop doing this stupid junk. Edge and Orton would've been a GREAT match, but he had to have some fight....
lol, it was also reported now, don't know if anyone saw it..., that it's over 50,000 dollars in damage now....i saw it on same post that it was stated they took action....not sure if it's true, but it came out today...
Taken action...sounds ominous. But still very vague. This probably means he'll be suspended or something. I don't think they will actually fire him. If they do though, theres a chance of TNA taking in Orton. Someone said before that TNA isn't stupid like WCW was and wouldn't take in a cancer like Hall/Nash..err Kevin Nash has been at TNA for quite some time now.
Kevin Nash has also reportedly changed his ways from when he was in WCW. I don't think there is any hope of Orton doing the same...and to the best of my knowledge, Nash never got mad at a hotel room lol
Ya, but Nash is at the end of his career and doesn't have the same stroke he did ten years ago. Orton now is very similar to Hall/Nash mid 90's. It would be a stupid move to take taht guy in until he gets some sort of help. A 45 year old Kevin Nash in the locker room is harmless.
Ha i dont know what all you lot did in your mid 20's but i plan on getting fucked an ill probably end up trashing a few hotel rooms. If he trashed my car then obviously i would get a new one because my insureance company would pay, the hotel will obviously have isureance to cover damages. Of course Orton or WWE will probably pay them it back so that they dont have to claim. I really dont know why everyone is so critical of him because of this, possibly because your a load of geeks (and have no social life), possibly because theres an active group of Cena fans on here (hence dont know what their talking about), possibly because the dont like the way orton looks? im running out of possible reasons here... Look im not a hugee Orton fan, nor am i saying he's really over with fans, just that he does have quite a lot of fans, he quite often gets a possitive responce from fans despite been a heel so he is somewhat over. And hes not awful in the ring, certainly no worse than the other main eventers on Raw. But i cant really understand why everyone is like "omg i cant believe he would do such a thing, fire im!" if you were all as rich as him then I dont really think you would be to arsed about trashing a hotel room, he could probably buy the hotel he was staying in with a year or two's pay.
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