Randy Orton accused of Assault & Battery against a teen

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Saugus - World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Randal “Randy” Orton is facing a court hearing for allegedly spitting gum in the face of a juvenile and swearing at him outside Kowloon Restaurant.

On Jan. 12 a 15-year-old male walked in to the Saugus Police Department to report that Orton, 29, assaulted him in the Kowloon parking lot earlier in the day.

Police Lt. Leonard Campanello said the purported victim alleged that Orton, a third generation professional wrestler and former WWE World Heavyweight champion, reacted angrily to a request for a photo at the Route 1 restaurant around 6:30 p.m.

The teenager told police he took a photograph of Orton in the parking lot and then asked to pose with him for another shot.

But according to the victim, Orton, a 6-foot 4-inch, 245-pound wrestler famous for his RKO finishing move, spit his gum at him and called him a derogatory name.
Campanello said the teen's mother confronted Orton, who allegedly responded “so sue me” when she voiced her protest.

Alrite.. Things that get out of hand..

you have a police report with ONE side of the story.

Never in the police report does it say randy spit gum IN The kids face, there is a huge difference between spitting gum IN Somebodys face and Spitting gum allegedly "at them".

If you are going to reply to somebody and you have gum in your mouth you naturally do NOT talk with gum in your mouth. That means you usually spit the gum out.

The kid had ALREADY taken a picture of Orton, and Orton apparently told him he did NOT want ot take a picture with the kid.

If you are this kids mom, and you are filing a police report you are going to make it sound as BAD As you possibly can to grab as many headlines as you possibly can, and get your 15 minutes of fame.

That being said, Orton has had multiple offenses , and his history definatly could be a bit more clean. He obviously has Anger issues period based on his past.

Just look at the source before you talk though, assuming starts to screw with the facts, and can give something a life of its own.
Just because it's rare doesn't mean it isn't a good thing, and judging by most of the responses here.... Orton what an ass etc..... it seems to be effective in getting the desired reaction from a significant portion of the IWC

Yeah, but the desired reaction you're talking about from the IWC is legitimate. It's not like everyone who's going against Orton on this matter is saying, "yeah, he's a great heel...he should keep spitting gum in people's faces!" No. They're saying he's an, asshole, douche bag, and an unprofessional person. If Orton wants to be recognized as a great heel, he should do it in the ring and in his promos.

Do you really think anyone outside of the IWC is going to ever hear about this story. Spitting gum at someone just doesn't make headlines.

True, it probably won't make major headlines, but if enough people know about it, it could create a problem. Do you remember the whole Kurt Angle/Rhaka Khan situation? I forget what ppv it was at, but after he was out of jail, the fans at that event let him have it. Now imagine WWE, which is way more popular than TNA. You don't think Orton would get some backlash for this?

This just generates a little more heat for Orton. It has nothing to do with the on screen product, it will never be mentioned, the kids will never know what happened. But there will be those in the IWC who are turned off by the incident and stop cheering perhaps even become anti-Orton. Mission accomplished. This makes money for WWE in the longrun. At the end of the day all that matters is the money.

Of course WWE wouldn't mention this, why would they? You can be sure if or when Vince comes across this, he will make sure everyone is tight lipped about it. How is making the IWC anti-Orton accomplishing a mission? I think you are confusing kayfabe heat with legitimate heat. As I said earlier, it's not like people are saying Orton is a great heel for this, no. In fact, they think he's a dick, and can't stand him because he's done stuff like this in the past. Orton should be considered a good or great heel because of what he does in the ring or in his promos, and not for spitting gum in someone's face.
I guess it's Randy Orton that spits in the face of people who don't want to be cool. Either that, or he confused the kid with Harley Race.

But seriously, while something like this is definitely up Orton's alley, I'm not convinced that he did it yet. For all we know, this could've all been made up by the kid or most likely his mother in order to make a quick buck. People are crazy, and anyone is looking for any excuse to sue someone. For all we know the kid could've asked Orton for a photo, Orton refused, maybe even said something mean to the kid, and him and his mom just blew it up.

However, if this is true, then I'm disappointed in Randy; I'd hoped that he'd grown up by now. I can understand getting annoyed with fans asking you for pics all the time, but you still shouldn't blow up on people like that. What's also wrong is the fact that nothing will probably happen to Orton in terms of his WWE status. The guy can get away with RKO'ing hotel furniture and spitting on fans, but CM Punk violates a little dress code and gets in the dog house. Randy will probably be fine, since Jericho was in a similar, but worse situation last year and nothing happened to him.

Has anyone asked the obligatory question "Maybe this is a work?" yet?
ALl of you make me sick, ALL THE LITTLE KID WANTED WAS A FREAKING AUTOGRAPH AND PICTURE from one of his favorite wrestlers and you people have the audacity to defend Orton saying bullshit like "he probably never gets a break, he's on the road a lot" ALL THE KID WANTED WAS A FREAKING AUTOGRAPH AND PICTURE

How would you guys feel if you went up to Orton and he did this to you, I bet you guys would be pissed off also. That 15 year old kid just got insulted and humilated by one of his favorite wrestlers, that must have destroyed him inside he probably cryed, I would also

all of you seriously need to grow a heart and stop defending and making excuses for Orton just because he's on TV
First of all, I'm not defending Orton here, but this doesn't completely add up to me. The story as I read it stated that it happened on the 12th of January. The day after a LIVE Monday Night Raw show done in Minneapolis. Unless he had to do something for WWE in Boston the day after doing a show nearly halfway across the country, I highly doubt that he was there. I'm sorry, but that never added up for me.

I personally think that this is a money grab that is going to end up going nowhere.
So if someone spits gum in your face and swears at you it's no big deal?

Did I stutter?

All I can say is that if Orton, or anybody for that matter, spat their gum in my face and then proceeded to curse at me/ or call me a derogatory name as appears to have been the case here, that I would be fucking furious and in the heat of the moment I'd probably want something done about it.

Now, whether or not I would go as far as pressing charges of assault and battery I'm not so sure but I know I'd want something done because having gum spat in your face is disgusting. I suppose what I'm saying here is that I can understand the guy's mother wanting to press charges because at the end of the day what gives anybody the right to do what Orton did (or allegedly did)?

Okay, so it's not as serious as somebody getting physical against you, but still it just annoys me to think that some people think they can do things like spitting gum on people and get away with it, as if it's nothing. It may not be a big deal until someone does it to you.

So someone spit their gum at you in your direction. First, I would love to know why he did that. But let's give the kid the benefit of the doubt in that he very kindly approached Mr. Orton for a pic, and Mean ol' Randy Orton just snapped and spat his gum at the kid.

Secondly, he cursed at the kid. Oh my!! What ever will we do? You think it was anything new the kid hasn't heard before in school or even at home?

Would I be angry? Sure I would be a little upset. Enough to file a lawsuit and press charges? Of course not. No fists were thrown. Nobody kicked anyone. There were no foreign objects. Nobody threatened any violence.

Some people need to grow the Fuck up and grow some balls around here.
Oh please just because you like the guy on TV doesn't mean you have to defend him no matter what he does. From the facts of the report (which is all we can base anything on) he was a dick, I'm sure lots of people more famous than him put up with more persistent people asking for photograph's and the like but they don't throw a hissy fit over it. The dude's massive and picking on a teenager is pathetic.

Facts of the report? I didn't know that anything was established as fact. A teen and his mom making accusations?

That being said, so the fuck what if he did do it? He has a right to live his life, and if someone is disrupting it, why should he have to bow to them? I'm sure this little 15 year old isn't innocent either. To assume that he did nothing to provoke Orton would be a bit naive. I think they're both probably at fault.

Should Orton have acted a little more adult like? Probably. Should the kid have shown Orton a little more respect? Probably. Should the mom act like an adult and not overreact because her son's hero was mean? Absolutely?

I imagine nothing comes of this and we don't hear about past this weekend.
It doesn't matter what the kid did to Orton, he shouldn't be reacting like that. Spitting in somebody's face, no matter who they are, is assault in the legal sense. If Orton is found guilty of assaulting a minor, then that is exactly how it will be reported, and I think he can probably expect to be in the doghouse for a couple of years like last time he acted like a dick.

Regardless of how pathetic the event actually was, Orton is always representing the company whenever he is in public, and he should think before he acts. Its a stupid thing to do however you look at it, and allowing yourself to be goaded by a 15 year old is pretty unwise, which if any of this is true, is the best possible scenario for Orton. It's probably nothing blown up immeasurably, but in all honesty Orton's reputation preceeds him, and he has to act a little more responsibly.
Did I stutter?


So someone spit their gum at you in your direction. First, I would love to know why he did that.

No. I've never had gum spat at me. What I was trying to put across was that if someone did that it would probably be a bigger deal to me than reading about it happening to someone else. I was trying to put myself in the shoes of the teenager this supposedly happened to, that's all. All I'm saying is that it's easy to pass things like this off whenever it happens to somebody else, but if it happened to you then you might consider it a bigger deal then.

But let's give the kid the benefit of the doubt in that he very kindly approached Mr. Orton for a pic, and Mean ol' Randy Orton just snapped and spat his gum at the kid.

Secondly, he cursed at the kid. Oh my!! What ever will we do? You think it was anything new the kid hasn't heard before in school or even at home?

Probably not no, but still what gives Orton the right to do it?

Would I be angry? Sure I would be a little upset. Enough to file a lawsuit and press charges? Of course not. No fists were thrown. Nobody kicked anyone. There were no foreign objects. Nobody threatened any violence.

Technically no fists need to be thrown, or foreign objects used for an assault to be made out. Not trying to be smart, but considering how easy it is to press charges, I can see why assault is being considered here.

Some people need to grow the Fuck up and grow some balls around here.

People like Orton are the ones that need to grow the fuck up. All it would have taken was a minute of his life, if even to take a picture with that kid. Okay, so the guy might have been a pain in the arse to Orton, maybe even rude to him but even so, the smarter thing to do would have been to walk away and ignore him, if Orton didn't want to take the picture.
Saugus - World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Randal “Randy” Orton is facing a court hearing for allegedly spitting gum in the face of a juvenile and swearing at him outside Kowloon Restaurant.

On Jan. 12 a 15-year-old male walked in to the Saugus Police Department to report that Orton, 29, assaulted him in the Kowloon parking lot earlier in the day.

Police Lt. Leonard Campanello said the purported victim alleged that Orton, a third generation professional wrestler and former WWE World Heavyweight champion, reacted angrily to a request for a photo at the Route 1 restaurant around 6:30 p.m.

The teenager told police he took a photograph of Orton in the parking lot and then asked to pose with him for another shot.

But according to the victim, Orton, a 6-foot 4-inch, 245-pound wrestler famous for his RKO finishing move, spit his gum at him and called him a derogatory name.

Campanello said the teen's mother confronted Orton, who allegedly responded “so sue me” when she voiced her protest.
First off I would like to say that no one knows what really happened except for the boy, his mom, and Orton. Granted that Orton indded has anger issues it is really unfair to Orton that some of you are saying you know he did it because of his past. Honestly I would have no trouble believing that he did it because his past works against him and it is understandable. However it is highly unlikely that he did.

Second, I thought that the date looks a little weird. The report says that this happened on January 12, one day after a live Raw in Minneapolis. Now why in the world would Orton go to Boston the following day when there is no live event there. According to TD Gardens the last house show there was five days ago on January 7. Considering that the next house show is in Jackson, Tennessee I can't think of a reason why he would be in Boston.

Thirdly, even if he was there for something personal and even if he did do what the kid allegedly said how is that assault? Like many of you said this is not assault. Who would go to the police about a guy swearing and spitting a pieve of gum at him. I surely wouldn't.
I have personaly witnessed the rotten behaviour of Randy Orton in the past.

1) Sheffield England in the hotel lobby Orton pushes past fans and in fulll view of everybody in the hotel begins screaming verbal abuse at the receptionist. "Thanks a fucking lot I asked for a goddam wake up call and didnt get it. Im fucking late now you stupid fucking bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you all". He then turns to the fans who are standing there shocked "I love you all" sarcasticaly blows kisses and walks off shouting about limeys.Cant remember the year but he was a babyface having just lost the world title for the 1st time. 05 maybe?

2) Sheffield again a year later he was refusing to stop for autographs, pictures etc until Cowboy Bob appeared. He hung around for 5 minutes signing autographs in front of his dad. I asctually asked him for an autograph just as his dad went away and Orton called me sneaky and refused! A fan asked for a picture and Orton flipped the bird at him and walked away.

My friend in Manchester said that Orton was being vile to fans until Shawn Michaels and Triple H appeared and took him on 1 side. Suddenly after this Orton became the perfect gentleman.

Granted this was a few years ago and since then Orton has married and supposidly grown up but this latest escepade does not surprise me. I have met a lot of wrestlers but Randy Orton is the standout as the vilest of the lot.
Common Guyz...i mean we know how persistent we the FANS can be at times. I mean this is The Viper we're taking about here...i could kill for and autograph from him... The kid must have done or said something to warrant RKO's behaviour.There is something you guys are missing--Life in the ring is TOTALLY different from life in outside the ring. The fact that RKO punts and RKOs wrestlers in the ring doesn't make him a monster outside the ring.

By the i way i heard from a source that this incident happened months back...so what kept them so long?

And how can a fan who loves RKO [a big fan for that matter]well enough to ask for a photo or autograph turn arround to sue him...think about it...can u sue ur best wrestler for doing 'that'?
In a way, I know we only have one side of the story here, but I kinda am on the wrestler's side for once. Especially after those incidents where those 2 fans attacked Chris Jericho on camera and tried to sue him after having previous run ins with other wrestlers (sports people.) :icon_neutral: I mean, did some people think that maybe some wrestlers may have been pretty affected by what happened to Y2J and probably are wanting to take extra steps to protect themselves at all costs. I mean I'm sure if I was in a situation where someone's pestering me, you don't know nowadays if someone's packing. I know you could be saying 'A 15 yr old packing?' But if 10 year old can shoot people...you never know now a days, especially with some jacked up parents defending kids' outlandish behavior for doing stupid things these days. "My kid was depressed about a failing grade, so I figure a little weed/alcohol would ease things." :wtf:

When you are married and with a family, you really do think about not just your family, you also will consider the ramifications if something happens to you. I know I sound like I'm on a soapbox here, but watching that video where Y2J had to punch those people who dragged him out of his car was pretty freaky. I'm not saying I defend Orton's actions, but today's world isn't the safest if you hadn't noticed the headlines about people shooting others randomly, or doing random acts of violence. :disappointed: Trust me, had I been randy, I'd prolly had either drop kicked the kid like a nasty habit or had sic'ed (sp?) some restaurant mgr on him for harassing. I know that's just my :twocents:
I personally think what Orton did is right. One of the few days a week he gets off work and he decides to go to a restaurant. Some random kid wants a photo he says no and spits AT him not on him just at him and swears at the mother and now he has a court hearing because she took offense to it. Yet if it were just some random ass on the street she would have just sworn back. What will disappoint me is if he gets punished. it's the mans free time and he should be able to do what he wants.

Bless him, poor little Randy boohoo. The guys a 24 carat shit, not to mention a coward. I personally have had very little time for him since he turned up in the WWE. In my time I have run into many celebrities and superstars from all walks of life, and probably had 100's of photos taken with various stars. Some have said no, but in a nice way. These were usually when the people were in bars or clubs around LA, where I used to live. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. SIMPLE
Has anyone even seen the statement from the other witness. For crying out loud the person stated he saw the whole thing and not once did Orton even look at the kid the wrong way much less spit at him. So once again everyone who has jumped the gun so to speak about how Orton is a dick and this doesnt surprise all of you, get a life and next time wait till all the facts are out first before you go judging someone else.

Oh and Fuck off Y-2 Jay for the red rep for my personal opinion on this thread your a fucking peach. How are you gonna red rep me cause im a fan of Orton. I should rep u cause your name is as queer as Jericho's.
we all happen to live in a world where some people have the same name. that being said, did anyone consider that this may not be the randy orton that we all know?

and a quick question, unless he was arrested for his alleged past incidents, what does his past have to do with what he did now?
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