Randy Orton accused of Assault & Battery against a teen

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Never have gotten the Randy Orton thing. Lousy attitude, no respect for others, including the fans who pay for his affluent lifestyle. I still wonder how Vince ever manages to get him on the military bases on the overseas tours considering he spent time in military jail for deserting from the Marines and received a dishonorable discharge for it. If I were a military commander, I would bar him and tell Vince to leave him home.
As a indy wrestler, and wrestling in mainly one territory for multiple years, you gain some "celebrity" status of sorts, and harassment from fans is a given!! there have been times that i was out in a mall, drug store, hell it could have been anywhere, where i have been confronted about being a wrestler, and asked for autographs, pictures and such, and no matter what mood i was in, i was always willing to stop for a minute!

Wrestling is a business, and as a performer for your promotion, you are considered an ambassador and should represent that promotion the best you possibly can!

I strongly believe that Randy Orton is a total prick, but have some respect for the company that is utilizing your skills and abilities as a performer!!!

I think he should get reprimanded soon, cause honestly, with a possible MNWII on the horizon, he needs the reality check!!
Randy is awesome. As a fellow Aries we tend to be anti-social and stuck in horrible horrible moods about 85% of the time. So I can relate to RKO, and other fellow Aries. I dont think that what was reported was 100% truth, there had to be a specific reason why this occured if it happened at all.
First and foremost i must apologize for this child's behavior. I apologize because i live in the general area of this event. Kowloons is a somewhat famous chinese restaurant. They have pictures of celebrities all over the place and if you're a regular customer.. it is highly likely you will meet various celebrities often.

Kids around here suck. Pure assholes. It's the my parents are high class so i can do what ever i want mentality. But im sure these kids are across the country. I would have first asked Mr Orton would u take a pic with me?

I would have loved it if orton RKO'd the kid then punted him..

The kid had every right to take the picture....If you're a public figure of any kind, you brought it onto yourself. If someone with the track record of Orton did that to me, heck yeah I'd press charges...He thinks because he has money and fame he can do anything, I'd take every penny I could from him.

I'm sure the kids parents have more money then Orton anyhow. The Kid more than likely wasn't polite. He's not a friggenn paprazzi, AsK for a minute of hte mans time!!! im sure orton would have responded nicely to a polite request.
As a indy wrestler, and wrestling in mainly one territory for multiple years, you gain some "celebrity" status of sorts, and harassment from fans is a given!! there have been times that i was out in a mall, drug store, hell it could have been anywhere, where i have been confronted about being a wrestler, and asked for autographs, pictures and such, and no matter what mood i was in, i was always willing to stop for a minute!
Wrestling is a business, and as a preformer for your promotion, you are considered an ambassador and should represent that promotion the best you possibly can!
I strongly believe that Randy Orton is a total prick, but have some respect for the company that is utilizing your skills and abilities as a preformer!!!

I think he should get repremanded soon, cause honestly, with a possible MNWII on the horizon, he needs the reality check!!

True, as a wrestler and a local star you DO have a reputation to uphold... however, if you really want to rep your promotion then you stay in character.

Did Orton have a right to harm the teenager? Of course not

But if he were just being a dick head, then I believe he accomplished his "stay in character" bit.

As an indy wrestler myself (who has worked for the NWA on three seperate occasions) I say that staying in character even when you're "out of character" is a smart move.

Owen Hart taught me that.
In my opinion, stupid should hurt and Randy Orton's actions (if the report is true) were in a word stupid. Furthermore, I personally would have expected better from a wrestler as established and experienced as himself. This sort of thing has to be almost an every day experience for him. He should have learned by now to cope with it gracefully and then move on instead of acting like a spoiled middle schooler. He needs to learn that he is an athlete who is several times a champion solely for the reason that a creative team decided he should be, not the supreme prince of the world.

I think what should happen to him is simply that he should be knocked down the ladder, be forced to job more, and in short be hit right where it hurts a wrestler most: his popularity. If CM Punk was squashed by 'Taker and stripped of his title simply because he sassed said person when it was suggested he dress a little better, I think it perfectly conceivable that Orton be made to suffer career-wise due to this incident. He certainly shouldn't be allowed to win at the Rumble. If this is the way that he treats the fans now, I'm certain the WWE won't want him as the face of any brand.
If you are working, then you are doing our job. If you are trying to enjoy the little time you have away from work then you deserve to be yourself. Wrestlers aren't just wrestlers, they are people too. This wasn't a public appearance, it was someone accosting randy when he wasn't being a "superstar". Randy, as do we all, deserves his time off, and deserves to spend his time off being himself. Plus, he gave the kid hid gum! he should see that as a compliment!
I really thought that Ortom had began to turn his image around in the past year. But this stupid move could be hurtful to himself an the WWE. In a day and age where anyone is wanting to make a name for himself, this kid is, for having gum spit on him. A poor move no matter what his mood, or his play on character, this is just hurtful.
It's obvious that as being one of WWE's top star he probably will be let go fairly easily. However, if this gets out to more than just the IWC I could see the WWE maybe doing something about it. It should come as no suprise to anyone that Orton did this, he has easily proven time after time to be an arrogant ignorant selfish prick. As a WWE star he should maintain a matter of professionalism even if he is a heel.
It's been reported that Randy Orton is a dick so many times that I have no problem believing stories like this with no proof. Legally I doubt this would account for assault and battery. The kids going to get nowhere if he goes to court with this.

WWE wise, if this is true, maybe WWE would give the kid free tickets or something. Though I don't see anything happening to Orton internally either. Honestly, I don't think WWE can force you to be friendly to fans.

We've heard so much of this regarding Orton in the past. Apparently he is just not a nice, over even tolerable person. I hope he gets his some day.
I personally think what Orton did is right. One of the few days a week he gets off work and he decides to go to a restaurant. Some random kid wants a photo he says no and spits AT him not on him just at him and swears at the mother and now he has a court hearing because she took offense to it. Yet if it were just some random ass on the street she would have just sworn back. What will disappoint me is if he gets punished. it's the mans free time and he should be able to do what he wants.
Uhm, do we really know that all of this is indeed true? For all i know, this could just be a hoax, a scheme to get some money from Orton, who is/was a crazy character, both in and out of the ring. For me, he's innocent until proven guilty. Maybe this is just blown out of proportion and Orton just refused to sign an autograph or something along those lines.

IF Orton spat on that kid well you couldn't really do anything to him. Is there any proof? Unless someone caught the incident on camera, then this is pointless. Orton's got a bad rep and when things like this appear, people tend to blame it on him too early. I'll wait and see if this is true or not.
Um, yeah. Orton plays the role of a grade-A douche. We get a series of stories from dodgy sources confirming this over time. WWE likes its stars to live their characters. What are the chances that this is a work? Any money this is just like the time that we had grainy footage of Jericho losing it and punching the shit out of some guy (or girl), or when Orton blew up at that mexican interviewer. I'll assume this is a work until this actually does get to court.
I don't have trouble believing Orton would do something like this but I don't think he actually did do it. Ever since his return from injury I don't remember a negative report coming out about him. Orton has changed since then and I don't see him going back. If you ask me the boy and mom probably over exaggerated knowing that people wouldn't have a hard time believing the story with his past history. We'll just have to see what happens in court, which will probably be nothing.
I don't buy this report at all for even a second, it really smells like bullshit. Seriously, you think a 15 year old boy would go to the cops like that? It would make the kid a loser and the fact he was with his mom.. sounds to me like this kid has no friends and just wants attention. Orton may be an idiot in the locker room, but I highly doubt he'd do something that stupid before WrestleMania. The kid is likely a punk and i'm more than willing to bet that if he gets any money out of it, he'll just go to whatever friends he has and go like "hey look, i did my research, found an opportunity, and made up a story on a WWE star to prove that what they do in the ring can happen in real life too." Since he supposedly wanted a pic with him, bet Orton's his favourite star so he'd obviously know his character.
Judging from most of the posts, it seems to me Orton is doing a great job. He should be a dick to everyone he ever sees, it's his job to make the fans hate him, not be a nice guy and stop to sign autographs and take photos. The fact is that his actions are actually highly professional of him considering what his profession is.
Judging from most of the posts, it seems to me Orton is doing a great job. He should be a dick to everyone he ever sees, it's his job to make the fans hate him, not be a nice guy and stop to sign autographs and take photos. The fact is that his actions are actually highly professional of him considering what his profession is.

Yeah, exactly. Which is why I think this is a work. I dunno, WWE probably figure there have been too many RKO chants recently. Cook up an incident, spread it a little, let the intarwebz take over, and there you have your heat. Although really this should have been a 12-year-old fat chick with pigtails. Whom Orton RKOed, punted, and then raped her mother when she complained....ok, that's just too obviously fantasy. A nice thought, though....
Judging from most of the posts, it seems to me Orton is doing a great job. He should be a dick to everyone he ever sees, it's his job to make the fans hate him, not be a nice guy and stop to sign autographs and take photos. The fact is that his actions are actually highly professional of him considering what his profession is.

But for the reputation of the company, you'd think he'd maintain a decent image outside of the ring. What Orton is in the ring is a character, it doesn't give him the excuse to behave like he did outside the ring. I mean, if Vince got a hold of this, I don't think he'd be knocking on Vince's dressing room going: 'Hey Randy, great job spitting gum at a fan who was just asking for a photo, have a pay rise.'

It's pathetic in my opinion, but hey, he'll probably say that it was his "intermittent explosive disorder" or whatever they called it on Raw.
But for the reputation of the company, you'd think he'd maintain a decent image outside of the ring. What Orton is in the ring is a character, it doesn't give him the excuse to behave like he did outside the ring. I mean, if Vince got a hold of this, I don't think he'd be knocking on Vince's dressing room going: 'Hey Randy, great job spitting gum at a fan who was just asking for a photo, have a pay rise.'

It's oldschool wrestling, and I think it's refreshing to have heels actually try to be heels rather than seeking cheers. I'd bet Vince and Randy probably share a laugh over this.

The easy (and safe) thing to do is go around shaking hands and taking pictures with people. Big props to Orton for not taking the easy way, it's good for Orton and it's good for WWE. The money isn't in having another guy out there having Hallmark moments with fans, they have guys doing that already. The money is in that other guy who has the sack to go out there and risk his safety to further his character and further develop the product.
I think that these actions if true are disappointing to me as a big Orton fan. But some of you need to get off your high horse, no disrespect intended but Indy wrestling isn't the WWE,so there is no comparison. Kowloon's is in a rich stuck up neighborhood, my cousin lives in Saugus and is an asshole plain and simple.

This kid probably said something derogatory, I highly doubt Orton spit on him just because he asked for a picture get real people.

If you seriously think Orton will be "pushed down the ladder" your either a pure Orton hater or insane because there is NOBODY on Raw who can take his place period.

This story will stay within the IWC ,,and I hope all of you who bashed Orton here come back, and recognize you were wrong. When this story goes nowhere, and the kid is shown to have been an obnoxious brat (like lots of kids in Saugus).

If it's true like I said It would be disappointing, but I highly doubt anything comes from this.

When it comes to Randy Orton there is no middle ground, you either love him, and consider him one of the most naturally gifted heels of all time, or you hate him, and think he is an overrated monotonic asshole.

This potential issue brings out all of those feelings, lets just wait for the legal process to play out (Duke Lacrosse team anyone??) before we make judgments either way ok ?
It's oldschool wrestling, and I think it's refreshing to have heels actually try to be heels rather than seeking cheers. I'd bet Vince and Randy probably share a laugh over this.

You do realize the days of wrestlers not breaking character are pretty much dead right? It's because of the fact that times have changed, and the IWC has grown rapidly over the years, that wrestlers not breaking character is very rare now a days.

I'd bet Vince and Randy probably share a laugh over this.

Really? You think Vince would want press like this with his wife currently in a senate run. Yeah, I'm sure Vince would not be laughing if one his top guys got caught doing something like this.

The easy (and safe) thing to do is go around shaking hands and taking pictures with people. Big props to Orton for not taking the easy way, it's good for Orton and it's good for WWE. The money isn't in having another guy out there having Hallmark moments with fans, they have guys doing that already. The money is in that other guy who has the sack to go out there and risk his safety to further his character and further develop the product.

Why in the hell do you think this would be good for WWE? Again, Vince's top heel is caught doing something as bad as this, while WWE is currently promoting a kid friendly PG product? Does that make sense to you? Orton has a history of having a bad temper, and all of those incidents were not good for WWE.
I think that these actions if true are disappointing to me as a big Orton fan. But some of you need to get off your high horse, no disrespect intended but Indy wrestling isn't the WWE,so there is no comparison. Kowloon's is in a rich stuck up neighborhood, my cousin lives in Saugus and is an asshole plain and simple.

This kid probably said something derogatory, I highly doubt Orton spit on him just because he asked for a picture get real people.

If you seriously think Orton will be "pushed down the ladder" your either a pure Orton hater or insane because there is NOBODY on Raw who can take his place period.

This story will stay within the IWC ,,and I hope all of you who bashed Orton here come back, and recognize you were wrong. When this story goes nowhere, and the kid is shown to have been an obnoxious brat (like lots of kids in Saugus).

If it's true like I said It would be disappointing, but I highly doubt anything comes from this.

When it comes to Randy Orton there is no middle ground, you either love him, and consider him one of the most naturally gifted heels of all time, or you hate him, and think he is an overrated monotonic asshole.

This potential issue brings out all of those feelings, lets just wait for the legal process to play out (Duke Lacrosse team anyone??) before we make judgments either way ok ?

That's hypocritical, since you already made a judgment that the kid will be shown to be an "obnoxious brat"

I hope that kid sues his ass. I don't care if he (the 15 year old) is already rich - people are bringing up that the kid is probably rich and an asshole, as if that should make you be on Orton's side. And yet orton's rich and probably an asshole as well. The difference is that Orton's the one getting accused of assault, the kid isn't. So it's bullshit that a lot of people are trying to make Orton the victim here.

It's funny that people bring up the fact that other people take the negative reports on Orton as fact automatically, and yet there's no problem when they do the same thing to a shitload of other wrestlers. Sheamus is a suck up backstage? It must be true! etc

If the report turns out to be true then I really doubt WWE is going to punish him. For some reason they think he adds something to the show. I'm sure they'll punish someone else first, for not wearing a tie or some shit.
Does anyone remeber Shawn Merriman? Ben Roethlisberger? The entire Duke lacrosse team? This kind of garbage that's going on with Randy Orton now is the same stuff that happens to all kinds of people in the media. Until anything comes out that Orton has been declared guilty, I'll give Orton benefit of the doubt even if he is a douchebag. I don't buy this.
You do realize the days of wrestlers not breaking character are pretty much dead right? It's because of the fact that times have changed, and the IWC has grown rapidly over the years, that wrestlers not breaking character is very rare now a days.

Just because it's rare doesn't mean it isn't a good thing, and judging by most of the responses here.... Orton what an ass etc..... it seems to be effective in getting the desired reaction from a significant portion of the IWC

Really? You think Vince would want press like this with his wife currently in a senate run. Yeah, I'm sure Vince would not be laughing if one his top guys got caught doing something like this.

Do you really think anyone outside of the IWC is going to ever hear about this story. Spitting gum at someone just doesn't make headlines.

Why in the hell do you think this would be good for WWE? Again, Vince's top heel is caught doing something as bad as this, while WWE is currently promoting a kid friendly PG product? Does that make sense to you? Orton has a history of having a bad temper, and all of those incidents were not good for WWE.

This just generates a little more heat for Orton. It has nothing to do with the on screen product, it will never be mentioned, the kids will never know what happened. But there will be those in the IWC who are turned off by the incident and stop cheering perhaps even become anti-Orton. Mission accomplished. This makes money for WWE in the longrun. At the end of the day all that matters is the money.
@info62-No that's not hypocritical Orton is the one in a potential trouble spot here not the kid. "Innocent until proven guilty" only applies to Orton here all those like yourself who are judging before the legal process plays out are wrong.

You contradicted the opening sentence of your post by calling my statements "hypocritical" you go onto berate Orton with expletives you obviously hate the guy and are letting your bias cloud the issue.

The legal process must play out before anything is said,, this story seems like crap a kid "just" asked Orton for a picture and then he spit gum and berated him verbally sorry that smells like bullshit to me.

Most people like yourself are already crucifying Orton it's unfair and you should be ashamed of yourself.
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