I laughed out loud when I read a story on the main site just now

No doubt there'd be a thread on how much of an idiot Orton is/I am for letting it happen with posts from people who don't know what they're talking about :rolleyes:

Except Orton has a track record regarding stuff like this and being an all-around asshole.

Seriously, stop verbally ******ing him. You're making yourself look ridiculous.
Except Orton has a track record regarding stuff like this and being an all-around asshole.

Seriously, stop verbally ******ing him. You're making yourself look ridiculous.

Hey, go find a post with me "Verbally ******ing" him. Go on, go find it in this thread. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You're calling people who believe this story (and there's absolutely no reason not to) "idiots" despite his murky track record regarding stuff like this. You can't civilly disagree?
Yes, because if history has taught us anything, it's that assumptions can only be a good thing, right?

Yeah, Orton has a reputation for being a complete prick sometimes. Maybe most of the time. But that just means he's more likely to be targeted for stuff like this.

Not to mention that teenagers have an equally notorious reputation for exaggerating and just being all-round liars.

You can't civilly disagree?

Christ, you give one unbiased, hate filled post and you're paying for it for hours afterwards...
Yes, because if history has taught us anything, it's that assumptions can only be a good thing, right?

Not to mention that teenagers have an equally notorious reputation for exaggerating and just being all-round liars.

Pssst... that's one hell of an assumption too.

Agree to disagree. Obviously we're not going to change each other's mind here, and we're going to keep going in circles.

Orton's track record speaks for itself.
Perhaps an assumption, but there's no harm in assuming that generally teenagers spend alot of time lying there asses off. While assuming what could be innocent man has committed a crime can be kinda bad, in case you haven't realised.

Agree to disagree indeed. Yet you've still failed to give me a counter argument.
There you go again, putting words in my post.

So I'll say it again, please, show me the post where I say he didn't do it. Go on, I've got all the time in the world.
It's what you're saying in so many words. Why else is this argument going on?

Anyway, last word and all that. You're arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.
Look who's talking. I'm arguing because you can't seem to comprehend the concept of being unbiased. If every single person in this thread attacked the kid over it, I'd point out why it could be Orton's fault. Don't be such so arrogant, assuming I'm saying something that I'm not, even though you've already made prejudiced assumptions in this thread.

And don't saying something sarcastic as a reply implying I'm liar because you're accusing me of claiming Orton is innocent even though I'm simply unbiased due to the lack of details. Please.

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