[Official] Hulk Hogan Discussion

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I'm not sure how this will go for TNA. It seems like a no-brainer that the world's most popular wrestling personality joining the company would do it good. I'm not so sure.

Firstly, TNA is finally starting to shift its focus towards the young wrestlers, building stars that they'll be able to rely on for years to come. AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Hernandez - the most obvious examples. Shit, even Eric Young's getting a push. Hulk "I'm quite clearly not a young TNA wrestler" Hogan could undo all of that, giving TNA a short term boost but crippling it for years to come. Hulkamania may never die, but Hogan's not invincible.

That's not to hate on Hogan. At this point, I think he - and Bischoff - are only behind The Rock and John Cena in the "Holy shit, TNA signed them!?" stakes. At his lowest point, he's ten times as popular as that peasant called AJ Styles, or even Kurt Angle. Hell, even Sting isn't nearly as big a star as him. He's definitely a very, very valuable addition. Whether this is the right time for him to join TNA, however, is another question.
hogan sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do people still like him, he sucks on the mic and in the ring oh and that fucking leg drop makes me sick every time i see it. damn tna why not go find randy savage, Norman Smiley, Stevie Ray, Disco Inferno, Perry Saturn, Alex Wright, Vader, Steve McMichael, Chris Kanyon, David Arquette and go head to head with raw. fucking hell and i having a feeling the ratings will go up a little cause people will say oh hogan is in tna that will awesome! yuck! go fuck mothers!
I'm not sure how this will go for TNA. It seems like a no-brainer that the world's most popular wrestling personality joining the company would do it good. I'm not so sure.

Firstly, TNA is finally starting to shift its focus towards the young wrestlers, building stars that they'll be able to rely on for years to come. AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Hernandez - the most obvious examples. Shit, even Eric Young's getting a push. Hulk "I'm quite clearly not a young TNA wrestler" Hogan could undo all of that, giving TNA a short term boost but crippling it for years to come. Hulkamania may never die, but Hogan's not invincible.

That's not to hate on Hogan. At this point, I think he - and Bischoff - are only behind The Rock and John Cena in the "Holy shit, TNA signed them!?" stakes. At his lowest point, he's ten times as popular as that peasant called AJ Styles, or even Kurt Angle. Hell, even Sting isn't nearly as big a star as him. He's definitely a very, very valuable addition. Whether this is the right time for him to join TNA, however, is another question.

Solely pushing the young wrestlers themselves, however can be dangerous to a company. Sure, they are investing in the future .... and that is a good thing. BUT, if the mainstream audience isn't buying it, and the audience deteriorates solely pushing young wrestlers, then it won't do all that much good.

However, at the same time, you can't solely push the old timers, and keep the young wrestlers down. After all, they are your Main Event of the future, and they need to be in the equation, as well.

The key is to do both. Push and invest in the young wrestlers, while still having the older talent around to maintain the mainstream fanbase as the younger talent grows.

And hopefully, that is what Russo and Hogan will be able to do this time around.

If I was a younger talent with TNA, I would be ecstatic, though. Hogan's name means two or three times as much exposure as they currently receive .... which means everyone's salary should go up with more tickets and PPV buys being sold. However, speaking of tickets, since TNA does not charge for the Impact Zone, they are going to have to start touring and start making money for TV. This is sure as Hell a good incentive for them to start doing so.
I think it's great for the short term boast in ratings, but I think it's going to be a cancer like in WCW. How are all those EGOS going to manage. Nash, Hogan, Bischoff they didn't want to push the young talent and that's 1 of the factors that led to the down fall. Plus, anybody remember Bash at the Beach I think it was with Russo shooting on Hogan and Jarret laying down for Hogan? Russo cusing Hogan out and calling him names and saying this is whats wrong with this company. How is Russo, Hogan, Nash and Bischoff going to co-work/exist with each other while in creative meetings? I think this bad news for TNA in the long term. Hopefully he only signed for 6 months to a year. Have him feud with Sting or go after the Legends title. Let him feud with the Old dogs of TNA, cause you know Damn well he's not going to job to like Angel, Styles, Morgan, Desmond Wolf.
its offical TNA is WCW all over again dont get me wrong i love hogan but come on let the new guys rise this is what tna should be focusing on not old guy your throwing you money away.Hogan got his send off with the hall of fame. Hogan keep doing his own thing. His show sucked with his wife. just like what happen in WCW you have all the has been trying to regain their glory days anybody watch raw last night WWE is starting to finnely push the new guys and give the rub to the next genrasion of guys. For me this is sad for TNa almost want to call it wcw this is so funny.
How is it Do or Die for TNA, are they really gonna compete now with WWE cos they got Hogan/Bischoff

Do or die because if they push him right to being a champ then the company is plain stupid and will die. They need to use him right and not fuck this up.
I think I'm one of the few people who read this and when F**K, this can't be good.

I'm sorry to all the Hogan fans, but the guy is nothing more than a media attracting, money grubbing idiot. The guy can barely wrestle anymore, and if anyone thinks he is going to help put over the young guys, uhmmm have non of you ever heard of Hulk "I don't job for no one" Hogan.

I guarantee he will be champ within 1-2 month top and will bury the AJ's and EY's and Daniels of the company.

Finally, I have a reason tow atch professional wrestling again. The WWE is a joke and TNA has needed something to get that Audience that the WWE has abandoned to watch their show. Enter Hulk Fucking Hogan. Not only Hogan, but Eric Bischoff. Holy Shit.

Right now I just had a joygasm signing onto the forums as I haven't been this legit psyched for something in years when it comes to the business. TNA just put the WWE on notice, and it's about freaking time.
You just said he can barely wrestle anymore. How can he be champ when being champ requires him to wrestle on a constant basis?
This is going to be a fun train wreck. I wonder how long before Hogan starts bringing in the Nasty Boys and Brutus, and getting them huge pushes.

This will not do much for the company in the long run. I know Hogan has some creative control, and working with guys like AJ will not be high on his list of priorities.
Lord Sidious is right, actually. TNA could fuck up again like that did with Booker T. OK, obviously Booker isn't on the same level as Hogan. However, they kept him in the midcard with Robert Roode when he first came in for, like, three months. By the time he'd emerged from the feud, he'd lost all his momentum. Having Hogan feud with, say, Eric Young straight away would be foolish.

At the same time, having him drop the leg on AJ Styles and take the belt from him would make my balls climb back up inside my body. Unless, of course, there was some sort of...

Hulk just had a surgey and even interviews he say it hard for him to wrestle i dont get hulk at all. Seem to me we all complain how vince fee us what we want thats funny TNa is do what wcw did does any body remamber the New blood vs old bloow MEM VS the front line TNA IS WCW AND WWE WILL ALWAYS BE WERE THE MONEY WILL
This is going to be a fun train wreck. I wonder how long before Hogan starts bringing in the Nasty Boys and Brutus, and getting them huge pushes.

This will not do much for the company in the long run. I know Hogan has some creative control, and working with guys like AJ will not be high on his list of priorities.

You've got me fucking kidding me. I'm sorry, did you guys see Hogan's contract when he signed it? Did you see this completely hypothetical and unproven "creative control" clauses that you guys seem to think exists?

Do you really think TNA is that stupid, to give Hogan creative control? Come on. He's been signed as an employee, not as a god damn booker people. And to suggest he brings in Nasty Boys and Brutus Beefcake? Yeah, HOGAN DOESN'T MAKE THOSE DECISIONS. He doesn't own TNA.

Please people, catch your breath and stop stamping your feet because "Hogan iz gun hold down AmazIng REDD!!!1!", this is excellent news.

Oh and I just marked out over your post Shocky. Welcome back to the fold. Knew you couldn't stay away from the addictive high of pro wrestling.
i hope TNA doesn't screw this up and if eric bischoff really is in charge i think anything can happen. he turned WCW around and knows how to run a company well. BUT, if they try doing the same things they did in WCW this will simply be the end of TNA.
I think Sam worded it best for me. I'm a big fan of the brand and most of their talent. Hogan and Bischoff should never be allowed to abuse their backstage power. Hogan HAS to work with the talent and not against them. This CANNOT be WCW mk II.

But this is massive for the company, makes iMPACT must-see viewing and gave the business one of the biggest kick-up-the-backside ever.
Bubba the love sponge said hogan is coming in as "The Boss". Not "The Working Boss".

He also said hogan told him that he and bishoff said they will not make the same mistake twice (wcw).
I don't think it'll make a difference. How many times have we heard this?

"Oh my god, Sting is coming back full time and it's in TNA"

"Oh my god, Booker T is in TNA"

"Oh my god, Kurt Angle jumped ship to TNA"

This would be bigger than any of those if it was... say... 2004 or so. But now?

Yes, this is a big deal, yes there will be a ratings spike. But a TEMPORARY one.

I really question how Bischoff and Hogan and co-exist with Vince Russo given the history and I also question what Hogan will actually DO. I mean I'm a huge Hulkamaniac 4 lyfe... but in his condition at his age....? People will tune to see what happens, then they'll realize he's an "on camera" character, not an in the ring performer, then stop tuning in.
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You've got me fucking kidding me. I'm sorry, did you guys see Hogan's contract when he signed it? Did you see this completely hypothetical and unproven "creative control" clauses that you guys seem to think exists?

Do you really think TNA is that stupid, to give Hogan creative control? Come on. He's been signed as an employee, not as a god damn booker people. And to suggest he brings in Nasty Boys and Brutus Beefcake? Yeah, HOGAN DOESN'T MAKE THOSE DECISIONS. He doesn't own TNA.
He didn't own WCW. Bubba Sponge has said Hogan has creative control in his contract.

Bubba The Love Sponge:

Hogan will anounce that he has signed with Dixie Carter and tna and he is the boss. Period. Him and Eric biscoff will run the show. Bubba

@MikeandRayshow he is the Booker. Period. Saw it in his contract

Both close friends of Hulk Hogan and it was reports a few months ago this was the deal Hogan presented to Dixie while they were negotiating
I don't know why everyone is dooming TNA to failure before Hogan has even arrived on television yet. It will probably be short term and I don't think Hogan is in any shape to wrestle. You have to have old and new guys in the Impact Zone. AJ Styles and Morgan can't make ratings alone. It's not like Hogan or Bischoff have any kind of creative control or power to make TNA their own company. Dixie Carter is in charge. TNA may have a few ex WCW wrestlers but that doesn't mean they are WCW in any way.

Hogan will probably be a limited on air personality. I don't think he is going to go on Impact next week and take the belt off of A.J. It will more than likely be a small boost to TNA until Hogan finds a better project. I just don't think TNA can lose anything. They have had the best Impact tapings and the best pay per view in months, and they still draw dismal ratings. How can Hogan hurt TNA?

Hogan may only have a small impact in the long run, but there is no way one man can ruin an entire company when he has no stock in it. It took numerous people to do that in WCW. Oh and I would take everything that Bubba the Love Sponge has to say with a grain of salt. I know him and Hogan are buddies, but I don't think Dixie Carter would let anyone take over her company.
Disaster. Just when TNA was getting really good, they bring in a 56 year old guy who will be champ asap and will bury all the young guys. Hogan thinks wrestling is real and HAS to be champion all the time to feed is ego. He wouldn't even put over Shawn Micheals, for Christ sake. Who will he put over in TNA? Nash, Sting, maybe Angle, that's it.

TNA wanted desperately to be WCW, now they are.
This is absolutley great cause now TNA has their mega star that will bring more attention to their show(s). Also with this extra attention this could bring TNA to more indy wrestleers attention. Spomsors during airtime. all kinds of things could happen now that hogan and bischoff are in TNA. And if Bischoff is in Creative Russo is gone, and probably AJ wont been seen weak as achampion (The argument that they had the other day.) So many things can happen now all we have to do is wait and see what happens. But good move to TNA
I don't think it'll make a difference. How many times have we heard this?

"Oh my god, Sting is coming back full time and it's in TNA"

"Oh my god, Booker T is in TNA"

"Oh my god, Kurt Angle jumped ship to TNA"

This would be bigger than any of those if it was... say... 2004 or so. But now?

Yes, this is a big deal, yes there will be a ratings spike. But a TEMPORARY one.

This is a good point. However, Hogan is all that WCW needed to rise above the WWE. Don't underestimate the power of Hulk Hogan's self-promoting marketing machine. Especially because of the fact that supposedly he's now the one in charge... not on television, but for real. Bubba said he's the "real boss."
i hope TNA doesn't screw this up and if eric bischoff really is in charge i think anything can happen. he turned WCW around and knows how to run a company well. BUT, if they try doing the same things they did in WCW this will simply be the end of TNA.

Call it a hunch, but I think Bischoff and Hogan are smart enough to learn from their mistakes made in WCW.

What is good about Bischoff joining, is that Hogan and Bischoff can build up TNA. And if Carter ever gets tired of the company, Hogan and Bischoff will be there to buy it out from her.

I like Dixie personally, though. I think she is very fan friendly. But I think she unquestionably needs more seasoned Executives in the wrestling business to guide her to success. There really are no two better people than Hogan and Bischoff, given their wealth of experience in the business, to do that.
He didn't own WCW. Bubba Sponge has said Hogan has creative control in his contract.

Not sure Bubba the Sponge is exactly the most reliable of sources.

Both close friends of Hulk Hogan and it was reports a few months ago this was the deal Hogan presented to Dixie while they were negotiating

Okay, so that was the deal he used to be working on. How do you know it's the same deal this time?
i have a really bad feeling this wont work out at all, can Hogan even walk these days

all it will deliver are instant ratings which probably wont stick unless the true TNA talent (X Division) are showcased when the ratings are booming

but who else would pay 50$ to see Nigel McGuiness (Wolf) decapitate Hogan with a jawbreaker lariat
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