**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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It's Anderson and Bischoff and some others is my guess
Hogan is not a part of they neither is Russo or the Carters.
Now Abyss will supposedly be fired at 12:01 monday morning..

THEY will come out and desimate everyone probably during the EV2.0 VS. FOURTUNE match to show THEY are the dominate force now in TNA.

I remember back when Samoa Joe had been kidknapped almost a year ago, and the camera in the parking lot gave a brief shot of the driver of the car. To me it looked like it was Eric Bischoff in the driver seat. Now Bischoff seem's to be the only one that can control Abyss, and I believe they are in cahoots, and Bischoff is the leader of THEY, and is setting everything up for a take over of control within the company. Seeing how Bischoff keep's over turning, and underminding Dixie. THEY being Bischoff, Hogan, Jeff Jerrett, Mrs. Tessmacher, Abyss, Brutus Beefcake, and how ever many more they will bring in to run rough shot in TNA along side Hogan/Bischoff/Jerrett. (So Jerrett will gain control of him company again through Hogan/Bischoff). Abyss will be fired at BFG, then on the next Impact Bischoff will come out and rehire Abyss, and Dixie will be ousted from control of the company, by her parent's, and Dixie will come up with her own team to battle for control consisting of NASH,STING,POPE, possibly HALL, and a few more to battle THEY to regain control of the company.

Bischoff tricked Dixie last night into signing control of the company over to BIschoff, and Hogan, and NOT for the firing of ABYSS, but the firing of Dixie.

It will be similiar to black & white NWO vs the red & black NWO.

Just my opinion on what will take place on the storyline of THEY.
I am still confident that Hogan is NOT turning heel. I know there's a lot of skepticism about his back injury being a work, but I think in the end Bischoff will simply be shown to have used Hogan's injury to generate sympathy and throw the fans off the scent of his own shenanigans. After Bischoff goes heel, Hogan will be one of the guys coming after him. We may even seen a hatchet-burying between Sting and Hogan as they join forces to take Bischoff down.

I think Hulk is concerned about his legacy and does not want to go out as a heel. It took a lot for him to bounce back from the Hollywood days and I don't see him throwing that away
All things have been revealed…

On Impact last night, Eric Bischoff had a verbal war of word with Sting, Nash and Pope. In it, he told them that even though Hulk Hogan couldn’t make it to Bound For Glory, he would still give them their match against Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe – in a handicap match!

It is so obvious what is going to happen!

Nash/Sting/Pope vs. Jarrett/Joe will be the main event at Bound For Glory. Jarrett and Joe will put up a good fight, but the numbers game will catch up to them. Just when it looks like all is lost for Jarrett and Joe, Hulk’s music will fill the arena. Hogan will limp towards the ring as the fans anticipate their hero saving the day.

Hogan will enter the ring and go nose to nose with Sting. Angry words will be exchanged. Hogan will cock his fist to strike…but instead will hug Sting. Then Hogan, Sting, Nash and Pope will face Jarrett and Joe and will kick the living snot out of them. Just like in 1996, the fans in Daytona Beach will show their outrage at Hulk Hogan.

As the beatdown gets worse, the combatants in the world title match will make an encore appearance and will come down to try and even things up against the new Wolfpac.

During the melee, the lights will go out and then red flood lights will fill the arena. The monster Abyss will come out and join the new Wolfpac.

As the Wolfpac is laying the boots to the faces, RVD comes out with chair in hand and helps the faces.

The PPV goes off the air with Eric Bischoff tearing up the termination papers for Abyss in front of Dixie Carter and laughing.

Think it through and you will see that this is the only scenerio that makes sense from all angles.

That is just one man’s opinion
At first I thought They was going to turn out to be Russo and Jarrett in an attempt to take the company back from Hogan/Bischoff. It made sense with the event being in Daytona the place of the 2000 Bash at Beach where Russo fired Hogan on Nitro 10 years ago, and storyline Jarrett should want his company back and who better to align with than Russo a long time enemy of Hogan and Bischoff?!

Then I realized that Daytona is also the place where nWo started 14 years ago and considering that those involved are Sting, Nash, Bischoff, Hogan, Jarrett it makes sense to have some sort of Bischoff/Hogan heel turn and new nWo type takeover. Impact tonight made it even more obvious with Bischoff having Dixie sign some papers that are likely to give him complete control over TNA. After some CSI style investigating here is why I say its Bischoff and possibly Hogan. Look at the facts:

Sting and Nash start talking deception and Bishchoff continues to stop them from talking to Dixie. Gets her to see them as the bad guys. - Essentially they have seen this before from nWo days and are likely trying to prevent it. Abyss is used as a pawn by Hogan/Bischoff from the beginning. He now destroys TNA threatening and scaring people. By doing this everyone's fears cloud their judgment and thus Dixie signs over company to Bischoff unknowingly on Impact. Simple distraction that works.

So the They is Bischoff and crew taking over TNA from Dixie. The Deception Sting brought up is them conning her. Sting said "whats black is white, whats white is black." Hogan, Bischoff, Kennedy, Abyss, and maybe Jarrett/Joe turn heel at the PPV to create a modern nWo faction. Pope/Sting/Nash are the true faces trying to reveal and stop this but because of Dixie they never got to. Joe could be heel from the beginning having to do with his kidnapping. I dont see how Jarrett fits into this though and dont know why he would want them to run his former company so likely they turn on him at the PPV as well. Kennedy wins the world title and retires Angle by pinning Hardy. Angle gets pissed and starts a feud with the faction as well.

So then TNA has three factions essentially. The new nWo type, Fortune, and TNA. Let the WCW/nWo era type faction wars and swerves, side switching, etc begin.
At first I thought They was going to turn out to be Russo and Jarrett in an attempt to take the company back from Hogan/Bischoff. It made sense with the event being in Daytona the place of the 2000 Bash at Beach where Russo fired Hogan on Nitro 10 years ago, and storyline Jarrett should want his company back and who better to align with than Russo a long time enemy of Hogan and Bischoff?!

Then I realized that Daytona is also the place where nWo started 14 years ago and considering that those involved are Sting, Nash, Bischoff, Hogan, Jarrett it makes sense to have some sort of Bischoff/Hogan heel turn and new nWo type takeover. Impact tonight made it even more obvious with Bischoff having Dixie sign some papers that are likely to give him complete control over TNA. After some CSI style investigating here is why I say its Bischoff and possibly Hogan. Look at the facts:

Sting and Nash start talking deception and Bishchoff continues to stop them from talking to Dixie. Gets her to see them as the bad guys. - Essentially they have seen this before from nWo days and are likely trying to prevent it. Abyss is used as a pawn by Hogan/Bischoff from the beginning. He now destroys TNA threatening and scaring people. By doing this everyone's fears cloud their judgment and thus Dixie signs over company to Bischoff unknowingly on Impact. Simple distraction that works.

So the They is Bischoff and crew taking over TNA from Dixie. The Deception Sting brought up is them conning her. Sting said "whats black is white, whats white is black." Hogan, Bischoff, Kennedy, Abyss, and maybe Jarrett/Joe turn heel at the PPV to create a modern nWo faction. Pope/Sting/Nash are the true faces trying to reveal and stop this but because of Dixie they never got to. Joe could be heel from the beginning having to do with his kidnapping. I dont see how Jarrett fits into this though and dont know why he would want them to run his former company so likely they turn on him at the PPV as well. Kennedy wins the world title and retires Angle by pinning Hardy. Angle gets pissed and starts a feud with the faction as well.

So then TNA has three factions essentially. The new nWo type, Fortune, and TNA. Let the WCW/nWo era type faction wars and swerves, side switching, etc begin.

NO! NO! NO! Why people keep saying that Bischoff/Hogan is "THEY"? That doesn't make sense. Look at the latest video from TNA - Bound For Glory edition of TNA's Before the Bell.

You can watch it here:

At 13:42, Abyss said:

"I have no repercussions... I have no feelings of guilt... I feel nothing... on taking TNA and turning it upside down on its head, with systematic extermination of EACH and EVERY MEMBER of the TNA ROSTER... and it started with Rob Van Dam."

At 18:58, Abyss said:

"On 10/10/10 at the Monster's ball at Bound for Glory, when THEY ARRIVE... WE will celebrate THEIR ARRIVAL with your termination. At Bound for Glory, I'm going to murder you!"

So Abyss is saying... they will ARRIVE and it will be during the Monster's Ball... not during the World Heavyweight Championship match. So there's a possibility that the Monster's Ball is going to be the last match of the show.

So if THEY is Hogan/Bischoff and/or TNA guys, they are already there. No sense what so ever to expect an ARRIVAL!!!

Also Abyss was instructed to eliminate all members of TNA roster... but Sting and Nash are saying its all about the money, etc. Then if Hogan/Bischoff get rid of the roster, who's going to produce them money? Why they want the control if everybody is going to be destroyed? They will need to replace the roster with new wrestlers then... Again, it doesn't make sense.

So the "Deception" angle and the "THEY" angle has to be two completely different stories.
So the opening of iMPACT was easily overshadowed by the "kidnapping" of Dixie Carter. We then saw EB set up the Handicapped match for BFG. What I think was looked over here was something D'Angelo Dinero said in his promo on Eric. He talked about many things, and all of them had to do with the deception angle, but the one that struck a chord with me was this one:

"At Bound For Glory, the walls are coming down on you."

Sure, I could see how easily I'm reading into this, but I have the strangest feeling that I'm not. So if you cannot figure out what I was getting at with the quote, I'll direct you straight to the question that is:

Will 10.10.10. mark the arrival of Chris Jericho to TNA?
Considering that Bischoff has never been high on Jericho, theres no way hed be in the biggest thing for tna in 2010
Considering that Bischoff has never been high on Jericho, theres no way hed be in the biggest thing for tna in 2010

When it comes to business, if you were TNA, even if you didn't like Jericho, you would bring him in simply because he will make your product 10x what it is right now. Y2J has so much left to give to wrestling and the best place for him to do it is TNA. People will disagree but there is something about Chris Jericho and Total Nonstop Action that just agrees with me naturally. If TNA wants to make people really blown away tomorrow night, the walls WILL come down on Bischoff; courtesy of Y2J.
it would be great if it does turn out to be hogan and bischoff and jarrett out of all the possiblities that would be the most awesome. i mean real awesome not miz lame awesone.
I think Eric Bischoff is going to be revealed as "They" as well. Along with possibly Jeff Jarrett and someone else working with him.
I don't see Jarrett being involved, I see Samoa Joe and Abyss siding with Bischoff and Hogan, with Jarrett just being a pawn by Bischoff in the whole thing. I mean, Bischoff wanted rid of Jarrett at the start, having him face Mick Foley in a retirement match. I think has used changed the way he is with Jarrett once he realised Sting was on to him so Jarrett would get the blame.

On a side note, Bischoff didn't used to be high on Jericho, apparently he's a fan now. Oh, and Shawn Michaels has a big announcement sometime this week apparently, I know it's a long shot but since every other name that's not currently active has been mentioned I might as well throw him in ;)
When it comes to business, if you were TNA, even if you didn't like Jericho, you would bring him in simply because he will make your product 10x what it is right now. Y2J has so much left to give to wrestling and the best place for him to do it is TNA. People will disagree but there is something about Chris Jericho and Total Nonstop Action that just agrees with me naturally. If TNA wants to make people really blown away tomorrow night, the walls WILL come down on Bischoff; courtesy of Y2J.

dream on not going to happen Jericho is not going to Tna that would be a
huge step backwards . besides he's in the UK on tour with Fozzy.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but this Thursday when Abyss was dragging Dixie around he said this :

"All the millions that you spent ... GONE! The silver spoon in your mouth ... GONE! Tell me, do you prefer Bob or do you prefer Janice?!"

Seems like more proof that Dixie's parents will be involvedin the angle somehow.
When it comes to business, if you were TNA, even if you didn't like Jericho, you would bring him in simply because he will make your product 10x what it is right now. Y2J has so much left to give to wrestling and the best place for him to do it is TNA. People will disagree but there is something about Chris Jericho and Total Nonstop Action that just agrees with me naturally. If TNA wants to make people really blown away tomorrow night, the walls WILL come down on Bischoff; courtesy of Y2J.

How can it be Jericho if there's a 90 day no compete clause? It can't so dream on.
"How can it be Jericho if there's a 90 day no compete clause? It can't so dream on."

If his contract expired , the 90 day no contract cause will not take effect.
oh sorry i forgot to add this.
Considering the contract thingi that would have Abyss fired after BFG, isnt it logical that whoever "THEY" is will have the power to overrule that decision.
I am pretty sure it is going to be Bischoff starting his own little group consisting of Abyss, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson and Pope. I think Pope and Samoa Joe turn on their partners in the match some how. And then at the end of the show they help Anderson win the title. Bischoff shows that the contract Dixie signed to fire Abyss was really her signing over the company to him. So that sets up a face group of Jarrett, Sting, Hogan, Angle, RVD and Jeff Hardy to fight back against them.

I think it will be awesome if they have the group of ex WWE'ers (benjamin, haas, carlito) show up during the leathal lockdown and take them out. Everyone thinks that is who THEY are. But it is not. Then have a originals show up (monty, daniels, storm) and do something. Everything thinks that is who THEY are, but its not. Just mind fuck everyone
I cannot imagine that if WWE thought there was any chance at all of Chris Jericho jumping ship to the "competition," they would be releasing a DVD about him. They must have some degree of confidence that he will be returning to WWE, otherwise they could potentially be releasing a DVD promoting a guy jumping ship to the other side.

My final prediction regarding the identity of "they" is:

Eric Bischoff
Hulk Hogan (not to be revealed tonight, this will come later)
Paul Heyman

Plus one or two former WWE guys joiniing in to adds numbers to the group (possibly Helms and/or Carlito)
Last minute swerve, added to the Bob-and-Janice-Carter prediction.

"They" show up after the Abyss-RVD Monster's Ball match. Tenay identifies Bob and Janice Carter.

Bob and Janice Carter announce the firing of Hogan and Bischoff from the TNA Championship Committee, giving full power back to Dixie. Their contracts with Panda are terminated, their only role now is as employees of TNA. (Under Dixie's full control.)

Dixie heel turn, justified by Hogan and Bischoff not producing any return on the money that was laid out. Abyss, on his knees, takes Dixie's hand and kisses it.
Last minute swerve, added to the Bob-and-Janice-Carter prediction.

"They" show up after the Abyss-RVD Monster's Ball match. Tenay identifies Bob and Janice Carter.

Bob and Janice Carter announce the firing of Hogan and Bischoff from the TNA Championship Committee, giving full power back to Dixie. Their contracts with Panda are terminated, their only role now is as employees of TNA. (Under Dixie's full control.)

Dixie heel turn, justified by Hogan and Bischoff not producing any return on the money that was laid out. Abyss, on his knees, takes Dixie's hand and kisses it.

I think that the concept of Bob and Janice Carter being a component of the "they" storyline, and possibly even being "them," is an intriguing idea and was a very clever idea that I give you full credit for postulating. You were the first one to my knowledge on these forums to suggest it, and it's a logical idea that would be pretty interesting. It certainly makes a lot of sense and is a more interesting theory than many of the silly things that some others have suggested on here.

Unfortunately, though, I don't think your theory is correct. Interesting, yes, and likely better than what it actually will turn out to be, but in the end I don't see Bob and Janice being involved in any capacity. And I actually preferred some of your earlier Bob and Janice theories better than the one above involving the Dixie Carter heel turn.

I think Dixie unknowingly signed control of TNA over to Eric Bischoff on iMPACT when she signed Abyss's "termination papers". This makes Bischoff a central figure in the storyline, as well as Abyss, who terrorized Dixie and made her vulnerable and flustered enough to sign paperwork without reading it. Hogan's involvement, or lack thereof, comes down to the legitimacy of his back surgery situation. It could all be a work, and he's involved as well from day one. It could be somewhat true, and he could be involved later when he is physically able to play a role. Or he could be totally uninvolved if his back surgery situation is legitimate and he is not physically able to get involved. And they can leave this hanging for a while to see how his back is.

The new "faction" will need some more numbers to give them more clout. This could be Helms, Carlito, or whoever coming in as "WWE rejects," explaining partially how they are "coming." RVD will be a shocking swerve component to the angle, with the Abyss/RVD thing all having been a work, as the alleged beatdown happened off camera and could have all been choreographed. RVD will be in line to re-capture his title from likely Kurt Angle, or possibly Anderson, at the next PPV. RVD had to ensure that Abyss would not actually get fired on last week's iMPACT, implying that Bischoff, RVD, and Abyss were all in cahoots.

And the mastermind of it all? Paul Heyman, who has been working the IWC all along with his denial of involvement with TNA and his criticism of them. Who better to lead a group with RVD as it's central figure than Heyman, knowing their long history. And how better to change the world of professional wrestling forever, than to have Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman together. No one would predict it.

There you have it, the world of TNA as seen by HHF.
Today is finally the day. This is the longest wait for a storyline to be revealed in TNA history I think.

There seems to be a lot invested in who "They" are. There are numerous rumors and speculated opinions. Some people will be proven right, and A LOT of people will be proven wrong.

I just wonder if TNA is going to deliver something off the charts, or if we will be chalking up another letdown from TNA.

Is it going to truly be "Bound For Glory" or are we "Bound For Disappointment" once again from TNA's lack of deliverance when it comes to their promises and surprises?

EDIT: Either way, I am excited to watch though and see how it unfolds!!
I've gotta admit now I'm hoping it's a group of TNA originals! X-division guys, Knockouts... the people that were released that shouldn't have been coming back to run out some of Hogan's boys.
instead of Hogan and Bischoff, I'd like to see it be Bischoff and not Hogan.

Dixie is the President. basically owner? other than her parents Bob and Janice.
Hogan was brought on in January and is Managing Partner.
according to wikipedia Eric Bischoff is Executive Producer. does that really give Bischoff power to make decisions?
I have been a little confused in what power Bischoff has. I have seen times in the past where Bischoff has said he didn't have the authority to make matches, yet other times he does make matches. just on the last Impact Dixie wanted Bischoff to fire Abyss, even though she could have done so herself. clearly Eric did not want to do this. it was also Bischoff who got Abyss to release Dixie at the opening of the show.
maybe Bischoff is in connection with Abyss. the contract that Eric got Dixie to sign, is maybe giving him control of the company. maybe Bischoff can say how he should be running the company and not Dixie or Hogan. Bischoff could be the one being heel.

I'm not sure exactly how this connects in with the handicap tag match with Nash/Sting/Pope vs Jarrett/Joe. maybe Nash/Sting/Pope are with Bischoff? it would be interesting to see Joe turn on Jarrett. Jarrett can be upset because he is with Hogan. we saw before Nash asking Joe to join them.

there are probably going to be a lot of fans expecting something to happen in the tag match with someone like Hogan coming down. they could probably show the 3 getting the advantage on the 2 and then Hogan coming down to the ring. maybe Bischoff could also come down. it could then be Bischoff saying get him, maybe to Nash/Sting/Pope and possibly Joe to attack Hogan. that would depend on how much Hogan can get hit with his back, if that's legit. making it seem like Hogan is going to turn heel will be a swerve because a lot of people would be expecting that.

I could see Bischoff with an attitude that he should be the boss and in control and work well as a heel. I don't really think Hogan AND Bischoff together both as non wrestlers would really be that good.
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