**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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Typical TNA....Always disappointing.....Anyway I am in no way a TNA fan so makes no difference.

Then what was the of posting something here? idiot.

Anyway that is not happening, no way in hell is that happening. WWE has been advertising foley's book, which is weird; but nah somebody wouldve said something.

They is most likely the people from AAA.

In the end kudos to TNA for having everyone scratch their heads and finally bringing something unpredictable to wrestling.
Typical TNA....Always disappointing.....Anyway I am in no way a TNA fan so makes no difference.

Then what was the point of posting something here? idiot.

Anyway that is not happening, no way in hell is that happening. WWE has been advertising foley's book, which is weird; but nah somebody wouldve said something.

They is most likely the people from AAA.

In the end kudos to TNA for having everyone scratch their heads and finally bringing something unpredictable to wrestling.
About 2 weeks ago I thought - I bet Tessmacher and Bischoff was they. Then I thought nah - I'd get lit up like a Christmas tree if I posted that. Glad to see someone else wondered it. I like the mole theory vs. Tessmacher herself being "they". I had this picture of her dropping the glasses and submissive act and turing into a real alpha female that ends up with her being the person trying to take TNA from Dixie. All the while Bischoff is her croney.... Then I started reading other theories on the board which seemed more plausible. Wonder if she could pull off that role?

Like your thinking that would make good tv lol. Another woman taking power from the already "all-powerful" woman in TNA... Ooo. As a matter of fact I want this to happen now... and yes I don't think she could pull off the character of a "mole" all that well. It is probably more plausible to think of a group taking over TNA or the like...

=O just thought of something... return of MEM =o.
I would love TNA to join WWE... think of the great fueds/talents wrestling... BUT imagine how long one show would be to give everyone a spotlight LOL. *Not looking forward to watching a 5 hour show if this does happen... ¬.¬*
Anyway that is not happening, no way in hell is that happening. WWE has been advertising foley's book, which is weird; but nah somebody wouldve said something.

They is most likely the people from AAA.

In the end kudos to TNA for having everyone scratch their heads and finally bringing something unpredictable to wrestling.

I think the kudos to TNA can be saved till after 10.10.10 .If its another bit of bad booking and the "they" turn out to be something of a lame duck then the build up wouldnt have been worth anything now.....isn't it?
As interesting a notion as it may be, there's no way that "they" are a takeover invasion from WWE. It would make for very compelling television, and would be amazing if it could actually be pulled off without anyone knowing about it, but it would be the death of TNA as we know it. If Vince McMahon bought TNA, he'd likely do the same thing to it that he did to ECW and WCW, and we all know what that is. If there's any WWE component to "them," at most it's a faction of former WWE guys (Carlito, Helms, Knox, James, Burchill, Yang, Benjamin, Haas, whoever).

It's great because this angle really has people talking, and that's a really good thing. If they deliver. If they get people talking and speculating, get the anticipation of the wrestling world peaked, and then fall flat with another in a series of disappointments, that will be apocalyptic to them in my opinion. But if they can do something right for once, could be epic.

I wonder how many of the current TNA roster even knows at this stage of the game who "they" are. I wonder if they go into BFG with the only people knowing the identity of "them" being the guys directly involved. Even the guys who are directly associated with this angle could possibly be left unaware until the last minute. That way there's no mystery tweets, no slip-ups, no hints, nothing that could spoil the revelation that will chart the course of TNA for the upcoming months. If it were to be something as significant as a WWE takeover (which again I think has 0% chance of happening), and everyone knew it, it would be nearly impossible to keep it under wraps. The TNA guys would have to see their ultimate demise from an angle of this nature, hard to imagine they'd keep quiet about it.

Personally I think "they" will be a mixture of a few elements. I see three or four guys from the current TNA roster being joined by a backstage character and one debuting new person. I think it will be Mr. Anderson, joined by Abyss and a couple of old guys (Hogan, Bischoff, Sting, Nash, I'm not sure who, but a couple of these guys). Throw Russo into the mix as well as some former WWE reject (Helms for example) and there you have it. Probably disappointing in the end, only time will tell.

I have to say, though, I do find WWE's references to Mick Foley on RAW and SD!, his interview with Joey Styles on wwe.com, and references to "Countdown to Lockdown" surprising and a little intriguing. It likely means nothing, but flies in the face of everything Vince McMahon has ever said and done regarding anything non-WWE in the past. Hard to imagine that he acknowledges nothing outside of the WWE universe for years, but then all of a sudden has such a soft spot for Foley and his book at this point in time. Especially when Foley jumped ship and has been somewhat vocal in his displeasure with Vince and the WWE, directly or indirectly via EV2.0. I would think Vince if anything would be pissed off with Foley rather than respectful of him and helping him promote himself.
I bet that Pope will turn on Nash and Sting. Tessmacher and him have something going on, as if they're in a relationship or something. This week she called somebody and acted all horny and shit, told whoever she'll meet him in 20 minutes. Watch Pope backstab somebody.
I bet that Pope will turn on Nash and Sting. Tessmacher and him have something going on, as if they're in a relationship or something. This week she called somebody and acted all horny and shit, told whoever she'll meet him in 20 minutes. Watch Pope backstab somebody.

It is quite possible. In addition, in the second last Impact Bischoff and Pope were supposed to have a private discussion. It might be possible that they reached some agreement.
Brutus Beefcake was on a radio station in Miami, where he says that he's going to TNA to join Hulk Hogan where they're "starting from scratch & going NWO Style."

I found this on another site. You be the judge.
I found this on another site. You be the judge.

Prove? Link?

If that's the case, then I see TNA going down. I think people are tired of the NWO angle. And I've been a great supporter, but I feel like this is going to be a bad idea and huge disappointment.

But again... prove? Link? It's easy to just make things up on the internet. So...
Prove? Link?

If that's the case, then I see TNA going down. I think people are tired of the NWO angle. And I've been a great supporter, but I feel like this is going to be a bad idea and huge disappointment.

But again... prove? Link? It's easy to just make things up on the internet. So...

Well... I googled it myself.... and apparently you are right! DAMN IT!!!

I hope this is just a joke and fans have just been worked by Brutus Beefcake.
Prove? Link?

If that's the case, then I see TNA going down. I think people are tired of the NWO angle. And I've been a great supporter, but I feel like this is going to be a bad idea and huge disappointment.

But again... prove? Link? It's easy to just make things up on the internet. So...

http://www.pwinsider.com/article/51...german-promotion-relaunches-and-more.html?p=1 There, I took the liberty myself. An nWo rehash would be a bad idea for TNA.

As for the WWE invasion, it would be amazing TV for what, two weeks maybe. The wrestlers in TNA would never find their own footing in WWE. Also, much of the TNA roster is comprised of former WWE superstars, some of which would not be welcomed back at all.

And I mirror the kudos comment, TNA does have me slightly interested with at least THIS part of their product. 10.10.10 had better be fantastic.
http://www.pwinsider.com/article/51...german-promotion-relaunches-and-more.html?p=1 There, I took the liberty myself. An nWo rehash would be a bad idea for TNA.

Thanks, but I already mentioned I googled it myself in my previous post. But thanks.

Still, I think this is Brutus bluffing and talking $#!%. There are people saying he said similar stuff when Hogan signed with TNA... that he was heading to TNA and joining him. It didn't happen so... I hope this is just another bluff.
I think Beefcake is just stirring up the pot. Russo showing his face on Reaction is probably a sign he's going to be the face of "They" along w Double J, Joe and Abyss. I'd love to see a group w James Mitchell of monster heels w Abyss, Mike Knox, Snitzky and Kevin Thorn be bad asses. I still think the ultimate answer to "They" would be Shane McMahon!
I think Beefcake is just stirring up the pot. Russo showing his face on Reaction is probably a sign he's going to be the face of "They" along w Double J, Joe and Abyss. I'd love to see a group w James Mitchell of monster heels w Abyss, Mike Knox, Snitzky and Kevin Thorn be bad asses. I still think the ultimate answer to "They" would be Shane McMahon!

The last sentence of your reply to the topic is bullshit. Why would Shane McMahon ruin the relationship with his own father? Shane's gone into MMA last I've heard and there's no way he'll join TNA, unless the WWE are planning another Invasion Angle and have Shanr "buy" TNA.

I like your answer about James Mitchell. Have him and a couple other guys brought in as they and bring in a darker side of TNA. Do what NWO did to WCW except with new team. I think that'd set up some ratings and intersts in TNA.
I am still sticking to my theory and say Hogan, Bischoff, and Jarrett are the management of "They" who will be appointed by Dixies parents to run TNA and get rid of Dixie.


will be the 4 guys in the new group.
It wouldn't be unheard of for a McMahon to work a wrestling company other than their fathers.

I think Shane being They would be the biggest coup in the history of wrestling.

Along with that, I wondered about the list of available talent. There are so very few names out there, but I think with deep enough purse strings, they might be able to swing it. McMahon showing up with a stable consisting of WGTT, Helms, Goldberg, and Batista would shake wrestlings foundation. Throw a couple of the WWE guys currently in TNA as "sellouts" (Foley, Angle, Anderson, etc). First thing the new stable does is get rid of the ridiculous ECW crap going on. Destroy them and move on.

I have a feeling 10-10-10 is going to be a huge letdown though. If I had to guess, I think it will be Dixie's evil owner character debut. She really likes to play wrestling.
I think "They" will be a letdown. It will consist of wrestlers in the TNA industry or some AAA wrestlers, but i can't see any WWE superstars being involved, they couldnt keep it under the wraps, someone would of found out, ex WWE superstars maybe, but none involved with the company at the moment.
some sites are saying that its believed that they are a combination of hogan/bischoff/jarrett, and nash/sting will be babyfaces....if thats true, it would be incredibly disappointing and really pointless. The only person I could barely give a shit about of those five is sting.
It is quite possible that 'they' are hogan, bischoff and jarrett. However, I personally would not be that disappointed if this was the case. I think it could be interesting, provided that the booking will be done right and they will not form nWo 6.0 or the Band 2.0.
If they are 'they', I think it would just be a waste, since its been the biggest hyped thing since 'january 4th' and look how that turned out. Ill even go as far to say that the whole hospital thing could be a ruse(which would make things worse since it would mean Hogan might wrestle). I really hope they dont do a 'new blood' thing. I think we'll get a big tease/hint on thursday.
There had better be an outside component to the identity of "they" or TNA will have yet another disappointment and broken promise to deal with. I'm not suggesting that all of "them" need be outsider invaders, but if the identity of "them" turns out to just be a collection of existing TNA guys it will be a huge disappointment.

Whenever Abyss talks about them, he talks about how they are coming. This would be at best misleading and at most downright deceptive if "they" are already there.

I'm sure it will be a bunch of existing TNA guys involved and that's fine, but there needs to be someone from the outside who is coming or it will all fall flat.
I found this on another website.

– TNA Wrestling officials are hopeful that the disclosure of “They” at Bound for Glory will hook a number of fans to purchase the pay-per-view event. The widespread assumption amongst the TNA locker room is that “They” will be revealed as a combination of Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and possibly Jeff Jarrett.

Though D’Angelo Dinero cut what was described as a ‘heelish promo’ on Thursday’s iMPACT!, many believe he, Sting and Kevin Nash will turn babyface once “They” is revealed. (source: Pro Wrestling Torch)

This doesn't sound good at all, another nail in the coffin of TNA.
If "they" is hogan/bishoff/Jarrett its over for TNA. 2 guys that talk and 1 that hardly wrestles. What would be the point of doing this? Only thing that could save this is if those three get together so whatever they are going to do only to have Heyman come in and kick them out and have the TNA young guys back him.

I'm hoping its Heyman taking over TNA from Dixie/Hogan/Bishoff. TNA needs this to be a home run. Anything else would be a major letdown, and I do mean MAJOR!!!
It wouldn't be unheard of for a McMahon to work a wrestling company other than their fathers.
When has this happened? When Shane bought WCW? TNA is a whole different company while WCW was already WWE's property. Wouldn't you think Vince would somehow know if his own son was doing something for TNA? Besides, I believe Shane has been trying to get into MMA or something like that. Helping UFC behind the scene.

I think Shane being They would be the biggest coup in the history of wrestling.
It would be fucking HUGE, yes, but only a 0.01% chance of happening.

Along with that, I wondered about the list of available talent. There are so very few names out there, but I think with deep enough purse strings, they might be able to swing it. McMahon showing up with a stable consisting of WGTT, Helms, Goldberg, and Batista would shake wrestlings foundation.
McMahon IS NOT showing up. The World's greatest tag team are in ROH and I believe they have contracts. Goldberg is in negotiation with the WWE for some kind of contract to be able to use him in some kind of merchindise. I find it highly doubtful the WWE are that stupid to not include some kind of no compete clause in his contract. Batista is too loyal to the WWE. Its a possibility but I believe he's training for MMA last I heard. Helms, ok. The most likely out of your list. But would TNA's foundation really be that shaken if Helms came into TNA? I think not.
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