**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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I hope Tessmacher isn't involved in the big picture. We have seen very little of her and even though she is nice to look at, there is no need for her to have a bigger role. It seems that all signs point to a Hogan/Bischoff heel turn at Bound For Glory. I don't know if they will form an NWO type alliance, but with Bound For Glory heading to Daytona Florida it doesn't look good.
If Tessmacher is the leader of this " They " or has anything to do with this angle, it will be a horrible pay off. She's had little no television time, and it would be disappointing to have her as any part of it. This angle has been going on for months, and month after month we were waiting for a pay off. Now on 10/10/10 we will finally have what we hope to be the huge pay off for this angle. All angles point to some possible turns , a few heel turns, maybe a few face turns. Right now everyone seems to think an nWo type of stable will form, however, I have a feeling that isn't it. I think it will be one or two guys and Abyss and " They " will take over TNA and put an end to all the B/S going on in TNA.
Can you explain why Jarret is aligniating with Bischoff after all the bull**** and humiliation he received from him since day one? Can you explain why Hogan and Bischoff want RVD out for good and now Hardy, who have been Hogan's guys since day one? Can you explain then why Abyss point alll three: Dixie, Hogan and Bischoff when he said that THEY were comming and were going to take out them? Can you explain why Abyss was saying THEY are coming... but apparently THEY were there the whole time?!? Doesn't make sense.

Sting and Nash were telling everybody about the conspiracy and Bischoff/Hogan needed something to distract Dixie Carter and the locker room from the truth. Abyss has done that. Abyss randomly turns on Hogan just as Sting was putting the pieces together. The "They are coming" thing was done to confuse people. If "They" were said to already be here, then it would be too obvious.

Jarrett was more than likely in on the whole conspiracy the entire time or he was turned after he figured out it was his only chance of regaining control of HIS company.

I highly doubt They involves Panda Energy or AAA, two companies that haven't been mentioned on TNA television for several years.
I smell the Vince McMahon being the hooded dude in the Corporate Ministry happening here. It'll be someone within TNA as "They" and it'll turn out ******ed like most things TNA.

However, outside of that like a lot of folks are saying, I have no actual idea who THEY are and it's exciting. It's hard to keep anything secret in todays day in age thanks to you fucks!

Kidding...but it is hard.
I am a casual TNA fan, but I've been watching this angle and I really want it to be good. I want WWE to have competition and, if TNA proves to be that, all the better to them. I think the 'they' angle will cement whethere they can be legitimate competition to the WWE powerhouse or not. Well, at least the 'they' storyline will tell me if I want to tune into TNA when it's on, or just watch it OnDemand.

In terms of 'they', after reading reports, I have a strong feeling it could be AAA, so a TNA-style Invasion angle. In terms of gaining viewers in South America, I think it could be a good idea. However, a lot of casual fans haven't really heard of AAA, so I think it could end up being disappointing. If they want it to bring in names who are well known, former WWE stars such as Helms and Carlito would be good, but if they want to expand the business and possible fanbase, teaming up with AAA and doing and Invasion-style concept would work. Really, it all depends on how TNA want to handle this.

Personally, I'm not a fan of 'they' being Dixie's parents; it'd be a huge disapointment to me. I mean, if you've been planning an angle for months, hyping it and acting as if it's the biggest thing in wrestling, I really don't think the owners coming on screen is the best option. TNA is a wrestling show; if Bob and Janice were involved in the Deception angle, fine, but please TNA, you don't need more management types, especially not in the 'they' angle. Unless it's Paul Heyman in a management role, which it won't be.

Knowing TNA though, I can see it being Dixie's parents. Here's hoping to it being a lot better than that.
Maybe I'm pushing this too far... but its interesting:

AAA converted to Binary Code is:

Take this as what it is. Me, being a geek, and simply obsessed with the THEY angle.

i think some new guy will join jarret and samoe joe in a match and all three will belong to they when later on the show it will be revealed
Man, either way this is great. If it pays off...GREAT! If it completely disappoints...GREAT! I want an A+ or an F- for 10 10 10 baby, I would love to see these angles fail because I hate the direction of the company, but if its actually a sweet payoff then it will make that direction clearer and, in theory, better.
Miss Tessmacher, being Bishoff's personal secretary, knows about everything that goes on in TNA. Her putting on the big boobed, empty headed assistant act to convince Bishoff she is no threat, would make her the perfect mole for "They". She has already fed information to Sting, Nash, & Pope, so why wouldn't she feed information to "They"? "They" have power and money, and once "They" take over Miss Tessmacher would have it too. I think her new position as "head bitch in charge" of the Knockouts is just a classic Russo swerve. She may very well be involved in undermining Bishoff and Hogan, under "They's" direction to make the take over easier.

Do you think Miss Tessmacher is a mole?

Do you think she is conspiring with Sting, Nash & Pope to further her agenda to take out Bishoff & Hogan?

I generally flow TNA but am a WWE fan and in Raw and Smackdwon I have noticed several TNA insinuations. Now I thought about it for a little and thought maybe Abyss is talking about the WWE. Like some take over or something. As the current abyss is a monster character possibly he might have contacted somehow WWE and found out that either they are buying TNA or they are doing aninvasion of TNA. This could help boost both companies Cable Ratings if iot did happen. It just got me thinikng though consdiering WWE never mentions TNA at all
........until very recently. Never by name, but they just conducted an interview with Mick Foley for Mick's new book, "Countdown to Lockdown."

This won't happen. These two companies will never work with each other. Although it's a great idea and I would like to see something like it in the future. But it just won't happen.
It would create some compelling television. But I just do not see how anyone could keep this under wraps this long. In this day and age with the internet, dirt sheets, and multiple insider information, someone would have found out by now. It would be very interesting and impressive to say the least that they kept it a secret from everyone.
Wow, I never thought about it that way before. Knowing Russo, that very well could be what happens. But with this guy, expect them to go a much worse route. You've got a great point with the innocent, big-boobed, harmless secretary image. And she is feeding all the info. Could very well be a mole. But don't count on it, she'll most likely end up having nothing to do with the actual outcome.
Just no dude. :lmao:

Why would WWE advertise TNA? They wouldn't. That's exactly what they'd be doing if they even mentioned them on any product of theirs. The WWE doesn't see TNA as competition in anyway. And if WWE bought out TNA we would know about it. This storyline has been around for a little while now and if THEY are WWE, we would've already heard something about it. Neither TNA or WWE are that secretive about anything. For example, If Triple H is planning a return, the IWC probably can guess the time frame of his return.This is the age of the internet. Something that HUGE would eventualy leak and everyone would know it. As far as I know, there isn't even a roumor about this. This idea is a little far fetched for my taste.

*But I credit you for thinking outside of the box.*
It would create some compelling television. But I just do not see how anyone could keep this under wraps this long. In this day and age with the internet, dirt sheets, and multiple insider information, someone would have found out by now. It would be very interesting and impressive to say the least that they kept it a secret from everyone.

When you think about it, the WWE is doing a little better with keeping secrets lately. And Dixie never tells us anything, so if it was going on, it could be under wraps. But it isn't happening.
No way WWE is going to buy TNA, if it were, the news would have been splashed all over the main stream press, not just the wrestling rags & forums. That's not to say WWE doesn't keep an eye on what TNA is doing, because they do, its only good business practice. The reason WWE doesn't mention TNA is why would you advertise for the competition? Competition some WWE fans may not even be aware of. If Vince did buy TNA I would stop watching because everything he touches not only turns to gold, but turns to shit too. I watch TNA because its for adults, not the pg turd Vince serves up on a Mickey Mouse plate for the kiddies.

About 2 weeks ago I thought - I bet Tessmacher and Bischoff was they. Then I thought nah - I'd get lit up like a Christmas tree if I posted that. Glad to see someone else wondered it. I like the mole theory vs. Tessmacher herself being "they". I had this picture of her dropping the glasses and submissive act and turing into a real alpha female that ends up with her being the person trying to take TNA from Dixie. All the while Bischoff is her croney.... Then I started reading other theories on the board which seemed more plausible. Wonder if she could pull off that role?
Its starting to look like she's a main piece of all this THEY/DECEPTION stuff. God I hope not, what would be the payoff in making her a focal point of the company? Sure she's smokin hot, but if she's in charge it just...it does nothing, at all. I can see them trying a hot female heel authority figure, kind of cool, but after such a long angle?
I love a good conspiracy more than anyone, but if it was as big as WWE invading TNA then we would have heard about it by now; people talk and this is the internet. It's extremely difficult to put one over the IWC- let alone an actual corporate takeover.

It's impossible. And unrealistic too boot.

Besides, Mick Foley worked for WWE. There could be some legal rights that WWE owns of Foley and that's why they were sponsoring his book. He is still considered an icon in the 'E so it will sell a lot and that's beneficial to Mick too.
People seem to be forgetting WWE kept Nexus a secrect and that was planned for awhile. You know why it was kept Secrect is because there was like 4 people who knew about it. But on topic I dont see it happening. Its a good idea a would be a BIG surprize but I just dont see it happening. But I'll credit you for a good idea
it could be because I remember a couple of months back she was talking on the phone and she told someone when Im in charge you are going to be one of the first ones gone.
it could be because I remember a couple of months back she was talking on the phone and she told someone when Im in charge you are going to be one of the first ones gone.

Now she is in charge of the Knockouts division and as she said on the last Impact that now she has power to fire everyone. Thus, I think that on that phone call she was referring to this only. I doubt that she has any significant role in 'they' or 'deception' angles.
I think the TNA reaction kind of gave the "They" Thing away. Yea, I watched reaction for the maybe the 2nd time.

Guess who appeared on the show. A guy who hasn't been on TV in quite sometime. Vince Russo. So I have a feeling that "They" is a take over with Vince Russo in charge.
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