**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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McMahon IS NOT showing up.
The only way he would is if TNA was going to make some sort of "Black Saturday" (damn, was that over 25 years ago?) announcement that WWE was taking over. I learned a long time ago that, in professional wrestling, you never put anything past anybody.
I found this on another website.

– TNA Wrestling officials are hopeful that the disclosure of “They” at Bound for Glory will hook a number of fans to purchase the pay-per-view event. The widespread assumption amongst the TNA locker room is that “They” will be revealed as a combination of Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and possibly Jeff Jarrett.
Well they've hooked me. I'm seriously considering buying this PPV. It will be the first TNA PPV for me if I do.

Though D’Angelo Dinero cut what was described as a ‘heelish promo’ on Thursday’s iMPACT!, many believe he, Sting and Kevin Nash will turn babyface once “They” is revealed. (source: Pro Wrestling Torch)

This doesn't sound good at all, another nail in the coffin of TNA.
If this happens I will be very pissed. I just started watching TNA back in March I think. It was around the time that Hogan gave Abyss his HoF ring.

If this is what ends up going down, TNA will most likely lose a fan in me and I'm sure others will share my opinion.
This is getting interesting...

In an update on former ROH champion’s status with Ring of Honor, he is not currently signed to a contract as his previous deal has expired. There is a chance ROH will use him down the line, but he is currently free and clear to work anywhere without restrictions.

Austin Aries in TNA will be awesome. He is an amazing HEEL.

I heard he is heading to EVOLVE. But like everything with this "THEY" story, I think this is just a "deception". I mean, not only him, but Necro and other guys have also being "released". I mean, isn't this suspicious?!? Just a week from Bound for Glory?!?
I know it's crazy, and a lot of it is because TNA has really hyped this "they" thing up. But what if it IS somebody we never expected. Shoot, even Gillberg could be a product of 'they' and we'd be shocked cause we never saw that one coming (Of course that'd lead to quick disappointment).

I'm still playing the "deception" and "they" as two totally different storylines and that two things will be revealed 10.10.10
This is from Eric Bischoff:

I think people are going to see things they didn't expect to see. We've worked hard to build a story that's going to be just as exciting after Bound for Glory as it was leading up to it, and what we do for the rest of the year is really set up for what we want to do in TNA in 2011 and build towards that.

So why the rumors of him/Hogan turning heel? I think that's part of the deception - to make people believe that's going to be it and instead do something UNEXPECTED!

What do you think?
What happens after they is just as important as "they". TNA has sparked interest in their product. But what will happen when they arrive?

Everything is culminating and nothing left to continue.

I am worried.
This is getting interesting...

Austin Aries in TNA will be awesome. He is an amazing HEEL.

I heard he is heading to EVOLVE. But like everything with this "THEY" story, I think this is just a "deception". I mean, not only him, but Necro and other guys have also being "released". I mean, isn't this suspicious?!? Just a week from Bound for Glory?!?

Not trying to be a dick but didn't know if you knew that Austin Aries was in TNA awhile ago. He was in the X-Division. His name at one point was THE Austin Starr! He was incredible in TNA, just didn't get a lot of TV time but he was awesome. I was very disappointed when TNA released him. Hopefully he will come back. I would love to see him back in TNA with a better push.

This should be the other thread (and I know someone else mentioned this somewhere before) but I'd love to see THEY be some of the major players that TNA has released over the last few years. I think it would be a great group if it happened to be:

James Mitchell: the mastermind and mouthpiece
Abyss: the enforcer and the guy laying the ground work
Christopher Daniels: the man to go after the TV or World Title
Chris Harris: team with a member to go after beer money
Petey Williams: go after the X-Division
The Austin Starr: great performer and would do great mic work
Judas Masias: not an original TNA guy but would make an interesting pairing with Abyss

I would love to see Daniels as the main guy but if they needed more star power you could always put Mr Anderson in the group......if he's not used in the Deception storyline.......if they are not intertwined......you get the idea. Just think, Mr Anderson was in TNA for a brief time before his WWE stay, just sayin. They could easily make that work and have them wreak havoc and take back the company that turned their back on them, could be a great storyline.

Hell you could even have them bring in "outside help" and bring in some of the guys from AAA if you wanted to go that direction and make it a "Super Group". Thoughts?
Not trying to be a dick...

Ummm... I don't know why you said this. You haven't been an ****. In fact, thanks for the info. It was something I didn't know. Thank you!

if he's not used in the Deception storyline.......if they are not intertwined.

I think the THEY and DECEPTION angles are completely different things... maybe related, but one is not the other. Anyway, after all the hype, I expect this to be HUGE! :)

Just think, Mr Anderson was in TNA for a brief time before his WWE stay, just sayin.

Really?!? Didn't know that either. When? What year?

"Super Group". Thoughts?

I like the idea of the AAA luchadores. I still believe this is going to be a mix. Maybe guys from AAA and/or ROH plus guys that have been released from WWE like Carlito, Mike Knox, plus guys that used to be in TNA before like Petey Williams, etc. And based on Bischoff comments, this is a 3 month thing. So it's not going to be just over at BFG.

Good stuff!!!

Good deal brother, always nice talkin to a fellow TNA enthusiast. I get so tired of reading comments from all the WWE fanboys on here. I just wanted to make sure that you knew I wasn't being an asshole, was really just leaving behind some info for those that might not have known.

As far as Anderson's initial run with the company he was on Xplosion a few times, never really broke out, had some negotations with Jarrett but it fell through, so it makes you wonder if they will bring that up down the road......say in a big storyline.

Honestly I hope this whole "rejects" pairing is the way that TNA goes with this, I seriously doubt it but I think it would make complete sense. If they wanted Jarrett involved with these guys (I don't and I think it might ruin the storyline) but they could go with the approach that Jarrett says he never wanted to send these guys home......nor did he want to be sent home by Dixie when things hit the fan with Angle.....and go from there. Have him involved as a surprise. I don't like this idea but I could see it happening if this is the direction they go.

Quick Clip where you get a glimpse of The Austin Starr in TNA:

Not to come off as a hater or anything, but once "They" gets here, TNA will still find a way to fuck it up.

Remember, WCW had Hogan for two years and he was staler than day-old bread by '96. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash coming over was impressive, but that invasion storyline is what made everything jump off at that point. Without that NWO storyline and the Hogan heel turn, WCW would have been in the same boat they were already in. Now after what we've seen as of late in TNA, Do you think Hogan/Bischoff/Russo got a game-changing storyline/angle in them? If they do, great. I'd love to see it, because this shit they've been doing so far is turning into a farce.
if "they" do happen to be outside new guys coming in, IMO they need to be either well known people OR if they are not well known they need to be guys of substantial size or have a substantial look. if these are cruiser weight high flying type guys IMO it will be a fail and will not match the hype.
"they" don't all need to be significant, but a group of Abyss with non main event wrestlers will be a waste.
Not to come off as a hater or anything, but once "They" gets here, TNA will still find a way to fuck it up.

Remember, WCW had Hogan for two years and he was staler than day-old bread by '96. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash coming over was impressive, but that invasion storyline is what made everything jump off at that point. Without that NWO storyline and the Hogan heel turn, WCW would have been in the same boat they were already in. Now after what we've seen as of late in TNA, Do you think Hogan/Bischoff/Russo got a game-changing storyline/angle in them? If they do, great. I'd love to see it, because this shit they've been doing so far is turning into a farce.

I agree on Hogan. before the nWo he was pretty much done. the match was Nash/Hall/plus 1 vs 3 guys from WCW that ended up being Sting, Lugar, Savage. obviously the written story line was Hogan was with Nash/Hall, but it wasn't surprising for fans to see Sting/Lugar/Savage as the 3 because Hogan wasn't on the same level at the time. nWo extended his career. it was also shocking because Hogan had been face for so long no one would have predicted he was the 3rd man. the leg drop on Savage was HUGE!
I don't think there is anything TNA can do to match that shocking, but I still hope it's something unexpected.

whatever happens, there sure is a lot of hype going into 10/7 and 10/10/10.
I think it's obviously a stable consisting of Hogan, Bishoff, etc. They have hinted at that since the day they came to TNA. It's the worst kept secret ever. We've all been waiting for it for a year now. Besides, Sting has been "warning" everyone since day one.

Wouldn't it be crazy to see a group that involves Lashley, Batista, Goldberg, and Stiener? That would be a roid rage wating to happen..

I personally would kinda like to "They" being Raven's "Flock". They were probably the most underated stable ever. I just can't see another group Abyss would fit in with.
Sounds to me like hogan was supposed to get the hell beat out of him, but that wont happen now. Hogan/Bischoff being They is just something that feels stale and pointless. What I think it should be:
Jim Cornette
Paul Heyman
James Mitchell
and have the Ring of Honor roster beat the hell out of ecw and nash/sting/and jarrett.

If its any type of nwo thing, then fuck you hogan, bischoff, etc.
"They" will be Kurt Angle (who will win the championship), Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett & Abyss. "They" will be feuding with Sting, Kevin Nash & others. Vince Russo will be involved but I am not sure which side he will be on.

What will happen along the way is wrestlers such as RVD or Hardy or Joe or Anderson will turn heel and join "They" similar to the NWO as you never knew who would turn week to week.

Pretty lame in my opinion but that's the direction Dixie decided to take the company after a deal fell apart with Paul Heyman over the summer.

Of course there could always be a hidden suprise that only Dixie and a few others know about like when Kurt Angle signed back in 2006 but from what i've been told that is unlikely.

ps: The entire Hulk Hogan back injury is a work.
OK in my opinion "they' could easily be 2 choices or a combination of the 2, First off is James Micthell I havent heard from him in awhile and he was the only person able to ever control Abyss, Second of oll there have been rumors flying around about Paul Heyman coming to TNA but in my opinion that would be a sick trio if all three of them got together on the same page
It's strange how James Mitchell was and is one of the most loved people by the TNA fans, but he didn't do nothing since Judas Mesiass' match with Rhino in 2008. The guy has a great mind and should be managing someone in TNA. TNA fans demand him so much, but TNA didn't call him not even for Hardcore Justice
POSSIBLE Bound For Glory *****Spoilers**** Link Included

- There are plans for a number of face and heel turns at Sunday’s TNA Bound for Glory PPV reports Dave Meltzer. An NWO style heel faction is planned with Hogan and Bischoff at the helm. There is also talk of either RVD or Hardy going heel and joining the group along with a number of other talents. Sting is expected to be pushed as the top baby face in all of this. So it’s pretty much going to be a rehash of the angle done in the same building 14 year’s ago in 1996.

- The current plan is for Kurt Angle to win the three way main event for the vacant TNA World Title.

- Also scheduled for the PPV is the continuation of the Team 3D storyline where they have been teasing a split up between the two.
POSSIBLE Bound For Glory *****Spoilers**** Link Included

- There are plans for a number of face and heel turns at Sunday’s TNA Bound for Glory PPV reports Dave Meltzer. An NWO style heel faction is planned with Hogan and Bischoff at the helm. There is also talk of either RVD or Hardy going heel and joining the group along with a number of other talents. Sting is expected to be pushed as the top baby face in all of this. So it’s pretty much going to be a rehash of the angle done in the same building 14 year’s ago in 1996.

- The current plan is for Kurt Angle to win the three way main event for the vacant TNA World Title.

- Also scheduled for the PPV is the continuation of the Team 3D storyline where they have been teasing a split up between the two.

Hogan being a part of They makes NO SENSE AT ALL!

Who was the first person Abyss destroyed because they told him to...HULK FREAKING HOGAN!

I still think They and Deception are two different storylines with Hogan and Bischoff being behind The Deception storyline...obviously and it's possible they could merge but I hope they don't.
TNA will try to make this as huge as it possibly can be and try not to let us down, so here's my idea.
Since it's going to be Abyss vs RVD, they will probably try and help Abyss win, but what if they is someone on RVDs side, so it won't be so obvious when they make a run-in that he would be they, for example (just an example),Jeff Hardy, now it won't be him but maybe someone RVD is close to in some way
I'm thinking "They" could be Russo,Bischoff and the reformation of the new blood....I'm thinking TNA is going to start pushing the younger talent and I know the "new Blood" didn't work in WCW, but I think it could work in TNA, and get over. Just my thought
'They' may be a heel group of Hogan, bischoff, jarret, joe, abyss and maybe james mitchell. i believe that Hardy or Anderson or Angle will turn heel (the world title winner will turn heel) . RVD won't turn heel bcoz he is feuding with abyss and rvd turning will suck too.
Brutus Beefcake is joining TNA and says TNA will go NWO-style, maybe he will join they too.. WTF
10-10-10 will be a night of heels.

World Title winner will turn heel and join They
Abyss will beat RVD with help from They
hogan, jarret and joe beat sting, nash and pope
++ turning point poster with Hardy makes Hardy look like Heel haha
An ugly monster looking guy zorro from AWA is coming to TNA so he also may join abyss and They
Hey mickie james is also coming to TNA, maybe abyss is talking about her assets and calling her they!! ;)
maybe abyss was not saying THEY but GAY for months and he would mean Orlando Jordan. TNA TNA TNA
something I have read on other sites, don't remember if I have seen it here.
Abyss has his weapons "Bob" and "Janice". he says Dixie will be removed on 10/10/10.
maybe "they" are Dixie's parents, Bob and Janice Carter. maybe Dixie's parents will remove her from her duties and "they" will take over?
this is what one site said
Bob and Janice Carter also run TNA’s parent company, Panda Energy International. Bob is founder, chairman and CEO whilst Janice serves as the EVP, secretary and treasurer. Their purchase of TNA in 2002 was mainly thanks to their daughter, Dixie, pushing the idea.

i also think "they" are different than what Hogan/Bischoff have going on.
Considering how bad Impact was, Im almost willing to bet 'they' will be incredibly stupid and a huge letdown. I was thinking it would be Jim Cornette, but theres no way he'd be involved with shit thats this stupid.
"I was thinking it would be jim cornette, but there's no way way he'd be involved with shit thats this stupid" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..... you're absolutely right Jim Cornette is Professional all the way..... anyways... thought Impact was great tonight, except, ofcourse, for Dixie being involved in any way, shape or form, hope that gets fixed at BFG, don't think there's a chance in hell Jericho will be there, but it did strike me hearing Pope talk about the "Walls", really think it will be Dixie's parents, but... gotta think even if it was, someone else is comin too
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