"They" Are Coming!

I have to agree with a previous post, i have to think this is linking in to the Samoa Joe angle. The closest video i could find was: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMk0JmlGr6c

I do remember when they showed him on a 'video tape' with him shaking repeatedly saying 'they're coming'. Since then, Joe has been running matches without promo's, simply being used a wrecking machine. They appear to have done the same thing with Abyss. Turning him back into the hardcore machine he was.

Joe and Abyss' characters are perfect 'ecw style' characters. Very over the top, neither are in fantastic shape, but are good in what they do. So in a lot of ways, it's almost as if TNA is pulling together all the 'ecw-esc' characters together.

Either way, this is a great thing thus far from TNA, probably their best hope of countering the current NXT angle which has, imo, been saving WWE programming.
This is a solid idea. Not completely expected like the ECW angle and who better to pull this off than Foley? Every one of Mick's characters were over even though the audience knew they were all the same person. If done correctly, it could work just as well if not better in TNA as it did in WWE. I am rooting for this scenario now....GREAT IDEA!

I really hope it's got something to do with either of these scenarios, and maybe try to throw in Paul Heyman for good measure. Especially if you put him in the anti-ECW crew, how sweet would that be?
The foley idea is a good one but they wont be able to do it as wwe owns the rights to Mankind and Dude Love and it wouldn't work just doing Cactus Jack & 'Mick Foley'.
Of course it would work without the need for Mankind and Dude Love. Foley would only need to portray the one character to come in and lead the ECW fellas. It wouldn't work if he came in as Mankind or Dude Love anyway, because neither of those 2 characters would have the capacity to lead an invasion. He'd need to be an aggressive mentalist ie Cactus, or himself.

Also, if TNA reveal that Joe's kidnap was part of an ECW angle in the long run, then it has to go down as good writing. There's so many people criticising it that will have egg on their face if it turns out TNA had prepared for this, not merely forgot about it.
Okay lets think back a at the start of the year Samoa Joe was kidnapped by 3-4 masked men?

Foley had a brief feud with Bishoff and was eventually storyline 'fired'

Now we are going to do something amazing we are going to go back a bit when TNA was just starting and James Mitchell had a group called the new church.

Now Abyss success was built on Mitchell being a good manger.

Abyss was a mini hulk hogan but turned back to his old ways which is absolute hardcore.

Maybe in my option James Mitchell is stick of Hogan taking Abyss away from him so he is going to take TNA back because lets face it you can't fight against James Mitchell. Mick Foley, Abyss and Samoa Joe are going to join the new church and take TNA on forever!!

They all have good reasons to hate Hogan and Bishoff.
Of course it would work without the need for Mankind and Dude Love. Foley would only need to portray the one character to come in and lead the ECW fellas. It wouldn't work if he came in as Mankind or Dude Love anyway, because neither of those 2 characters would have the capacity to lead an invasion. He'd need to be an aggressive mentalist ie Cactus, or himself.

Sorry, I guess I should have been more clearer with what I was trying to say. I was responding to a poster who said that the "they" Abyss is referring to isn't ECW but actually just Mick Foley because he has many different "faces of foley" - Dude Love, Mankind, Cactus Jack and himself.
I don't know how I feel about this coming invasion. It's running parallel to the NXT invasion in WWE, so you know people will just claim they are copying WWE. I don't know how successful this invasion can be, seeing that we've seen ECW invasions on several occasions in the past. I think the best way to make this work would be for Abyss to get the world title. This is the best time for Abyss to get the title, as he is really picking up steam as a monster heel once again.

If they really want to make this invasion legit, have the guys destroy RVD and screw him over and help Abyss get the belt. Because we all know RVD as a heel just doesn't really work. They tried it back in the WWE invasion angle in 2001, and it didn't work.

I don't know how successful or original this can be, seeing that we've seen ECW type invasions on several occasions, but im looking forward to see how it's done in TNA.
Man im telling you! When they all join together, ECW originals will join with Abyss. they will need a mouth piece. TAZ TAZ TAZ TAZ!!!! it showed tonight when abyss got close. teasing a manager for the ECW originals
Am I the only one not excited about a possible ECW invasion? Really, who besides the ECW hardcore faithful, and smarks remember much about these guys? Also, talk about a potential big letdown. None of the ECW originals can go all out like they use to. So all the fans, and smarks expecting this old school, hardcore mayem will be seeing a mere shadow of what they remember. And where will this leave guys like Wolfe, Beer Money, and Styles? Will this propell thier careers any higher? Anyway, that's just my opinion. I'm all for Paul E coming in to book the shows though.
while i was desperately searching for something, anything that abyss' mysterious "they could be other than what has been presented here, it occurred to me what i'd LIKE it to be.

The Prophecy.
anybody remember them? the fallen angel's stable from ROH.

it could consist of the new recruit(i.e. abyss), homicide, samoa joe(i know, he was never IN the prophecy, per se, but he ran with them a while), and maybe one or two original members, say, bj whitmer and either allison danger, or simply luscious.

i know. keep dreaming. well, it'd be better than whatever they will probably do.

as a side note...you guys DO realize that james mitchell was at ecw managing guys like mickey whipwreck and other oddities during the tnn days? your two theories are not so mutually exclusive as you may think.

thus saith the prophet!
It's really hard to keep all of the pronouns together at this point, with all the "theys" and "thems" and whatnot. I don't think this has anything to do with the ECW guys though. Sure, Abyss is hardcore and all, but they really gave no indication that Abyss had anything to do with them, except for when he pointed at Taz. Wait a minute, that might mean something. Nah, I doubt it.

I think he's just talking about voices in his head at this point or something of that nature. Then he'll be back to a mental hospital and all that or something. I don't know.
More confusing stuff.

Also, him and Dr. Stevie in the same stable? Don't think that'd work, theoretically speaking, of course.
So here's what I'm thinking. Yes it's the ECW guys I don't think that it's likely they would make a move without the Mastermind behind ECW Paul Heyman. I mean Like him or not he does have the tendencies to lead a good war campaign. The real question is who are they gonna get next. I mean obviously Abyss is on theier side and in all likelyhood Stings warnings will lead to them based on the fact that he missed several meetings with Hogan, and then Joe was abducted by "Them" so I would say that if it really is the ECW guys plus Abyss, Joe, and Sting who better to lead the campaign than Heyman. Under Heymans order it wood just be a matter of time before other former ECW superstars would join his Crusade.
To all of you who think it's just the voices in Abyss's head I quote his words. "They are coming and when they get here no one can stop them. They will tak TNA over." Granted those are not actually his exact words that's basically what he said. Now I'm no expert but I don't remeber the last time that voices in someones head could take over like that.
"They" are not the ECW faction because we've seen them on screen for several weeks in a row. That would mean that "they" would have already been in TNA and Abyss would not keep talking about how "When 'THEY' arrive, etc etc..."

TNA is prepping total stable wars and it's gonna rock. We have Fourtune, ECW, no doubt a Hogan/Bischoff brigade, TNA originals (probably a mix of TNA bred faces) and probably a new 'dark' stable lead by Abyss (and Father James Mitchell IMHO) once THEY arrive. Sting will be as Sting was in WCW, a loner in the rafters, yadda yadda yadda.

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