Bet You Didn't See THAT Coming!

I had it coming. Believe me, I've been watching wrestling for 10+ years and I know when someone turns heel. There's always that moment of hesitation or when they think about their next move. That's when it happens.

I was definitely expecting Sting to show up and play a role in the tag match and when he showed up, there had to be something interesting happen so that was it. I'm not surprised though.

I don't really know if Sting's heel turn will really work this time in his age and at this time. His run as a heel didn't work back as the leader of the Main Event Mafia so I don't know if it'll work this time. Don't get me wrong, his actions on this iMPACT! were heelish and he did get heel heat out of it, but I just don't think it'll work in the long term.
I would just like to add that I almost called this, in another thread I suggested Sting being TNA's third man imagin him lining up with Hall and Waltman and being the new leader of the band.that is where I see this going eventually
Just a wierd question for everyone... What if Sting isnt really turning heel? What if Sting is actually chosing to side with Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett? I mean he was in Tna since 2003, yea he only had like 4 appearances then, but he's been around TNA since then. Is it not possible that he feels slighted for the way Him, Jarret, and Foley have been handled? I mean maybe he knows something that know one else knows. Maybe he has been away watching and is trying to rid TNA of a plague that is coming. Maybe ur all right and he is not buying Hogan as a good guy and is trying to prove it. But in my opinion I dont think Sting is actually turning heel. I believe they will make him seem like a heel, but then it will all play out and he will turn out to be a face, and he will have been right about what ever point he was trying to prove all along. Also, Kevin Nash is going to turn on EY.... write that down!
Wow, im shocked everyone is so surprised by this. I knew Stinger was coming back tonight for weeks and I knew he was gonna swerve as soon as he hit the ring. When Bischoff/Hogan are booking I can read certain things they do before they even do it, tonight was no exception.
i dont want to know anything else yet apart from sting turning heel as i have yet to watch impact but that is in my opinion the type of twists an turns that the wwe is missing wrestling should be unpredicitcable coz that make its more fun i just finished watching raw and it was nothing out of the ordinary really .

also i was wondering if it is actually possible to watch tna live in england as i could find raw on sky sports but cudnt find tna on any channel:)
Sting only works as a heel when he's unpredictable and incalculable, and right now, he's both. Anyone who caught iMPACT! saw just how bat-crazy he went on both Hogan & RVD in totally separate attacks, and also bore witness to his confrontation with Dixie herself.

I'd imagine an RVD feud is in the works momentarily, but if the seeds are being planted with Desmond Wolfe and AJ/Flair, we could also be witnessing another Horsemen resurrection in TNA with Sting, AJ, Flair and Wolfe (helluva group, eh?).

One way or another, the key to this is surprise and the inability to predict his next moves, IMO.

If Sting's character remains mysterious and clouded with no real clear-cut direction in one way or another, this should pan out to be tremendously successful if he's booked properly when it comes to fruition.
I couldn't believe when Sting turned, I do not think that Sting will be joining the Band or anything like that...........I think that Sting will be just a heel taking out anyone who opposes him, he lost the good fight with the MEM he lost AJ Styles, He is just a man tired of getting shit on. MARK MY WORDS.............Nash wont turn on EY...........EY TURNS ON NASH AND IS THE NEW LEADER OF THE BAND!!!!
Great way to swerve fans... For the last few weeks there were rumors of Hogan turning on Abyss, some even claimed Hogan said that himself. Sting returns, some are probably thinking hes there to align with Abyss for Hogans heel turn but... BAM!! Sting turns heel!! Then Chokes Dixie!!! Awesome awesome stuff!!
Sting isn't just being unpredictable here, he is completely turned heel. He beat down three major babyfaces and choked a middle aged woman, for Christ's sake. I feel like he's trying so much harder to be a bad guy here too because before it seemed like he kinda straddled the line every time before.

Before when he turned 'heel' in WCW he attacked Hogan right after the nWo angle ended and people still weren't fully behind Hulk at that point. Then with the M.E.M. he was much more neutral.

We're going to see Sting from WCW in 1997 if he had turned into a heel.
First let me say this: as soon as Sting entered the ring I KNEW he was turning heel, and I'm sure most people here could tell that as well. It was the obvious thing and was perfectly positioned.

Now let me say this: I love it! If they keep him as a true heel it can be great. MEM heel Sting was half-assed. I know he was supposed to be a reluctant heel then, but it was just so weak. Here he's playing a great heel so far and I'm excited to see where this goes.
Sting's turn was better than textbook, it was epic. His best turn, IMO. However, knowing how the smarky ass fans at the impact zone are, I don't ever see a complete turn where he is jeered consistantly, or even audibly for that matter. Crowd reaction influences a lot of people at home, and if the fans don't put him over as a heel, he won't be. As Jerry Lawler would say, its "bizarro world" at the impact zone. Anyways, great turn for Sting
Sting only works as a heel when he's unpredictable and incalculable, and right now, he's both. Anyone who caught iMPACT! saw just how bat-crazy he went on both Hogan & RVD in totally separate attacks, and also bore witness to his confrontation with Dixie herself.

I'd imagine an RVD feud is in the works momentarily, but if the seeds are being planted with Desmond Wolfe and AJ/Flair, we could also be witnessing another Horsemen resurrection in TNA with Sting, AJ, Flair and Wolfe (helluva group, eh?).

One way or another, the key to this is surprise and the inability to predict his next moves, IMO.

If Sting's character remains mysterious and clouded with no real clear-cut direction in one way or another, this should pan out to be tremendously successful if he's booked properly when it comes to fruition.

That's an awesome idea about a new 4 Horseman with Sting, Flair, AJ, and Wolfe. AJ is champ, Wolfe could be the enforcer, Flair is JJ Dillon, with Sting as the bad ass. Sting was a tweener with the MEM a year ago, and it didn't really stick well. After Sting beating the hell out of the most beloved guy in TNA i.e RVD, Sting became the most hated man in the Impact Zone. Next to Bubba.

I would love to see him and and RVD actually got at in the ring, but I think they are setting up a match between him and Hogan later on. I expected that we would see Flair and Sting in a match, never say never though. Anyone that thinks Sting is useless now is insane. The man can be the most over face or heel in the business. Not to mention that he is a locker room leader. I can't wait to see some more of Sting in the future.
TNA, WAY.........BETTER SHOW...AMAZING...First time in years I watched the whole show, not fast fowared it "WWE" anyways....Back in 96', Sting was the chosen one by Easy E to be the 3rd member of the nHo...but he backed out at the last they went with Hogan...So know, I'm thinking they wanted Sting to turn Heel, and see what it could have been if sting ran the nWo....I think, at PPV...Nash, turns on His partner, and it was all a setup, and it will be, STING,HALL,NASH and PAC formation.....
please dont post spoilers in the title. i had no idea that he turned, then i go on this website and it is staring me in the face.

as to the actual topic, i dont know if he is going to go full heel, or if there is another reason for him acting this way. maybe he'll say that he hates how hogan is running tna bringing in all his friends, and that it should be about the originals, or something like that. notice how sting told dixie he didnt owe her anything. he may just not like the direction.

the reason i feel this way has already been brought up. you cant turn sting heel. it has been tried before. the fans are going to cheer him. its going to take something huge for sting to be taken seriously as a heel. and i really dont know exactly what tna can do for this to occur.
I suspected Sting to go heel, I mean frankly I didn't think TNA would be dumb enough to do another Sting vs Flair feud. And I was right. But I was expecting a half ass heel turn. Some words, blah blah, end of discussion. This heel turn is what SHOULD have happened before. Why Sting decided to go along with it now, I don't know. This heel turn COULD have made MEM a lot better. But he needs to stay heel, and stay aggressive, and be the loose cannon that TNA needs. No apologies, no bullshit like that. Stay vicious. I am excited where this goes
Congratulations those of you that predicted the Sting turn after he hesitated in the ring. I think the point being made was in the grand scheme of things, not when Ray Charles saw it coming as he stood in the ring swinging the bat at Hogan. Anyway, they tried to turn Sting heel with the main event mafia and it was completely shit because they didn't really go the whole hog. This time they did.

The beauty of Sting's crow character is that you don't really know what he's going to do. By having him attack the two most over faces on the night, then put his hands on a woman is pretty much the best way to turn him, and it worked. I haven't heard an audience boo a turn like that for years. As long as Sting remains vicious and unpredictable, this turn will work and will breathe new life into his career.
please dont post spoilers in the title. i had no idea that he turned, then i go on this website and it is staring me in the face.

as to the actual topic, i dont know if he is going to go full heel, or if there is another reason for him acting this way. maybe he'll say that he hates how hogan is running tna bringing in all his friends, and that it should be about the originals, or something like that. notice how sting told dixie he didnt owe her anything. he may just not like the direction.

the reason i feel this way has already been brought up. you cant turn sting heel. it has been tried before. the fans are going to cheer him. its going to take something huge for sting to be taken seriously as a heel. and i really dont know exactly what tna can do for this to occur.

1. How is it a spoiler if it just happened? It's not our fault you don't watch on time. Spoilers, by definition, are the exposure of results of taped events that have not aired yet to the public, not the results of a live show being discussed after the show has aired.

2. If Sting going bat-crazy on Hogan, RVD & Abyss (all top-level baby faces in the company right now), as well as TNA's security team and putting his hands on Dixie Carter isn't full blown heel, I have no idea what is. Does he have to slaughter a small child on an alter in the middle of the ring for you to boo him? Yes, Sting is a mysterious and enigmatic figurehead, and he has been for years, but this is as blatant a story direction as I've encountered for him since his feud to "save" Abyss back in 2006/07 when TNA ran the good v. evil feud between the two.
I love that surprise I never seen that coming. Sting as a heel very Awesome. I'm sure that this will lead up into a feud between Abyss and Sting. We all know that Hogan can't wrestle, so Hogan will be Abyss's mentor. This will be a great feud for both Abyss and sting, If this really some how happends.
I wouldn't be surprise if the reason behind the whole thing is that Sting hates Hogan for what he did to WCW and doesn'T want it to happenned in TNA. He's made at Dixie for bringing Hogan and Bischoff in the company and ruining everything he work so hard to build in TNA.

In the end, i wouldn'T be surprise to see this become a feud between Hogan and Sting and maybe even get put in a match at lockdown.
Sting as Heel is going to work cause he is all about him and making a statement. Plus the 20 sec match is a set up for Destination X. He went after Dixie so it can be sold better. Sting/Hogan this time Heel is Sting.
I don't know if it was a good idea for Dixie Carter to become involved in this segment or not. We saw too much of a Face personality come through with her where as I think this is something that could be prolonged, as far as what her intentions are.

But the Sting segments absolutely rocked last night in every way. I don't think very many people saw that coming with him turning on Hogan and Abyss. Then, the stuff with RVD was beyond incredible, and the fans turned on him instantly when he did so.

He just kept beating RVD over and over and over again with the bat, and the crowd was in a frenzied state, as a result.

Incredible television to watch.
To make it work, TNA needs to prolong Sting giving any reason for turning. If he gives a reason at the next Impact taping, the whole storyline and heel turn will lose its mystique.
Having him attack Dixie and RVD was genius -- it generated more heel heat for him. We saw what happened in WCW when he turned on Hogan. The crowd cheered him. While his attack on Hogan and Abyss drew a few boos, the whole Impact Zone wasn't necessarily in an uproar. But when you have him beating RVD mercilessly on his TNA debut, that's moneymaking heat. It may have been even better if he'd come out at the end of the main event and attack Jeff Hardy. But at the same time, that may have been Sting overkill for one episode.

I'm just wondering where Sting goes from here. Does he have any alliances or is he a man on his own? Is he in with Bischoff? Flair and A.J.? "The Band?" Is he mad at Hogan for coming in and stealing the spotlight like he did in WCW? Is he mad at Hogan for screwing the finish at Starcade 97? Is he mad at Hogan for remarks he made about his loyalty to TNA on Bubba's show a few weeks back? There are so many possibilities that it's best to leave us hanging for a while before we get any explanation.
To make it work, TNA needs to prolong Sting giving any reason for turning. If he gives a reason at the next Impact taping, the whole storyline and heel turn will lose its mystique.

At the same time, keeping him "mysterious" and attacking random people for too long would make people stop caring after probably a couple of weeks at most. Next to the turn itself, the explanation is the biggest thing. In my mind, it's important to get the logic because otherwise, it's just unjustified actions.

As for how it was done, it was very Bash at the Beach-esque. Part 1 was good with my only complaint being how long Sting took to actually attack. Once he came out, anyone with half a brain knew who he was going to attack, so why stand there and think about it. If you are coming into a fight, you know who you are helping, so it loses a bit of realism by standing there and milking the moment. Once he pulled the turn, it was a sense of relief in that regard.

The choke didn't work for me. Not without an explanation at least. It seemed forced and desperate as I think the writers wanted to do so much to beg the audience to take him as a heel. Sting in the past has had no problems with Dixie, and to be honest, if his reason for turning is that he doesn't agree with Hogan and Bischoff running things, I'm going to cheer him as a face because I agree. We will see once we get the explanation though.

I'm sorry, but I have to be honest, the RVD segment was pretty bad to me. RVD is excitement personified, but having him come through the crowd? Very much a heel tactic or a tactic of men in a feud desperate to get their hands on each other. RVD was a hired gun in a sense so he wasn't desperate. Plus, I think him not coming out the entranceway takes away the moment he walks through the curtains and appears. That moment and the pointing RVD thing would have been a lot cooler. Then the thing that made me burst out laughing is Sting gets absolutely buried by losing to a rolling thunder in 5 seconds. This already makes him a weak heel despite the attack after. By the way, if you take any type of finisher and lay down WITHOUT MOVING for 3 seconds, shouldn't you milk it longer? Sting got up literally right after, almost like he wanted to lose just so he could beat up RVD after. I expect more from the veteran but the way he got right up told me he could have actually wrestled and I think a kick out and then Sting just beating the crap out of RVD until he got disqualified for excessive violence or using the bat would have been better. It wouldn't have lost RVD any credibility and it would have helped Sting a lot more than losing in 5 seconds just to beat someone up. And then of course the security holding a 58 year old man who is busted up and bleeding back while a man with a bat is assaulting another man is just comical. I get that they are trying to get Sting over as a heel, but security has to break that up, or at least try. Hogan shouldn't have come out, but he should have sent security out.

I know I'm being harsh, but I just found a lot of this whole thing to be a desperate plea from TNA saying "look at us! we're unpredictable!" and a deal of logic went out the window. I hope there's a good explanation behind the attacks though, because a good explanation furthers his heat but a bad one and he's back to square one and the turn means nothing. Unfortunately, it's sometimes hard to tell because there's no guarantee that the Impact Zone will react properly. I like Sting and I have confidence that with hard work, he can get over as a heel if that's the goal, but it has to be done right. It also might be good for him to win a match or two, even by DQ. He's 0-1 since he's back, and he lokst that match in 5 seconds. I will reserve judgement for this angle, because a lot hinges on where he goes from here. Thus, my feeling on the turn is incomplete. In a few weeks, I can better tell you my feelings on it as I'll know exactly where it's going and if there's a purpose. Until then, let's just hope for the best and hope this wasn't just a desperate "big things happen at TNA!" plea for their MNW debut that goes nowhere.
1. How is it a spoiler if it just happened? It's not our fault you don't watch on time. Spoilers, by definition, are the exposure of results of taped events that have not aired yet to the public, not the results of a live show being discussed after the show has aired.

2. If Sting going bat-crazy on Hogan, RVD & Abyss (all top-level baby faces in the company right now), as well as TNA's security team and putting his hands on Dixie Carter isn't full blown heel, I have no idea what is. Does he have to slaughter a small child on an alter in the middle of the ring for you to boo him? Yes, Sting is a mysterious and enigmatic figurehead, and he has been for years, but this is as blatant a story direction as I've encountered for him since his feud to "save" Abyss back in 2006/07 when TNA ran the good v. evil feud between the two.

Let me ask you this. Are you on the East Coast? You know that people on the West get the show three hours later, right? Until all timezones have had a chance to see the show, I would consider it a spoiler.

But anyways back to the topic. This heel turn was great. I could see Sting beat the crap out of Hogan with a baseball bat all night even if he can't sell for anything. It seemed RVD getting hit with the baseball bat over and over again was a tad excessive with how many times Sting bounced back and forth between the ramp and returning to the ring but it was great nonetheless. Please let this lead to Sting vs. RVD and not Sting vs. Hogan.
Let me ask you this. Are you on the East Coast? You know that people on the West get the show three hours later, right? Until all timezones have had a chance to see the show, I would consider it a spoiler.
When a show is one live doesn't matter with timezones. I live in Colorado and I got it at 7, my cousing in Pitsburgh was watching it as 9 but we were watching it at the same time. It's live tv, there fore unless you are a tape delay you don't have a way to complain about it being a spoiler.

JJ about what you said. I would like to say that I agree with you that they shouldn't wait too long. Maybe a week or two. Nex Impact he can be asked and just walk away. The next week he says he will give the reason why next week and the following week he does. I think it would work best that way.

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