Has Sting done anything for TNA? Put anyone over?

"What has Sting done for TNA."

NOTHING...Angle is what got TNA a Spike tv deal, Sting got them a syndicated FOX sports deal that didnt even last a year. He hasnt been relevant in the last ten years, and hasnt been consistently good in the ring in the last fifteen years. So NO, Sting hasnt produced for TNA, but then again, he hasnt done much in years.
Brilliant. iMPACT! was on Spike months before Kurt joined, genius. Sting's the reason Spike was interested.
Well I started watching wrestling in 1998 i was only 8-9 then and i only watched WWE. the first match I ever witnessed of sting was him vs Ric Flair on wcw's last night he lost the match. so now when I see sting in his TNA days they try to pass him off as a flair. Im sorry but Flair was doing at stings age now that sting can't ever possibly accomplish I am really trying hard not to bury him. Sting should have went to WWE for the invasion angle but from what I seen he was scared of the rock....... i think sting needs to dropthe paint its too 15 years ago. its almost 2011. I dont see anything great about him now.. hes old has minimum move set. he should have been involved in the NWO invasion backin 02-03 All I ever hear about is how great sting used to be an sure I do see old clips when he was in top physical peak. but thats about it.....
What are you? A fashionista or something? Well, you're banned so nevermind. To say Sting was afraid of The Rock would be like saying Undertaker was afraid of... Well, anybody.

Anyway I think Sting wears the t-shirt during matches because he's let himself go abit.
He wears it, because it looks better that way. The singlet was never his best look.

first thing i got to say is jericho is the best at putting the younger stars over he does it cause he wants to help them not cause he has to. second jericho could lose 9 out of 10 matches but he will still be the best in the world at what he does.
I really don't give a damn about Chris Jericho. Especially less when he has nothing to do with the topic.

another thing is its the booking plain and simple its tna we are talking about and easy e is the same as he was in wcw what would sting have to gain by not putting people over he is not in his prime anymore im sure he only has a couple of years left iv always been a hugh sting fan but we all know easy e only cares about putting over the veterans he did it hugh time in wcw he is just doing it a little bit less in tna.
"Easy E" joined TNA 8 months ago. What about the other 90 something months he's been in TNA?

i agree with wht u guys said about him not wanting to go to wwe cause everone who went from wcw to wwe were made a fool of and humiliated look at ddp it would have been the same but i bet worse for sting.
Worse? What? So, if The Undertaker wins every match he's in, it wrong or something? My mind is blown.

Asking if Sting has put anyone over is a problem. The reason being is that he isn't a booker, making it not his decision. As for saying that AJ Styles was already over so Sting didn't need to put him over at Bound For Glory, well that is somewhat crazy as well. Reason being is that, again, Sting is a known name. MANY fans know who Sting is and there is the real possibility that there were several fans who had never seen TNA, or who just started watching TNA that saw that match and either just barely knew who AJ was or had never seen AJ, so for those of us that knew who he was, we had a great match and for those of us fans who didn't know who AJ was, they got a taste of who he was and what he was about because they saw him beat Sting for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on TNA's biggest PPV of the year. Saying that Sting Didn't Need To Put Over AJ at BFG because we all knew who he was is like saying that Andre the Giant didn't need to put over Hogan at Wrestlemania III because we already knew who Hogan was. Adding credibility to an established star isn't a bad thing especially when you can say that you beat a guy at a PPV they have never lost at. Just my thoughts at least.

Exactly. What both those matches did was cement the legacy of the winner.

As for Sting, seeing people stupidly saying he's done nothing for TNA is incredibly ignorant. The Undertaker. What has he done for WWE? He doesn't job. He doesn't star in movies. He doesn't really do much, other than work. Because The Undertaker is a wrestling workhorse. He is a locker room leader. The man people go to for experience. That is exactly Sting's role in TNA. The Undertaker of TNA. The long establish veteran, that can still go in the ring and is capable of both being the company's face as well as it's endorser for new talent.
Well I'll just say that some disgraceful things have been said since I made my last reply to this thread. Lose the face paint? That's incredible. I feel like headbutting myself. Do some f*cking research. Why would he drop a gimmick he's been running with for 20 years or more? My God, I think I'm going to drop a bollock or something. It's just incredible. He got them that Spike deal. I can't even be arsed anymore. It's just mental.
hey fucktards, facts are facts

TNA aired the first episode on June 4, 2004. TNA's contract with FSN expired in May 2005 and was not renegotiated, with the last episode airing on May 27, 2005. The series as a whole gained little success, averaging a 0.3 household rating.
On September 24, 2006, during the closing segment of No Surrender, TNA President Dixie Carter announced that TNA Wrestling had signed Angle to a contract, with Jim Cornette introducing video footage of Angle training in a six-sided TNA ring. On the December 28, 2006 episode of TNA Impact!, this was announced as the "Moment of the Year" for TNA.
Wow, some people got really pissed when talking about Sting and if he has done anything in TNA...Im not trying to discredit Sting by any means. I have always been a fan of Sting going back to the early 90s and his surfer Sting gimmick. He was the face of WCW and has attributed to TNAs success, rather i wanted to spark some conversation about his role in TNA and if he should have been used differently instead of the constant feuds with former WCW/WWE guys. To whoever said Sting should get rid of the paint...you are crazy. The paint is his gimmick for the past twenty years. Thats like saying "The Undertaker is getting old and needs a new gimmick, he should drop the Undertaker and just become Mark Calloway...." fucking stupid! Im not going to even comment on the Rock thing cause its not even worth wasting time on...
I'll admit that I occasionally caught myself asking the same question as the title of this thread. However, the truth is that Sting has put a lot of people over.

Unless Sting is engaged in backstage politicking (which I have never heard of, and it's not as though the internet isn't full of leaks whenever a wrestler does such a thing), than the outcome of his matches are not his to determine. The measure of whether or not Sting puts over other wrestlers must therefore be whether or not he makes them look credible in the ring and through his promos, regardless of the scripted outcome of the matches. And the answer is that yes, he does.

Whomever Sting is in the ring with, so long as he is given the time to do so he will make his opponent look credible. I remember a match in particular with Eric Young (I believe it was a main event on Impact although I don't remember the date; I don't have the memory for this kind of stuff like some of you do). Anyways, I fully expected EY to be squashed. Instead, he actually had a great match with Sting, and although I always knew what the outcome would be (thanks to TNA's awful writing), Sting still made it seems as though EY gave him a run for his money. That match was the first time that I viewed EY as more than a comedy jobber.

Add to that the numerous times that Sting has put over AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Abyss, as others have mentioned. If these names have failed to be elevated by their victories over Sting, it's hardly his fault (or theirs, for that matter). Lets not forget that Kurt Angle put Desmond Wolfe and Jay Lethal over, only to have his efforts wasted by TNA's complete ineptitude for writing. Passing the torch doesn't mean anything, so long as TNA keeps shoving their younger talent back into the midcard or lower the moment they realize that getting a win over an established name will not automatically make them superstars. Big wins don't mean anything so long as TNA stays locked in the cycle of having the torch passed to their younger talent, only to give up on them quickly and job them out to the next big acquisition.

Just look at AJ Styles. He's repeatedly gone from big wins establishing him as a main-eventer straight back to the midcard. Most recently he's gone from having the torch passed to him by Sting on the grandest stage of them all (in TNA), to jobbing to glorified mid-carder RVD on free tv (without a feud no less) and subsequently being shoved back to the mid-card once again. And Styles is just the most obvious and recent example. The same can be said of Samoa Joe and Abyss; Sting has put them over, and TNA has dropped the ball. So if they aren't over now, don't blame Sting. Blame creative.
hey fucktards, facts are facts

TNA aired the first episode on June 4, 2004. TNA's contract with FSN expired in May 2005 and was not renegotiated, with the last episode airing on May 27, 2005. The series as a whole gained little success, averaging a 0.3 household rating.
On September 24, 2006, during the closing segment of No Surrender, TNA President Dixie Carter announced that TNA Wrestling had signed Angle to a contract, with Jim Cornette introducing video footage of Angle training in a six-sided TNA ring. On the December 28, 2006 episode of TNA Impact!, this was announced as the "Moment of the Year" for TNA.

hey you fucktard, if facts are facts, then go by what you're saying on the facts. STING WAS NOT IN TNA WHEN THEY WERE ON FSN!!!! HE WAS THE REASON THEY EVEN WENT TO SPIKE TV!!!! NOT FOX SPORTS NET!!!! TNA HAS BEEN ON SPIKE TV SINCE OCTOBER 2005, NOT SEPTEMBER 2006!!!

My God, some people are so ignorant

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