Would It Mean Anything If Sting Went Back To TNA?

Sting's crow gimmick is great....you wanted this man to have the cheesy surfer gimmick his entire career. He had to move on with the times, that gimmick was so 1980s and early 90s. Late 90s during a time people were sick of that kinda crap he became the crow Sting. Surfer Sting would even look silly and lame today, that gimmick should be left in the 80s and early 90s.

No, I'm saying that that gimmick never evolved into anything. They had this idea for "crow Sting". He lurks in the shadows and stands in the rafters and doesn't speak. But once he came back and fought Hogan, the gimmick never really made sense, and I think Sting spent the rest of his career trying to find and understand that character. When Sting was "surfer" Sting, he knew who he was. He could cut a decent promo. "Crow" Sting, just always seems confused and uncomfortable in his own skin.

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